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This article surveys developments in United Kingdom law and policy which require, permit or are more accommodating towards, the use of affirmative action. It then considers the various justifications that can be used in support of affirmative action and their philosophical and political strengths and weaknesses. Finally, it advocates a strategic approach to the justification and use of affirmative action, taking account of relevant political, contextual, pragmatic, and practical considerations.  相似文献   

本文从价值哲学和逻辑学的角度,对“事实”理论作了全面系统的考查和分析,强调指出“事实”是主体对客体进行价值评价的过程,是主体能动性的表现,从而为“真实是新闻生命”这一基本观点提供了理论基础;本文还联系法新闻实际,指出法新闻工作者要在尊重法律“事实”的基础上,充分发挥新闻舆论监督的作用,做到尊重法律“事实”与发挥主体能动性的统一。  相似文献   

知识产权中的盗版问题:中美等国的认知与现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析美国对中国知识产权盗版认知存在差距的基础上,阐述了美国对中国知识产权盗版不符合实际情况的指责。重点从电影盗版给MPA会员公司造成的收入损失及其人均值、电影盗版给MPA会员公司造成的消费者支出损失及其人均值、音乐盗版的零售额及其人均值等讨论各国盗版状况,旨在说明对中国盗版认知存在差距的理由。  相似文献   

Since the enactment of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, there has been an increase in both media and scholarly discussions of human trafficking. Although most of these discussions have framed human trafficking as a crime committed primarily by organized crime groups, there has been very little empirical research examining the link between human trafficking and organized crime. In an effort to start to address this gap in the research, we conduct an exploratory study to determine if there is a link between human trafficking and organized crime in one of the Southeast’s human trafficking hubs – Atlanta, Georgia. We collected data on 24 federal human trafficking cases that were indicted in metropolitan Atlanta between 2000 and 2013. Then, we conducted a content analysis of the court documents for each federal human trafficking case and classified the relationship between organized crime and human trafficking using one of three categories: nonexistent, organized criminal network, organized criminal syndicate. For the majority of the human trafficking cases (n = 16), we found that there was no relationship between organized crime and human trafficking. For the cases that did show a relationship between organized crime and human trafficking, we found evidence of organized criminal networks in eight of the cases and evidence of an organized criminal syndicate in only one case.  相似文献   

在分析美国对中国知识产权盗版认知存在差距的基础上,阐述了美国对中国知识产权盗版不符合实际情况的指责。重点从电影盗版给MPA会员公司造成的收入损失及其人均值、电影盗版给MPA会员公司造成的消费者支出损失及其人均值、音乐盗版的零售额及其人均值等讨论各国盗版状况,旨在说明对中国盗版认知存在差距的理由。  相似文献   

Defendants'perceptions of the fairness of their criminal processing outcomes have been the stated concern of some criminal justice reformers. Past research has suggested that these perceptions are influenced by characteristics of the outcome received as well as by characteristics of the process through which the outcome is imposed. This analysis tests a theoretical path model of perceived outcome fairness, which examines the relative influence of both outcome and process characteristics, using survey data collected from 619 prison inmates incarcerated in Minnesota and Illinois. The results indicate that factors related to both outcome and process significantly influence sample inmates'perceptions of their criminal justice processing outcomes and together explain a substantial portion of the total variance. However, two process-related characteristics are found to be the most powerful predictors of perceived outcome fairness. Inmates'perceptions that they are fairly treated by their lawyer, judge, and prosecutor are the strongest correlates of perceived outcome fairness, followed by the mode of disposition through which their outcomes are imposed; inmates who plea bargain are more likely than those who go to trial to perceive their outcome as fair.  相似文献   

根据我国刑法的有关规定,理论上认为犯罪故意分为直接故意和间接故意两种基本类型.在明知自己的行为必然发生危害社会的结果,行为人进而实施该行为的情况下,其主观心态究竟应当归属于直接故意还是间接故意,理论界存在截然对立的观点.该问题的探讨,对于深化故意的理论研究、指导司法实践,都具有重大价值,本文试对此加以探讨.  相似文献   

路漫漫其修远--对我国知识产权现状与未来的一点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识产权制度,是为了鼓励创新、推动技术发展而建立的。它为人类科技的发展和利用提供了一个相对有利的、公平的环境。在西方发达国家,知识产权制度作为政治经济制度中的重要组成部分,已有数百年历史。经过多年激烈的市场竞争后所生存下来的各大企业,对知识产权的运用业已达至炉火纯青的境界。 而在我国,由于客观原因,法制长期处于不健全的状态,盗版、假冒等蓄意侵犯知识产权的行为十分常见。在整个社会知识产权意识都比较淡薄的情况下,作为国家经济竞争力主体的企业,其知识产权实力与发达国家的企业相比自然有着天壤之别。在许多技术领域里,就知识产权投入和专利持有量等指标性数据来看,我国整个行业有时甚至还不及发达国家的一家企业。直至今天,虽然我国已加入WTO,几部主要的知识产权法律也按照WTO的要求进行了相应的修改并  相似文献   

Most current theories of justice are focused on how social identity, instrumental concerns, or both shape how people decide whether something is fair or unfair. A neglected consideration is that people may also be concerned with justice because they strive to be authentic moral beings by acting on the basis of values closely tied to their personal identity. We posited that self-expressive moral positions or stands (moral mandates) are important determinants of how people reason about fairness. Supporting this notion, we found that (a) people see some trial outcomes in morally mandated terms, e.g., that the guilty must be convicted and punished, and the innocent must not; (b) convicting a defendant believed to be innocent or acquitting a defendant believed to be guilty were seen as unfair, regardless of whether the verdict was achieved by a fair or unfair investigation and trial (Study 1); and (c) a guilty defendant's death was seen as equally fair, and an innocent defendant's death was equally unfair, if it was achieved by a trial that led to the death penalty or by vigilantism (Study 2). Procedural propriety only mattered when defendant guilt was ambiguous.  相似文献   

Bernadette Atuahene's We Want What's Ours focuses on deprivations that go beyond property losses. Her focus is on the dignity harms to South Africans over centuries, such as denial of citizenship, that accompanied the theft of their land. I focus here on one grotesque episode of violence, the Tulsa race riot of 1921, to gauge dignity takings in a US context. Thousands were, in the parlance of the times, run out of town in a “negro drive.” They lost property, but also their community, and they could not assert their rights after the riot. This article turns to the ways in which African Americans in Oklahoma obtained rights through the courts that should have been protected around the time of the riot. This expands our sense of the range of responses, from apologies and compensation, to additional judicial process and substantive rights, that are needed for past racial crimes.  相似文献   

Laypersons were asked to assume the role of investigators to explore judgments of what evidence is needed to make an arrest in a criminal investigation when an alibi witness is present. Participants were sensitive to the relationship between the alibi witness and the suspect and were more likely to believe an alibi provided by someone unrelated to the suspect, as evidenced by requests for more physical evidence against the suspect than when the alibi corroborator was a family member. In addition, when presented with contradictory evidence, the age of the alibi witness became an important consideration. Age alone did not impact perceptions of evidence adequacy; however, when an (adult) eyewitness provided testimony that contradicted a child alibi witness, participants demonstrated partiality towards believing the child as evidenced by (a) more requests for physical evidence to be convinced the child was wrong and to arrest the suspect and (b) higher ratings of alibi witness credibility. This effect was not seen when the eyewitness’s testimony contradicted an alibi provided by an adult. The results provide insight for investigators and legal counsel regarding the influence of varying types of alibi witness evidence.  相似文献   

Hartog, Hendrik. 2012 . Someday All This Will Be Yours: A History of Inheritance and Old Age . Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Pp. 353. $29.95 cloth. This review essay of Hendrik Hartog's ( 2012 ) Someday All This Will Be Yours undertakes a brief overview of some of the massive changes in middle‐class planning for old age and inheritance in the United States over the course of the past century, focusing on the increased role of the state as a source of funding and regulation, the rise of the elder law bar, and the resulting new tools and motives for the transfer of property in exchange for care in the age of Medicaid.  相似文献   

Aftercare is widely acknowledged to be a weak link in the juvenile justice continuum. This report describes Pennsylvania's recent efforts to envision and articulate a comprehensive aftercare system, to assess current local variations in aftercare practice in light of that vision, and to bring about the state‐ and county‐level reforms that will make comprehensive aftercare a reality statewide.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to clarify Prajñākaragupta’s view of mental perception (mānasapratyak?a), with special emphasis on the relationship between mental perception and self-awareness. Dignāga, in his PS 1.6ab, says: “mental [perception] (mānasa) is [of two kinds:] a cognition of an [external] object and awareness of one’s own mental states such as passion.” According to his commentator Jinendrabuddhi, a cognition of an external object and awareness of an internal object such as passion are here equally called ‘mental perception’ in that neither depends on any of the five external sense organs. Dharmakīrti, on the other hand, considers mental perception to be a cognition which arises after sensory perception, and does not call self-awareness ‘mental perception’. According to Prajñākaragupta, mental perception is the cognition which determines an object as ‘this’ (idam iti jñānam). Unlike Dharmakīrti, he holds that the mental perception follows not only after the sensory perception of an external object, but also after the awareness of an internal object. The self-awareness which Dignāga calls ‘mental perception’ is for Prajñākaragupta the cognition which determines as ‘this’ an internal object, or an object which consists in a cognition; it is to be differentiated from the cognition which cognizes cognition itself, that is, self-awareness in its original sense.  相似文献   

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