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China's Ice City Harbin is about to host the largest Winter Universiade in history china's experience of hosting world sporting  相似文献   

Team China makes history at the Vancouver Winter Olympics amid concerns about a better performance at the next games  相似文献   

YU Zhixue, the originator of ice and snowlandscape painting inChina, is also hon-orary president of theHeilongjiang Art Academy,vice-chairman of theHeilongjiang Fine ArtsAssociation and chairman of theHeilongjiang Association ofTraditional Chinese Painting.His work, Deer Herdswoman,won the bronze medal at the 1997 National Exhibition ofTraditional Chinese FigurePainting sponsored by theChinese Ministry of Culture andChinese Academy of Poetry,Calligraphy and Painting. In1995, he rec…  相似文献   

The ice collection season was launched on the frozen waters of the Songhuajiang River in Harbin,capital city of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province,on December 7,2018.Ice collected by teams of workers will be used to build Ice-Snow World,a spectacular theme park in the city.  相似文献   

CHINANationalTourismAdministrationispresentingaSports&Physique-BuildingTourin2001.Thetour'sactivitiesfocusnotonlyontraditionalsports,suchasChinesemartialartsanddragon-boatracing,butalsoonthoserelativelynewtoChina,suchasrockclimbing,rafting,skiing,cross-countrycycleracing,andcarrallies.Theseactivitieshavebeencarefullythoughtout,andwillbeheldinChina'sbeautifulscenicareas,manyofwhichhaveyettoreceiveoverseasvisitors.ThebestchoicesforvisitorswhosepreferenceistotravelonfootontheQinghai-TibetP…  相似文献   

Gold and Ice     
China tops the medal count at the Harbin Winter Universiade China’s winter sports athletes clinched a record 18 gold medals, followed by Russia and South Korea, at the 24th Winter Universiade that  相似文献   

Liu Boqiang ,an ice maker at the newly built training center for the Olympic Winter Games 2022,starts his job before 7 a.m.every day.After working as a welder in a steel mill for more than 10 years,this job came as a big surprise to him.  相似文献   

HEILONGJIANG innortheastern China has aunique geographic loca-tion and rich tourismresources, making it a touristdestination for all seasons. Itstopography includes snow-capped mountains, forests,wet-lands, grassland, a boundaryriver and a boundary lake. It isrich in both natural and humanresources.Summer ResortsSpringtime in Heilongiiang,when the flowers are in fullblossom, is short, but verybeautiful. In summer, manyplaces in China are overwhelm-ingly and uncomfortably hot,but in Heil…  相似文献   

一、莫斯科、札幌和新潟市除雪作业概况(一)莫斯科莫斯科市的扫雪铲冰工作由政府和国有企业共同负责,市居住公用事业局主导、监督、协调,作业由国有企业完成.莫斯科市扫雪铲冰工艺是以机械除雪方式为主,搬运后的积雪通过固定式或移动式的融雪站处理,融化后回收处理;融雪剂主要用于部分机械除雪后的路面防止结冰,及坡道、弯道等重点区域融雪.冬季车辆使用防滑轮胎.  相似文献   

正I first went to the Harbin Snow and Ice Festival in 1996.I remember the train ride—it took 22 hours from Tianjin. And I remember the cold—locals laughed at me for only wearing four pairs of trousers.I recently returned to Harbin and found that,like everything else in China,the festival is not what it was.  相似文献   

近日,湖南省委书记杨正午在湖南省纪委第四次全会上强调:“领导干部做官用权要慎之又慎,要有如履薄冰如临深渊之感,常思贪欲之祸,常怀律己之心,常除非分之想。”作为一个经历丰富的高级领导干部,这既是对部属恳切关爱的教诲,也是从政多年弥足珍贵的经历之谈,可谓语重心长。 做官用权,拍板决策,运筹帷幄,造福桑梓,是很光荣的事。但也是很危险的事,因为权力是一把双刃剑,可以给自己带来  相似文献   

吴浩 《青年论坛》2014,(6):43-47
"冰桶挑战"以个人的小微力量唤起全社会对罕见病的关注,低廉的经济成本,只是在网络上点击观看视频,却传递出青年群体对弱者的关爱之心,无疑是符合青年群体的价值追求。相较于传统公益文化模式,以"冰桶挑战"为代表的创新公益文化模式,赢得了青年群体的积极响应与参与。创新公益文化模式顺应了青年群体的文化崛起趋势,融合了网络恶搞文化元素,满足了青年群体心理需求,适应了青年群体价值观鲜明展现的需求,值得国内慈善公益组织反思与借鉴。  相似文献   

巴塞尔姆是美国著名的后现代主义作家。在其代表作《白雪公主》中,作者表达了强烈的后现代主义创作风格,通过对经典童话《白雪公主》的颠覆重构,表达了作者对现实社会的批判以及强调在现实生活中不存在童话故事和童话式人物的个性观点。对巴塞尔姆的《白雪公主》的文字解读和创作手法的拆解等,基于后现代解构主义视角对巴塞尔姆的《白雪公主》进行了解读和反思。  相似文献   

在中国共产党的发展史上,埃德加.斯诺在向世界宣传中国共产党和对中国共产党发展国际关系方面产生过重要影响。斯诺以他的《西行漫记》等作品在对外宣传中国共产党,推动中美关系的发展,提高中国共产党的国际地位和国际影响等诸多方面作出了独特贡献,发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

国家粮食核心产区的保护与建设——黑龙江调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文通过对东北地区的调研,提出了建设国家粮食生产核心区的构想。黑龙江省是中国重要的粮食生产基地,农业基础雄厚,拥有大量的耕地后备资源以及现代农业基础,具备了高标准增加粮食产量的潜力。在世界粮价日趋增长的阶段,加大对黑龙江地区的农业扶持,建立国家粮食核心产区,对中国保障十八亿亩耕地红线以及确保国家粮食安全,具有重大的意义。黑龙江省目前土地整理标准低、种粮农民收入增加缓慢,制约了黑龙江省成为中国粮食核心产区的进程。作者提出了黑龙江粮食核心产区保护与建设工程,以及加快农民增收的建议。  相似文献   

<正>On Jan 20, an exchange activity between Heilongjiang province and its international friendship cities was held in Harbin, online and offline simultaneously. The theme of the activity was “Holding hands with friendship cities and meeting at the Winter Olympics”. Jiang Jiang, vice-president of the CPAFFC, delivered a video speech and offered congratulations for the activity’s success.  相似文献   

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