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The paper reports on molecular biological investigations in a case of poaching which resulted in considerable damage for property. Blood traces from poaching sites have been analysed and compared with blood from two knives and a pair of trousers of the suspects. In two of three poaching sites, genomic DNA could be amplified by PCR and assigned to fallow deer. The authors could demonstrate identical allelic combinations between one of the poaching sites and a part of the traces. Problems of the legal appreciation in this case are described.  相似文献   

Allele frequency distributions for a Filipino population from the National Capital Region (NCR) were determined for eight STR loci: HUMF13A01, HUMFES/FPS, HUMvWA, HUMFOLP23, HUMD8S306, HUMCSFIPO, HUMTPOX and HUMTHO1; and a VNTR locus: D1S80. Statistical analysis showed that the nine loci showed no deviations from Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium rules. The average power of paternity exclusion for the nine loci is 0.9962 and the discriminating power is 1-2 x 10(-9). The data obtained from this study will be used as reference data for forensic DNA typing in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Li CT  Li L 《法医学杂志》2008,24(5):375-377
扩增片段长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism,AFLP)是一种用来检测基因组多态性的新一代分子标记,具有分辨率高、稳定性好、重复性好等特点.近年来,研究人员对该技术进行了不断的优化和完善,并由之衍生出多种相关技术.AFLP技术在动物、植物及微生物等许多研究领域已有广泛应用,在法医植物学中得到初步发展并成为研究热点.本文主要介绍了AFLP技术的新进展以及在法医植物学中的应用情况.  相似文献   

DYS393多态性分析及其法医学应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了Y-DNASTR基因座DYS393的多态性及其法医学应用价值,用变性PAGE结合荧光DNA自动测序仪分析及非变性PAGE,结合银染显示两种PCR扩增产物的方法,并调查了广州地区120例汉族无关男性个体DYS393等位基因分布状况;在此基础上,建立了DYS393和HumARA两基因座的复合扩增体系,结果显示DYS393基因座共检出4种等位基因,复合扩增体系可同时提供性别鉴定和个体识别的信息.  相似文献   

目的建立PCR RFLP技术检测mtDNA序列多态性的方法,调查武汉汉族人群mtDNAHVⅠ区段限制性片段长度多态性,并对PCR RFLP技术在毛干、指甲等生物检材的个体识别案件中的应用进行评估。方法应用nest PCR技术和RFLP技术建立检测mtDNAHVⅠ区段限制性片段长度多态性的方法,调查150例武汉汉族人群无关个体,同时对实际案件中的毛干、陈旧骨骼、水浸血痕等不同种类、不同保存时间和条件的生物检材进行检测。结果RsaⅠ酶切检出4种表型,频率分别为0.760、0.167、0.066和0.007,遗传差异度(GD值)为0.393,随机匹配概率(P值)为0.607。应用PCR RFLP对毛干、20年陈旧骨骼、水浸血痕进行了检测以及在个体识别及母子关系亲子鉴定案例中应用。结论用PCR RFLP法检测mtDNA序列多态性在法医物证检验中具有应用价值。  相似文献   

代谢组学及其在法医毒理学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
代谢组学是上世纪90年代中期发展起来的研究细胞和生物体的所有代谢中间体和终产物的一门新兴学科。其研究对象一般为分子量在1 000Da以下的小分子。代谢组学通过对生物体系中的小分子化合物进行定性定量分析,解析生物体系的代谢途径并揭示内源性小分子化合物与毒性、疾病、生命活动规律等的相互关系。本文综述代谢组学的概况及其在法医毒理学中的应用现状,为相关研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The myotonic dystrophy (DM) CTG repeat polymorphism has been studied in an Italian population sample. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, manual polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), and silver staining were employed. Alleles were typed by comparison with a sequenced allelic ladder. A total of 25 different alleles, spanning the range from 5 to 31 CTG triplets, was observed. The heterozygosity was 79%, and no significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found. Eighty-one meioses from parentage testing were also analyzed, and a Mendelian pattern of inheritance was observed in all cases. In addition, we could successfully type the DM locus in 20 laboratory-prepared bloodstains, with 1 ng of DNA allowing clear definition of alleles. We conclude that the CTG repeats at the DM locus may be useful for forensic applications.  相似文献   

Problematical paternity cases were additionally subjected to DNA-polymorphism analysis. 5 cases are reported, focusing on problems due to, 'silent' allele transmittance, relatively low probability for paternity, obvious occurrence of the extremely rare Rh gene complex CWc, involvement of brothers as putative fathers, non-paternity of a man although his W-value was 99.975%. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the need for DNA-polymorphism analysis, if conventional blood group tests do not lead to a clear-cut decision. Extended typing of conventional blood group polymorphisms (except HLA) cannot compete with highly polymorphic DNA loci.  相似文献   

The history of progress in any field of science is related directly to technical advances which have occurred during that period. The microscope contributed immensely to the advancement of forensic investigations in the late 19th century, with its use to study trace evidence including blood, semen, soil, paint, and biological material. The application of the discovery of x-radiation by Dr. R?entgen of Würzburg, Germany, in 1895 provided an important new tool for medical practitioners throughout the world. Its application was also realized as a potential weapon by medicolegal investigators. Discovery of the location of foreign objects, including bullets, thus became a clinical as well as a forensic technique in support of the investigation of living and deceased persons. The early application of x-ray methodology in England in 1896 by Prof. Arthur Schuster of Owens College, Manchester, in a case of a gunshot wound of a woman, is described as well as some aspects of the primitive technique which were used.  相似文献   

单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)作为第三代遗传标记,具有分布广泛、突变率低、遗传稳定及易于自动化高通量快速检测分析的特点。同时,因其扩增片段长度短、不存在复制滑动,所以利于腐败降解、痕量检材的检测。随着研究的深入,SNPs在法医学领域受到了广泛重视,与表型(ABO血型、色素沉积及颅面形态)相关的SNPs有望用于预测嫌疑人的基本特征,为案件侦破提供新的思路。本文对近年来SNPs在个体识别和表型预测的研究进行总结,介绍该领域的研究进展,为法医学工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

The project and research reported in this collection of articles follows a long-term historical pattern in forensic anthropology in which new case work and applications reveal methodological issues that need to be addressed. Forensic anthropological analysis in the area of the former Yugoslavia led to questions raised regarding the applicability of methods developed from samples in other regions. The subsequently organized project reveals that such differences exist and new methodology and data are presented to facilitate applications in the Balkan area. The effort illustrates how case applications and court testimony can stimulate research advances. The articles also serve as a model for the improvement of methodology available for global applications.  相似文献   

The present study involves the development of forensic DNA typing tests and databases for mule deer in the Province of Alberta. Two multiplex PCR reactions interrogating 10 loci were used to analyze samples from three populations of mule deer. Additionally, an amelogenin based sex-typing marker was used to determine the gender of samples. Results show that the tests and databases are appropriate for use in forensic applications. Additionally, the results indicate that there is little population structure in mule deer in Alberta and that no changes to management of this game species are suggested.  相似文献   

中国蒙古族群体mtDNA测序的聚类分析及其法医学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建立一种既节省模板、又能延长测序长度的m tDNA单倍型(群)分析方法,构建中国蒙古族mtDNA单倍型类型关系树。方法用复合扩增、巢式PCR对201名中国蒙古族m tDNA样本进行D-环区、3010~3460、4640~5204、10171~10659和14478~15204编码区域的测序分析,部份样品进行L3953/H4508等区域的测序;根据其多态界定各样本单倍型并进行聚类分析。结果L15996/H107等巢式PCR扩增产物经测序检验结果互不干扰,其分型以A等东亚人群常见的单倍型(群)为主,包括部份HV、K、J、I和U等欧洲人群优势单倍型(群),23个单倍群和共53个单倍型全部归为欧亚人群特有的M和N两大类单倍类群并呈巢式聚类。结论本研究选取的测序区域适用于构建我国各民群的m tDNA单倍型(群);复合扩增、巢式PCR法既节省模板DNA,又延长测序的长度,适用于法医学、考古学研究中的微量样本的检测。  相似文献   

Vitreus biochemistry is useful in subjects dying with uraemia, dehydration, hyponatraemia; and in the presence of osmotically active substances such as alcohol and drugs. Useful tests include sodium, potassium, chloride, urea, creatinine, osmolality, osmolar gap estimation and ethanol. The significance of calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, pH, phosphate and urate is still not clear. Transaminases and lactate dehydrogenase are found to be significantly raised; these may be associated with sudden release of hyalocyte contents at death.  相似文献   

As a direct and indirect consequence of human activities, only two subspecies, Cervus nippon sinchuanicus and Cervus nippon kopschi, currently subsist in the wild of China. However, a large population of Cervus nippon hortulorum and Cervus nippon nippon is raised in order to gain deer parts for Chinese traditional medicine. According to Chinese Wild Animal Conservation Law, hunting, capturing and trading of the wild sika deer are strictly banned, however, raising and trading of the domestic individual are permitted. Thus, it is very necessary to identify the subspecies of sika deer in China in forensic tests. In our study, we used mitochondrial DNA control region sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis to identify the subspecies of sika deer. Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences analysis revealed that two haplotypes came from the unknown samples. One is the same as the haplotype that came from the samples of wild population of C. n. kopschi. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the two haplotypes of unknown samples clustered with the haplotypes of C. n. kopschi, and had significant difference from the haplotypes of the other subspecies. These results together revealed that the unknown samples came from two individuals that belong to the wild population of C. n. kopschi living in the Qinglingfeng State Natural Reserve of Zhejiang province. Therefore, the results provide forensic evidence of illegal wild animal hunting.  相似文献   

A two watt argon ion laser has been in use in the Metropolitan Police Laboratory for about six months. During this time it has been applied to a number of cases with considerable success. Shoeprints, fingerprints, erased writing, differences in inks, transfer of inks to other surfaces, stains on clothing, differences in paints, fibres and interference patterns in glass have all been either detected or enhanced when conventional techniques have failed.  相似文献   

Zhou W  Ding M  Meng JH 《法医学杂志》2005,21(2):i002-i004
对性染色体及线粒体DNA的结构特征、遗传特征等相关基础知识及其遗传标记在法医学领域应用的研究进展等进行了综述,分析了上述各类遗传标记在法医学领域应用的利弊,以促进非常染色体DNA遗传标记在法医学实践中的应用。  相似文献   

目的比较国产基因分离胶NuHi-POP4与美国产商品ABI POP-4在法医鉴定应用中的分离性能。方法以国产基因分离胶NuHi-POP4和美国产的ABI POP-4为研究对象,分别考察其在毛细管电泳过程中对标准品LIZ500和实际样品的分离效果,并统计其电泳参数,包括电泳时间、电流、单碱基分辨率以及线性关系等,从而来比较两种胶的分离性能,评价其性能。结果 NuHi-POP4与ABI POP-4相比,不仅可以显著缩短内标和样品的分析时间,同时还表现出电流稳定、分辨率高、线性关系好等特点。结论国产NuHi-POP4与美国ABI POP-4相比,同样具有稳定、快速、高分辨等优势,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

揭示人类自然群体中D8S384基因座的基因型频率,评估D8S384基因座在法医物证中的应用价值,以及建立D8S384基因座的分型方法。用不同基因型PCR产物混合的方法,制备了D8S384等位基因分型标准物,并按照国际法医血液遗传学会DNA委员会推荐的原则命名了等位基因。采用PCR扩增、电泳分析、银染显色的方法,调查了世界3大人种11个群体1103名个体的D8S384基因型。D8S384基因座共有8个等位基因,群体内基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,群体间基因型构成有显著性差异。利用群体数据估计了D8S384基因座的法医学理论应用价值,计算得出D8S384基因座的期望杂合度为0.704±0.014,个人识别机率为0.864。D8S384基因座是一个较好的法医学STR遗传标记。  相似文献   

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