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THOUGH bricks and tiles are ordinary building materials judged by today's standards,centuries ago commoners mostly built their houses with sun-dried adobes and thatch. Back then, bricks and tiles implied wealth and dignity, in much the same way as marble, steel and glass do today. This was particularly true of bricks and tiles featuring ornamental designs for imperial use. The most representative of these aristocratic building blocks were the bricks and tiles of the Qin and Hart dynasties. These were later followed by other ornamental brick carving techniques.  相似文献   

正Inflation eases,but a dramatic monetary loosening is unlikely After reaching a record high of 6.5 percent in July 2011,China's consumer price index(CPI) began to decline.According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS),the CPI rose 4.1 percent in December  相似文献   

In April 1980 Deng Xiaoping said, "Policies on housing construction and allocation in cities should be examined. Urbanites may purchase and build their own apartments. Not only new apartments may be sold, old ones may be too....." These were the words that sparked off China's housing reforms. The Chinese government has since concentrated on creating measures that will  相似文献   

瓷砖上潜在指印的拍摄方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓷砖作为一种装饰材料在装修中已普遍使用。因此,在室内犯罪现场中,案犯的指印遗留在瓷砖上的机会也相对较多。由于瓷砖上的指印反差非常微弱,拍摄比较困难。笔者通过大量的实验,归纳出以下几种方法。其拍摄效果非常理想。一、可见光配光方法按照物质对光的反射性质不同,可以将物质分为定向反射、漫反射和混合反射三种类型。在光束照射下,三类物质的反射光在方向和强度分布上各不相同:定向反射物质的反射光只出现在反射角方向上,其他方向上没有反射光;漫反射物质的反射光出现在所有方向上且强度相等;混合反射物质的反射光出现在一定空间范围…  相似文献   

正I live in Mombasa,a small tropical island in the Indian Ocean and one of Kenya’s prime tourist destinations,but my second home will always be Tianjin,a municipality close to Beijing.Though I have lived in several Chinese cities,like Beijing,Shenzhen in Guangdong Province and a little-known city in Jiangsu Province,it was Tianjin where I stayed and studied for one year at the start of my six-year stint in China.  相似文献   

French President Emmanuel Macron has recently come under the spotlight. He chose to side with the U.S. and the UK on military action in Syria in April, a decision likely borne of his impulse to cling to America and keep alive his dream of reviving France as a great power. He also visited Washington, D.C. as Europe's envoy in the hope of persuading the U.S. not to forsake the Iran nuclear agreement and to extend Europe's exemption from Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs. Of most concern to Macron at present is the reestablishment of France and Germany's central role in Europe, to push ahead with reform of the euro zone and to revitalize the European Union (EU).  相似文献   

To the sound of a whistle, a row of peacocks march onto a narrow bridge behind a woman carrying a basket of food for them. As she walks, the woman sprinkles a bit of food from time to time while the peacocks peck and trail behind her, cackling loudly. The woman happens to be a staff member at the China Peacock Court, a large peacock farm in Jiayuguan, a city in northwest China's Gansu Province.  相似文献   

GUAN Zhong (c. 725-645 B.C.), a prominent politician, reformer, and prime minister of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), clearly defined the traditional social division of labor between men and women 2,600 years ago: "A farmer has aconstant task, and a woman has a constant chore; if a farmer does not farm, there will be people of hunger as a consequence, and if a woman does not weave, there will be people who have no clothes to keep themselves warm." This division of labor addressed basic human needs and sustained the agricultural society of feudal China for thousands of years, providing the basis from which Chinese culture and Confucianism developed.  相似文献   

The Chinese people are arguably the world's keenest gourmands. An unexpected visitor to any Chinese household is typically urged to stay for dinner, as it gives their hosts the chance to prepare and present the most delectable dishes.  相似文献   

When I began teaching at the Armed Forces Engineering Institute of the People's Liberation Army of China in 2001,one of my subjects was The Art of War,a military treatise written by Sun Tzu(545-470 B.C.),a famous militarist and strategist in Chinese history.Since 2003,foreign officers from Asian and African countries began coming to the institute every year to study Chinese military enterprise and culture,and I taught them The Art of War.  相似文献   

Book designer brings a centuries-old technique back to life With a cup of pu’er tea and a burning sandalwood incense stick on the desk,Zhang Xiaodong begins a day’s work at his studio in Yizhuang in the southeastern suburb of Beijing.Zhang is the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage known as Dragon Scale Binding.  相似文献   

The Art of Life     
After a lifetime away, a legendary artist returns home to Beijing she's 84 and still wields a paintbrush with energy and vitality, proving the old adage that creativity knows no age barriers. Renowned Chinese-American artist Tseng Yuhe,  相似文献   

The Nomadic Art     
正Traveling troupes bring culture and joy to the remote corners of China’s vast grasslands The people living on the grassland of north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are born with a passion for art,ex-  相似文献   

The Art of Film     
正A producer's directorial debut wins international recognition By Wei Hongchen Knife in the Clear Water,a movie that revolves around a man's struggle to keep his beloved bull from being sacrificed for his dead wife's funeral rites,won the New Currents Award at the Busan International Film Festival(BIFF),which took place in South Korea in October.As one of Asia's most significant film festi-  相似文献   

At the age of 66, Wang Jie is learning a new skill—papercutting. Every Monday and Thursday afternoon, she attends a class in her neighborhood in Beijing's suburban district of Changping, with her toolkit. The kit, once a medicine box, now holds two pairs of scissors, a paper cutter, a pair of glasses, pencils, a big eraser and a roll of tape, all necessary for her lesson.  相似文献   

At 91,Lin Wusun is a staunch advocate of somersaults,that is,mental somersaults,his name for the act of translating An eminent communicator who spent his career explaining Chinese culture to foreigners and the Western way of thinking to Chinese,Lin donned a translators mantle after retirement became a foremost Chinese translator,and still keeps his hand in.  相似文献   

THE Forbidden City is Beijing's hottest tourist attraction besides the Great Wall. Situated in the heart of the city, this sprawling complex served as the imperial palace of two dynasties. In front of the complex is the Golden Water River, while behind lies Jing-shan Hill (also known as Coal Hill). This placement is far from accidental. Few visitors realize that the river and hill are in fact artificial, created in accordance with traditional Chinese feng shui principles which require a “hill at the back and water in front.” Such a position is said to bring the inhabitants happiness and good luck. Although often dismissed as superstition in modern China, it has been shown that many fengshui principles do in fact have a basis in science, overlapping with nu- merous concepts found in modern environmental architecture.  相似文献   

马立新 《青年论坛》2011,(2):112-116
从全局上审视所有世间存在的艺术品——艺术家或非艺术家创造的用于审美需要的物质文化实体产品,会发现人们对艺术品的解读只有两种方式——有些艺术品以运动的形式被解读,另一些艺术品则以静态的形式被解读;或者说,前一种艺术品具有固定的先后解读秩序,必须严格按照时间序列遵从艺术品的先后构成秩序方可被解读,这些艺术品有文学、电影、电视、戏剧、音乐、舞蹈等;而后一种艺术品则以纯粹的静态形式被直观,这些艺术品有绘画、雕塑、摄影、建筑等。依据艺术品的构成秩序和解读秩序而将艺术品划分为动、静两大类,标准清晰,容易被一般艺术接受者所掌握,同时这一标准也比较能够揭示各种艺术品的本体特征,涵盖力和统摄性强,所以我们倾向于按照这一分类标准构建新的艺术格局。  相似文献   

There is an old Chinese saying, "people take food as heaven." It is an expression of people's love of food. A well prepared dish should have pleasing colour, aroma and flavour. Cooking has occupied a lofty position in Chinese culture throughout history. The great Chinese philosopher Lao Zi once said, "Governing a great nation is much like cooking a small fish."  相似文献   

XU Beihong (1895-1953), noted painter and educator in the fine arts, played an important role in the development of Chinese art in the 20th century. Today, his work is still highly venerated, and in October this year his 1936 painting The Eagle and Pine fetched HK $21.275 million, about US $2.75 million, at an auction held by China Guardian in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

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