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跨界损害责任是国际责任制度的一个重要问题。2001年《关于预防危险活动的跨界损害的条款草案》和2006年《关于危险活动造成的跨界损害案件中损失分担的原则草案》两个文件标志着联合国国际法委员会的这一编纂工作告一段落。该种责任与传统国家责任之间的关系、两个草案的性质、主要内容及存在的问题,以及其对国际法中责任制度的影响值得探讨和分析。  相似文献   

完善我国动植物检疫制度与预防外来生物物种入侵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界上物种多样性最丰富的国家之一,同时也是生物多样性遭受威胁较大的国家之一。笔者在介绍我国物种入侵现状、国际社会在保护生物多样性方面的努力以及我国检疫历史、检疫制度的作用后,阐述了为保护我国生物的多样性,除了加入相关国际条约外,我国应当尽力完善动植物检疫制度以及如何完善我国的动植物检疫制度。  相似文献   

跨国界环境损害国家责任——外来物种入侵承责问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,外来物种入侵已成为威胁世界物种多样性与生态环境的主要原因之一。本文在分析有关物种跨国界损害的国家责任制度的基础上,提出国家应对外来物种入侵承担国家责任的观点,即物种来源国、物种引入国以及个人应当依照共同责任原则承担责任,促使国际环境法主体特别是国家更好地约束自己的行为,最大限度地避免环境损害的发生;同时我国也应积极完善相关防治的法律制度,加强与其他国家之间的国际合作,以减轻或避免外来物种入侵给我国带来的损失。  相似文献   

There is growing awareness of the environmental problems causedby the introduction of invasive alien species, described bythe IUCN as one of the major threats to biological diversity.Despite difficulties in definition and identification, internationalregimes have increasingly attempted to tackle the issue, withover 40 treaties referring to the regulation of invasive species.But current international law is acknowledged to have severeshortcomings. Quarantine controls, though originally designedto protect human health and agricultural commerce, could playa critical role as a country’s first line of defence incontaining the spread of invasive alien species. The internationalquarantine regime is conceptually well placed to spearhead thefight against invasive alien species, but there are considerableproblems with the current structures. An analysis of how currentinternational trade law and in particular the 1994 Agreementon Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures may conflict with internationaland national quarantine measures shows that the World TradeOrganization, in its enthusiasm to prevent quarantine laws beingused as a disguised restriction on trade, has discouraged membersfrom using such laws to stem the spread of invasive alien species.Much greater cooperation between the relevant parties will berequired to reverse this trend.  相似文献   

苏祖鹏  林芳惠 《河北法学》2005,23(3):113-115
随着交通工具和国际贸易的迅猛发展,外来物种入侵已成为威胁我国生物多样性与生态环境的主要原因之一。 然而,我国现行防范外来物种入侵的相关立法相对滞后,存在许多不足之处,拟就其存在问题提出自己的几点建 议。  相似文献   

事后防止实际损害结果发生是司法实践中常见的一种量刑情节 ,但由于现行刑法只将其作为酌定情节对待 ,实际执行中随意性很大 ,既影响了执法的平衡 ,也不利于鼓励犯罪行为人中途自动退出犯罪。因此 ,作者建议将事后防止实际损害结果发生的行为由酌定量刑情节上升为法定量刑情节  相似文献   

童光法 《北方法学》2010,4(5):61-67
为了避免负外部性,针对有意引种,应当设计许可证、清单、环境风险影响评估制度及相应的数据库;针对无意引种,就运输、旅游等活动或行业应设立外来物种入侵强制责任保险。为了矫正负外部性,针对有意引种入侵,由引种人承担无过错责任,其责任构成包括引种行为、他人合法权益或环境生态的损害及其之间的因果关系;考虑到有意引种人无法承担巨额的损害赔偿,建议设立相应的外来物种入侵责任保险和责任承担限额制度。不主张让无意引种人承担损害赔偿责任。在无意引种和自然原因引起外来物种入侵的情形,主张设立外来物种入侵的防治基金。涉及生态环境的损害,主张由当地的环境保护主管机构代表行使相应的救济权利。  相似文献   

从诉讼运行的角度讲,"不枉不纵/程序合法"仅是一种具有理想色彩的迷思,相反,刑事司法错误在诉讼现实中无可难免。这主要是因为,主观上,刑事司法制度的构建与运行受制于人类的有限理性;客观上,刑事司法活动的开启与完成也受到认知规律和物证技术的限制,难以保障不枉不纵和程序合法。而刑事司法错误的现实危害却极大,微观上造成本案权益的损失与司法成本的耗费,宏观上则导致程序刚性的式微与国家信用的流失。  相似文献   

This paper isolates crime prevention policy implications which stem from a series of interrelated environmental studies of residential burglaries. A number of crime prevention strategies are developed using a systems approach. It is argued that changes made to the environments of individuals, groups, communities, organizations, and society can achieve lower risks of residential burglary victimization.  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(八)》增设危险驾驶罪,把醉酒驾驶和在道路上驾车竞驶行为犯罪化,突破刑法规制交通违法行为只惩罚造成实害行为的窠臼,且《刑法修正案(九)》进一步把诸多没有造成实害的危险驾驶行为犯罪化。对于把危险驾驶行为犯罪化,从而进一步严密交通安全刑事法网的预防性立法措施,中国刑法学界并没有达成共识。同时,学界从风险社会理论角度对危险驾驶行为是否入罪的理论解析,亦存在很大盲区,导致理论争讼绕开了实质问题。违反道路安全法的、导致实害结果可能的危险驾驶行为,不是单纯的交通风险行为,而是属于英美刑法中的由危害原则派生的间接危害行为。属于间接危害行为的危险驾驶行为具有的客观危害和主观可责罚性,是其可被犯罪化的根据。把属于间接危害行为的危险驾驶行为犯罪化,不能违背公平正义原则,其犯罪化亦必然应受到限制。  相似文献   

The illegal trade in ammunition in the Netherlands seems to be a small-scale problem. However, as a result of high profits and a small chance of being caught, it is an extremely attractive criminal activity for malicious individuals. The criminal purchase of ammunition is facilitated by weaknesses in the logistic supply chain for legal ammunition, current legislation on the purchase, possession, transport and use of ammunition and the inadequacy with which Dutch government agencies enforce the laws. The fight against the criminal purchase of ammunition could benefit from the adoption of an automated registration system by arms dealers, the use of a different type of freighting method for legal ammunition transport and a common approach by European law enforcement agencies.  相似文献   

This article examines problems relating to alien or non-native species. These are sometimes a matter of grave concern and feature regularly in news items. Current legislation appears unable to control these plants and animals until they have become such a threat to other species that the only available action is to cull them, sometimes to the point of total eradication; a solution that is undesirable unless there are no other options. Therefore, relevant cases are studied in some detail to highlight potential loopholes in the law. Finally, the article considers important new developments in United Kingdom legislation and suggests some possible amendments further to ameliorate the situation. Bridget Martin is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the Lancashire Law School.  相似文献   

作为环境保护法的一个重要组成部分,英国的野生动植物保护法在最近数十年间得到了迅速发展,其较为集中地反映出伴随着社会的进步,人们思想观念的变化以及民众对于相对弱势的动物的仁慈和关怀。英国动物保护法在其创制和实施的过程中,获得了一些成功的经验,对于我们亦不乏一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

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