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晚清时期西方人掀起了汉语学习的第二次高潮,在这100多年的时间中,他们编写了卷帙浩繁的汉语教材,这些教材类型丰富,从不同的角度可以划分为以下几个类型:翻译型教材和自编型教材、口语教材和书面语教材、综合类教材和单项知识技能类教材、官话教材和方言教材等等。类型众多的汉语教材反映了不同阶段、不同形势、不同学习者的需求,它们不仅是汉语教育史上的巨大财富,也为我们当今的汉语教学和汉语教材编写提供了可资借鉴的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

教材工作,按目前学术界的通常分法,包括教材建设、教材管理、教材研究、教材出版印刷四个方面。由于受各种条件的影响和制约,各类高等院校的教材工作成了各项工作中的难点和薄弱环节。尤其是成人高校,这一问题相当普遍。许多院校管理人员配备不合理,知识结构低,人员调动频繁,权小责大,基础设施较差等等,这些成了较为突出的问题。另外成人教育的教材工作,时间短,教材管理工作较教材建设显得更弱些。正确认识成人高校教材管理,研究教材管理的规律,使教材管理从经验管理转到科学管理的轨道,这是我们成人高校教材工作的重要环节。  相似文献   

对铁道警察学院4个本科专业共210名学生进行问卷调查,总结出了教材工作中关于采购方式、使用频率、教材多样性、规划教材建设以及教材选用评价等多方面的问题。为进一步加强合格本科院校建设,改进教材工作思路和方法提出了参考和建议。  相似文献   

结合我院系部发放教材的有益尝试,阐述了系部如何做好教材接收与发放工作,首先,做好发书前的准备工作、安排专人负责,认真核实所到教材品种及数量;其次,安排好学生以专业为单位领取教材次序,发放教材责任落实到人,做到准确有序地发放教材。系部应将教材接收与发放工作纳入科学化、系统化、规范化的轨道,以适应教育教学改革日益发展的需要,为教学提供更好的服务。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的特点决定了教材的特色:理论的适度性、应用的系统性、实践的指导性、内容的先进性。根据工作流程的教学模式,高等职业教育应建立基于工作流程的高职教材编写体制。在教材编写中应按照岗位工作流程、以工作实践为主线,组织教材内容;教材要充分体现职业教育的要求,以职业能力培养为重点;教材编写结构应为学习情境——项目任务——知识点——巩固提高等;教材应是立体化教材。  相似文献   

教材建设是学校基本教学建设工作之一,也是影响高等农业院校教学质量的一个基本因素。文章分析了高等农业院校教材建设存在的问题,并对如何加强高等农业院校教材建设工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

王慧娟  蔡淑兰 《学理论》2013,(2):239-240
目前幼儿园教材发行市场混乱,教材种类繁多、质量参差不齐,小学化倾向严重。但幼儿园教材有着无可替代的重要作用,幼儿成长的必要条件,被禁止后造成幼儿成长中无法弥补的缺失,加重了教师的负担。幼儿园教材出现的一系列问题显然不是一纸禁令就能解决的,应该从教材的编制、出版、发行、选择和使用入手,保证幼儿教材的质量和使用效果,使教材的价值得到最大的发挥,同时避免"小学化"现象出现,促进幼儿健康、全面、和谐的发展。  相似文献   

李哲 《学理论》2015,(2):204-205
高等院校教材是体现教学内容和教学方法的知识载体,是学校教学工作的重要组成部分。教材管理工作的水平是衡量办学水平的重要标志之一,是提高教学质量的基础性工作。新建本科院校教材管理工作应做到:建立健全组织结构,加强队伍建设,完善教材管理规章制度;改善基础设施,改进工作方法,提高教材管理信息化水平;完善教材审批制度,加强教材选用质量;重视教材建设,构建特色化、立体化的教材体系。  相似文献   

李亚丽 《学理论》2012,(24):243-244
汉语口语教材的编排方式集中体现了语言教学和教学法的成果,通过对五部中级对外汉语教材课文编排的分析,总结各教材编写的特点,并提出一些对外汉语中级教材课文编排的建议,一是突出情景的多样性,二是注重课文内容的真实性;三是课文语料要生动有趣.  相似文献   

职业教育改革的基点是课程和教材的改革。本文从教材开发和教材创新的角度,探讨将职校教学用的教材与职业技能鉴定的教材进行整合一并开发,形成教学与鉴定同一化的教材,有效地提高学生的学习效率和核心能力。  相似文献   

In this article, we present findings from a grant-funded initiative to replace traditional, proprietary textbooks with an open content textbook under a Creative Commons license in the introductory American government course (POLS 1101) at Middle Georgia State University. We find that the use of an open content textbook led to somewhat negative effects on student learning outcomes and student course satisfaction, although the associated lower textbook cost increased textbook accessibility to students. We conclude with some suggestions to those adopting textbooks in this course and to the wider discipline regarding measures that may lead to more unequivocally positive outcomes than those experienced in this study.  相似文献   

Can a school or district improve student achievement simply by switching to a higher-quality textbook or curriculum? We conducted the first multi-textbook, multi-state effort to estimate textbook efficacy following widespread adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and associated changes in the textbook market. Pooling textbook adoption and student test score data across six geographically and demographically diverse U.S. states, we found little evidence of differences in average achievement gains for schools using different math textbooks. We found some evidence of greater variation in achievement gains among schools using pre-CCSS editions, which may have been more varied in their content than post-CCSS editions because they were written for a broader set of standards. We also found greater variation among schools that had more exposure to a given text. However, these differences were small. Despite considerable interest and attention to textbooks as a low-cost, “silver bullet” intervention for improving student outcomes, we conclude that the adoption of a new textbook or set of curriculum materials, on its own, is unlikely to achieve this goal.  相似文献   

"两个转换"是高校思想政治课教学的基本矛盾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋剑  邓坤金 《学理论》2009,(2):78-80
“教材体系”与“教学体系”、“教学体系”与“学生能力——素质体系”之间的矛盾是高校思想政治理论课教学的基本矛盾。要解决这一基本矛盾,提高高校思想政治课教师的教学能力与教学效果,就需要创新教学体系,实现从“教材体系”向“教学体系”的转换以及从“教学体系”向“学生能力——素质体系”的转换,即实现“两个转换”。  相似文献   

Who gets to decide what textbooks are used in America’s public school classrooms varies by state. States can let each school district decide, provide standards that must be followed and make available an incomplete listing of books meeting those standards, or allow schools to choose books only from a list provided by the state. I present a model that provides an explanation for state limits on textbook selection by school districts. I examine the roles played by decision making costs, effectiveness of voters, religious composition, power of teachers, and propensity of state governments to interfere with or to help districts in textbook selection policies at the state level. There has been virtually no research on this topic. My findings corroborate the extant literature that addresses interference by state governments in local affairs and extend the morality politics literature by finding a strong link between religious fundamentalism and state-level policies. I also find that state book lists are less likely (1) in more educated states, where voters are better able to select the most appropriate textbook, (2) in states with smaller school districts, where voters are more involved in the schools, and (3) in states with stronger teacher unions, giving teachers more power in textbook selection.  相似文献   

This article responds to Rose Gann's 'The Limits of Textbook Ideology' in a previous issue of Politics. It acknowledges that she has performed a service in drawing our attention to the problematic character of the concept, particularly within the ordered world of the academic textbook. However this ambiguity in the concept is not limited to the academic textbook but exists across the whole range of the human and social sciences and is much deeper and more perplexing than her own discussion indicates.  相似文献   

教材设置的缺憾、学校和学生对思想政治理论课教育的重视程度不高、教师教育手段的滞后以及法治建设中的不良现象是影响当前大学法治理念教育实效性的重要因素。提高社会主义法治理念教育的实效性,要加强课程建设,重视社会主义法治理念在课程建设中的指导地位,加强法治理念教育的投入,结合大学生的心理特征,改进教学方法,营造校园法治文化,丰富教育载体,拓展教育渠道。  相似文献   

当前在公安信息化建设中指纹识别系统的应用已经逐渐成熟和完善。我国大多数公安院校引进了指纹识别系统并开展了教学工作。探讨信息化条件下指纹识别系统教学工作中的课程性质、教学模式、运行环境、学生能力培养、师资水平、教材建设等问题,对这门新兴的公安技术课程有建设性意义。  相似文献   

体育游戏对于促进学生智力的发展,促进学生身体的生长发育,培养运动兴趣具有重要意义,对于提高中学体育与健康课的教学质量,顺利完成教学任务,具有积极的作用,体育游戏是进行中学体育与健康课教学的手段之一,是体育与健康课教育的重要方法。根据游戏的特点和价值,结合中学教材内容,正确科学选择游戏并合理组织实施,既能充分调动学生的情趣,又能很好地辅助教学任务的完成。  相似文献   

In capitalist reality as distinguished from its textbook picture, it is not that kind of competition which counts but the competition from the new commodity, the new technology, the new source of supply, the new type of organisation (the largest-scale unit of control for instance) — competition which commands a decisive cost or quality advantage and which strikes not at the margins of the profits and the outputs of the existing firms but at their foundations and their very lives (Schumpeter 1981).  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学在当代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
必须克服以斯大林教科书为范本的“辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义”体系及其模式的缺陷.重新焕发起马克思主义哲学的生机,使之继续走在人类文明的前列。必须因应中国马克思主义哲学理论和实践发展的要求.探索建立马克思主义哲学当代中国化的形态,走向马克思主义哲学发展的新高度。  相似文献   

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