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正Shandong Province in east China,renowned as the birthplace of Confucius,is steeped in culture.To showcase its diverse folk art forms,the National Museum of China opened an exhibition titled Nostalgia in Mind in mid-July.The over 1,500 exhibits bring a fusion of Yellow River and littoral cultures,which Shandong has inherited by virtue of being on the lower reaches of the Yellow River and surrounded bythesea.  相似文献   

Cold Food in Jiexiu Jiexiu in central Shanxi Province is regarded as the cradle of the Qingming Festival.Folk customs during this festival have been well preserved to this day.In 2011,Cold Food in Jiexiu was included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage inventory.In the Spring and Autumn Period,Jie Zitui,a  相似文献   

许斌  胡鸿保 《思想战线》2004,30(6):14-17
“口述”和“传统”以及“口述传统”一直都存在着诸多争议。从“传统”的建构来看 ,社会记忆使“传统”通过“现在”而被呈现。从史学角度来看 ,“口述”与“历史”的携手不仅打破了历史陈述的垄断 ,赋予历史平民化、大众化的基本特色 ,而且也促使一些历史学家的史观发生转变。  相似文献   

Though I am by no means the Secret Santa —'tis the season—of sustain-able design, one aspect thereof, I am infatuated with—from head to toe: tradi-tional artisanal skill-ship.  相似文献   

The recent process of urbanization in China invites debate on whether architecture should be anchored in tradition or look solely to the future. Wang Shu’s work is able to transcend that debate.  相似文献   

泰国北部各民族中的儒教传统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活在泰国北部山地的泰族及其他少数民族 ,深受中国汉族的儒家信仰及传统观念的影响 ,特别是在“礼仪”、“尊卑”、“举止”上 ,都严格遵循儒家的规矩。同时 ,也用儒家的伦理道德来处理民族之间的关系。  相似文献   

在中国共产党迎来90华诞之际,回顾中国共产党90年的光辉历史和民建成长进步的历程,坚持接受中国共产党的领导是民建在长期实践中自身作出的历史的必然选择,也是民建发展历程中形成的最基本的经验和最重要的优良传统.在我国进入全面建设小康社会关键时期,民建作为参政党要大力弘扬与中国共产党团结合作的优良传统,同心同德跟党走、同心同向创伟业、同心同行谋发展,不断提高参政议政能力和水平,为努力实施“十二五”规划献计出力.  相似文献   

文化资本是人类创造的精神财富总和,它在构建和谐社会中发挥着重要的作用。那么,究竟有哪些文化资本可以胜任这一伟大的历史使命?这些文化资本的现实社会意义何在?为了解答上述问题,上海市社会科学界联合会与中国致公党上海市委员会联合于2006年12月5日召开研讨会以探讨文化资本的主要内涵、价值指标、作用方式以及各个时期和不同区域文化资本的形成、比较、融合等问题。本期刊登的是5位学者在研讨会上的发言摘要。--主持人:任建英  相似文献   

张新霞  梁瑞英 《前沿》2010,(4):48-50
英国思想库在政治生活里扮演了重要的角色,它们对那些想对政府政策和公众舆论施加影响的个人和组织提供了一种独立的客观的模式和方式。在政治生活中,英国思想库的活动和功能也都有自己独特的特点,而且种类繁多,规模不一。  相似文献   

Changing Trains     
“Harmony” proves more than just a name for commuters on China's new high-speed train.LAUNCHED last April,  相似文献   

Changing Gear     
正Chinese automakers are working hard to meet the challenges of the growing African market With 29 million vehicles manufactured just last year,and 3.2-percent yearon-year growth,China remains the world’s largest car manufacturer.For the past five years,Chinese automakers have been picking up speed,demonstrated by the fact that local brands now account for 60 percent of all the sales of sports utility vehicles in the country.Overall,homegrown automakers now sell nearly 50 percent of all vehicles  相似文献   

Changing Minds     
<正>Dr. Arthur Kleinman is a professor of psychiatry and medical anthropology and Director of the Harvard University Asia Center. He is an expert on global mental health and has conducted extensive  相似文献   

Changing China     
<正>Last summer,my wife and I returned to the small city of Huzhou in east China’s Zhejiang Province for the first time in three years.At the end of our stay,we visited a Buddhist temple atop a small hill near the col ege where I’d taught.As we stood on the temple’s veranda admiring the view of the sprawling city below us,an elderly nun came out of the courtyard and walked to one corner.Striking up a conversation with her,we learned that when the temple moved there about20 years ago,the same view was mostly all farmland,with only a small city center in the distance.I couldn’t imagine that.  相似文献   

Changing Dreams     
The Chinese Dream, pursued by 1.3 billion Chinese people, is the object of nmch study today. If you're talking about China and you don't mention the Chinese Dream, it even seems a little strange.  相似文献   

<正>How lanterns,salt and dinosaurs are giving new life to an old industrial city in Sichuan For Zigong,a southwestern city with a population of 3 million,winter is perhaps its most glamorous season.Every year during the Chinese New Year holiday,a largescale Lantern Festival,famed as one of the most  相似文献   

Changing China     
Who was it that effected social change? None other than the people within Chinese society. Who now reflect social change? Again, the people in society who brought it about. In this issue's article, "Witness to Changes" we introduce three common, yet extraordinary, people. One is  相似文献   

黄波粼 《湖湘论坛》2005,18(2):13-15
中国共产党实事求是的思想作风、理论联系实际的学风、密切联系群众的作风、批评与自我批证的作风、“任人唯贤”的作风、艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约的作风等等都有其传统文化渊源。在将传统文化精华转化为党的优良作风过程中 ,党的第一代领导集体尤其是毛泽东同志做出了很大贡献 ,第二代、第三代的领导集体又将其继承和发扬 ,成为强有力的执政资源 ,提高了执政能力。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战后,随着欧洲衰落和东方崛起,世界范围内逐渐出现了一个东方转向的潮流.东方转向不能简单等同于中国转向.在当今的世界文化格局中,中国作为东方多元文化中的一元,其地位和影响还是比较有限的.我们需要积极拓展中国与亚洲各国之间、中国与后发展国家之间、中国内部汉族与少数民族之间的比较研究,主动融入当今世界主义话语建构的历史进程,推动中国文化的学术创新.  相似文献   

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