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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has endeared herself to the Chinese with her approachable image during her frequent visits to China. In May 2006, for instance, she went for a stroll in the Ghangpu River Park in Beijing and experim ented with tai chi balls, the traditional wooden balls used to practice the Chinese defense and meditative art, with a group of senior citizens doing their morning exercise in the park.  相似文献   

China gears up to steer the economy toward more sustainable growth While unemployment plagues the United States and the sovereign debt crisis threatens the eurozone, the Chinese economy has been sailing—if not serenely,then at least safely—through the sweeping storms of the  相似文献   

<正>Maintaining the China-North Korea friendship and long-term stability on the Korean Peninsula is China’s hope for the post-Kim Jong Il era  相似文献   

while unemployment plagues the United States and the sovereign debt crisis threatens the euro zone, the Chinese economy has been sailing-if not serenely, then at least safely-through the sweeping storms of the financial crisis. But concerns are still rampant, especially over inflation and structural imbalances that are stretching the nerves of policymakers.  相似文献   

The lines of masked passengers boarding trains in Wuhan on April 8 had a special significance.They marked the lifting of outbound travel restrictions after Wuhan turned the tide in its battle against the novel coronavirus epidemic following almost 11 weeks of lockdown.The sprawling city of 11 million people witnessed over 50,000 people contract the disease and more than 2,500 deaths,accounting for the lion's share of the toll in China.On January 23,to cope with the public health emergency,public transport was suspended and all outbound flights and trains were stopped to contain the epidemic.  相似文献   

正China remains committed to stabilizing jobs and clinching povertyalleviation target There are several new things about the 2020 Report on the Work of theGovernmentthatChinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered at the Third Session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature,on May 22.  相似文献   

Does the novel coronavirus outbreak mean econom ic opportunities for the U.S.that wouldn’t have been possible uncter normal circumstances?Some U.S.media and officials seem to hold that unkind hope.However,it is unlikely as the impact of the virus on China’s economy will be temporary and limited.  相似文献   

正Domestic tourism rebounds as demand rises The Old Town of Lijiang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular destination in Yunnan Province, southwest China, is a prime example of how the tourism industry, one of the worst affected by the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) epidemic, is bouncing back.  相似文献   

China’s first-quarter economic figures are in line with its restructuring aims It looks as though the Chinese economy will continue its stable growth trend this year.According to statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) on April 15,China’s GDP totaled 11.89 trillion yuan($1.9  相似文献   

<正>While incentives make a difference,long-term commitment is key Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,supporting policies from all government levels have become essential to help small and mediumsized enterprises(SMEs) recuperate.  相似文献   

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