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初夏是旅游的好季节,我和几个老友于4月下旬随旅行团第一次从南宁乘车经东兴口岸出境到越南去旅游.在短短的几天时间里,游览了中越友谊大桥、芒街卡龙桥和边贸市场,广宁省的下龙湾一海上桂林,越南首都河内市的巴亭广场、还剑湖、镇国古寺.瞻仰了胡志明陵墓,参观了胡志明博物馆、主席府故居等景点.人是累些,但心情愉快,不仅尝到了出国游的乐趣,还领略了异国的名胜古迹和风土人情.  相似文献   

Internet(中文正式译名为“因特网”)起源于20世纪60年代,发展至今已是世界上规模最大、用户最多、影响面最广的计算机信息网络。如今它覆盖了150多个国家和地区,连接了1500多个网络,含有220万台以上的电脑,有超过2500万个用户,并以平均每小时新增l00多台计算机的速度增长①。因特网的发展从根本上加强并促进了社会成员之间的信息交流、资源共享、科学计算及技术合作,改变了人们的生活和工作方式,是人类最伟大的变革之一。一个国家In ternet的建设和使用情况如何,已成为衡量综合国力的一项重要指标。作为世界上最不发达的国家之一,老挝由于…  相似文献   

2007年10月11~31日,受教育部国际合作与交流司委托,天津工程师范学院承办了“2007年亚非职业教育行政官员及大学校长研究班”,共有来自6个亚非国家的22名校长、院长和教育部部门的高级官员参加了本次研修班。其中非洲国家是埃塞俄比亚、赞比亚和肯尼亚。此次研修班是天津工程师范学院承办的第11期亚非职业教育校长研修班。研修班期间,授课老师分别就“发展中的中国职业教育”、“中国职业学校管理模式、运行机制”、“现代职业教育培训方法”、“中国职业技能鉴定制度与实施”、“中国教育概况”、“发展中国家比较职业教育”和“以就业为导…  相似文献   

北京建城已有3000多年,特别是元帝国在此建都后,来此一游的外国人络绎不绝。特别是意大利人马可·波罗在游记中对它城墙的雄伟壮硕,市井布局的科学巧妙,以及宫室殿宇金碧辉煌的盛赞传世后,西方人的惊叹至今不衰。美国城市规划专家培根说:“在地球表面上,人类最伟大的单项工程可能就是北京城了。”欧洲著名建筑学家、城市规划专家丹麦人罗斯穆森说:“整个北京城的平面设计匀称而明朗,是世界的奇观之一,是一个卓越的纪念物,是一个伟大文明的顶峰。”然而,在二十世纪五、六十年代,北京的城墙与许多古建筑以及城市传统格局却遭到严重破坏。哈哈…  相似文献   

中俄边境旅游客源市场需求特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国中俄边境旅游业务主要开展于与俄罗斯接壤的黑龙江、吉林和内蒙古等省(自治区).黑龙江省中俄边境旅游的发展现状水平明显高于与俄罗斯接壤的其他省区,多年来的发展使其边境旅游业务形成了一定的规模并取得了骄人的成绩,具有一定的代表性和典型性.  相似文献   

一、生平及主要作品素友(1920~2002),原名阮金诚,1920年10月4日生,承天———顺化省广田县富莱村人。父亲是邮局职员,对汉文颇有修养,喜爱民间俗语、歌谣以及潘佩珠和黄叔抗等人的诗。母亲出身儒士家庭,熟悉许多歌谣和俗语。素友深受家庭环境的熏陶,六七岁时就开始学诗、写诗①。素友12岁时母亲去世,13岁时入顺化国立学校念书。期间熟读伏尔泰、卢梭、雨果、高尔基、契诃夫、莎士比亚、列夫·托尔斯泰的作品。1936年16岁在中学加入共青团,1938年7月加入印度支那共产党。1939年4月被法国殖民者逮捕入狱,先后在承天———顺化、牢保、邦美属、…  相似文献   

国王与女家庭教师 1825年,一位暹罗王子(他的继承权被夺,生命危在旦夕)躲到一座佛寺避难,平时披上黄色袈裟作僧人装扮。他的父亲,即人称彭一定一克郎的暹罗第一或至尊国王驾崩后,当年20岁的王子昭法孟固顺理成章成为王位继承人;由于他是正宫皇后的长子,就算不是他的绝对权利,但按照惯例和传统,他是菩一巴王朝合法的王位继承人。然而,他有一个同父异母的兄长,  相似文献   

母亲是村里的妇女主任,官职不大,却整日夹在那帮男干部中间,时而迎接上级检查,时而到贫困农户家中送温暖,狠心地将我和年幼的弟弟扔给奶奶看管.曾经,村里一度有人传言,说一个女人家,丈夫死得早,不好好在家带孩子,整天和那些男干部搅和在一起瞎折腾,成啥体统?这话像利剑一样,刺进我柔软的心里.  相似文献   

1.一个人的KTV 沈墨苏擎着麦克风摆出一个特拉风的姿势,憋足了气将最后一个尾音吼到云顶拉长至撒哈拉,但还是被隔壁包厢杀猪般的嚎叫声打败.那边唱<死了都要爱>,她唱<等一个晴天>.女中音沈墨苏不甘示弱地端起桌子上的水灌了大半杯后义跑到点歌机前加了,一首,就在她两眼放光摩拳擦掌眼看着歌曲高潮即将到来的时候,机子很不厚道地显示时间已到.此时隔壁男高音吼起了嘹亮的<爱死了昨天>.  相似文献   

他叫抹茶,她叫若水. 大学毕业后,她跟着他来到了温婉美丽的江南古城.两个人租了一间小房子,开始了创业的艰难,他好不容易在一家新开的分公司里,谋到了一个职位,只是这家新公司所有的环节都不健全,公司里连个餐厅都没有,午餐都需要自行解决.  相似文献   

Much of the relevant literature on Africa downplays the salience of elections for policy-making and implementation. Instead, the importance of factors such as clientelism, ethnicity, organized interest groups, and donor influence, is emphasized. We argue that, in addition, elections now motivate political elites to focus on policies they perceive to be able to gain votes. This is based on analyses of six landmark decisions made during the last 15 years in the social, productive, and public finance sectors in Tanzania and Uganda. Such policies share a number of key characteristics: they are clearly identifiable with the party in power; citizens are targeted countrywide; and policy implementation aims at immediate, visible results.  相似文献   

本文在对云南省与缅甸贸易的现状进行比较分析后利用显示性比较优势指数和贸易互补性指数,计算分析滇缅贸易进出口产品的比较优势和互补性,并为滇缅贸易的进一步发展提出一些建议。  相似文献   

This two-part article explores the experience of living and working for poverty-focused NGOs in a civil war whose roots lay in the chronically inequitable distribution of power and access to resources. Based on 12 years' work in Central America, the article reflects on the demands and constraints placed on international aid workers in the context of civil conflict; and on the ways in which relationships with local organisations and NGOs are affected. Empowerment and participation are examined from the perspective of those who reject their role as war victims. In Part Two (to be published in Volume 7, Number 1), the author examines the immediate and longerterm impacts of war and political violence, both on those who survive and on local and international workers who are concerned to address its causes and consequences.  相似文献   


Unprecedented levels of displacement make the return of refugees and internally displaced populations a critical challenge, with post-conflict minority return especially complex. This article investigates the return process in Kosovo to identify what supports and hinders sustainability. For nearly two decades the Government of Kosovo and international partners have supported the return of minorities displaced during the 1998–1999 conflict and March 2004 riots. We draw on interviews with all major stakeholder groups in return programming and on indicative survey data from 499 returnees. Using a framework adapted from Black, Koser and Munk (‘Understanding Voluntary Return’), we focus on the Kosovo return process in recent years. The survey results indicate some sustainability but high differentiation in returnees’ satisfaction. This warrants concern, as differences in returnee perspectives run along already conflictual ethnic and spatial fault lines. In post-conflict settings, sustainable return and reintegration require more than the provision of services – they require nuanced understanding of how the shadow of conflict shapes returnee experiences. Finally, we question the orthodoxy of return discourse and highlight critical factors to support sustainable return elsewhere.  相似文献   

鲁义 《东北亚论坛》2008,17(1):8-13
最近几年,由于日本和朝鲜在绑架日本人问题上严重对立,使得原本紧张的两国关系更是雪上加霜。日朝两国在绑架问题上坚持各自立场,最根本的分歧在于双方在政治、安全和战略利益方面的巨大差异。日本方面热炒绑架问题,可谓是一石两鸟。日本以防范"来自朝鲜的威胁"为由,不断强化日美同盟和增加军事实力,使军事能力在国家发展战略中的位置和作用不断提升。同时,绑架问题还是日方手中最为重要的筹码,在日朝关系正常化谈判中可以与朝方抗衡,甚至可以对冲朝方提出的"清算殖民统治的历史,进行赔偿"的要求,争取谈判主导权。  相似文献   

This article explores the role that ground troops play in aerial campaigns. Specifically, it intends to explain how ground troops affect the duration of aerial bombing campaigns. It distinguishes between the effect of ground troops on the duration of aerial campaigns that are selective and on those that are more general and less discriminate (using newly coded data on aerial strategies). The effect of ground troops may vary depending on how air power is being used. Ground troops may increase the duration of aerial campaigns in cases in which selective strategies are used during the aerial bombing campaign. In these cases, states lose the possibility of quick, “clean” victories once ground troops are introduced. In the cases of the less-discriminate bombing campaigns, the effect of ground troops is the opposite: They shorten the duration of the bombing campaign, possibly through the increased effectiveness of a combined arms approach.  相似文献   

TPP的内容、特点与日本参加的难题   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
自美国总统奥巴马在2009年11月14日访日时宣布美国将加入泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(TPP)以来,在一些APEC成员纷纷对TPP采取积极态度的情况下,日本也一直考虑参加TPP的问题。参加TPP有利于日本出口产业扩大出口,而对日本农业却会造成严重的打击。因此,日本国内出现了强烈的反对意见,主张参加者和反对参加者各执一词,争论不休,致使日本政府举棋不定,难下决断。至今尚未取得突破性进展,关键的问题在于日本农业改革的前景不容乐观。  相似文献   

中国与东盟国家经贸合作取得丰硕成果,广西与越南进出口贸易在中国与东盟国家贸易往来格局中有着重要的地位和作用。本文运用贸易引力模型方法对广西与越南进出口贸易状况进行实证分析,研究影响因素,抓住问题关键,提出对策建议。中国与东盟国家经贸合作取得丰硕成果,广西与越南进出口贸易在中国与东盟国家贸易往来格局中有着重要的地位和作用。本文运用贸易引力模型方法对广西与越南进出口贸易状况进行实证分析,研究影响因素,抓住问题关键,提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Escalation of conflict, the use of progressively more contentious tactics, is not always intended. It may occur when parties become preoccupied with ideas or feelings that impair their ability to comprehend the situation and focus on the conflict issues. Action springing from such preoccupation can initiate a set of feedback loops that are self-amplifying. In this article, I suggest that by raising their present moment awareness through formal meditation and informal day-to-day mindfulness practice, parties may reduce preoccupation and thereby amplification. Drawing on Friedrich Glasl's stages of escalation and Magorah Maruyama's work on change-amplifying feedback loops, this article examines how mindfulness might contribute to a greater awareness of psychological and systemic factors that predispose disputants to escalation of their conflict.  相似文献   

本文探讨了印度教对印度民族主义的负面影响 ,以及印度民族独立运动的领袖如何利用印度教来促成印度民族主义的形成、教派民族主义者如何利用印度教来为教派民族主义服务 ,并指出以印度教为基础的民族主义对印度社会的的双重作用。  相似文献   

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