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“国籍联系”在《外空条约》、《责任公约》、《登记公约》和《营救协定》中具有重要的意义,是界定“本国活动”、“有关国家”、“发射国”、“登记国”的重要标准,是判断“私人行为的归责性”的重要导向,是私人、空间物体的国籍国承担相应损害赔偿责任的重要依据,是划分空间活动责任、风险的重要标准,是空间责任制度的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

空间法中的国籍联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“国籍联系”在《外空条约》、《责任公约》、《登记公约》和《营救协定》中具有重要的意义,是界定“本国活动”、“有关国家”、“发射国”、“登记国”的重要标准,是判断“私人行为的归责性”的重要导向,是私人、空间物体的国籍国承担相应损害赔偿责任的重要依据,是划分空间活动责任、风险的重要标准,是空间责任制度的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

The question of how the ‘border’ is conceived ininternational law, and how it shapes identity and peoples’lives, remains largely unexplored in the international legalliterature. This article seeks to contribute to our understandingof the meaning of the border in international law, and in thecontemporary context, by drawing on the work of the philosopherand political theorist, Étienne Balibar, and by reflecting,in the light of his work, on the recent decision of the Houseof Lords in R v Immigration Officer at Prague Airport. It isshown that international law's focus on the territorial bordermay render invisible other borders which are significant forsubaltern groups, and thereby fail to address the manner inwhich borders affect lives and determine outcomes. Borders arenot stable and ‘univocal’, but instead, ‘multiple’,shifting in meaning and function from group to group. They arealso being ‘exported’ such that a person may experiencea foreign border while still within the territory of their owncountry. In highlighting the multiplicity of borders, the articleseeks to prompt further reflection on the articulation and applicationof norms of international law in a way that addresses the realitiesof the contemporary context.  相似文献   

张悦仙 《河北法学》2006,24(9):87-90
在国际私法领域,属人法是解决法律冲突,确定准据法的一个重要系属公式.但属人法的本国法和住所地法的理解,使得国籍与住所两个连结点产生矛盾和冲突,也产生了大陆法系本国法主义和英美法系住所地法主义的纷争.在当今国际社会中,国籍与住所的调和已成为一种趋势,而惯常居所连结点取代国籍和住所日益成为矛盾解决的积极措施.  相似文献   

With some qualifications, this article endorses Brian Leiter’s argument that religious accommodation should not shift burdens from believers to non-believers. It argues that religious believers should take responsibility for their beliefs and for meeting the demands of their beliefs. It then examines the implications of that argument for British law on indirect discrimination (disparate impact) as it relates to religion or belief: burden-shifting from believers to employers and providers of goods and services should be deemed acceptable only insofar as the burden incurred by the employer or provider is ‘insignificant’. Legal exemptions should satisfy a similar test. Why should there be religious accommodation at all, even if it entails no significant burden-shifting? The author agrees with Leiter in finding the most plausible answer in the claims of conscience rather than in general theories of equality or features special to religion. Those claims can reasonably be made in respect of liberty of conscience but also when conscience is merely disadvantaged.  相似文献   

当事人如果要求法院依其主张为裁判时,必须就其所主张的特定、重要、有关联的事实,负有主张和提出证据以为证明的负担,如果有不能提出证据或提出的证据不足以证明其主张事实成立的情形时.则负担事实审理者不能依其主张作出裁判的结果;如果提出的证据,导致事实审理者对案件事实认定存在真伪不明的情形时,即有不能依其主张的事实作出裁判的危险的负担。证明负担(burden of proof)的内容包括事实主张项下的证据方法的主张负担(behauptungs last,burden of pleading)、提出该证据方法的负担即举证负担(the burden of producing evidence)以及对证据进行辩论的负担即心证负担(the burden ofpersuasion)。  相似文献   


Scholarly debate, legal rules and policy on dual nationality suffer from a fatal flaw: the various situations of dual nationality are conflated in one single category, linked to a single policy. This article argues that the debate would win in clarity if the various situations were untangled. In order to demonstrate the need for more discrimination in situations of multiple citizenship, two cases are discussed: the first one relates to the various situations which may come under the heading of dual nationality. In particular, the argument is made that dual nationality arising out of birthright citizenship should not be confused with situations where a second nationality is voluntarily acquired. The second case where more segregation is in order relates to the treatment of the two nationalities possessed by an individual. The argument goes that the two nationalities should not be treated on equal par, as they rarely have the same value and weight.


陈界融 《证据科学》2008,16(1):27-36
当事人如果要求法院依其主张为裁判时,必须就其所主张的特定、重要、有关联的事实,负有主张和提出证据以为证明的负担,如果有不能提出证据或提出的证据不足以证明其主张事实成立的情形时,则负担事实审理者不能依其主张作出裁判的结果:如果提出的证据,导致事实审理者对案件事实认定存在真伪不明的情形时,即有不能依其主张的事实作出裁判的危险的负担。证明负担(burden of proof)的内容包括事实主张项下的证据方法的主张负担(behauptungs last,burden of pleading)、提出该证据方法的负担即举证负担(the burden of producing evidence)以及对证据进行辩论的负担即心证负担(the burden of persuasion)。  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review - Nationality came during the nineteenth century to be regarded as conferring an entitlement to diplomatic protection by the national government. Powerful...  相似文献   

双重国籍及其法律实践--兼论我国《国籍法》的立法改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来海外华人强烈呼吁我国政府恢复承认双重国籍,这在国内外广大有识之士中也引起了极大的反响.双重国籍法律问题的产生有其历史的渊源,其冲突解决也是世界各国极为重视的法律实践问题.从当今国际法发展趋势来看,有条件地承认双重国籍乃是吸引高层次人才和广大海外华人积极参加我国的经济建设、从法律上保护全世界华人华侨根本利益的有效手段,应当引起我国政府的高度重视,并根据国际法的基本原则灵活处理双重国籍问题,在恰当的时机修订《国籍法》,以适应我国经济建设和社会发展的实际需要.  相似文献   

王慧 《法学杂志》2007,28(3):99-102
每个人皆应有国籍,每个人皆应有一个国籍,这是各国在制订国籍法时应遵守的基本原则.多重国籍是不正常的现象,于国于民弊大于利.主要理由是,"一人一籍"原则是在国际条约中明确加以规定的,是进入和谐社会所应保持的最正常状态;多重国籍会在国与国之间制造很多麻烦,也会使当事人在人格上面临某种尴尬.中国暂不应修改《国籍法》理由很简单,因为"一人一籍"原则仍未过时.  相似文献   

目的研究内蒙古中西部地区汉族、蒙古族ApoB基因遗传多态性。方法选取内蒙古中西部地区汉族、蒙古族无关个体,采用聚合酶链反应一限制性片段长度多态性技术,判断样本中是否含有ApoB基因中的稀有等位基因:XbaI(x+)和&DRI(E-),并计算其基因型频率、等位基因频率及相关的群体遗传学参数。结果内蒙古汉族群体中稀有等位基因XbaI(x+)和&0RI(E-)频率分别为2%和4.6%,而在蒙古族群体中没有检测出此两种稀有等位基因。结论ApoB基因XbaI和&0RI位点的等位基因频率分布在不同种族中差异较大,具有种族鉴定的应用可能。  相似文献   

论经济法的民族性与国际化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济法是现代经济社会演进和法治发展的产物。经济法的产生既受到一国经济社会和法律文化传统的影响,因而具有民族特性;同时也受到来自国家之间经济交往的影响,因而具有国际化倾向。在经济全球化背景下,经济法的发展离不开其赖以产生和存在的国内国际背景。在经济法的民族性与国际化关联互动基础上,实现二者的平衡,是我国经济法创新发展的关键。  相似文献   

论国际商会国际仲裁院裁决的国籍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管国际商会国际仲裁院设在法国巴黎,但是由该院管理的适用该院仲裁规则做出的裁决,并不当然具有法国的国籍,因为确定国际商事仲裁裁决的国籍主要标准是仲裁地点。根据ICC仲裁规则,仲裁地点可以由当事人约定,也可以由仲裁院决定,而无论是当事人约定还是仲裁院决定的仲裁地点,可以在法国,也可以是法国以外的国家和地区。因此,ICC仲裁院的仲裁庭适用该院仲裁规则做出的ICC裁决的国籍,取决于特定仲裁案件所涉及的法律意义上的仲裁地点所在国,而不是仲裁机构所在的国家。  相似文献   

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