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周亮 《法制与社会》2013,(17):209-210
检察机关应当充分发挥检察职能,加大食品安全监管力度,与农业、商务、质检、工商、食药、畜牧、公安等食品安全监管部门协调合作,有力打击食品犯罪,保障食品安全。  相似文献   

2011年3月28日,最高人民检察院下发《关于依法严惩危害食品安全犯罪和相关职务犯罪活动的通知》(以下简称《通知》),对检察机关依法开展打击危害食品安全犯罪和相关职务犯罪工作作出了部署。为更好地理解和贯彻执行《通知》要求,现就《通知》出台的背景和主要内容解读如下:  相似文献   

行贿犯罪档案查询工作是检察机关预防贿赂犯罪的创新举措。2012年2月16日,最高人民检察院举行检察机关行贿犯罪档案查询系统全国联网开通仪式,检察机关行贿犯罪档案查询系统正式实现全国联网。海门市检察院自2009年5月正式启用行贿犯罪档案查询系统以来,不断规范行贿犯罪档案查询工作机制,优化查询方式,共受理查5000多条,在防控贿赂犯罪、维护市场经济秩序、促进诚信建设和社会治理方面发挥了积极作用,有效服务了经济社会科学发展。在实践中,当前行贿犯罪档案查询工作主要还存在一些问题。  相似文献   

近年来检察机关围绕农资打假开展了一系列工作,为了进一步彰显检察机关依法严惩制售伪劣农资犯罪的坚定决心,展示各地办理危害农资安全犯罪案件经验做法和参与农资安全社会综合治理的积极作为,最高检于2022年3月发布了4件检察机关依法惩治危害农资安全犯罪典型案例,其中涉及的法律政策适用问题和检察履职经验做法对各地检察机关开展农资打假工作具有一定的引领示范作用。  相似文献   

在《中华人民共和国反电信网络诈骗法》实施一周年之际,最高检发布检察机关依法惩治电信网络诈骗及其关联犯罪典型案例,释放依法从严惩治跨境电信网络诈骗犯罪的强烈信号,全面揭示当前电信网络诈骗及其关联犯罪态势特点,彰显了检察机关依法全链条从严惩治的鲜明立场,展现了检察机关能动履职推动追赃挽损和综合治理的积极作为。本批典型案例共11件,各具亮点,对各地检察办案具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

金融市场的重要性和行政监管的不足,决定了检察机关介入金融领域的必要性。对此应遵循积极介入原则、补充性原则、行为先期违法性原则和统一性原则。检察机关介入金融市场监管的具体路径应当是:确立由价值评判到规范评判的办案思路;确立以危害金融安全犯罪范畴来认定金融犯罪的法律思维;确立严管优于重罚的思路,在犯罪预防中充分发挥检察机关的职能作用。  相似文献   

行贿犯罪档案查询工作是检察机关预防职务犯罪工作中的重要内容之一,对防控贿赂犯罪、促进诚信建设、维护市场经济秩序等起到积极作用.然而当前行贿犯罪档案查询工作仍存在一些问题,有待进一步完善.  相似文献   

核心提示:检察机关行贿犯罪档案查询系统的开通,对于强化检察机关法律监督职能作用,加强从源头上遏制和预防腐败,全面推进廉洁准入制度,促进社会信用体系建设,起到了积极的作用。但在行贿犯罪档案查询过程中,投标人使用虚假证件的问题比较严重,本文从虚假证件存在的形式入手,分析  相似文献   

案情简介2005年3月,检察机关根据群众举报,查明某国有公司副总经理江某于2002年4月间,采用虚报冒领手段贪污公款7000元。鉴于其贪污犯罪数额不大,情节较轻微,且犯罪后有悔罪表现、积极退赃,遂决定对其相对不起诉。2006年1月,检察机关在侦查该公司总经理丁  相似文献   

动物卫生监督执法领域渎职犯罪频发,侵害了动物卫生监督管理秩序,危害食品安全和人民群众身体健康,已经成为全社会关注的热点,聊城市检察机关在该领域部署开展了专项活动,对其渎职犯罪案件特点和成因进行调查分析,并提出预防和减少此类犯罪发生的对策建议,为进一步惩治预防动物卫生监督领域犯罪、营造安全健康的食品环境提供了有益借鉴.  相似文献   

食品安全问题具有普遍性,越来越受到世界各国及相关国际组织的重视。但是,在既有的人权法和国际法文本中均找不到食品安全及食品安全权这样的表述,食品安全权及其保障只在一些国际组织的扩大解释文件及国际软法中存在,其不具有法律约束力,这种状况必须改变。在国内法层面,我国《宪法》中不存在保护民众食品安全权的相关表述,《民法通则》、《侵权责任法》、《消费者权益保护法》等法律中的健康权表述也没有明确提及这种健康权是否包括食品安全权。《食品安全法》虽已经存在并在继续完善中,但是其中也没有提出以保障食品安全权作为其立法宗旨。因为食品安全问题涉及民生、社会稳定,甚至国家安全,宪法和法律必须加以明确。未来有必要对《食品安全法》进行全面整修,以保障民众的食品安全权为根本宗旨,整合食品安全相关领域的法律法规,从而有效威慑危害食品安全的行为,同时为食品安全权被侵害者提供更多更充分的私权保护及更为直接的法律救济路径。  相似文献   

Neither punitive nor therapeutic approaches alone are effective at addressing the dual public health and public safety concerns associated with managing criminal behavior perpetrated by people who have psychiatric and substance use disorders. The optimal solution may instead require the integration of both criminal justice supervision and treatment. Using problem-solving courts (PSCs) as a model, we focus on one dimension of this integrated approach, distinguishing between behavior that stems from willful noncompliance with supervision and behavior that results from nonresponsivity to treatment. First, we discuss the public health and public safety consequences of using singular approaches to address the criminal behavior of this population. We then present lessons learned from PSCs that distinguish between noncompliant and nonresponsive behaviors in making treatment and supervision decisions. Finally, we consider how the concepts of nonresponsivity and noncompliance may be extended, via policy, to probation and parole settings as well as mental health and substance abuse treatment services outside the criminal justice setting in order to enhance public health and safety.  相似文献   

As states and local governments struggle to meet the demands of increasing workloads with decreasing revenues, a strategy is emerging that brings new energy and resources to the juvenile justice system. This strategy, Community Justice, empowers the community to prevent and resolve problems once thought to be the exclusive responsibility of the justice system. Juvenile courts operating within this new approach are discovering that community residents are willing to become actively involved when allowed to participate in defining the goals, objectives, and their roles in furthering community safety. This article describes this new approach, provides examples of promising practices, and articulates the crucial role of the court in promoting community justice strategies.  相似文献   

不断发生的危害公众生命与身体健康的食品卫生事件充分暴露出我国现行食品安全立法不完善、监管责任不明的缺陷,以人权理论与和谐社会理论为指导,构建适合我国国情的保障人民生存安全的食品安全制度是法学研究面临的紧迫课题。2009年2月28日中华人民共和国第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议关于《中华人民共和国食品安全法》的通过,为食品安全制度的检讨与重构提供了契机,我们应该借鉴外国的先进经验,建立以食品安全基本法为统领的完备法律体系制度,以预防为主的安全体系保障制度,以惩罚性为主旨的严格责任制度,尽最大可能地降低食品安全风险。  相似文献   

贝克的风险社会理论向世人宣告了风险社会的到来。贝克的风险社会理论认为,现代社会的风险是文明的产物,不同于传统社会的风险。风险社会理论在给我国食品安全监管体制、监管方式等带来了挑战的同时,也给我国食品安全监管带来了启示:理性对待食品安全风险认知差异,建立食品安全风险规制体系,探索食品安全风险的复合治理方式。  相似文献   

The use of restorative justice in cases of sexual violence is highly contentious. Some argue that it may trivialize violence against women, revictimize the vulnerable, and endanger the safety of victim‐survivors. On the other hand, from the perspective of victim‐survivors, it may enable us to hear their stories more holistically, offering greater control and validation, and reduce victim‐blaming. It may also provide an additional opportunity to secure some form of justice. Debate over the validity of these competing claims has largely taken place in an empirical vacuum. This article considers the results of an exploratory study of a restorative justice conference involving an adult survivor of child rape and other sexual abuse. The results, while necessarily tentative, provide good ground to consider afresh the possibilities of restorative justice in cases of sexual violence. We suggest that for those victim‐survivors who wish to pursue this option, restorative justice may offer the potential to secure some measure of justice.  相似文献   

This paper examines and analyzes primary and secondary data relative to the history and development of criminal justice education and training in North Carolina for six decades. Emphasis is focused on the early attempts to provide education and training for criminal justice personnel from 1920 to 1940, the expansion and improvement in criminal justice education and training from 1940 to 1960, and the establishment of criminal justice education and training programs in two-year community colleges and technical institutes and four-year senior public and private postsecondary education institutions from 1960 to 1980. In addition to discussing the similarities and differences in the methods utilized by institutions to establish criminal justice education and training programs, this paper discusses the curricula, course offerings, and characteristics of the faculties, as well as internal and external conditions, forces, and factors that influenced the history and development of education and training programs for criminal justice personnel. As a result of the impact of these and various influences from within police departments and individual institutions, educational and governmental state agencies, and from demands and needs of criminal justice personnel and society for better protection and safety, criminal justice education and training programs were in force at 15 two-year community colleges, 30 two-year technical institutes, 10 four-year senior, public institutions, and eight four-year, senior, private institutions in North Carolina in 1978.  相似文献   

作为民生问题的食品安全问题关系着每位公民的身体健康、生命安全,也关系着社会的稳定与和谐。在西部民族地区,由于历史、经济和社会等方面的原因,食品安全保障水平较低。因此,对西部民族地区食品安全通过法治手段进行保障,已经成为保障民生的重要方面。  相似文献   

The appropriation of “welfare stigma” or stereotypes about poor people's overreliance and abuse of public aid in two core criminal justice functions is examined: felony adjudication in a court system and space allocation in a jail. Through a comparative ethnographic study in which an abductive analysis of data (20 months of fieldwork) was used, we show that criminal justice gatekeepers utilize welfare stigma to create stricter eligibility criteria for due process in criminal courts and occupancy in jails. Specifically, the number of court appearances, motions, trials, jail beds, food, showers, and medical services is considered by professionals to be the benefits that individuals seek to access and abuse. Professionals view their role as preventing (rather than granting) access to these resources. The comparative nature of our data reveals that welfare stigma has interorganizational utility by serving two different organizational goals: It streamlines convictions in courts, which pulls defendants through adjudication, and conversely, it expands early release from jails, which pulls inmates out of the custody population. In the context of diminishing social safety nets, our findings have implications for understanding how discretion is exercised in an American criminal justice system increasingly tasked with the distribution of social services to the urban poor.  相似文献   

论《食品安全法》对我国食品安全监管体制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,我国食品安全问题不断,暴露出我国食品安全政府监管体制存在诸多弊端。本文探讨新《食品安全法》出台后,我国食品安全监管在监管体制、食品安全标准、免检制度、监管行为等几个方面的变化以及尚存在的问题。  相似文献   

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