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作为科学、技术或其他专门知识的“载体”,专家在诉讼中的职能越来越广泛.由于诉讼模式的差异,专家在诉讼解决专门性问题时具有不同的角色定位.当事人主义诉讼模式下,专家被视为当事人的证据方法;职权主义诉讼模式下,专家充当法官的辅助人.在两大法系相互借鉴和融合中,专家兼具当事人证据方法和法官辅助人的角色.我国鉴定制度带有浓厚的职权主义色彩,鉴定人在诉讼中扮演着“专门性问题法官”的角色.我国应借鉴德国和日本的做法,将鉴定人定位为法官的辅助人兼当事人的证据方法,从厘清鉴定启动权、鉴定实施权、鉴定意见审查权的性质及相互关系入手,完善我国司法鉴定制度.  相似文献   

鉴定人出庭在两大法系的国家都很常见,而我国却很少见,本文论述了鉴定人出庭质证的必要性,分析了影响我国鉴定人出庭的主要原因,提出构建我国鉴定人出庭质证制度的几点建议。  相似文献   

刑事司法鉴定在刑事诉讼中对查明案件事实、正确适用法律具有特殊的重要作用。本文立足于我国司法鉴定的现状,分析了司法鉴定启动权随意性的解决方法,以及设立司法鉴定专家委员会的必要性和作用。  相似文献   

As with most multilateral environmental negotiations, the on going negotiations for a liability and redress regime in the context of the Cartagena Protocol have proved difficult. While content issues, such as the standard of liability, the scope of the instrument, the nature of the damage and the burden of proof have dominated discussions, the question relating to the nature of the instrument has lurked quietly, but ominously, in the background. This issue came to a head at COP/MOP4 in Bonn - where the instrument was due to be adopted. This paper traces the development of the discussions on the nature of the instrument to be adopted. In particular it considers the slow rise to prominence of the administrative approach to liability at the expense of the civil liability system. This slow rise to prominence of the administrative approach leads to the adoption of a dual approach, meaning a binding instrument on the administrative approach and a nonbinding instrument on civil liability. The paper argues that the positions adopted by the various delegations on the nature of instrument illuminate the complexities of modern international environmental law making and may dispell some closely held beliefs about environmental law making, particularly as it relates to the role of the South.  相似文献   

为了实现司法行政工作重心下移,做好司法鉴定向基层延伸的工作,使司法鉴定工作更贴近基层、贴近广大人民群众、贴近司法机关,实现司法行政机关为司法公正、经济发展零距离服务的目标,为司法鉴定体制改革提供实践依据。我们采取普遍调研与重点调研相结合的方法,对全省41个县(市)  相似文献   

纽约市是美国第一大城市,人口众多,经济发达,其法庭科学在国际上也享有声望。纽约市法庭科学部门主要分布在警察局(NYPD)和法医局(OCME)两大机构,警察系统的法庭科学机构主要负责毒品、微量物证、指纹、痕迹、枪弹及文件检验,法医局则进行DNA、毒化、法医病理、法医人类学方面的检验。本文首先介绍美国的警察制度及纽约市警察局概况,然后分别从警察局和法医局两个部门对纽约市法庭科学的部门隶属、部门设置与工作职能情况进行介绍。  相似文献   

Previous research reveals that showups are an inferior eyewitness identification procedure to lineups, but no single study has compared younger and older adults' identification decisions for both of these procedures. We had witnesses watch a mock crime video and then make an identification decision from a fair lineup, a biased lineup, or a showup that contained the perpetrator or a designated innocent suspect. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that identification accuracy was higher from a lineup than from a showup for both age groups, even if the lineup was biased. In addition, calibration curves revealed that witnesses were underconfident when choosing from a fair lineup but overconfident when choosing from a showup. These results reinforce prior research asserting the superiority of lineups over showups.  相似文献   

Forensic evaluations must systematically assess malingering and related response styles. In the criminal forensic domain, competency to stand trial evaluations are the most common referrals. Effective screens for feigned incompetency would be valuable assets for forensic evaluations. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test (MFAST) as a screen for feigned incompetency. Using a simulation design, the MFAST was tested on jail and competency-restoration samples. Most notably, recommended MFAST cut score (6) was useful for the identification of feigning cases in competency evaluations. Recommendations for forensic practice, including the advantages and disadvantages of systematic screens, are discussed.  相似文献   

赋予刑事当事人司法鉴定启动权的方式主要有两种:大陆法系一般赋予当事人刑事鉴定启动申请权,由法院或检察院决定是否进行刑事鉴定,同时赋予当事人救济权;英美法系一般赋予当事人完全的刑事鉴定启动权,当事人自由决定是否启动刑事鉴定。鉴于我国的实际情况,应当赋予当事人刑事司法鉴定启动申请权,并规定有效的救济途径。  相似文献   

A body of an unknown adult female was found within a shallow burial ground in Malaysia whereas the skull was exposed and visible on the ground. During autopsy examination, nine insect larvae were recovered from the interior of the human skull and subsequently preserved in 70% ethanol. The larvae were greyish in appearance, each with a posterior elongated breathing tube. A week after the autopsy, more larvae were collected at the burial site, and some of them were reared into adults. Adult specimens and larvae from the skull and from the burial site were sequenced to obtain DNA barcodes. Results showed all adult flies reared from the burial site, as well as the larvae collected from the skull were identified as Eristalinus arvorum (Fabricius, 1787) (Diptera: Syrphidae). Here, we report the colonization of E. arvorum larvae on a human corpse for the first time.  相似文献   

高北陵 《证据科学》2008,16(4):503-505
简述制定《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定大纲》的重要意义,并简要介绍本大纲对责任能力评定的基本原则、内容及可行性等特点。  相似文献   

简述制定《精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定大纲》的重要意义,并简要介绍本大纲对责任能力评定的基本原则、内容及可行性等特点。  相似文献   

Burma is a country in Southeast Asia which is slightly smaller than Texas and has a population of 30 million people. The British colonial era brought the Chemical Examiner's laboratory to Burma. This was an all-purpose analytic laboratory. The forensic laboratory evolved within this structure as the need arose. The Medico-legal Division of this laboratory examined trace evidence, drugs, and body fluids of felons and there victims. Various aspects of investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

本文针对我国现行司法鉴定法律制度缺乏应有的理念和对鉴定机构应是法院的辅助机构、鉴定人是"不着制服的法官",还是鉴定机构应是独立的鉴定机构、鉴定人应是中立的等等争论.笔者提出了应引入程序正义,拜尝试运用程序正义的理念,程序正义的"本体说"和"价值说",分别对我国司法鉴定法的理念,基本原则和具体规则涉及到的主要问题作出一些反思,提出了一些设想,并进行了必要的论证.以期引起法学界和司法实际部门的讨论,推进我国司法鉴定法立法的步伐.  相似文献   

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