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胡开忠 《法律科学》2012,(2):165-171
《广播电台、电视台播放录音制品支付报酬暂行办法》的出台虽然对于解决广播电台、电视台播放录音制品付酬问题有重要的意义,但制定该办法的理论依据不充分,没有解决《著作权法》第43条和第44条的内容重合问题,没有明确付酬对象,也没有设计合理的付酬计算方式,付酬减免的范围也有限。为了在保护著作权人利益的同时兼顾社会公共利益,促进广播影视业的发展,应当根据我国的国情,参考国际经验,对《著作权法》及该付酬办法的规定进行修订和完善。  相似文献   

Barrier-free information construction has not been included in the information disclosure system for public emergencies in China. This makes it difficult for obstacle groups to obtain government information timely. By contrast, social forces, sign language videos and online accessible mini programs all give quick responds, which to some extent, bridge the information gap during the pandemic. This phenomenon is caused by the insufficient construction of information accessibility within the legal system, and the lack of popularization of accessibility concepts. The corresponding departments should improve the legal system of information accessibility by incorporating it into the information disclosure system for public emergencies in China. This will speed up the construction of modern public cultural service systems, promote the development of TV sign language hosting, and improve awareness of accessibility in science and technology to promote the design standards and principles of network accessibility and improve the dissemination of barrier-free information, hence meeting the information needs of barrier-free groups for major public emergencies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first results of an ongoing semiotic research over TV series targeted to early childhood in Italy. In particular, it focuses on discussing and explaining the great success of the animated series Peppa Pig aired in Italy on the thematic channel Rai YoYo, by comparing it with other series available in the same channel, in the period of its first launch (years 2014–2015). Most of the programs taken into account refers to animals with the purpose of using them as a mean to speak about manhood, in a simplified and appealing way. Nothing new. Fairy tales have always been filled with animals to mean vices and virtues of the humans. Aim of the paper is to reveal the complexity of such reference to animals in Peppa Pig’s stories. This goal will be achieved by comparing it to another series which references to pigs (Olivia the piglet) aired simultaneously in the same Italian network. Moreover, this paper will consider other animals embodying the bouquet of meaning proposals offered by Rai YoYo: a dog (La Pimpa) and some shapeless creatures known as Barbapapas. As a conclusion of such enquire a synthetic model which positions each of the series analyzed will be presented.  相似文献   

李士林 《北方法学》2017,11(3):65-74
电视节目之间的抄袭已成为一种社会现象,需要法律在其保护方式上予以回应。如果将电视节目模板视为作品,由模板到节目既不是著作权法上的复制,又不符合演绎忠于原作的义理,所以保护模板并非保护电视节目的有效方式。如果将电视节目视为试听作品,由于节目使用不同主题人物和主持人即可呈现不同的试听效果,所以依据著作权侵权三步法和第三方测试都很难阻碍电视节目之间的抄袭和题材雷同。即使寻求反不正当竞争保护,其为电视节目提供的庇护也非常有限。新鲜性和即时性是电视节目的灵魂,除雷同和剽窃者外,应允许电视节目之间相互学习和模仿。  相似文献   

王迁 《知识产权》2021,(1):20-35
修改后的《著作权法》将"作品类型法定"模式改为"作品类型开放"模式,可能将导致作品与其他智力成果的界限变得模糊不清。法院应避免为"创新"而不当扩张著作权的保护范围。广播权被重新定义为可规制任何以非交互式手段向公众传播作品行为的专有权利,具有实质意义。"三步检验标准"的纳入是对法定权利限制的适用进行再限制,并非允许法院自行创设新的权利限制。有关制作和向视障者及其他阅读障碍者提供无障碍格式版的权利限制意义重大,其扫清了我国批准《马拉喀什条约》的障碍。对涉及课堂教学和免费表演的权利限制的修改形式意义大于实质意义。对有关复制公共场所艺术品的权利限制的修改可能造成误解。删除"播放以录音制品体现的作品的法定许可",并不意味着广播电台、电视台今后播放录音制品时须经过其中作品著作权人的许可,对其行为应适用"播放已发表作品的法定许可"。  相似文献   

公共政策在司法裁判中的定位与适用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁明圣 《法律科学》2005,23(1):59-65
公共政策所表示的 ,乃是政府 (在某些时候也包括政党尤其是执政党 )在一定时期里为满足社会的某一需要所采取的一系列的行动目标或纲领 ,它也常常意味着与国家立法不一致的政府行动 ,是影响司法过程和司法裁判的重要因素。公共政策的性质和特点要求司法机关在司法裁判中 ,在对公共政策给予必要的、善意的尊重的同时 ,对公共政策在司法裁判中的适用力问题慎重对待 ,有条件地将之作为填补法律漏洞的一种资源  相似文献   

黄小洵 《北方法学》2013,7(4):86-92
电视台为追求高额利润,对其他电视台深受欢迎的电视节目进行复制、借鉴的情况时有发生。为维护自己利益,某些电视组织开始诉求司法部门给予自己的电视节目版式以法律保护。面对这个问题,欧美国家的法院在保护与否的立场上曾一度持否定态度。但近几年的司法判例结果显示这种立场正在发生变化,认可电视节目版式的版权属性,支持给予保护的观点逐渐占据上风。但电视节目版式版权保护在理论基础上仍存在争议。从已发生之判决来看,对电视节目版式除以版权路径给予保护之外,还可以寻求反不正当竞争法和商标法等相关法律给予保护。  相似文献   

赵桂芬 《政法学刊》2011,28(4):76-82
恢复性司法是一种通过恢复性程序实现恢复性后果的非正式犯罪处理方法。为考察司法人员与公众对待确定未成年人恢复性司法制度态度,对法官、公众等不同群体作问卷调查,结果表明,法官和公众对未成年人司法制度的诸项改革基本认可。该制度的合理性表现在可减少刑事污点对未成年人的消极影响,有利于恢复受损的社会关系,对违法犯罪的未成年人有积极的矫正作用;其局限性体现在难以满足同罪同罚的刑法原则,难以避免替代性的承担责任的现象等。避免局限性的关键在于要解决恢复性司法与正式司法程序的关系问题。  相似文献   

国际贸易惯例的性质及在我国的适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴琼 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):34-38
国际贸易惯例是在长期的国际贸易实践中经反复实践而形成的公认的、具有普遍适用性的行为规则。国际贸易惯例是法律,而且属于法律规范中的任意性规范。国际贸易惯例在我国的适用必须符合两个条件:一是需经当事人协商选择;二是不能违背我国社会公共秩序。  相似文献   

庭审直播有一个历史发展的过程.从各国对庭审录音录像和电视直播的法律规定来看,大多数国家对电视直播持开放的态度.我国法律没有对庭审直播问题作明确规定.审判应当以适应时代发展需要的形式对外公开.对公开审理的案件,可以进行庭审直播和录音录像才是常态,而不允许如此才是一种例外.在进行直播时,一要坚持设备使用的"三无"规则:无声音、无特殊光亮、无大幅度的动作;二要根据法庭的决定来确定使用何种形式的设备;三要禁止对法庭上某些特殊的人进行拍摄.另外,是否庭审直播的决定应当由法官作出.  相似文献   

曾有学者评价香港特区是一个"回避法定知情权的开放政府"。1这一独特的制度究竟是如何运作的,颇令人好奇。2013年,免费电视牌照事件持续发酵,一波三折。透过该事件,可以看到立法机关脱离了行政机关,变成行政机关的监察者、制衡者与竞争者;独立的司法机关的政治影响力也越来越大。如何处理好保密与公开的关系、处理好行政效率与公众利益的关系,如何更能回应民众诉求,如何进一步提升施政能力和水平,都是摆在政府面前的重大课题。  相似文献   

This article explores a series of paradoxes exposed by specialization within the legal profession. It will argue that while the existing literature rightly identifies specialization as posing potential challenges to coherence, legitimacy, and professional ethics, it fails to grapple with the relationship between professional competence and specialization. In exploring this relationship, three paradoxes are articulated. The first is that specialization is both a necessary element in the development of professionalism and a threat to it. The second is the normative ambiguity of specialization: specialization is capable of giving rise to both benefits and detriments. The third paradox is the profession's response to this ambiguity. It will be argued that the profession's approach is incoherent in public interest terms and can be best explained as part of a desire to protect its members' interests and its collective identity over the public interest in competence. These arguments are made in the context of a series of three empirical studies of specialists and nonspecialists in legal aid practice in England and Wales. The evidence is worrying enough to suggest significant concerns about the quality and indeed legitimacy of the professional qualification as a general warrant of competence. The implications for institutionalizing specialization within the legal profession are discussed.  相似文献   


The paper’s aim is to present and critically discuss a peculiar practice noticed and studied in courtrooms in the Lower Court in Kraków, Poland. In courtrooms where different hearings take place, two cameras are installed on the wall or on the stand near the judge’s bench. One camera is aimed at the center of the courtroom, where non-professional participants such as witnesses or plaintiffs stand while being questioned by judge. The second camera’s view is more general—it covers the rest of the courtroom, including the benches for plaintiffs, claimants, defendants, and their legal representatives, and most notably the general public. Naturally, the mere presence of cameras in the modern courtroom is not surprising. What raises some questions is the presence of TV screens in the Kraków Lower Court’s courtrooms (and in Poland’s courts in general), which display the feed from both cameras during the hearing. Consequently, people gathered in the courtroom, especially people questioned by the judge (such as witnesses), can see themselves “live” in the TV screen. Even without raising the subtle details and differences between individual courtrooms, the system of displaying, in real time, live video feeds from a courtroom into the same courtroom begs for more detailed, critical analysis. For instance, one should address the system’s (presumably intended) functions (e.g. transparency, behavior control, and correction of time perception) and the real consequences for the dynamics during hearings, which are not assumptions or hypotheticals. The paper distinguishes the issues connected with the system and addressees them through the perspective of witnesses who participate in the hearings, using the collected opinions of witnesses.


2009年4月20日起,中国的航空公司不约而同地采用了新的机票折扣方式,使得机票价格上浮。一石激起千层浪,这件事引起了社会的广泛关注,新生效的《反垄断法》自然也被牵扯其中。一时间,对本案的猜测之声不绝于耳,究竟是谁偷吃了"禁果"?这似乎是一个难以回答的问题。如果不是出于于"玩猜谜游戏",而是从本案的现知事实出发,就应该得出该案存在涉嫌违反《反垄断法》、有关执法机关在其中存在不作为的问题。对此,应采取对策加以治理。  相似文献   

缺陷食品召回制度是一种具有公法性质的行政管理制度和有效手段,在发达国家已非常完善。近年来,由于食品召回立法的缺位,在一系列的缺陷食品事件中,我国消费者的合法权益未能得到平等的保护。在市场经济和加入WTO的今天,日益成为阻碍消费者权益保护和企业竞争力增强的制度障碍。为此,借鉴发达国家的实践经验,结合中国国情,确立和完善我国的食品产品召回制度就成为当务之急。  相似文献   

They thought this out very well, having in mind the television broadcast of the Constitutional Court session on TV Channel One. Ukraine has not seen anything like this before. The general public, as a rule, has been able to see only the final portion: a judge in his robes pronouncing a verdict—a decision that is not subject to appeal. Today everyone who wants to can become familiar with the work in the constitutional kitchen. Total access, as they say. Well, almost total, since the confidentiality of the meeting room is still preserved.  相似文献   

深挖犯罪是公安监管部门的一项重要职能。近几年,广东公安监所部门在深挖犯罪工作中采取了一系列的措施,取得了一定的成绩。但与深挖犯罪成绩卓著的省份相比较,在深挖犯罪的意识、机构的专门化以及奖励、运行机制等方面也存在不少问题,应当引起关注并着力加以解决。  相似文献   

郑海 《政法学刊》2007,24(2):99-103
21世纪是知识经济的时代,全世界都把发展教育,尤其是高等教育,作为国家发展的巨大推动力。中国也不例外,迄今全国各地出现了五十多座大学城就是一个明证。但大学城的兴建导致原住民的移民搬迁,引发了一系列治安问题。故有必要探讨大学城及其周边治安问题的应对之策,从而促进大学城与周边农村建设及和谐发展。  相似文献   

收集公安视频教学素材的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戴勇敢 《政法学刊》2004,21(6):98-99
公安视频教学素材在教学中日愈起到重要作用,近年来,电视节目日益丰富,有的很适合教学需要,成为公安视频教学素材的重要来源。在收集过程中,首先应注意收集电视节目预告,然后采用好的方法进行录制,再对之加工、保存,在使用过程中要根据著作权法进行合理使用。  相似文献   

版权法上公共领域的衰落与兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
版权法上公共领域是人类自由文化创造的源泉,但20世纪晚近以降,一种将"版权财产"与"公共领域"对立起来加以看待的做法开始变得日益兴盛,致使版权法上公共领域日趋衰亡。该种衰落背后的近因还在于当今的版权受到两种错误思潮的影响:其一,是"浪漫主义的作者观"在版权法上的错误配置;其二,是"有价值便有权利"以及"版权保护必须和复制技术成反比例变化"的观念在版权人世界的广为流传。而为了使版权法公共领域重获兴起,除了需要展开理念上的转型而推行"义务公共领域"的理论学说外,我们还需要展开一系列的制度创新:如展开"创作共享"公有领域运动、迈向"自由演绎"公共领域的未来以及建立网络时代的"默示许可"公有空间等等,由此我们才能看到版权法上公共领域重获兴起的曙光。  相似文献   

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