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New wine and old wineskins: Four challenges of restorative justice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Conclusion Dissatisfaction with the current paradigm of criminal justice is leading to new programs with different visions. Some, such as restitution, can be incorporated into existing structures. Others, such as victim-offender reconciliation, point to a possible new approach to criminal justice—restorative justice. In some ways, restorative justice is simply a new application of an ancient vision. It is new wine from old vines. But those of us who celebrate the harvest are advised to remember the parable of new wine and old wineskins. Before we begin to pour—before we insert restorative features into familiar responses to crime—we would do well to reflect on what the consequences may be.This article has considered four likely consequences: the challenge to abolish criminal law, the challenge to rank multiple goals, the challenge to determine harm rationally, and the challenge to structure community-government cooperation. Although each challenge is significant, I have argued that all can be effectively addressed. Indeed, they must be if criminal justice is to become—using Justice John Kelly's image—a means of healing the wounds of crime.B.A., Wheaton College 1971; J.D., DePaul University 1975; LL.M., Georgetown University 1993. I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Karen Strong, David Carlson, Thomas Crawford, and Dr. Daniel Dreisbach.  相似文献   

Recent advances in medical technology have created possible conflicts with estate succession. Three specific medical advances that confuse succession statutes are artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, and “test tube babies.” These medical break-throughs have raised a burning question in the area of intestate succession: From whom will the child inherit, the natural parent,1 the artificial parent (donor),2 or both? This article will: 1) define the medical advances causing confusion in interpreting succession statutes; 2) discuss the current law of succession as it applies to each medical advance; and 3) propose a model statute to avoid the succession problems which currently exist.  相似文献   

It has been a quarter of a century since the first reported decision was handed down with respect to surrogate motherhood by a common law court. Since that initial decision Australian jurisdictions and the United Kingdom have seen a plethora of parliamentary inquiries, legislation and case law. This article reviews these historical legal developments in case law and legislation in both Australia and the UK to identify what, if any, trends are occurring in the regulation of surrogacy. It is suggested from this review that there is a trend towards recognising and allowing altruistic surrogacy. This raises issues of practical and theoretical importance in relation to the definition of family and the regulation of surrogacy.  相似文献   


The conceptualisation of disability is contested globally and issues in gender studies further complicate the movement towards the development of an inclusive and equal society. However, most disability and gender research studies are based on the data collected in the Global North, and little is known about disabled women in the Global South. The data presented here is from a bigger study focusing on the lived experiences of women with disabilities. This paper sets to explore how disabled women in Malaysia experience their lives in terms of marriage and motherhood prospects. The data of this qualitative study was collected from a set of in-depth interviews involving 32 women in Malaysia with physical (mobility) impairment. Over a period of 6 months, 16 Malays, 8 Chinese and 8 Indian women were interviewed twice. The analysis proposes both retrospective and introspective accounts on marriage and motherhood. The data gathered from the in-depth interviews was transcribed and analysed thematically with the help of NVivo software. The findings indicated that most participants have experienced significant barriers concerning individual constraints, familial control, and societal barriers. These were discussed with the intrinsic aspects and contextual factors of living in a patriarchal and traditional society that significantly undermined the wellbeing of disabled women in this study. Nevertheless, many of those interviewed refused to give up their hope of having a family life despite the constant struggles they encountered in their pursuit of happiness. However, their aspirations to experience family life were restricted and this caused them to experience significant psycho-emotional problems. They were constantly reminded that they were ‘disabled’ and not worthy of experiencing life like other women. The paper will discuss these challenges and negative societal attitudes towards the issue.  相似文献   

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