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3 The Ukraine Crisis: What does it Mean to the World and China? ZHANG Wenmu
[Abstract] The Ukraine crisis and the return of Crimea to Russia has reaffirmed the limit and boundary of the eastward expansion of the Europe-dominated "New Versailles system". Instead of settling the border issue by military force as it has been always done, Russia managed, peacefully, to retain its border, the bottom line of its existence and the very foundation and prerequisite of its future revival, and consequently rendered it almost impossible for the EU to step up its eastward expansion in the foreseeable future. From the time of Peter the Great to that of Stalin, Russia had waged wars of attrition in the Baltic countries against Europe, and yet never lost a single one over Ukraine, except for the strategic contraction during the Stalin period in World War II and the Gorbachev period. In view of Russia's "victory" over Napoleon and Hitler in history, the Westerns are fully aware that Russians would allow for no exception in the neighboring territories wherever the land forces are maneuverablel The Black Sea, which neighbors Russia and connects land, is easily accessible for ground forces and yet lies beyond the reach of the sea powers of the west. Crimea is vital to Russia and yet, registers only as "important" to the European interest. Thus, Russia would mobilize all its resources in case of Ukraine crisis, but the West would not. Given the history of Russia in Ukraine, the Ukraine crisis marks only the beginning of Russia's strike back against the EU expansion. The impact of the crisis is yet to be felt globally and its warning lessons to be learned by China. [Key Words] Ukraine crisis, Russia, NATO, Versailles System, geopolitics [Author] ZHANG Wenmu, Professor at the Centre for Strategic Studies, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beijing 100091).  相似文献   

To Consider the Applicability of the Policy Network in China -A case study on the basis of the Nujiang River hydropower development project Tian Huawen Wei Shuyan (1.Northeastern University, Shenyang, 110819;2. Shandong University of Science and Technol%~y, Qingdao 266590)Abstract: Policy network theory originated in the west, and now has formed three main schools of theory in The Euro- pean and American area. Using case study method, through anglicizing the decision-making process of the Nujiang river hydropower development project, we can view the basic characteristics of policy network in our country's public decision- making from several aspects, including the formation, the structure of the policy network, and net interaction and policy result, further to consider the applicability of the policy network theory from the west in our country. Key words: Public decision-making; Policy network; The Nujiang river hydropower development project.  相似文献   

3 Judge and Arbitrator in International Legal Procedures:Implications for the Arbitral Tribunal of the South China Sea Dispute between China and the Philippines WU Hui, SHANG Tao [Abstract] The international legal procedures comprise judicial procedures and arbitration procedures, in which the personal factors of judges and arbitrators may have certain influences on these legal activities. The judges in the international judicial procedures shall have independence, swearing to be faithful to the court or tribunal. However, such independence is relative since the political factors during election, as well as the nationality, personal thoughts and ideas of a judge in service, will affect his or her handling of the cases. Meanwhile, the independence of the arbitrators in international arbitration procedures is insufficient compared with the judges in international judicial organizations such as International Court of Justice and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. The arbitrator appointed by each party usually stands for and defends the benefit of this party. In the international legal procedures, judges and arbitrators can play a certain role in determining the procedure, calling witnesses or experts and receiving their evidence and visiting the localities to which the case relates, and attaching a separate or dissenting opinion to the award. Therefore, it is important for us to have a full understanding of the personal effects of the judges and arbitrators in international legal procedures in order to deal with the present arbitration cases China has participated in and the potential cases in future; it can also help supervise and avoid adverse personal factors when China does not participate in the arbitration proceedings or gives up appointing an arbitrator. [Key Words] United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, international legal procedures, judge, arbitrator [Authors] WU Hui, Professor, Supervisor of Doctoral Candidates, Vice-president at University of International Relations; SHANG Tao, PhD Candidate at China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.  相似文献   

(1) A New Research about Central-local Relationship: Based on the Means of Power and the Type of Power Wu Xu (School of Government, Peking University, Beijing 100871) Abstract: Since the reform in China 1980s, people have paid more and more attention to the localism, which caused the imbalance of central-local government relations. Most of the former researches have analyzed the source of localism with centralization- decentralization paradigm. They thought decentralization caused the weakness of central government,  相似文献   

There are two paradox voices about the revival of Confucianism constructed by typical phenomena, the victory and the corruption, which display the two directions of Confucianism’s transformation in Han dynasty. Behind the paradox, it’s the academic trend of skills overweighing truth and inter-ccommodation between Zhuzi(诸子); tracing the history, the performative thinking of Confucianism accommodating Zhuzi and carrying out its kingcrafts by submitting to monarch can be clearly sketched. The Confucianism doesn’t win separately by banning Zhuzi , whereas it makes the others succeed indirectly.  相似文献   

Social Adaptation of Half-Initiative and Social Adaptation of Creational Pattern ——Social Adaptation Pattern of the New Generation of the Migrant Workers
Zhuli Zhao Lulu Wu Jingang (School of Social and Behavioral Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
Abstract: Social adaptation pattern of the Migrant workers has different forms: The older generation of the migrant work- ers' pattern is more passive adaptation; most of the new generation of the migrant workers' pattern is half-Initiative adap- tation; the minority of the new generation of the migrant workers who have elite-characteristic,  相似文献   

Listening and smelling is one of the four methods of diagnosis. It refers to listening to the sounds coming from the internal organs and smelling the odours from the body as a means to know the patient''s condition. Sounds and odours from the body display physiological and pathological activities of the internal organs. Through listening and smelling, the doctor is able to detect the patient''s condition of internal organs and the  相似文献   

united front is in the process of socialist construction in China benign unique multi-carrier operation. Soft power enhancement is a systematic process that can match the United Front during the operation. The United Front has the country's soft power is converted to hard power, while hard power into a soft power conversion power. Explore the relationship between the two, on the significance of social development indispensable. Starting with Lili relations and relations with the country's soft power both analysis can unlock the strength of both hard and soft country dialectical. Thereby transforming the relationship between the force and the united front 揭明 stapler role of soft power and the country.  相似文献   

Observation of face colour is to examine the colour,brightness orlustre in the face of the patient.It is a method of diagnosis the doctoruses to Know the Conditions of the Patient. Colour and lustre of a person''s facial skin are the outward displayof his conditions of internal organs,his function of vital energy,andhis state of the blood."Classics of Interna1 Medicine",an importantancient book,says:all the sap of vital energy cirujating in the twelvepassages of three hundred and sixty-five networks pours up in the end ontothe face and its seven apertures(eyes,ears,nostrils,and mouth).Thusprosperous or withered colour in the face tells the ups and downs of the  相似文献   

Plato and Historical Origins of the Grand Strategy SO Jingxiang [Abstract] Grand Strategy is not a concept that can be strictly limited; however, it is the advanced form of political struggle in human society, and any non-military means on the state-level can be included in the scope of Grand Strategy. Whether in China or in the West, we can find some major sources of strategic thinking from history. Plato was an important starting point for Grand Strategy; he was not only the greatest philosopher and strategist in world history, but also the political leader of a Mediterranean humanist group in his time. Plato founded his own epistemological framework of Grand Strategy for humanism, and tested it through practical philosophy. Plato revealed that the human history is in effect the development of rationals and rationality is the source of survival, progress, culture, civilization for people and society. Meanwhile, human history is also a history of anti-rational, and the struggle between rational and irrational is the major theme of world history. Plato funded Athens Academy as a training base for young political leaders, and trained many outstanding humanist politicians. After Plato's death, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great made the Persian Expedition under the guidance of the Athens Academy, according to Plato's Republic ideals. He implemented the Grand Strategy of humanism, and has made great achievements unprecedented in history. Grand Strategy is always accompanied by Counter-Strategy. In the era of Grand Strategy like today, it is of more significance than ever to study and understand Grand Strategy properly. [Key Words] Plato, Grand Strategy, Counter-Strategy, Alexander the Great, Aristotle [Author] SU Jingxiang, Senior Fellow, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (Beij ing 100081).  相似文献   

Observation of shape and posture is a means of examination forillness through the survey of the patient''s shape and posture. According to TCM,changes in the shape and posture of the humanbody go in accordance with the status of blood and vigour of the internalorgans.Through observation of shape and posture,therefore,the doctordetects whether the patient''s status of blood and vigour of the internalorgans is prosperous or declining,whetber the changes in the balance ofhis various internal factors are going in a positive or negativ direction,thus hs is able to understand the trend of development of the disease.  相似文献   

Empirical Studies of Public Happiness Index --Based on a Sample Survey of Guangdong Province in 2011--2014
Zheng Fanghui Bian Xiao Qin Lei (School of Public Administration,South China University of Technology , Guangzhou 510006)
Abstract: Happiness index is an important indicator of social harmony and development,also the basis of Gross National Happiness accounting system. Defined happiness in subjective area,with the use of 10 indicators of happiness and satisfa ction,Guangdong Province Public large sample volume continuous measurements have the results. In 2010-2013,the Guan-gdong public average happiness index is 61.745,which changes little in annual. And the average happiness is 70.34,average satisfaction is only 53.14. Further, the study found that the level of economic development and income have a greater impact on public happiness index. Background has more impact on happiness but less on satisfaction. Based on the limited capacity of the environmental resources and public services, and China's social and economic development and the evolution of public policy, it has the objective necessity to study from GDP-oriented guide to the satisfaction-oriented, and finally to the happiness index-oriented.  相似文献   

The revised Law of Criminal Procedure, of which the key idea is to tighten the restraint on and supervi-sion over public power and protect the private rights effectively, shows the pursuits of refined,...  相似文献   

Interrogation occupies a very important position in the four methods of diagnosis. Through interrogation, the doctor can find out the pathogenic factors, the development of the disease and a lot of valuable information. Great ancient doctor Zhang Jingyue spoke of interrogation as "the main point in diagnosis and the first important thing in clinical practice"  相似文献   

The Buddhism state of mind which all have a kind of mightiness of Drama writer in Zhejiang of Ming Dynasty, they not only deeply clear 佛 reason, and aware of self the 援佛 go into 儒 , 援佛 to go into a way, looking for three teach of agree with a point, they much with recluse and mountain person and call, is a clear certificate.Then with the publicity Buddhist doctrine, life and death round return for create an aim to return, and beg to take true meaning from the Buddhism, melt 佛 in the heart, the mind 佛 turns, the 禅 turn, purify, pursuing to be born, super take off, return a leisure method of returning the mind.The creation of this kind of current of thought, one is the heart learns, especially the king learns leftists to populars to song house in Zhejiang in Zhejiang of influence, two is after Drama writer in Zhejiang situation has the misfortune to, the mind needs a kind of spirit good medicine that can comfort or match more.  相似文献   

Abstracts 3 The Russian Security Council: Its History and Revelation to China HU Hao [Abstract] Various measures have been initiated around the world to deal with the profound changes in the international situation and the complexity of national security which is invariably inextricably interwoven in traditional and non- traditional security issues. The Russian Security Council was founded before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and its working and decision-making mechanism was inherited and improved by Russia to meet its foreign and domestic changes.  相似文献   

Pulse feeling is a means of diagnosis characteristic of TCM. Through examining the pulse condition, the doctor can locate the focus of infection, a correct prognosis. There are quite a few methods of diagnosis by feeling the pulse. Today the most widely used one is the radial pulse method.  相似文献   

Tongue fur is the coating on the tongue. Observation of its colour and state of lustre, its form and quality is very important to the understanding of disease and the judgment of its trend. Ⅰ. Observation of the Fur Character 1. Changes in the state of body fluid can be judged according to  相似文献   

Democratic Politics, the Rational Bureaucracy and Public Administration
Abstract: Hundred years of western public administration have witnessed a tension between rational bureaucracy and democracy that has always been a major issue which has attracted much attention. Bureaucracy, widely regarded as "a wolf in sheep skin", has been an enemy of democratic governance rather than a friend. Therefore, how to coordinate the tension between rational bureaucracy and democracy becomes a core problem in the study of public administration. This paper argues that the dual value appeal of modern society to democracy and science has influenced on the theory and practice of the western public administration. The tradition of constitutional democracy makes public administration descend to the maid of constitutional values and democracy values, while rational bureaucracy often leads more and more to the an irrational way of life in modern world, and hence the multiple tensions and conflicts between "formal rationality" and "substantive irrationality". Nowadays, in China, to meet the requirements of Public Administration from modern administrative state and even the world civilization, it is necessary to break through such a traditional managerialism mode that zeroes unilaterally in on efficiency and economy, and highlight the normative values and ideas on which public administration based.  相似文献   

Limitations of the Post-New Public Management Yin Wenjia (Department of Public Administration, Guangxi Normal College, Nanning,530001 ) Abstract: As the successor and amendment of the new public man...  相似文献   

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