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AROUND 300 years ago, the first group of Korean migrants from the Korean Peninsula set foot in northeast China -- forefathers of the Korean residents of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province. On December 24, 1991, the United Nations Development Program announced its plan to raise a total of US $30 billion in 20 years for the international development of the Tumen River Delta. This grand plan has opened up broad prospects for Yanbian, which is located in the delta.…  相似文献   

The Home Afar     
<正>Young people from all over China develop new rural designs in Xinjiang Though not from Xinjiang,Shao Xiangli considers the place his second home.In 2017,aged 40 and a civil servant with the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission in Beijing,the primary regulator of the country’s banking business,Shao applied to work in Urumqi,  相似文献   

The Road Home     
The haunting dreams of home finally come true four decades after these war veterans crossed the Straits.  相似文献   

The Idea of Home     
AS an old saying goes, "Home is where the heart is." So even if your home goes through changes, as long as there is love it will be there. I was born in a very small village with only a few households along the coastal area of northern Jiangsu Province, at the end of 1969. Over the 40 years of my life I have experienced many changes, moving from deep in the countryside, to a larger village, then a small town and finally a city, eventually settling down in Beijing.  相似文献   


This essay addresses issues related to leaving and recreating a home from the perspective of different kinds of movements, transformations, and diasporic ways of living. Global restructurings in the wake of neoliberal economic developments provide the main background for a discussion of contemporary global upheavals and displacements, and the concomitant mix of old and new understandings of bordercrossing, multiple or hybrid identities, and neo/colonialism. The figure of the nomad is at the center of these discussions. The nomad is described as someone who carries home as an essential psychological belonging, and who can re-create home in diverse places, anywhere.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Readers,Forum is a column that provides a space for varying perspectives on contemporary Chinese society.We invite you to submit personal viewpoints on past and current topics(in either English or Chinese).yanwei@bjreview.com Please provide your name and address along with your comments  相似文献   

CHUN YAN 《人权》2006,5(2):15-16
In 2004, Wang Chengyan, a 13-year-old Mongolian girl in theTumote Left Banner of InnerMongolia, took up her schoolbagagain and marched into the class-room of six grade of a local primaryschool. With her face shining with bril-liance, she told her friends:…  相似文献   

There is a story behind every tiny detail of the Pass By Bar:the antique wooden plaques,the sunlit courtyard,the bookshelf-lined wall filled with volumes of the Lonely Planet series,and the photos its owner has taken on his travels.  相似文献   

THE afternoon sunlight streams into the room, with its neatly-made beds, exquisite teaware set, an up-to-the minute TV, and old family photos bedecking the walls of this cozy abode in the Silver Age Apartments for Senior Citizens. This is the home of 85-year-old Shu Hongjun and his wife Li Shizhen, three years his junior. Evolving Concepts of Elderly Care The couple moved to the old folks home in 2007, at the very filial sug-gestion of their daughter. Although the  相似文献   

自9·11恐怖袭击事件发生以来,世界各国对打击恐怖主义活动达成共识并不断加大人力物力投入。以美国、加拿大、英国等国外发达国家为主的反恐装备生产商不失时机地推出各种新型搜爆排爆装备产品。为了帮助相关警务人员更好地掌握和了解世界反恐装备产品现状,本文将对国外最新搜排爆装备产品进行归类说明,希望能够提供有用参考。  相似文献   

The Spring Festival was always a toughtime of year for Zhang Yunhai. Likeother migrant workers working inurban areas, each year he would have thearduous task of competing with thousandsto buy a train ticket to his home village tocelebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, themost important festival in China, and hadto struggle with the emotional heartache ofleaving his family when returning to city life.  相似文献   


When children are moved into a new group home, best practices would suggest that collaboration is required between public child welfare workers, group home staff, and school staff to ensure an appropriate educational setting for the child with minimal delay. The purpose of this research was to examine the amount of time between placement in a new group home and enrollment and attendance in a new school. The study also sought to better understand the reasons for delays when they occur. The study included data on 45 newly placed group home youth served in 26 randomly selected group homes in 3 counties in California. Data were obtained through case record reviews and interviews conducted with social workers, group home personnel, and school staff. The data suggest that the tools and legal codes designed to facilitate the process of enrolling group home youth in school frequently are not complied with or used. Delays in enrollment and attendance were common, particularly for youth requiring special educational services; inter-agency communication among responsible parties was infrequent; and all parties too often erroneously relied on others to carry out fundamental tasks associated with school placement. Suggested procedures are offered for public child welfare workers and other parties to improve coordination and educational outcomes for youth.  相似文献   

白领相亲作为现代社会的一个普遍现象,其“弱关系”的运用实践挑战了中国社会网络研究普遍认同的“强关系”理论假设,反映出当前青年择偶条件与机制的深刻变迁。在描述与分析白领相亲的择偶条件目标定位精准化、择偶对象多元化、择偶空间加大等现代社会基础后,提出白领相亲中“强关系”无效,转而运用“弱关系”的实质,从而提出白领相亲的相关建议。  相似文献   

满昌学 《桂海论丛》2009,25(1):46-48
容县处于北部湾经济区、珠三角经济区交汇地带.北部湾开放开发所对外辐射的范围恰好就是容县籍华侨华人中最集中的东南亚一带,对容县参与北部湾开放开发是个潜在的资源优势.应充分利用优势和潜力,创新发展思路,在融入多区域经济合作中加速容县经济发展.  相似文献   

国内关于经济全球化问题的研究尚未形成一致的理论。为推进这方面研究的发展与创新,本文对我国理论界关于经济全球化问题的研究从定义、起始时间、产生原因及影响等方面进行了梳理,分析了这方面研究的进展与不足;对国内理论界关于经济全球化的研究方法和视角进行了剖析,指出了其科学性和局限性。  相似文献   

制度对人们的消费行为和消费需求有重要的促进或抑制作用。完善宏观调控、市场制度、企业制度、社会保障制度、教育、医疗制度、金融制度和法律制度是扩大有效需求的基础。  相似文献   

ITtakestwohourstodrivefromChengdu,capitalofsouthwesticPengshanCounty.ThecountyisnamedafterPengZu(theMethuselahofChina),aseniorofficialoftheStateofPeng(today'sXuzhouinJiangsuProvince).Afterretiring,PengwenttoliveinPengshanwherehelivedwellintohis130s.TOday,Pengshanhasbeenknownasthehomeoflongevity.Pengshancoversanareaof465squarekilometersandhasapopulationof320,000.Thecountyhas17timesmoreseniorcitizensthanthenationalaverage.Accordingtothecountychronicle,from1831to1910,therewere232personsov…  相似文献   

ON the ninth day of the ninth lunar month,2000 - the Double Ninth Festival - LiDongsheng, vice-governor of HainanProvince, went to visit a 108-year-oldman living in Qionghai City. The governor handedhim a red envelope containing 200 yuan in cash,expressing the hope that he may live on to the age of200. The man answered promptly, "Thank you gover-nor, but my son tells me I will live to be 300." Hiswords aroused a burst of laughter.This story has spread far and wide on HainanIsland, which …  相似文献   

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