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THE Hot Spring Leisure City sits 20 kilometers north of the Forbidden City on Beijing's north-south axis, also known as the "artery of the dragon." It stands against the Yanshan Mountains, faces the headwater of the Wenyu River and is dotted by six hot springs - all features of geomantic supremacy.  相似文献   

Chinese Christians are filled with awe and joy at the current vibrancy of the Church in China.THEOLOGICAL education, in many ways, is the same in China as in America. I find that I hardly  相似文献   

THE Fifth Pan-Beibu Gulf (PBG) Economic Cooperation Forum opened on August 12 this year in Nanning, capital of southwestern China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. More than 400 politicians, scholars and entrepreneurs from China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines and Brunei participated.  相似文献   

XIAOZHOU Village on the southern outskirts of Guangzhou is a place of boundless opportunity - at least for Liu Jiusheng and Xie Guozheng. Liu opened his guqin (ancient zither) workshop in the village in 2007. He loves the guqin and is a skilled player. Once he bought an old one and disassembled it, finding its construction not as complicated as he had imagined. At that moment, he was struck by the impulse to make his own zithers of superb quality, and hired 26-year-old carpenter Xie to help him realize the dream.  相似文献   

AT the end of 2008, Zhongxian County of Chongqing Municipality produced China's .first cup of pure, undiluted citrus juice, a natural beverage free of additives and antiseptics. According to industry insiders, Zhongxian County in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area follows only Florida in the United States and Sao Paulo in Brazil to become a provider of high quality citrus juice to the world.  相似文献   

Haft of the world's population already lives in cities and more are on their way to becoming urbanites. Rapid urbanization is exerting unrelenting pressure on the environment, transportation, energy and employment, pushing countries around the world to work out solutions. China has approached these problems according to its own situation, and historic and cultural foundations. After years of exploration and experimentation some cities are customizing and piloting their own solutions. The import of this goes deeper than "nice and dean"; some say it is publicly and privately revolutionary.  相似文献   

Ifeel so proud of my son - many children of self-made men like me are not capable of taking over family businesses," enthuses Chen Gentu, board chairman of the Zhejiang-based Shunpu Hats Industry Co., Ltd. This grey-haired man glows with pride when talking about his son Chen Junbiao.  相似文献   

PEOPLE returning to Beijing after a few years' absence marvel at how much the city has changed, and for old Beijingers, these changes have occurred daily, before their very eyes. According to the deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Committee…  相似文献   

EVERY Saanrday and Sunday evening on Jiangsu Satellite Television, a jury of 24 single young women fire questions at a bachelor and make comments on his answers before pressing a button to either vote him off the show, or keep him. The lucky survivors of the ordeal are rewarded with their choice of a girl from the panel for a date.  相似文献   

THE conference and exhibition industry holds great promise in modem economies and countries that are well-positioned to tap into this can reap rich rewards. A good example is Davos, the small Swiss town in the Alps. Site of the World Economic Forum, the revenues and fame of this sparsely populated town are quite dispro-portionate to its size.  相似文献   

This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. Tremendous changes have taken place in Chinese society over the past three decades. With the economic and social development, China has made great progress in the human rights cause, which is closely linked to the nation's fate as human rights will progress as long as a country prospers. In the past 30 years,  相似文献   

目前,配额制已成为促进妇女参政的重要机制之一。本文从中国和印度妇女与配额制有关的参政运动开始,比较两种道路的同与不同以及背后的原因。进而引发出有关的问题和思考:在配额制问题上如何既关注数字又超越数字?在妇女参政问题上如何激活我们的历史传统?妇女为什么要参与政治?参与进去后到底要干什么?  相似文献   

LI ERPING 《人权》2013,(6):21-23
Since 2003, the Municipality of Lincang in China's Yunnan Province has launched a whole-village relocation project, which has un- precedentedly changed the living conditions of tens of thousands of ethnic minority people and greatly improved their cultural life. Lincang's practice is an effec- tive response to Article 13.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State." It has thus enriched the theory of the right to free migration.  相似文献   

RONG WEIYI 《人权》2010,(4):17-23
The efforts and achievements of the Chinese government and Non-governmental organizations in fighting against gender violence are closely assoclated with the progress of the international movement for the human rights of women and for fighting against gender violence and with the domestic social development.  相似文献   

在全球化进程中,城市的角色越来越得到各领域学者的关注,成为跨学科研究的对象。在世界城市的建设中,政治参与是衡量性别平等的重要指标之一。本文将首先对纽约、伦敦、东京和巴黎这四大城市女性参政现状进行数据对比,然后对其促进女性参政的机制进行分析与比较,主要包括国家法律保障、政党促进机制和民间促进机制这三个方面。在此基础上,我们试图从四大城市的经验中归纳出有益的经验,作为北京建设世界城市过程中性别平等目标实现的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

对于缺乏自然法传统及平等观念的中国社会而言,男女平等原则在近代民法中的确立经历了一个曲折的过程。《大清民律草案》首先在立法层面突破了旧体制的局限,初步确立了女性的独立法律地位,但却仅仅停留在文本层面,没有来得及施行就退回到《现行律民事有效部分》。不过,民初大理院却在司法裁判中,常常以"条理"的形式将《大清民律草案》中有关女性权利的进步性规定引入具体的审判实践中,以判解的方式使女性法律地位得以提高。之后,《民国民律草案》在吸收这些进步性判解的基础上,又有进一步的发展,《民国民法典》最终完全确立了男女平等原则。  相似文献   

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