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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Books recived in this article: Official Language Populations in Canda: Patterns and Contacts Par DONALAD G. CARTWRIGHT. Public Administration: A comparative Perspective Par FERREL HEADY. Canadian Housing Policy Research: Some Initial Impressions By J. BARRY CULLINGWORTH. The Demand for Housing in Canada By MARION STEELE International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization Contemporary Developments Edited by DONALD C. ROWAT. Civil Servants and Public Policy: A Comparative Study of International Secretariats By ROBERT I. MCLAREN. Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining By GERALD E. PHILLIPS. Planning Useful Evaluations: Evaluation Assessment By LEONARD RUTMAN. The Acceptable Mean: The Tax Rental Agreements, 1941–1962. R.M. BURNS. Resoures Policy: International Perspectives Edited by PETER N. NEMETEZ.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The History of City Planning: a survey By Michael Huco-Brunt. Old Age Pensions and Policy-Making in Canada By KENNETH BRYDEN. Front-Bench Opposition: The role of the leader of the Opposition, the Shadow Cabinet and Shadow Government in British Politics By R.M. punnett. Land: private property, public control By R.W.G. BRYANT. Elites in the Policy Process By Robert presthus. Public Involvement in Local Government in the 1970's By the MANAGEMENT INFORMATION service. Policy Analysis in Local Government: a systems approach to decision-making By kenneth l. kraemer. Patterns of Australian Federalism By J.E. Richardson. Revenue-Sharing in the Federal Republic of Germany By J.S.H. hunter. Power in Britain Edited by JOHN URRY. Economic Analysis and Canadian Policy By DAVID STAGER. Administrative Theories and Politics By PETER SELF.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Canada: A Socio-Political Report, By Ronald Manzer. Post-Secondary Education in a Technological Society Edited by T. H. mcleod. Bureaucratic politics and foreign policy By MORTON H. HALPERIN. with the assistance of PRISCILLA CLAPP and ARNOLD KANTER. The Rise of the City Manager By RICHARD J. STILLMAN II. Issues in Canadian Public Policy Edited by G. BRUCE DOERN and V. SEYMOUR WILSON. Protecting the Environment: Issues and Choices — Canadian Perspectives Edited by O. P. DWIVEDI. Les Systèmes Juridiques de Détermination des Salaires By Par René.  相似文献   

Current Good Practices and New Developments in Public Service Management: A Profile of the Public Service of Canada Public Administration Illuminated and Inspired by the Arts Edited by CHARLES T. GOODSELL and NANCY MURRAY. Resource and Environmental Management in Canada: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty Edited by BRUCE MITCHELL. Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Canada: Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning? Edited by GENE SWIMMER and MARK THOMPSON. The Art of Judgment: A Study of Policy Making By SIR GEOFFREY VICKERS.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Les relations intergouvernementales au Canada, 1867–1967, Par gérard VEILLEUX Recovering Canada's Nationhood By D. W. CARR Independence: The Canadian Challenge Edited by ABRAHAM ROTSTEIN and GARY LAX Canadian Federalism: Myth or Reality? Edited by J. PETER MEEKISON Labour Economics in Canada By SYLVIA OSTRY and MAHMOOD A. ZAIDI State Enterprise: Business or Politics? By DAVID COOMBES Politics, Finance and the Role of Economics: An Essay on the Control of Public Enterprise By c. D. FOSTER Economic Analysis and Public Enterprises By RALPH TURVEY International Community Power Structures By DELBERT c. MILLER Papers Relating to the President's Departmental Reorganization Program — A Reference Compilation By the OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Style in Administration: Readings in British Public Administration Edited by RICHARD A. CHAPMAN and A. DUNSIRE  相似文献   

DAVID M. CAMERON More Than an Academic Question: Univdrsity, Government and Policy in Canada Compte rendu de Pierre Cazalis GORDON SELMAN The Foundations of Adult Education in Canada PAUL DAMPIER Reviewed by Benjamin Levin ROBERT BOARDMAN Canadian Environmental Policy: Ecosystems, Politics and Process Reviewed by Paul Wilson PETER J. BERGERSON Teaching Public Policy: Theo?y, Research and Practice Reviewed by Paul Barker CAROL H. WEISS Organizations for Policy Analysis: Helfiing Government Think Reviewed by Evert A. Lindquist DAVID N. AMMONS Renuiting Local Government Executives JAMES J. GLASS Reviewed by Peter G. Boswell GERALD N. ROSENBERG The Hollow Hope - Can Courts Bring About Social Change? Reviewed by Hugh Mellon RENfE DUPUIS La question indienne au Canada Compte rendu de Eric Gourdeau  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Prometheus Wired: The Hope for Democracy in the Age of Network Technology By darin barney. Rethinking Democratic Accountability By Robert d. behn. Success and Failure in Public Governance: A Comparative Analysis Edited by mark bovens, paul t hart and b. guy peters. Education Matters: Selected Essays by Alan B. Krueger By alan b. krueger Economists of the Twentieth Century series, edited by David Colander and Mark Blaug. The World Is Our Witness: The Historic Journey of the Nisga'a Into Canada By tom molloy. Secrecy. The American Experience By daniel p. moynihan. Between State and Market: Essays on Charity Law and Policy in Canada Edited by jim phillips, bruce chapman and david stevens. Memoirs of a Very Civil Servant: Mackenzle King to Pierre Trudeau By gordon robertson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada: Volume II, Lessor, 1946–1968 Par john hilliker et donald barry. Rethinking the Delivery of Public Services to Citizens By Leslie f. seidle . Troubled Waters: Economic Structure, Regulatory Reform, and Fisheries Trade By PETER B. DOERINGER and DAVID G. TERKLA. Justice and Identity: Antipodean Practices Edited by Margaret wilson and anna yeatman. The Road to Better Public Services: Progress and Constraints in Five Canadian Federal Agencies By g. bruce doern. Greater Toronto: Report of the gta Task Force. January 1996 Public Administration in Canada: A Text By KENNETH KERNAGHAN and DAVID SIEGEL.  相似文献   

Judges and Judging: Inside the Canadian Judicial System By PETER MC CORMICK and IAN GREENE. La Guerre des Experts: comment la commission royale sur la gestion financière et l'imputabilité a perdu la bataille (The War of the Experts: how the Royal Commission on Financial Management and Accountability lost the battle). By MOHAMED CHARIH. Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada. Volume I. Les années de formation, 1909–1946 DE JOHN HILLIKER. Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume I: The Early Years, 1909–1946 By JOHN HILLIKER. Ethical Frontiers in Public Management: Seeking New Strategies for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Edited by JAMES S. BOWMAN. The Third America: The Emergence of the Nonprofit Sector in the United States By MICHAEL O'NEILL. Strategic Management of Public and Third Sector Organizations: A Handbook for Leaders By PAUL G. NUTT and ROBERT W. BACKOFF. Administrative Argument By CHRISTOPHER HOOD and MICHAEL JACKSON.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Society and Politics in Alberta: Research Papers Edited by carlo caldarola . Prairie Capitalism: Power and Influence in the New West By john Richards and lahry pratt Cordial but not Cosy: A History of the Office of the Auditor General By sonja sinclair Public Policy in Canada: Organization, Process and Management Edited by g. bruce doern and peter aucoin . The Superbureaucrats: Structure and Behaviour in Central Agencies By colin campbell and george j. szablowski . Communicating at the Top: What you need to know about communicating to run an organization By george de mare . The Professions and Public Policy Edited by philip slayton and michael j. trebil-cock . The New Managerial Grid By robebt r. blake and jane s. mouton. Les grands rouages de la machine administrative québécoise Par alain baccigalupo .  相似文献   

Globalisation et pouvoir des entreprises Apocalypse Soon? Wagering on Warnings of Global Catastrophe By STEPHEN F. HALLER Micropolitics and Canadian Business: Paper, Steel and the Airlines By PETER CLANCY. La prévision‐prospective en gestion:Tourisme, loisir, culture De JEAN STAFFORD et BRUNO SARRASIN. Canada's Regional Innovation Systems: The Science‐based Industries By JORGE NIOSI. Strategic Planning for Public and Non‐Profit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement (3rd Edition) By JOHN M. BRYSON. Strengthening Canadian Democracy Edited by PAUL HOWE, RICHARD JOHNSTON and ANDRÉ BLAIS. Executive Styles in Canada: Cabinet Structure and Leadership Practices in Canadian Government Edited by LUC BERNIER, KEITH BROWNSEY and MICHAEL HOWLETT.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: ProFile Index: Canadian Provincial and Municipal Publications 1974 / Index ProFile: Publications provinciales et municipales canadiennes 1974 Une économie à libérer By Par maurice saint-germain. Police, culture et société Pressure Group Behaviour in Canadian Politics Edited by A. PAUL PROSS. Ethical Conduct: Guidelines for Government Employees / Comportement Professionnel: Directives à l'Intention des Fonctionnaires By Kenneth kernaghan. How to Manage by Objectives By JOHN W. HUMBLE. Report of the Nova Scotia Royal Commission on Education, Public Services and Provincial-Municipal Relations By James D. McNiven. Governing Greater Stockholm: a Study of Policy Development and System Change By THOMAS J. ANTON. Public Sector Employment Selection: A Manual for The Personnel Generalist Edited by GRACE H. WRIGHT. The New Zealand Bureaucrat By THOMAS B. SMITH. Accounting Income Models: an application and evaluation By JOHN R. HANNA. Incomes Policy and Inflation Edited by Michael parkin and MICHAEL T. SUMNER. Man vs the Welfare State By HENRY HAZLITT. Understanding Public Policy By THOMAS R. DYE. Canadian Public Land Use in Perspective Edited by J.G. NELSON, R.C. SCACE, and R. KOURI. Les Systèmes d'information aux fins de gestion PAR ROLLAND HURTUBISE.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Canada and Immigration: Public Policy and Public Concern Canadian Public Administration Series. By FREDA HAWKINS Collective Bargaining in the Public Service THE INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF CANADA Staff Relations in the Civil Service: Fifty Years of Whitleyism By HENRY PARRIS Conseil des premiers ministres des Maritimes: premier rapport annuel. Par LE CONSEIL Rebels and Colleagues: Advertising and Social Change in French Canada By FREDERICK ELKIN People in the Way: The Human Aspects of the Columbia River Project By J. W. WILSON The Ombudsman Plan: Essays on the Worldwide Spread of an Idea By DONALD C. ROWAT Armstrong's Fight for FM Broadcasting: One Man vs Big Business and Bureaucracy By D. H. V. ERICKSON The Nationalized Industries Since 1960: A Book of Readings Edited by LEONARD TIVEY The Role of Commissions in Pol icy-Making Edited by RICHARD A. CHAPMAN. Cost Benefit Analysis in Administration By TREVOR NEWTON Political Bureaucracy By LEWIS C. MAINZER Prelude to Administrative Theory: Essays in Social Structure and Social Process By HENRY ZENTNER  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Traité de droit administratif, par RENÉ DUSSAULT Beyond the Bottom Line - Management in Government By timothy W. plumptre. The Politics of Public Spending in Canada By donald J. savoie. Managing Change: A Guide to Producing Innovation from Within Edited by sandraj. Urban Minority Administrators: Politics, Policy and Style Edited by alberT' k. karnig and paula d. mcclain.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The City: Attacking Modern Myths Edited by ALAN POWELL Political Science Annual Vol. III (1972)Edited by JAMES A. ROBINSON The Pattern of Taxation in Canada By ALLAN M. MASLOVE The Trade-off Between Inflation and Unemployment: Some Explorations of the Recent Evidence for Canada By S. F. KALISKI The Arctic Imperative: An Overview of the Energy Crisis By RICHARD ROHMER Canadian Hospital Costs and Efficiency By R. D. FRASER The Learning Society. Report of the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario By THE COMMISSION Natural Resource Policy in Canada: Issues and Perspectives By THOMAS L. BURTON Administrative Politics and Social Change By LUIS c. GAWTHROP A Guide to Participation By JOHN C. BOLLENS and DALE ROGERS MARSHALL  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Politics of Nationalism in Canada: Cultural Conflict since 1760 is a faculty member, Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia. By DAVID CHENNELLS. Law as a Gendering Practice Karine Levasseur is a doctoral student, School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University.Edited by DOROTHY E. CHUNN and DANY LACOMBE. Restraining Equality. Human Rights Commissions in Canada By R. BRIAN HOWE and DAVID JOHNSON. The Rights Revolution Rosemary Proctor, consultant and writer on public policy and governance, was formerly a deputy minister with the Ontario government and recently director of the South Africa/Canada Program on Governance. By MICHAEL IGNATIEFF. Agricultural Policy, Volumes I and II (Part 14 of the International Library of Comparative Public Policy) Edited by WYN P. GRANT AND JOHN T.S. KEELER. Philanthropic Foundations: New Scholarship, New Possibilities Edited by ELLEN CONDLIFFE LAGEMANN. Indigenous Difference and the Constitution of Canada By PATRICK MACKLEM. Greed, Chaos and Governance: Using Public Choice to Improve Public Law By JERRY L. MASHAW. The Politics of Educational Reform in Alberta By ALLISON TAYLOR. The Public Employment Service in a Changing Labour Market By PHAN THUY, ELLEN HANSON and DAVDI PRICE.  相似文献   

Public Schools and Political Ideas: Canadian Educational Policy in Historical Perspective By RONALD MANZER. Educational Choice: Necessary But Not SuffIcient By BRUCE W. WILKINSON. Administrative Law in Canada Dr SARA BLAKE. The Future of Fiscal Federalism Edited by KEITH G. BANTING. Alberta's Local Governments: Politics and Democracy By JACK MASSON with EDWARD C. LESAGE JR. La gestion Publique dans une économie sans frontières Par RODNEY DOBELL et PHILIP STEENKAMP. Radiodiffusion et société distincte: des origines de la radio jusqu'à la Révolution tranquille au Québec De MICHEL FILION. Postmodernism and Organizations Edited by JOHN HASSARD and MARTIN PARKER. Beyond Nimby: Hazardous Waste Siting in Canada and the United States. By BARRY C. RABE. Handbook of Trainin and Development for the Public Sector De MONTGOMERY VAN WART, N. JOSEPH CAYER et STEVE COOK.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Un État Réduit? A Down-sized State? Edited by ROBERT BERNIER and JAMES IAIN GOW. Governance in a Changing Environment Edited by B. GUY PETERS and DONALD J. SAVOIE. La reforme de la constitution au Canada Par ANDRE TREMBLAY. Corporate Decision-Making in Canada Edited by RONALD J. DANIELS and RANDALL MORCK. How Ottawa Spends 1996-97 Life Under the Knife. Carleton Public Policy Series No. 18. Edited by GENE SWIMMER. Special Operating Agencies: Autonomy, Accountability, and Peformance Measurement By J. DAVID WRIGHT. Ontario Hydro at the Millennium: Has Monopoly's Moment Passed? Edited by RONALD J. DANIELS. Maintaining a Competitive Workforce: Employer-Based Training in the Canadian Economy By DEREK HUM and WAYNE SIMPSON. Hard Choices or No Choices: Assessing Program Review/L'heure des choix difficiles: L'évaluation de I'Examen des programmes. Limiting Rights: The Dilemma of Judicial Review By JANET L. HIEBERT.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Values in Conflict: The University, the Marketplace, and the Trials of Liberal Education: By Paul Axelrod Public Policy and Local Governance: Institutions in Postmodern Society: By Peter Bogason Citizenship in Transformation in Canada: Edited by Yvonne M. Hébert Canadian Forest Policy: Adapting to Change: Edited by Michael Howlett In Search of Sustainability: British Columbia Forest Policy in the 1990s: By BENJAMIN CASHORE, GEORGE HOBERG, MICHAEL Howlett, Jeremy Rayner and Jeremy Wilson Social Policy in Canada: By Ernie S. Lightman. Don Mill Biotechnology & Food for Canadians. Risk Controversy Series No. 2: By Alan Mc Hughen The Ecological Risks of Engineered Crops: By Jane Rissler and Margaret Mellon  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Military Spending in Developing Countries: How Much Is Too Much?By BRIAN s. MACDONALD Policy Innovation in the Saskatchewan Public Sector, 1971–82 Edited by ELEANOR GLOR Civil Service Reform: Building a Government that Works Par DONALD F. KETTL, PATRICIA W. INGRAHAM, RONALD P. SANDERS Reform of Retirement Income Policy: International and Canadian Perspectives Edited by KEITH G. BANTING and ROBIN BOADWAY Alternative Service Delivery: Sharing Governance in Canada Edited by ROBIN FORD and DAVID ZUSSMAN Postmodern Public Administration: Toward Discourse By CHARLES j. FOX and HUGH T. MILLER Public Management: The New Zealand Model Par JONATHAN BOSTON, JOHN MARTIN, JUNE PALLOT, PAT WALSH New Public Management and Public Administration in Canada Edited by MOHAMED CHARIH and ARTHUR DANIELS  相似文献   

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