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袁世凯的功过是非,历史早已做出了公正、客观的评价。祝曙光教授的文章《袁世凯功过辨》 (刊于《探索与争鸣》2004年第1期,以下简称“祝文”)却从一个全新的角度,得出了不同的结论。祝教授是在独辟蹊径,还袁氏历史的真面目吗?袁氏是与曹操“相似乃尔”的“治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄”吗? 如何评价袁世凯执政期间国家在经济、社会、政治、文化等方面的进展 辛亥革命之后,民族资本主义经济在中国有了一定程度的发展。“祝文”指  相似文献   

长期以来 ,人们对西汉名儒重臣萧望之褒贬不一 ,褒之者赞为社稷之臣 ,贬之者斥为弄权小人。通过对萧望之的大小行事的仔细辨析 ,可以认为 :萧望之以儒学议政 ,公正得体 ,为国谋利 ,忠心可鉴 ,应该不愧为西汉中兴名臣  相似文献   

云溪子  施君文 《小康》2004,(11):74-75
对于领导干部、一个单位的负责人而言,面对下属如何对待功过,不是一个简单的课题。于功而言,忌揽功、更忌 争功,正确的态度当是"推功"揽过"  相似文献   

假如继续将大量的资源集中到中央各部门的手中,而忽视科学有效的制度规范;假如各种垂直管理继续存在,不能充分发挥各级地方政府在市场监管方面的作用,那么,只会涌现出越来越多类似于驻京办的机构。  相似文献   

王昭建 《春秋》2012,(5):8-17
王耀武是国民党军队著名的高级将领之一.长期被蒋介石信任和重用.成为黄埔系第一个出任方面军司令官和省政府主席的人。因此.在山东长期流传着“三李(指李延年、李仙洲、李玉堂,皆系黄埔一期学员)不如一王”的说法。  相似文献   

作为一项时尚的运动,高尔夫,一进入中国就引起了争议。有人说这是一项高雅的运动,也有人说这是"绿色鸦片";有人说这是非常好的社交工具,也有人说这是腐败的重灾区;有人说高尔夫解决了大量就业问题,也有人说高尔夫占用大量耕地;有人说高尔夫的环境太优美了,也有人说高尔夫对环境的污染太严重了;……那么,我们到底应该如何认识高尔夫?真实的高尔夫到底什么样?  相似文献   

人人都有一张嘴巴。嘴巴的功能有二:进者吃饭,出者说话。俗话说:嘴巴是长在自己的脑袋上。说话要说自己的话,以表达对各种事物的看法和态度。然而也不尽然。有的人嘴巴是自己的,有时受着某种潜在意识支配,按照某种需要,说话是别人的,所以嘴巴对每个人的贡献也不尽相同,与人体其它部位和器官比较,它  相似文献   

窃国独夫袁世凯在1912年2月暗中与南方革命政府达成清帝退位后选袁为临一时大总统的协议后,即胁迫清帝退位,并推翻孙中山建都南京之议,妄以清帝“委任”建立民国和以北方各省军阀政客“拥戴”的名义,在北京组  相似文献   

1899年12月6日,清王朝任命袁世凯署理山东巡抚,仍旧节制武卫右军即新建陆军。1900年3月14日实授山东巡抚。1901年11月7日,袁世凯奉命署理直隶总督兼北洋大臣,离开山东到了保定。袁世凯在山东巡抚的位上待了共1年又11个月。19世纪末20世纪初,中国正处于风雨飘摇的激剧动荡之中。甲午战争后,帝国主义掀起了瓜分中国的狂潮。处于东部沿海又当京都门户的山东  相似文献   

“窃钩者诛,窃国者侯”。曾经有人称袁世凯为“窃国大盗”。用今天的眼光衡量,此说不妥。袁世凯摄政不是“窃”的,是孙中山“禅让”的。孙中山在南京临时政府成立伊始就一再表示:大总统这把交椅“非袁莫属”,只要他能想法使清帝逊位,赞成共和,孙即刻让出其位。掌握了大清朝军政大权的内阁总理大臣袁世凯,已经不甘心再在隆裕太后和宣统小皇帝面前俯首称臣。他想做中华民国大总统,只能赶“孤儿寡母”下台。这对他来讲是轻而易举的事。可他是个沽名钓誉之人,不想背上“乱臣贼子”和“逼宫”的罪名。于是,他的“难兄难弟”便跳将出来…  相似文献   

Sales of RQFII products prove international demand for the renminbi is growing Demand for the renminbi in Hong Kong has led several senior officials,including Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah,Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury K.C.Chan and Hong Kong Monetary Authority(HKMA) Chief Executive Norman T.L.Chan,to pay a visit to Beijing on October 29,asking the China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC) for support and exchanging views with CSRC Chairman Guo Shuqing.  相似文献   

正As of December 29,the last trading day in 2017,the Chinese yuan’s onshore exchange rate stood at 6.5120against the U.S.dollar,strengthening by 6.72 percent for the year,constituting the sharpest annual appreciation in nine years according to calculations by financial information provider Eastmoney.com.  相似文献   

正The continued devaluation of the renminbi(yuan),China's legal tender,has sparked concerns both in China and abroad.The depreciation trend that started in August 2015 hasn't shown any signs of reversing,but as a matter of fact,the depreciation of the yuan is an inevitable outcome of its internationalization,China is moving to turn the yuan into a global currency.For this purpose,the currency has to adopt a market-oriented  相似文献   

正China allows yuan funds in Hong Kong to invest in mainland securities market The renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor program, known as RQFII, has established a new mechanism for the backflow of overseas yuan funds.  相似文献   

THERE has been a lot of talk of late about the internationalization of the Renminbi into a globally traded hard currency,but no one has yet designed a clear-cut road map on how to achieve that task. China needs to incorporate this goal with a much wider and more comprehensive financial strategy that corresponds to the full potential of its economic and monetary ambitions.  相似文献   

正The People's Bank of China has been stepping up promotion of the digital yuan,a so-called Central Bank Digital Currency that aims to replace some of the cash in circulation. It represents an argument that places the country at the feverish center of a hot debate engaging international government officials,economists,bankers and business executives alike. One crucial question remains: How will this digital currency fare in daily life?  相似文献   

Yuan Goes Global     
Five cities participate in a trial program to settle overseas trade in renminbi, bringing the currency a step closer to becoming global Five of China's key manufacturing cities will launch services allowing the experimental use of the renminbi for international trade settlements. This move, aimed at reducing risks from exchange rate fluctuations, is a boon for Chinese exporters who already have had their profits squeezed at both ends.  相似文献   

<正>A yuan cross-border interbank payment system is expected to accelerate the currency’s quest to go international By Wang JunThe yuan reached yet another milestone on October 8 when the first phase of the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System(CIPS)was launched in Shanghai.The system,  相似文献   

CHINA'S opening and reform started in Shenzhen, or more specifically, in Shekou. On January 31, 1979, the Shekou Industrial Zone was established, marking the first trial  相似文献   

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