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As an average citizen of ,China, I am so delighted to see the great changes that our country has experienced in recent years. The second photo from the left on the cover of the 2008 December issue reminds my father of his youth. In the 1980s he also took a photo on Tian'anmen Square in Beijing. My father was dressed in the same way as the man in the photo. As he says, dressing in bell-bottomed jeans was very much the fashion then.  相似文献   

THE overall global context of Asia's economic growth in 20a3 remains negative, particularly in developed economies. At the end of last year Japan's GDP was 1.7 percent below its maxi- mmn prior to the international financial crisis, while GDP in the European Union was 9.1 percent below. U.S. GDP growth is ane- mic, having reached only 2.5 percent above its last peak five years ago. Some of the pre- viously dynamic BRICS economies are also encountering problems - India's annual GDP growth has fallen to 4.5 percent and Brazil's to 1.4 percent. World commodity prices,  相似文献   

On March 11,2010, in his speech to the Import-Export Bank's annual conference, U.S. President Barack Obama urged the Chinese government to allow the RMB (yuan) to rise against the U.S. dollar, it was the second time this year that the U.S. has exerted pressure on this issue, following President Obama's call in February for China to allow the RMB to strengthen.  相似文献   

WHEN Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw visited Shanghai in 1933, he asked Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang why Chinese drama was accompanied by so much drumming, saying that the din made it impossible to think. Mei Lanfang's answer was that without drums people out of the theater would be unaware that a drama was being performed.  相似文献   

正EARLIER this year sections of the Western media tried to spin a story that the world economy was experiencing"severe slowdown in China"and"strong recovery in the U.S."In other words,China’s economy was allegedly in trouble and the U.S.was doing well.Now that the factual data is in for the fi rst half of the year it shows the opposite was true.China’s economic growth was 7.5 percent to the second quarter of 2014;that of the U.S.was 2.4 percent.China’s economy thus grew more than three times as fast as the U.S.’s.Still more signifi cantly for the U.S.,its own statistical agencies and the IMF have offi cially revised their projections for long-term U.S.growth.Both now estimate it at  相似文献   

IT was 11 years ago when Chen Bei, then a high school student in Henan, stood at one of life's first crossroads. She, like several million other Chinese students, faced the annual "Gaokao," China's college entrance exam. Although it is equivalent to the SAT in the U.S. or the "A" levels in the U.K., it is considerably longer and more intimidating.  相似文献   

THE recent publication of America's second quarter GDP data, following that for China, makes it possible to accurately compare the recent performance of the world's two largest economies and the results are extremely striking. In the last year the slowdown in the U.S. economy has been far more serious than in China. Therefore while both economies are being adversely affected by current negative trends in the world economy, China is dealing with these much more successfully than the U.S. In light of media discussion about China's economic "slowdown" it is equally important that attention is paid to understanding why the U.S.'s own economic slowdown is much worse than China's when confronted with similar global economic trends.  相似文献   

THE year 9014 marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. Its significance, from a global perspective, goes without say-ing. The past 35 years have witnessed enormous changes, both in China-U.S. ties and globally. I was appointed the first resident People's Daily correspon- dent in the U.S. in 1979. Commenting on internationalissues is not my field of expertise. I would, however, like to discuss my feelings in this regard, based on my experiences in the U.S.  相似文献   

LAST October, 55-year-old Liao Xiaoyi was listed one of Time Magazine's Heroes of the Environment 2009. This was not the first time she received an award. In 2000 she became China's first individual winner of the Sophie Prize, aka the Nobel Prize for the environment. A year later, she won top environmental laurels in Australia - the Banksia International Environmental Award. In 2008, the Global Citizen Award was presented to her by former president Bill Clinton. It was also in that year that she was invited to be an environmental consultant to the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee.  相似文献   

ON October 1, 2009, the world's biggest birthday party was held in Tian anmen Square in central Beijing -200,000 people gathered to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The rest of the public watched the live broadcast on TV or online, sharing the pride and confidence of a nation rejuvenating itself on its great joumey of opening-up and reform.  相似文献   

ZENG YU 《人权》2009,(6):6-9
China has made steady progress in putting into practice the concept of gender mainstreaming, the public policy concept adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in 1995 in Beijing, which calls for assessing the different implications for women and men of any planned policy action, including legislation and programs, in all areas and at all levels. Meanwhile, there are still shortfalls in China's mainstreaming effort, which indeed merit our attention. This article attempts to analyze, in light of gender mainstreaming, the various aspects of China's endeavor to ensure labor protection for women.  相似文献   

KRO came to study in China as a senior high school exchange student when he was 17. He lived in a Beijing hutong, learnt to drink Chinese .spirits and became fluent in the city's distinctive dialect. This handsome half American, half Norwegian guy also gained a Chinese name: Zhuang Xiaolong. After finishing college, Kro returned to Beijing in February 2006 and opened Kro's Nest pizza restaurant near the west gate of Peking University.  相似文献   

正Care and compassion makes an overseas returnee’s journey to China less stressful It was late March and the number of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the U.S. was surging. My classes had moved online, and it was crunch time for me. Should I stay or should I go? I thought long and hard before deciding to cut short my studies as a visiting scholar in the School of Journalism, University of Missouri, and head back home to Beijing.  相似文献   

THE Peking Opera Mei Lanfang, performed by the Beijing Peking Opera Troupe to the accompaniment of the German Symphony Orchestra, played in Berlin in late April 2006. The opera was an aspect of the Cultural Reminiscences per-  相似文献   

CHANG Weiguang is a postgraduate majoring in electronic engineering at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. When he received an admission letter for a doctor's degree from Canada's McGill University, the first thing he thought of was telling Yu Shufan. Like many others, Chang owes his education to Yu's philanthropic efforts.  相似文献   

Beijing Review: How do you remember the international situation at the time of the Shanghai Communiqué? Stapleton Roy: I was serving in Moscow when Dr. Henry Kissinger showed up in Beijing in July 1971. The Kissinger visit was the first manifestation that there had been a breakthrough in China-U.S. relations. The culmination of that breakthrough, of course, was the president's visit to Beijing in February 1972. It was really the turning point in the Cold War.  相似文献   

According to statistics released by Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform, the deposited savings of Beijing residents exceeded RMB 1.2 trillion in 2008, averaging RMB 71,000 per capita. The figure in 1978 was RMB 930 million, averaging RMB 106.7 per capita. In terms of people's incomes, the per-capita disposable income leapt from RMB 365 in 1978 to RMB 24,725 in 2008,  相似文献   

<正>Meeting of Chinese and U.S.presidents results in show of unity despite differences On his first state visit to China,U.S.President Donald Trump received a royal welcome,literally.He was hosted at Beijing’s spectacular Forbidden City,the bastion from where dynasties of Chinese emperors ruled for almost 600  相似文献   

The 11th Edgar Snow Symposium,cosponsored by the China Society for Peo-ple’s Friendship Studies(CSPFS)and the Edgar Snow Centre of Beijing University,was held in Beijing on October 8,2004.To carry for ward the spirit of Snow in the exchanges between the peo-ple of China and the U.S.and extend friendship toa cause of common concern,the Chinese and the American sponsors agreed upon“Progress and Achievements Made in the Field of Life Sciences—A To pic of Common Concern to China a…  相似文献   

CHINA expert Orville Schell is the Arthur Ross Director of the Center on U.S.-China Rela- tions at the Asia Society in New York. Schell began learning Chinese when he was 20, andin 1968 obtained his Ph.D. in Chinese History from the University of California, Berkeley. He has since specialized in news reports and books on East Asia, China in particular. When Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China's reform and opening-up drive, visited the U.S. in 1979, the New York Times invited Schell to be the journalist accompanying Deng on his U.S. tour.  相似文献   

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