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近十几年来,我国经济的发展出现了"高增长、低就业"的不协调局面,失业问题越来越突出.直接原因是就业弹性系数大幅度下降.就业弹性系数下降的主要原因,又在于第三产业的发展滞后,阻碍了第一、二产业的过剩劳动力向第三产业转移.因此,要解决我国就业问题,要害之点是要提高就业弹性系数,着力点则是要大力发展城乡第三产业.  相似文献   

现阶段我国就业弹性的变化趋势及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟 《理论导刊》2006,(1):20-22
经济增长是就业的根本途径,是就业增加的函数,就业增长率根植于经济增长率的变化。现阶段,伴随着经济快速增长,我国GDP就业弹性却呈明显下降的趋势。因此,进行相应的对策分析,增强就业弹性,对缓解就业压力,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

现阶段陕西省就业形势严峻,劳动力供需总量矛盾及结构性矛盾突出.经济增长吸纳就业的能力逐渐下降,第三产业发展缓慢,非公经济发育不足.劳动力市场不健全及劳动力素质偏低,就业扶持政策执行不力等是造成就业问题的主要原因.  相似文献   

除了不同的经济发展阶段能引起经济增长与就业增长的不一致性外,在社会经济发展过程中,政府片面追求GDP而有意无意地忽视了就业问题的解决也是导致经济增长与就业增长不一致性的重要原因。尤其是由于地方政府领导人的考核体制而导致的中央政府与地方政府目标取向的不完全一致更是加剧了经济增长与就业增长的不一致性。为在经济增长的同时促进就业的增长,除继续重视劳动力市场在配置劳动力资源和调节劳动力市场的供求方面的基础性作用外,中央政府也要充分发挥宏观调控作用,并选择把扩大就业作为中央政府与地方政府宏观调控的首要目标。  相似文献   

自从“十一五”以来,我市服务业发展速度不断加快.行业结构不断优化,产业结构日趋合理,经济发展的引擎作用日益凸显,在吸纳劳动就业、带动经济增长、提高经济效益方面发挥了重要作用。但是与北京、上海等城市相比.我市服务业总体发展水平还比较低,在总量、结构、效益以及对经济和就业增长等方面还存在较大差距。本文力求在分析我市服务业发展与就业增长关系的基础上.通过与北京、上海等城市的比较,查找差距所在,提出进一步加快我市服务业发展、推动我市就业增长和经济可持续发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

中国1952-2007经济增长与就业增长的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建国以来,中国的经济增长与就业增长的关系主要经历了四个阶段.中国经济增长的就业拉动能力大大落后于其他先发国家水平.资本深化、结构扭曲、素质低下和制度缺位是导致经济增长与就业拉动脱离的主要原因.  相似文献   

我国技术进步偏误政策突出表现在三个方面:资本密集型技术和劳动密集型技术选择中的偏误;技术引进和自主研发选择中的偏误;重工业、大型企业和轻工业、小型企业主导型创新选择中的偏误.这对就业造成不利影响:一是技术进步中的资本密集偏向导致资本深化现象过早出现;二是技术进步中的外部引进偏向导致我国的科技研发岗位替代和流失;三是技术进步中的高精尖偏向抑制了传统产业竞争力的提升和对就业人员的吸纳.为此,我国必须改变技术进步偏误政策,注重自主创新,提高技术进步对就业的拉动能力.  相似文献   

转变经济增长方式和促进就业两者间存在着内在统一性,是可以兼得的。转变经济增长方式并不必然导致失业率上升,它与发展劳动密集型产业并不矛盾,因此,完全可以实现在转变经济增长方式中促进就业。具体应从以下几方面努力:确立就业优先的发展战略,与发挥比较优势结合起来,加强教育与培训,加快社会保障体系建设。  相似文献   

王传荣、钱乃余撰文认为,近年来,环球就业出现5大趋势:1.劳动力市场格局出现新变化。随着世界经济格局发生的重大改组,全球劳动力规模扩大一倍。参与全球经济市场的总人口由1985年约为25亿到2000年多达60亿。由此带来的就业岗位的国际化竞争也更加激烈。2.就业方式呈现多样化,就业稳定性下降。就业模式由传统的工业社会中的工厂制度中的集中就业。逐渐发展为短期就业、派遣就业、自营就业、独立就业、远程就业、兼职就业、项目合同制就业、季节性就业、家庭就业等多种就业形式。3.就业结构的变化。其一表现在就业的产业构成上,由于技术进步和现代商业服务业迅猛发展,产业升级进程加快。服务业吸纳就业能力增强。  相似文献   

中国社科院人口所有关专家认为,经济增长没有带来相应的就业增长,主要有以下3个原因。  相似文献   

人力资源的开发状况主要表现为受教育程度和就业水平。中国妇女的人力资源开发水平目前还比较低,不及国内男性人力资源的开发水平。本文利用2000年第五次全国人口普查资料,对中国妇女人力资源的开发状况作了初步分析,认为要提高妇女的人力资源开发水平,首先是要加强妇女教育,其次是要促进妇女就业。  相似文献   

Section 3 was established in the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968 to provide employment for public housing residents in distressed communities while rebuilding underserved neighborhoods. As a provision that recipients of HUD funding must comply with, Section 3 reporting agencies are having trouble securing employment for ex-offenders. This is problematic since low-income ex-offenders unable to secure stable employment are more likely to recidivate. Research evaluating the specific barriers to employment for Section 3 residents with criminal records and policy recommendations are sparse although the problem is prevalent in communities nationwide. This study uses San Antonio, Texas as an example for conducting a policy review to identify the barriers to employment for Section 3 ex-offenders. The results of the qualitative analysis indicate that at the national level, HUD and the Section 3 provision do not create barriers to employment but state and local policies and practices do.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between public employment and income redistribution in Brazilian municipalities. First, we use the requirements set forth by the Fiscal Responsibility Act as an instrument for public employment variation across municipalities. Second, our results suggest that local public employment increases income concentration instead of fostering redistribution. This result puts into perspective the model provided in Alesina et al. (J. Urban Econ. 48:219?C241, 2000) where public employment can be used as device for redistributing income in the United States. This seems to be an outcome of the current public employment structure and not an explicit public policy.  相似文献   

Ethnic enclave residence,employment, and commuting of Latino workers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the impact of living in ethnic enclaves in different parts of a metropolitan area on low‐skilled Latino immigrants' employment accessibility. It does so by comparing the employment status and commuting times of Latinos living in and out of ethnic neighborhoods in central city, inner‐ring suburbs, and outer‐ring suburbs in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Using the 2000 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), this paper finds that central‐city residents tend to have both lower employment probability and longer commutes. The enclave effect is much muted and a spatial mismatch effect evident in these areas. But in the suburban areas, while as likely to work as non‐enclave counterparts, enclave residents tend to commute longer to jobs, suggesting the importance of ethnic networks in these enclave neighborhoods. Further distinguishing Latino immigrants by gender shows that women are more enclave‐disadvantaged than men. © 2009 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate within the economic voting literature about whether the economy's salience systematically fluctuates over time or is constant. The recent global economic slowdown provides leverage to test the proposition that voters give greater weight to economic performance when it is weak. Data on voters' issue priorities from 2000 to 2011 shows that voters were more likely to consider the economy an important issue during periods of bad or volatile economic performance. A weak economy also focuses voter attention on corruption and crime while reducing attention to social policy and foreign affairs. Crime rates, terrorist attacks, globalization, and the level of development also affect the economy's place on the electoral agenda. Thus one impact of the recent financial downturn was a shift toward economic voting in countries where it was deepest.  相似文献   

Within the social sciences, there is a long and storied history of the effect of economic conditions on vote choice. The traditional arguments are that voters have personal (egotropic) and/or other-regarding (sociotropic) preferences and that they reward and punish politicians electorally based on economic conditions at these levels. However, there is a third option. As industries, employment, and economic conditions are not uniformly distributed across the country, preferences may be locally based. This project combines unique survey data with Metropolitan Statistical Area unemployment numbers and finds evidence of distinct preferences at a third “communotropic” level.  相似文献   

This paper examines a number of demographic aspects in congressional districts and states that played important roles in a series of Congressional votes on environmental issues in 2000. These characteristics include urbanization or population density, education, income, race, and employment. Our findings are mixed. While we find some evidence (at least in Senate votes) that population density is a positive predictor of “pro-environment” votes, we also find that things commensurate with the Environmental Kuznets Curve such as income, education, and lifestyle also play an important role in environmental voting.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role played by labor and product market institutions in determining the likelihood of initiating and of successfully concluding a fiscal adjustment. Using data for 16 OECD countries over the period 1970 to 2000, we find that a less generous unemployment benefit system—rather than temporary caps on spending (e.g., wage freezes)—contributes to the success of fiscal consolidation. Weaker forms of bargaining coordination and centralization facilitate the fiscal adjustment effort. On the other hand, product market deregulation and more flexible employment protection legislation do not contribute positively to fiscal consolidation.  相似文献   

构建中国的就业保障体系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文提出,依据失业保障自身特点、保障目的、制度演变规律、现实状况和未来挑战等多因素,中国失业保障体系未来发展的目标是建立就业保障体系.从如何保障就业的角度出发,设想未来的就业保障体系由就业预备、就业预告和就业保险三部分组成.就业保障体系的建立需要科学的规划和系统的过程,具体可分为突出就业导向、完善就业制度和整体协调运转三个阶段.  相似文献   

基于工作搜寻理论的大学毕业生就业问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对首都经济贸易大学2009年应届大学毕业生的问卷调查,分析了高校毕业生在就业过程中的工作搜寻途径、就业信息获取评价、就业歧视等问题,最后提出促进大学生就业的对策和建议。  相似文献   

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