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莫国香  阎莉 《学理论》2009,(24):44-46
女性与科学是研究科学及科学史问题的重要内容。国内外学者近年来,围绕女性与科学发表了大量的文章,本文着重从“人类发展的需要、社会进步和时代发展的需要、女性求知需要、自我实现需要”和“传统科学发展存在偏差、女性有未开发的智力和性别优势、女性有独特的关注内容、研究方法”等女性与科学关联的角度进行剖析,为女性进入科学提供一个新的合理性和内在逻辑可能。  相似文献   

科学与艺术的关联   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
一般说来,科学与艺术存在着认识与体验、理性与非理性、客观性与个性、求真与求美的差别,但是,这种差别只是相对的,不是绝对的.科学包含着重要的体验、非理性、个性和求美的因素,艺术也包含着重要的认识、理性、客观性和求真的因素.科学与艺术有着深刻的关联.  相似文献   

后现代女性主义心理学是在后现代主义的影响下女性心理学整体上发生后现代转向的产物。它摆脱了女性心理学的两种传统,从强调性别差异和抹杀性别差异的对立和争论中跳了出来,以社会文化的建构来分析性别差异的产生过程,具有自己的理论特色。这种观点对于正确认识性别差异的社会文化原因有着重要意义。  相似文献   

女性形象作为以男性文学想泉与价值取向的产物,长久以来被定义为附属品.它作为女性主义批评所关注的焦点之一,同时也是女性作家文学作品中典型的代表,然而,对女性形象的塑造在两性文学作家的笔下却截然不同.试图从女性主义批评的视角去重新诠释女性形象,对传统男权社会被歪曲的女性形象范式进行拆解和重望,构建女性真实的自我.  相似文献   

吴丽君 《学理论》2012,(8):31-32
对科学与宗教关系的类型研究从三个视角进行了整理:一是从社会系统或社会功能的视角来审视科学与宗教关系的类型;二是从历史主义的视角来把握科学与宗教二者之间关系的类型,并且阐明了国内外学者关于科学与宗教关系的类型研究的主要观点;三是指出科学与宗教关系呈现出的复杂性要求我们认识二者的本质,并且正确的处理二者的关系。  相似文献   

一代伟人严复的思想博大精深,科学兴国思想尤为突出。其思想的形成原因与当时复杂的社会环境和个人的经历密切相关。以第一次世界大战为转折点,他的思想发生了阶段性变化,由对科学的敬畏而转为失望。通过对严复的科学兴国思想进行探析,对如今提出的科教兴国战略仍然有着启迪与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

建设"两型"社会的重大任务把生态保护提到了更高的层面,而女性与生态保护有着不可分割的内在联系。在历史文化的建构中,女性概念和自然概念的相关性十分明显,男权文化下的自然与女性更是有着相似的逻辑统治,女性与自然有更密切的联系。女性特质和性别角色也使女性与生态保护有着特定的密切关系,因为女性是日常生活的主要管理者和消费者,女性在教育子女、提高家庭成员环境意识中更是具有重要作用。当代女权运动与生态保护运动都反对任何形式的压迫,倡导建立一种人与人、人与自然的新型关系。女权运动所追求的男女两性之间的平等与公正,与生态保护运动所追求整个人类对环境的公正是完全一致的。  相似文献   

我国公务员在科学素质方面存在的问题主要表现为:经验成分与科学知识并存时依赖经验成分过多; 体制制约与科学精神同在时跟着体制走的过多;在服从上级与尊重客观规律面前,服从甚至盲从上级过多;在尊重领导指示与尊重科技人员意见相冲突时,尊重领导指示为主;权力影响力与人文影响力并存时,依赖权力影响力去发号施令的过多。其根源主要是计划经济的惯性;小生产意识的惰性;个人利益的刚性;唯书、唯上的奴性。提高公务员科学素质的基本途径包括:深化体制改革;加强党风廉政建设;利用科学技术的新成果不断转变政府职能;切实加强公务员绩效考评制度;强化公务员科学素质的培养和科学决策的训练。  相似文献   

在中国,两次现代化和科学文化的历史变迁有着本质的关联.在两次现代化的过程中,科学文化一直是重要的动力因子,它的变化反映着中国社会的变化.研究科学文化在中国现代化进程中的兴起、发展的曲折矛盾的过程,对致力赶超的当代中国,具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

科学人类学是近年来学界提出的人类学之新支系,对其定义与范畴的探讨尚存在有一定争议。本文在回顾产生科学人类学术学背景的基础上,梳理了中国学界对其定义的辩论、并就已有理论进行深一步探讨。要真正实现科学人类学的独立健康发展,必须超越科学史及社会学的羁绊,从人类学的角度客观看待当下的科学、人文及传统等文化类型,进而对现存二元文化进行调和与理解。  相似文献   

我国公共政策研究的基本视域是两个,即政治学(包括行政学)视域和软科学视域.本文分析了我国软科学在公共政策研究中所处的位置、所取得的成绩及存在的问题,得出了这两个学科领域需要进行科际协作的结论并提出了几点具体建议.  相似文献   

中西方公务员制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国公务员制度的建立是我国干部人事管理制度改革的重要成果,既继承和发扬了我国干部和人事工作的优良传统,总结和完善了改革开放以来干部人事制度改革的新鲜经验,又吸收和借鉴了西方国家文官制度的有益做法,已在现阶段形成了中国特色.本文试从中西方公务员范围的界定到公务员制度的特征差异展开对比分析,并对其发展趋势作了一些探讨.  相似文献   

Howard J. Silver 《Society》2008,45(5):422-424
The policy issues confronting the new administration in 2009 can benefit greatly from the results of social, behavioral, and economic sciences research. Climate change, energy, human capital, social, capital, migration, public health, fairness, new technologies, and foreign and defense policy are all issues that the research has addressed. The participation of social scientists in the policy process will enhance the contributions of the research.
Howard J. SilverEmail:

Policies for large‐scale research facilities (LSRFs) often highlight their spillovers to industrial innovation and their contribution to the external connectivity of the regional innovation system hosting them. Arguably, the particular institutional features of LSRFs are conducive for collaborative research. However, based on data on publications produced in 2006–2009 at the Neutron Science Directorate of Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee (United States), we find that internationalization of its collaborative research is restrained by coordination costs similar to those characterizing other institutional settings. Policies mandating LSRFs should consider that research prioritized on the basis of technological relevance limits the international reach of collaborations. Additionally, the propensity for international collaboration is lower for resident scientists than for those affiliated with domestic universities or government laboratories. Policies conceiving LSRFs as “knowledge attractors” therefore should consider the complementarities between research at a LSRF and in its academic context at a regional or national level.  相似文献   

青年教师协调教学与科研关系之浅见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田雪莹 《学理论》2011,(8):229-230
作为高校中的主要力量和重要支柱,如何实现教学和科研双赢已成为青年教师面临的最大挑战和重要问题。概述了教学和科研二者关系的演进历程,并分析了当前青年教师教学与科研工作的现状,在此基础上,提出了协调教学与科研关系,促进高校青年教师发展的途径和方法。  相似文献   

“三重三轻”:科研激励机制刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哲学社会科学激励是科研管理活动中一项重要的内容,有效的、科学的科研激励机制可以极大地激发科研人员的积极性和创造性,从而达到多出成果特别是精品成果、多出人才特别是拔尖人才的目的。本文侧重梳理了社科院系统的科研激励机制现状,并分析其中存在的问题,即重低层次激励、轻国家级政府激励,重成果、轻学者,重精神激励、轻物质激励,最后提出改进和完善科研激励机制的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which International Scientific Collaboration, as observed by the co‐authorship of journal articles written by local scientists and partners located overseas, affects the ability of research teams to produce bibliographic outputs and to contribute to local knowledge. A sample of 672 teams was randomly selected for the analyses. In addition, 20 interviews with experts and team members were administered to discuss models and results. Results show that co‐authoring with partners located overseas increases team output by nearly 40% and by between three and five bibliographic products. It also shows that a team's odds of involving Colombia in its research process are 2.2 times larger for those co‐authoring with a partner located overseas than for those that do not. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the relationship between high education and labor market in Western Balkan countries. Having in mind that all these countries are in transitional process, suffering from poor economics, poor level of investments, and high unemployment rates, it would be wise that the governments and political elites put the quality of knowledge high on agenda, regarding it as the vital incentive instrument for economic and social development. All social and political subjects should be devoted to procuring good quality of knowledge, which is sensitive to the labor market's needs in all fields. This study attempts to find answer on the question why it is not so, making qualitative, quantitative, and empirical research. It analyzes the relationship between high education and labor market's needs, identifies main factors which influence this relationship, focusing on main influence of political interests and values. The paper presents rare good cases, as lessons from experience for the future.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):443-461

Melancholia is a hybrid concept, deployed in feminist and philosophical theories politics and aesthetics, but "properly" belonging to neither. This heterogeneity of melancholia as both an aesthetic and a political category allows us to interrogate the interrelationship between gender politics and aesthetics without, however, abolishing their differences. Reinterpreted in the context of a feminist aesthetics, melancholia not only points to art's origin in the unjust and gendered division of labor and power but also to the ethical and political task of art to bear witness to the mute suffering of women cut off from the signifying possibilities of language. Moving beyond the entrenched oppositions between historicism/subjectivism, subject/object, or formalism/materialism, my own approach to an aesthetics of melancholia in women's modern novels stresses unpredictable, conflicting migrations of pain between subjects and objects, political oppression and autonomous art, language and affect.  相似文献   

We undertake an investigation of public statements and pronouncements from leaders at various universities to gain insight into institutional values and environments relative to women and their participation and advancement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and other disciplinary fields. Employing content analysis techniques to focus on terminological use and keyword interdependencies in these speeches, our findings indicate that, while gender equality is addressed as a separate topic in its own right, university leaders raise issues of gender in the context of STEM participation primarily in conjunction only with other topics. As expected, the data also support arguments suggesting diversity in general as an important goal espoused in the rhetoric of university representatives. Questions remain, however, concerning whether these speeches presage concrete institutional commitments and responses relative to the achievement of diversity, gender equality, and gender equity in the STEM professoriate.  相似文献   

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