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对于合格疫苗导致的损害,有必要从公法上的国家责任的角度进行分析。预防接种行为本身的特殊性,是理解国家在此行为中所应承担的责任的前提因素。国家在预防接种行为中应承担多项注意义务,包括整体监管和具体实施两个方面。注意义务的违反可能导致国家赔偿责任;此外,即使国家不存在违反注意义务的情况,根据结果责任,个人也可以获得国家补偿。日本预防接种的国家责任体系对于我国具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

公司人格本质与社会责任的三种维度   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从本质上说,法律塑造的公司人格不过是人与人之间社会关系在法律、社会伦理与自我认识层次上的集中反映。相应地,对公司社会责任也可从三个维度予以解构:法律意义上的社会责任是一切公司应尽的最低限度的法定责任,其约束力最强;伦理意义上的社会责任则是对公司的外在约束,此种约束机制可以是纯粹倡导性的公司伦理,也可以是介于伦理与法律之间的"软法";而公司内生的超出法律与"软法"之上的社会责任则是纯粹自律性的。三种性质的社会责任相互依存并相互转化,因此,仅有法律意义上的社会责任机制是远远不够的。  相似文献   

Corporate groups, a ubiquitous feature of modern business, pose formidable challenges for common law courts relying on traditional corporate law doctrine. Arising out of a corporate group's recent bid to recover millions of dollars in lost profits from a former director and CEO who had diverted a core business, Goh Chan Peng v Beyonics Technology Ltd raised thorny issues of separate legal entity doctrine, single economic unit theory, and reflective loss shared by common law legal systems. Despite finding that the defendant had breached his duties to the ultimate holding company, the Singapore Court of Appeal absolved the faithless director from most of his liabilities, relying on limited domestic precedent to the exclusion of a rich body of Commonwealth jurisprudence – including the House of Lords’ landmark Johnson v Gore Wood decision. This note explores the paths not taken by the court, and highlights the pitfalls of a narrow, autochthonous approach to problems of common law doctrine.  相似文献   

The debate between protecting the freedom of expression on the one hand and the right to an individual privacy on the other is not new. Certainly with the introduction of the Internet, the debate has moved onto a whole new level. While no-one disputes that the Internet has significantly transformed lives by allowing netizens to create, share, and communicate within the global village, the Internet has also provided the means to publish and disseminate false information and derogatory remarks callously and expediently. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief comparative study of the approaches in China and in Hong Kong with respect to Internet intermediary liability for defamatory postings and whether the approaches taken provide the necessary balance between the right of free expression and the right to protect one’s reputation. The paper starts by dealing with the position in China pre and post Tort Liability Law. The paper then continues by examining the position in Hong Kong focusing particularly on the recent Court of Appeal decision in Oriental Press Group Ltd v Fevaworks Solutions Ltd. In comparing the position in China and Hong Kong, the paper provides a conclusion as a possible way forward for Internet intermediary liability in China and Hong Kong.  相似文献   

政府环境保护责任与《环境保护法》的修改   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蓉 《行政与法》2008,(6):31-34
近年来,《环境保护法》的修改已引起越来越多学者的关注。该法中对政府环境保护责任的原则性规定,已明显不能适应经济社会发展和环境保护的需要。应通过确立政府各部门的内部协调机制和司法机构的监督机制,吸借鉴实践中已行之有效的环境管理政策和制度,以全面强化政府的环境保护责任。  相似文献   

This article employs the renewed anthropology of kinship to revisit historical approaches to the study of social relations taking place in transnational social fields. Based on multi-sited qualitative anthropological fieldwork with a strong historical perspective centred on biographical interviews and social network analysis, the author examines a particular Cape Verdean household that comprises four generations and extends its contacts between several Cape Verdean islands, Portugal, São Tomé/Príncipe as well as the United States. The contextualization of the individual life courses of its members and their changing relatedness in the course of time brings to surface a complex design of factors that contribute to the sense of belonging or detachment in this Creole transnational island society. These are different levels of mobility, the challenges and limits of diverse levels of technical connectivity between several localities, the dynamics between approved relatedness and family-based migration regimes as well as the normative aspects resulting in a gendered perspective on the demands of reciprocity. The author introduces the notion of a “contributive family model” in order to capture the individual choice of keeping in touch and the meaning of social practices, which transform ideas of relatedness into reconfirmed transnational solidarities.  相似文献   

The decision in OPO v MLA [2014] EWCA Civ 1277 causes confusion to the rule in Wilkinson v Downton. A strong line of authorities indicates that the defendant must either have an actual intention to cause physical injury or be reckless as to the causing of such harm, the latter being determined by the likelihood of harm being caused by the defendant's act. ‘Imputed intention’ does not form a separate category of mental state. There was also a missed opportunity to develop a ‘justifiability’ criterion, by which policy considerations can be taken into account to preclude an application of the tort. This criterion ought to be developed in a principled manner, in line with the existing jurisprudence concerning human rights and with the policy limitations as developed in the context of other torts.  相似文献   

The Court of Appeal in the recent decision of Google Inc v Judith Vidal Hall1 has made a number of remarkable rulings in the area of privacy. An important aspect of this decision is that it clarified the legal foundation in which an action for unauthorised disclosure of private information is found. However, the decision itself is not without flaws. This paper seeks to analyse potential problems with the action being classified as a tort as well as the scope of misuse of private information being a form of privacy protection.  相似文献   

张晓阳  李冬梅 《行政与法》2013,(12):106-109
企业社会责任是劳动权实现的保障与推动力.本文认为,传统的企业雇员责任仅指企业的经济责任和法律责任,现代企业雇员责任还应包含更高层次的道德要求.企业社会责任视域下的雇员责任,应当以工作环境权的保护为核心,通过法律建立起工作环境权的独立体系,完善劳动者工作环境权制度,落实和保障劳动者享有的实体性和程序性权利,鼓励职工参与企业的经营决策,从而真正地改善劳动环境,落实企业社会责任.  相似文献   

我国现行《公司法》中明确规定了债权人可以作为诉求主体启动公司法人格否认制度。但国内学界对于公司法人格否认诉求主体的范围存在着争议。在营利性与社会性并存的现代公司中,该制度尚未能满足对利益相关者的法律保护。国外公司立法实践表明了公司法人格否认诉求主体范围不仅应包含债权人,债权人以外的其他利益相关者也可以作为诉求主体启动公司法人格否认制度。而拓宽公司法人格否认诉求主体的范围又是强化公司社会责任的最佳途径。  相似文献   

公司社会责任理论纠正了股东利益至上的片面理念,要求公司在开展经营活动中不仅要遵守法律法规,而且也要遵守一般的商业伦理和社会的善良风俗,尤其要注重对公司债权人的责任承担。当今各国关于债权人参与公司治理的模式主要有两种,一种是以英、美为代表的债权人间接、消极参与模式,另一种是以德国和日本为代表的债权人直接、积极参与模式。我国债权人特别是银行债权人参与公司治理的模式应从内部监督和外部制约两个方面来完善。  相似文献   

法律毕竞是人为制定的规则,法律之间的冲突从某种意义上是不可避免的.司法,作为规则之治的终结者,自然需要对冲突的法律进行选择适用.尽管立法法已经出台,但现实的司法判决表明,法律冲突时的适用标准依然存在问题.刘家海诉交警部门案就是一例.通过将该案的争论焦点渐次展开可以发现,立法法中貌似明确的适用标准起码可以进行三个方面的补充:一是原则考量的引入,二是"立法权"替代"立法机关"进行解释,三是社会效果考量的必要.  相似文献   

基本自由权之逻辑终点,可分为内外两面:所有自由中自主性最高的那一个,可谓自由之内在极限;而在整体法秩序中,宪法实定法所能给出的最边界自由,可谓自由之外在极限。当代国家所面临的同性恋者权利问题,正是自由这两个面向结合最为紧密的法律难题之一。面对这样一个临界权利的难题,2003年的美国联邦最高法院,在公认是持保守主义观点的大法官占多数的格局下,却通过劳伦斯案判决,对当今人类实定宪法上的最为极限的自由,做出了一个颇为激进的自由主义宣告。  相似文献   

彭真明 《法学评论》2020,(1):185-196
会计师事务所执业过错的认定标准为"职业谨慎",法律上的"重大性"认定依据主要是信息对决策的影响力和信息对股价的影响力。法院在民事赔偿案件中应该独立对"重大性"进行实质审查。损害因果关系的认定应肯定公司经营风险、行业风险和投资风险等作为阻碍损害因果关系的因素。在计算系统风险时,原则上宜优先选取板块指数为参考数据,计算方式采用分别认定市场风险的相对比值法。责任方式采取有限制条件的连带责任,对第三人的具体赔偿范围由法院综合考量各方因素裁定。  相似文献   

罪责刑相适应原则要求量刑时要尊重报应刑相对于预防刑的主导地位。主流观点认为认罪认罚从宽的主要根据在于预防,这与罪责刑相适应原则形成张力。对从宽根据的预防式理解仅允许较为轻微的从宽,无法为当下全面深入的制度改革提供正当性基础。将仁慈与社会和解等新因素引入从宽根据同样无法化解从宽与罪责刑相适应原则之间的冲突。将认罪认罚定位为报应刑层面的从宽情节能够支持较大的从宽幅度,但这将冲击经典报应理念。一种不同于行为报应主义和品格报应主义的生活报应主义能够在尊重现实制度和报应理念的基础上将罪犯的真诚悔罪纳入报应刑的量刑情节,化解从宽与罪责刑相适应原则的张力。这既实现了对实在法的最佳解释,又能为须认之罪的内涵和从宽限度等实践问题提供指引。  相似文献   

The Supreme Court of Canada's decision in R v N.S. is significant because the majority seems to endorse an understanding of confrontation that assumes a defendant's right to a fair trial is imperilled by a witness who seeks to give evidence while wearing the niqab. The case is of interest because it permits reflection upon the interrelationship between the right to a fair trial and the right to confront witnesses enshrined in Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Given that the European Court of Human Rights conceptualises confrontation in epistemic terms, it is argued that it would be unlikely to find that a conviction based upon evidence from a niqab‐wearing witness would infringe the right to a fair trial. This note examines the value of demeanour evidence and whether the majority in R v N.S. was correct that the abrogation of the ability to assess demeanour evidence necessarily undermines trial fairness.  相似文献   

论中国股东权制度的立法完善——以公司契约理论为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司契约理论的契约自由精神在我国新《公司法》中得到了一定程度的体现。《公司法》提高了授权性规范在条文中的比例,一定程度上扩大了股东及其他公司参与者的自由空间。然而,从公司契约理论的视角来看,我国股东权制度仍然存在一些问题,由此,建议《公司法》修订中应使用规范用语、正确区分强制性规范与任意性规范、进一步减少强制性规范、进一步完善股权转让权制度以及表决权制度。未来的股东权制度有待于建立《公司法》的动态适应机制,以保持《公司法》的高度适应性。  相似文献   

李燕 《现代法学》2008,30(1):121-128
集中管理模式之下的公司董事具有相当大的权力,股东与董事之间难免会产生代理成本,为此法律规定了董事对公司和股东负有信托义务。信托义务主要包括注意义务和忠实义务。我国现行《公司法》对董事忠实义务的规定不够完善,建议我国《公司法》扩大董事忠实义务责任主体的范围,规定举证责任分配,归入权的具体行使主体、行使方式、行使期限等。  相似文献   

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