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一 昨天,是父亲母亲那一代人的. 母亲那代人,两根粗粗的辫子搭在肩头.一身黄色军装,是当时最流行的颜色.也有其他颜色,比如,黑、灰、蓝、赤等.布是平纹或斜纹的,做件衣裳,非重要场合不穿.  相似文献   

广西经济“八·五”能以高出全国平均水平5个百分点的速度增长,因素很多,其中有一个就是边境贸易。特别是沿边沿海地区的超常规发展,人民生活水平迅速提高,财政收入大大增加,很大程度得力于边境贸易。90年代初正当全国各地市场疲软,经济发展速度放慢的时候,恰是越南市场开放,救活了一大批广西正在面临困境的工商企业。一直处于贫困状态的广西边境地区,也在边贸热潮中迅速崛起。 广西与越南有1020公里长的共同边界线,中国对越南的三个重要口岸中有两个在广西(凭祥、东兴),而且这两个口岸离越南的经济文化中心都很近,凭祥——河内约160公里,东兴——海防约200公里。近几年中越边贸的大部分是通过广西出口或进口的。今年2月14日途经广西的中越铁路恢复了国际联运。  相似文献   

正其次,北洋水师经费一直得不到保障,不仅采购新船、添换火炮、购置弹药得不到保证,燃料采买同样得不到保证。买煤款常常因经费紧张拖欠,这成为开平煤矿只卖次煤给北洋水师的原因之一。北洋水师无权强行征用优质煤,何况拖欠买煤款,开平煤矿当然理直气壮,所以到后来连"八槽煤"供量也在减少。最初开平煤矿为供给北洋水师舰队用煤便捷,唐廷枢总办曾修建中国最早的铁路——康胥路(后扩展至大沽),可直抵唐山矿厂,解决了运煤困难,后又开通由天津运煤至旅顺、威海卫、烟台等处,皆设立囤煤所,彻  相似文献   

煤,煤,煤 !     
正煤是大自然赐给人类、造福于人类的宝贵财富。煤炭,与钢铁、蒸汽机成为第一次工业革命的象征,在造福于人类的同时,也成为当时各国海军军舰的燃料。直到19世纪初,"石油燃料将使海军战略发生一场根本的革命"(英国近代海军奠基人费舍尔勋爵语),在当时英国海军大臣丘吉尔的极力推动下,英国海军在全世界率先弃煤,将燃油锅炉用于海军主力军舰的动力。但在此之前,各国海军无不使用煤炭做为军舰的燃料,而优质煤  相似文献   

阮小籍 《新青年》2015,(2):7-10
依旧是月圆时依旧是空山,静夜。我独自踏月归来,这凄凉如何能解!翠微山上的一阵松涛,惊破了空山的寂静。山风吹乱了窗纸上的松痕,吹不散我心头的人影。1.今日欢一场雨,天就凉了,无论你喜不喜欢,秋天来了。星期天回家,见到了昊哥。快50的人了,不见一丝的白发,依旧是20年的板寸,倍儿精神。脖子里一块和田籽料的关公夸张的大,昊哥说,这关公有灵气的,跟了自己20多年了。十七八岁我高中毕业,跟着昊哥混日子。昊哥是偷鸡摸狗的高手,跟着昊哥有肉吃有酒喝。十冬腊月,风像刀子一样的疼,围炉炖  相似文献   

This analysis centres on British and French policies concerning Mesopotamian oil between 1916 and 1920. Both Powers already had some degree of interest in oil matters before the war, but these concerns did not leave a particularly strong imprint on the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916. During the First World War, both Britain and France became aware of their lack of oil and identified Mesopotamian oil as a key war aim. Both Powers developed close relations with Royal Dutch-Shell to further their oil policies. After the war, the struggle for oil proved inseparable from the territorial settlement in the Middle East and relations with oil companies. All actors did not initially recognise this fact, and it was only during 1919–1920 that an increasing awareness developed that oil and territorial issues were inseparable. Combined with changes in political leadership, it made possible a “silent compromise” at San Remo in April 1920.  相似文献   

李学伟是活跃在当代中国艺坛上的一个极具个人魅力与学术思想的学者、艺术家、鉴定家.自幼受其父影响酷爱书画篆刻艺术,深造于中央美术学院与中央民族大学研究生院.书画篆刻、鉴定,师从于李光远、陈复澄、姚哲成、王镛、杨仁恺、秦公诸先生.李学伟阅历宽博,谦和处世,夙兴夜寐,从不知疲.其对书、篆、画创作体会精深,并以“致广大极精微”为学问准则.在其数十年的打拼中,从机关职员、期刊主编、拍卖行老总、美术馆馆长到央视的鉴宝专家,频繁调换的是他工作的性质,不变的却是他对书画印艺术的痴迷.能积学日富,也实由于此.  相似文献   

细雨:你好!我是一名大二的女生,我想问你的问题是:我的男友看起来很爱我,他送过我许多东西,比方说口红、围巾、袜子……但是,他从没送过我玫瑰花。一到情人节、圣诞节什么的,我们的寝室都快成玫瑰花的海洋了,那都是同寝室姐妹们的男友送的。可是,就惟独他没送我玫瑰花,每次他都送一些很实用的东西。这件事让我觉得心里很别扭。我也跟他委婉地提过,他却说,送花最不实用了。可是  相似文献   

韩德彩,曾任中国人民解放军空军师长、军长,南京军区空军副司令员,中将军衔。抗美援朝战争中,击落美军五架飞机,包括美国空军“双料王牌”飞行员哈罗德·爱德华·费希尔。  相似文献   

如果有朋友告诉你,你对他的重要性和情人一样,千万不要相信。 每一个人都有自己对待朋友和情人的情怀和方式,绝对不可能一样。 有时候,有的人会把情人的名字忘掉,改称Dear、死鬼、喂,或是Darling取代,浪漫动听。朋友的名字永远一样,就算是最亲密的好友,只会加上一个类似“贱人”的外号,有多毒就叫到多毒。 在情人面前撒娇,声音神情语气与平日在朋友面前勇猛、处惊不变以及美丽大方的形象完全不同,就像鬼上身,变了另外一个人一样,看在朋友眼里非常怪异,接近恐怖。 生病的时候,在朋友面前频频说没有事,死不了。情人一出现,局势急转直下,突然病得很重,频频“亲爱的,我很冷,怎么办?”从老鹰变成小鸟,非常戏剧性。 逛街购物的时候,不管是不是特别的日子,看到喜欢的东西,总是要买两份,因为要另一半与自己以情侣  相似文献   

落城 《新青年》2015,(4):49-50
立夏的脸颊早已变得红扑扑的,嘟着嘴气鼓鼓的坐在那里的样子像极了一只因为觅不到食物而蹲坐在一颗蘑菇身旁不肯回家的兔子。【一】立夏出生在一个蝉鸣的夏季,粉嫩嫩的肌肤在夏日里晕染出一抹清凉。大人们在她身边围成一个圈,不停夸赞着,这孩子生的真好看哪。和其他孩子一样,立夏从出身那刻起,人生里已经被加注了诸多期盼。立夏从小到大几乎席卷了所有能获得的奖项,当之无愧的做着大人们口中的"好孩子",直到遇见他。陈然是穿着一双黑色直排轮溜冰鞋出现在立夏的世界中的,  相似文献   

Following the November 1967 sterling devaluation, the British Labour government of Harold Wilson struggled to defend the new exchange rate of £1?=?$2.40. Sterling's travails continued throughout 1968 and well into 1969 despite growing evidence that the external balance was moving into the black. Its problems arose from external difficulties, notably from the growth of footloose balances of foreign currencies—especially Eurodollars—within the international economy and from instability caused by the decline of the Bretton Woods system. Labour was determined to protect the new exchange rate, since a new devaluation or even a float would have led to a run on the pound, the collapse of its economic strategy, and the failure of its attempt to build a social-democratic order in Britain. It was successful in the end thanks to growing confidence in its policies and to belated international co-operation designed to salvage the Bretton Wood regime.  相似文献   

那年,他因小儿麻痹变成跛足,天真无邪的他似乎从未在意这一点. 操场上明亮的阳光在每一个小鸟似的身影上欢快地跳跃,嬉戏的人群中,瘦小的他显得那么缓慢并且笨拙,只是灿烂的笑脸和其他小朋友一样如鲜花一般明媚.  相似文献   

This paper explains one of the central roles of alliance contracts, the prevention of undesirable military entanglement. The existing literature on alliances argues that entrapment is a major concern for potential and actual alliance partners, but it is difficult to point out clear cases of entrapment. I provide two answers to this puzzle: First, entrapment is a narrower concept than others have realized, and it is rarer than the literature suggests. Second, leaders anticipate entrapment and carefully design alliance agreements before and after states form alliances. I examine the second argument through case studies of us alliance agreements with South Korea, Japan, and Spain.  相似文献   

"大大仙"居然忘了我的预约.她问道:"你是什么时候预约的?"我诚惶诚恐地回答道:"就在昨天,我是同您亲自电话预约的."她皱了皱眉头,"我想不起来了.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a conceptual framework for alternative financial institutions in Nicaragua. The article includes a discussion on innovative services and policies, which differentiate CARUNA (National Savings and Credit Cooperative ?Caja Rural?), and other financial institutions from conventional banks. It further examines theories that have altered the way development practitioners think about the economy, poverty reduction, and the positions of men and women in the society. These theories are the feminist economic theory and alternative development theories. Specific ways to incorporate the concepts of alternative and feminist economic theories in the design of financial institutions include open credit, savings, and remittance mechanisms, and coordinating councils. The gender analysis approach was used to evaluate the design of financial institutions.  相似文献   

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