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The accurate determination of skeletal handedness is a critical requirement in physical anthropology and forensic science. To differentiate handedness, discriminant function analysis is applied using the parameters of right and left intertubercular sulci. A total of 200 matched unpaired adult humeri (100 right and 100 left), collected from the Department of Anatomy, were used to measure four parameters of the intertubercular sulcus namely, width (X1), depth (X2), angle of medial wall (X3) and angle of lateral wall (X4) and to note the presence of supratubercular ridge of Meyer (X5). The discriminant function obtained with the significant variables, angle of medial wall (X3), angle of lateral wall (X4) and presence of the supratubercular Meyer (X5) is: Y = 0.093X3 + 0.056X4 + 0.775X5 - 13.46. The accuracy of correct classification using the discriminant function is 89% which is the best starting point for handedness determination approach. The methodology of using discriminant function can be crucial for medicolegal jurisprudence.  相似文献   

Elemental analysis of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) has been shown to be useful in differentiating skeletal and nonskeletal material. X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is an attractive, nondestructive technique for forensic anthropologists, and the development of portable XRF instrumentation is promising for field applications. This study examines the performance of handheld XRF instrumentation operated in air compared to a traditional benchtop XRF device that has the ability to control the analysis atmosphere. Both instruments can be used to effectively distinguish skeletal from nonskeletal remains. However, as the measurement atmosphere affects detection levels for calcium and phosphorus, Ca/P ratios obtained from the instruments and analysis conditions were found to differ significantly, with analyses conducted in air showing significantly lower phosphorus detection. Consequently, comparison of Ca/P ratios to conclude skeletal versus nonskeletal origin must be based on data collected under similar analysis conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mitochondrial DNA analysis of skeletal material is invaluable in forensic identification, although results can vary widely among remains. Previous studies have included bones of different ages, burial conditions, and even species. In the research presented, a collection of human remains that lacked major confounders such as burial age, interment style, and gross environmental conditions, while displaying a very broad range of skeletal degradation, were examined for both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) quality and quantity. Overall skeletal weathering, individual bone weathering, and bone variety were considered. Neither skeletal nor bone weathering influenced DNA quality or quantity, indicating that factors that degrade bone do not have the same effect on DNA. In contrast, bone variety, regardless of weathering level, was a significant element in DNA amplification success. Taken together, the results indicate that neither skeletal nor individual bone appearance are reliable indicators of subsequent mtDNA typing outcomes, while the type of bone assayed is.  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed since the 1970s that right-handed writers, on average, do not write or simulate handwriting any better than left-handed writers. This study has dug deeper into that question, to find narrow language environments which left-handed and right-handed writers simulate with different degrees of success or making different types of errors. These might provide useful markers of handedness in writers or forgers. The sample of 823 native Arabic-writing adults, 763 right handed and 60 left handed, first attempted to simulate two Arabic signatures. As expected, the accuracy of the simulations of the two groups was not significantly different. Simulation accuracy of a variety of narrower elements was then measured to search for small environments in which the two groups performed differently. Two elements – slant and alignment – were significantly more poorly simulated by left-handed subjects than right-handed subjects, although the differences were not great enough to be useful in suggesting the handedness of a forger. These differences in simulation accuracy were not totally explored or explained. Instead, the differences in types of errors to slant and to alignment were investigated. Left-handed simulators, but not right-handed simulators, showed a strong tendency that had been predicted for both groups: to slant strokes and letters toward the side of the writing hand, when the target strokes and letters slanted in the opposite direction. The difference between the handedness groups was great enough that a strong preference for leftward slant in an Arabic writer or forger might suggest left handedness, but not, of course, rule out right handedness. Right-handed simulators, but not left-handed simulators, showed a strong tendency that had also been predicted for both groups: for the line of writing to be higher on the side where the writing hand was located. Again, the difference between handedness groups was great enough that a strong tendency for the writing line to fall to the left in Arabic writing and simulation might suggest right handedness, but would certainly not rule out left handedness. Thus, suggestive, but not absolute, markers of handedness have been found. In an effort to explain these almost mirror-image patterns, it was noticed that the operation of two more tendencies, in addition to the operation in both groups of the two predicted tendencies, might explain the patterns of the data. If we assume that both handedness groups tended to slant toward the writing hand and tended to make the writing line higher on the side of the writing hand, the two other tendencies operating in both groups would have been a tendency to slant strokes and letters toward the end of the writing line, and a tendency for writing to fall toward the end of the writing line. The operation of these four tendencies would account quite well for the right-handed and left-handed patterns in the two groups.  相似文献   

A common task in forensic anthropology involves the estimation of the biological sex of a decedent by exploiting the sexual dimorphism between males and females. Estimation methods are often based on analysis of skeletal collections of known sex and most include a research‐based accuracy rate. However, the accuracy rates of sex estimation methods in actual forensic casework have rarely been studied. This article uses sex determinations based on DNA results from 360 forensic cases to develop accuracy rates for sex estimations conducted by forensic anthropologists. The overall rate of correct sex estimation from these cases is 94.7% with increasing accuracy rates as more skeletal material is available for analysis and as the education level and certification of the examiner increases. Nine of 19 incorrect assessments resulted from cases in which one skeletal element was available, suggesting that the use of an “undetermined” result may be more appropriate for these cases.  相似文献   

Although the assignment of sex to immature skeletal remains is considered problematic, some traits have been considered useful for both forensic and bioarchaeological applications. One such trait is the arch criterion found in subadult ilia, which is defined relative to the greater sciatic notch-auricular surface area. In adults, the composite arch has also been described in relation to this area and has proven relatively successful in sex determination. This study offers an examination of the accuracy of the arch criterion and the composite arch in determining the sex of subadult skeletal remains, and an assessment of intra- and inter-observer scoring error. A sample of 97 skeletons of known sex and age (<15 years) from the Lisbon collection (Portugal) were selected and the traits were scored by three observers on orthogonal photos of each ilium. In general the agreement within (67.7–88.5%) and between (50.5–76.3%) examiners was poor and overall accuracy (26.7–52.6%) did not meet the expectations of that reported in previous studies. The authors suggest that this derives from great variation in morphology, difficulties in interpreting criteria and possibly a lack of association between the expression of the traits and sex. Careful examination of sex-related morphology in the immature skeleton and additional blind tests of so-called useful traits should continue to be carried out.  相似文献   

Agricultural activity is a worldwide taphonomic process and can present unique challenges in the recovery of buried remains. Previous research has been mostly within the realm of site formation processes of archeological sites utilizing only surface material. This research expands upon the previous research by incorporating the distribution of subsurface material by the use of archeological excavation techniques. An experiment was conducted utilizing juvenile pig (Sus scrofa) skeletons buried in relative anatomical position at two different depths (15 cm below the surface [cmbs] and 22 cmbs). The burials were then subjected to different intervals of mechanical plowing: one, three, five, seven, or 10 plow passes. The skeletal material was recovered using pedestrian survey followed by hand excavation and screening of all sediments. This research shows that there is a significant relationship between the degree of plowing and the distance skeletal material is distributed and the percentage of material recovered undamaged.  相似文献   

目前尚无公认的活体年龄鉴定操作规范或指导文献,各国及国内不同地区,甚至同一地区不同部门,采用的鉴定方法和技术手段各不相同,可能影响鉴定结论的科学性和准确性,甚至影响了司法鉴定的公平、公正。结合相关骨龄研究进展,就活体年龄鉴定的操作规范化问题进行初步探讨,提出了"综合原则、均值原则、下限原则、及时原则"等鉴定的基本原则,认为应综合多方法、多部位、多标准进行骨龄鉴定,同时结合牙龄、第二性征、营养状态和相关病理等影响骨骼发育因素的基本信息,综合地分析、判断并加以说明,期望促进活体年龄鉴定操作规范的研讨以及司法鉴定标准化的建设。同时,提出的"鉴定四原则"对于其他较复杂的和多因素案例的法医学鉴定亦具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

李心淑 《河北法学》2003,21(5):150-152
机动车交易中涉及的所有权何时变动,在我国司法实践中历来认为以办理过户手续为准。这种 认识是不合适的,因为这种认识不符合世界上通行的物权变动制度,也不符合机动车的动产特 性。世界上通行的物权变动制度是动产以交付为准、不动产以登记为准,我们也应确立这样的物 权变动制度。  相似文献   

The increasing pace of urbanisation has meant that prehistoric Polynesian skeletal remains are frequently being recovered in New Zealand. Since such material must often be reinterred quickly, it is important that the sex of individuals be determined from the remains in a relatively short time. For this purpose, discriminant function analysis was utilised for sex determination of prehistoric adult New Zealand Polynesian calcanei (26 male and 22 female). Five measurements were taken and subjected to Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) discriminant function analysis. For the discriminant functions derived, accuracy of sex determination ranged from 88.4 to 93.5%. Reduction in error over random assignment by sex ranged from 77 to 87%.  相似文献   

正义历来是法律所追求的价值目标之一,但其从来都不是空洞和抽象的,需要用具体的方法和标准对其进行诠释和分析。在金融全球化趋势日益加深的今天,从法经济学的视角,对金融监管法的正义性价值目标进行分析和诠释,对于进一步完善我国金融监管法体系,维护我国金融安全与稳定意义深远。运用法经济学的分析方法,从立法、执法和司法三个方面对我国现行的金融监管法进行分析,以促进我国金融监管法正义价值目标的最终实现。  相似文献   

论国家豁免中商业交易的认定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张露藜 《现代法学》2006,28(2):150-156
在国家豁免领域内,各国的国内立法和国际条约都规定国家从事以追求利润为目的的商业交易不得援引豁免。但是,如何建立一个公认的法律标准来认定商业交易则并非易事。由于所有对商业交易的定义都是难以捉摸和模糊不清的,很难清楚和准确地将某一行为归于商业行为或非商业行为。在确定一个行为是否是商业交易时,法院通常将行为的目的或性质确定为验证行为特征的辅助手段。但不论是行为的目的或性质都不能提供完全满意的区分标准,因而产生了另一种更广义的区分标准,即混合标准。鉴于目前尚未找到共同的国际标准,在区分商业行为和主权行为时,联合国国际法委员会所提倡的混合标准说仍不失为一个较为理想的折衷之道。  相似文献   

The identification of biological race (ancestry) in skeletal material is an important aspect of forensic investigations. While techniques for race determination are well established for adult skeletons, identification of race in sub-adult specimens has not been widely addressed. The present study investigates racial differences in the mandibular morphology of sub-adult specimens using geometric morphometric analyses. One hundred and seventy-four mandibles from five morphologically distinct samples were digitized and subjected to general Procrustes analysis. Results showed significant morphological differences between the samples and obtained cross-validation results of over 70% accuracy in identification of unknown individuals using the complete mandible. It is suggested that these techniques could provide a method for the identification of race in sub-adult individuals.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have assessed side dominance assuming arm bones on the side of handedness will be larger, but concerns over sample size or replicability of measurements usually emerged. Attempting to improve upon these limitations, this investigation analyzes patterns of side difference for standard length and transverse dimensions of the scapula, clavicle, humerus, ulna, and radius for 137 individuals of known handedness. The results showed that with few exceptions, the right side of the skeleton was consistently larger in most individuals regardless of side dominance. Combinations of other measurements previously suggested to be indicative of handedness as well as the use of discriminant analysis also failed to provide reliable estimators. These findings are likely related to the fact that activities of modern individuals are generally not sufficiently unilateral in their stresses to cause asymmetrical development in the arm bones. Therefore, it is recommended that other means be developed to assess side dominance.  相似文献   

With increasing urban development in New Zealand, prehistoric Polynesian skeletal remains are frequently being recovered. Since such material must often be reinterred quickly, it has become important that the sex of individuals be determined from the remains in a relatively short time. For this purpose, discriminant function analysis was utilised for sex determination of prehistoric adult New Zealand Polynesian innominates (21 male and 35 female). Maximum diameter of the acetabulum was measured and subjected to SPSS direct discriminant function analysis. Accuracy of sex determination ranged from 85.2% to 86.2%. Reduction in error over random assignment by sex ranged from 70% to 72%. The two discriminant functions derived will provide a useful tool for the assessment of human remains in the forensic and archaeological context because they incorporate a single measurement which can be taken on incomplete bones.  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposed association of bilateral asymmetry of the jugular foramen as an indicator of handedness observable from cranial morphology. The jugular foramina of 54 subjects were observed for size asymmetry during routine autopsy procedures. Hand preference data were collected on each subject from family members. Of the 54 subjects, 47 were documented as being right-handed and 7 as being left-handed. These values approximate the average percentage of right-handed versus left-handed individuals from larger populations. Jugular foramen asymmetry was qualitatively identified for 36 subjects (66.7%) and was judged equivocal for the other 18 (33.3%). Of the 36 subjects exhibiting asymmetry, 28 (77.7%) showed positive correlation between the asymmetry direction and handedness. This moderate level of congruence, coupled with the result that 4 of the 7 left-handers exhibited dominant right-side foramina, casts doubt on the reliable use of jugular foramen asymmetry for estimating handedness.  相似文献   

The purpose of our investigation is to appreciate the usefulness of zinc determination in the human body with regard to the tracing of chronic alcoholism at forensic autopsies. The analysis of zinc was performed in vitreous humour and in skeletal muscle. Our results tend to prove that, in post-mortem material, zinc is not a suitable marker of chronic alcoholism. Furthermore one has to take into account the frequent contamination during collection and storage of the samples and also the post-mortem increase of zinc in the vitreous humour due to autolysis.  相似文献   

The medico-legal investigation of skeletons is a trans-disciplinary effort by forensic scientists as well as physical anthropologists. The advent of DNA extraction and amplification from bones and teeth has led to the assumption that morphological assessment of skeletal remains might soon become obsolete. But despite the introduction and success of molecular biology, the analysis of skeletal biology will remain an integral part of the identification process. This is due to the fact, that the skeletal record allows relatively fast and accurate inferences about the identity of the victim. Moreover, a standard biological profile may be established to effectively narrow the police investigator's search parameters. The following study demonstrates how skeletal biology may collaborate in the forensic investigation and support DNA fingerprinting evidence.In this case, the information gained from standard morphological methods about the unknown person's sex, age and heritage immediately led the police to suspect, that the remains were that of a young man from Vietnam, who had been missing for 2.5 years. The investigation then quickly shifted to prove the victim's identity via DNA extraction and mtDNA sequence analysis and biostatistical calculations involving questions of kinship [4].  相似文献   

Analyzing and identifying skeletal remains becomes increasingly difficult when remains have been cremated, especially in cases where the cremated material may have been intentionally contaminated with nonskeletal material. This study examined the potential of X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) to detect the presence of nonskeletal contaminants in samples of cremains. Eleven samples of cremains were variably combined with concrete mix and analyzed using XRF. Photon counts of elements in each sample were analyzed, and the coefficient of determination (R2) using unweighted linear regression as a function of percent cremains was calculated. Results showed that with changes in the proportion of skeletal material and contaminant, there were significant (R2 > 0.90) changes in detected levels of phosphorus, potassium, zinc, aluminum, and sulfur. The use of XRF is concluded to be a valid approach in the identification of the presence of nonskeletal material in potentially contaminated cremains.  相似文献   

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