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This article was the historical introductory lecture in the opening session of the Annual Meeting of the Polish Society of Forensic Medicine and Criminology held on 20 September 1984, in Katowice. Paolo Zacchia (1584-1659) was one of the fathers of forensic medicine and social hygiene, which were combined in his time. His work Quaestiones medico-legales is well known internationally.  相似文献   

Paternity probability when a relative of the father is an alleged father   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When scientists use DNA evidence in court, coancestry effects such as population structure and relatedness are usually ignored. In paternity cases, only if a particular man has the child's paternal allele at a certain locus, can he not be excluded in the paternity dispute. However, it is certainly true that close relatives will be far more likely to have the child's paternal allele than will random members of the reference population. In particular, the probability that the true father's brother has the paternal allele is very much greater than that for any other relationship. In this paper, the authors describe a method for inference in a case where the true father may be a relative of the alleged father. This paper also reports that most current methods overstate the probability that the alleged father is the father.  相似文献   

周洪波 《法律科学》2006,24(2):83-94
证据相关性是证据法学中的一个基础性问题,然而,我国学界对此却还缺乏较为深入的研究,相应的也存在着一些似是而非的说法。如果将证据相关性放在证明标准的视野中进行审视,在证据相关性的概念内涵、知识建构方式及其法律控制三个方面,中国与西方国家在法律上有着根本的区别。中国未来的证据立法应在重构证明标准的前提下,展开对证据相关性规则以及与此有关的诉讼规则的建构。  相似文献   

In 1999, we reported a number of cases in Canada, the US, and the UK in which child-welfare authorities have disputed parents' decisions to refuse HIV testing or treatment for their children. This article reports on new developments in one of those cases. On 10 May 2002, the English High Court heard submissions regarding the future of a three- year-old HIV-positive girl who was made a ward of the court after her father refused to allow her to be treated with antiretroviral drugs.  相似文献   

证明责任、证明标准和证明评价三种证据法上的制度之间存在着互动与制约的关系,对其中一种制度的操纵,可以影响到另外两种制度的效果.就证明责任与证明标准的关系来看,法官对证明标准把握的不同,将会影响到当事人对主观的证明责任和客观的证明责任的承担,并且客观的证明责任和证明标准的功能逐渐趋同,都在为法官提供裁判的方法.就证明标准和证明评价的关系来看,证明标准设置的高与低,决定着法官证明评价的难与易,反过来,法官又可以通过证明评价来提高或者降低证明标准.就证明责任和证明评价的关系来看,法官通过证明评价活动对证明标准进行操纵,其最终结果将影响到当事人承担的主观的证明责任的轻重,同时将影响到客观的证明责任的分配.从制度上协调和优化三者关系的基本思路是从两个方面相向展开,一是使制度的设计更加贴近我国的实践,二是使实践的操作更加符合制度的目的.  相似文献   

干部队伍建设重在制度,新中国干部队伍建设70年的历史,是一部制度发展与制度创新的历史。本文运用历史分析与制度分析的研究方法,按照制度产生、发展与完善的历史发展逻辑,将新中国干部队伍建设的制度演变划分为三个历史时期:建国初期以及社会主义建设时期基本制度的建立;改革开放之后干部队伍建设制度的与时俱进;党的十八大以来干部队伍建设制度的新时代。并从干部队伍建设制度结构内涵的四个维度,即选拔任用、教育培训、考核评价和监督制约,分析各时期干部队伍建设制度的成绩、问题与特征,以期探寻新中国干部队伍建设70年的基本规律,为当前干部队伍建设制度的不断完善提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   

一般认为,"证明责任"与"举证责任"两者含义基本相同,且可以通用、互换,但实际上两者的内涵并非等同,不能简单地将两者作为相同概念混用。虽然分析哲学有这样的箴言:词没有固定不变的含义,它的含义取决于具体语境的上下文对它的具体委托是什么。但是作为法律术语,若唯以通过分析上下文方能确定其含义,难免会在学术讨论中引起不必要的误解和麻烦,甚至会在写作中因断章引用他人词句而导致己文辞不达意。因此,笔者认为有必要通过对证明责任及其相关概念争议的分析,探究证明责任的具体含义,并反思我国民事证明标准的界定。  相似文献   

刑事和解与刑事审判程序不同,它更加重视当事人双方自由选择的意愿,不能忽视证明责任和证明标准这两个证据法中的基本问题。在实践占主导地位的司法调解模式下的刑事和解作为审判前程序,由检察机关主持,包含加害方自愿认罪和双方达成赔偿协议两个阶段,蕴含着刑事和民事两种不同的证明对象、证明责任和证明标准。应当参照刑事诉讼和民事诉讼的规则,明确刑事和解程序中的证明责任主体、分配规则以及不同阶段的证明标准,这有利于刑事和解顺利开展,达到案结事了。  相似文献   

In his article in Trusts and Trustees, 2007, volume 13, No 7,Dakis Hagen discussed the increasingly widespread application,and the uncertain limits, of the ‘Unruly rule in Hastings-Bass’.In this article, co-editor Tony Molloy QC questions whetherwhat has come to be called the Rule in Hastings-Bass is anythingmore than a baseless snare.  相似文献   

The present research examined psycholegal assumptions about specific acts evidence as a method of character proof. On the basis of “fireside induction” (Meehl, 1971) and social psychological research on inferential processes, it was expected that the logic behind the presumption against specific acts testimony would receive empirical support. In the context of a videotaped automobile negligence trial, nondeliberating experimental jurors were presented with character evidence expressed either in terms of specific acts or in terms of general reputation. Mode of presentation and the amount of testimony also were varied. Only post hoc support for the logic behind the presumption against specific acts testimony was obtained, and several factors that may have constrained its impact were considered.  相似文献   

房保国  王帅 《证据科学》2009,17(6):662-667
刑事和解与刑事审判程序不同,它更加重视当事人双方自由选择的意愿,不能忽视证明责任和证明标准这两个证据法中的基本问题。在实践占主导地位的司法调解模式下的刑事和解作为审判前程序.由检察机关主持,包含加害方自愿认罪和双方达成赔偿协议两个阶段,蕴含着刑事和民事两种不同的证明对象、证明责任和证明标准。应当参照刑事诉讼和民事诉讼的规则.明确刑事和解程序中的证明责任主体、分配规则以及不同阶段的证明标准,这有利于刑事和解顺利开展,达到案结事了。  相似文献   

This paper examines how many of the states have changed their respective scientific-evidence admissibility standards under the influence of the United States Supreme Court's 1993 Daubert decision. The authors offer a definition of what constitutes a Daubert state, and using this definition classify the fifty states into three categories. These are: Frye states (15 states, 10 with codified evidence rules patterned after the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE)); Daubert states (26 states, 24 with FRE-based rules), and non-Frye/non-Daubert states (9 states, 7 with FRE-based rules). The authors discuss how the reliability requirement varies among the non-Frye states, and examine how particular types of evidence have fared in the Daubert era. Finally, the authors offer some predictions for the scientific evidence trends of the states.  相似文献   

徐研  樊文 《中国司法》2009,(9):61-63
我国是成文法国家,且中国公证协会已于2003年加入国际公证联盟,基于我国的公证制度大体上属于大陆法系,公证理论界在谈到公证的形式证明时往往重点着眼于撇清我国和英美法系的不同,认为我国的公证文书不能采用形式证明的方式,而应严格采用实质证明的方式,或者认为即使采用了形式证明的方式,也与英美法系国家的形式证明有着本质的不同。  相似文献   

栗峥 《法学论坛》2006,21(3):88-93
“协调性”所蕴含的本质特征包括:匹配性、一致性、完整闭合性和动态性方面。协调作为高级表现形式的价值理由在于协调不存在对立价值。协调是平衡诸价值的价值,即价值体系中的核心,其他价值正是通过相互协调升华为一个完整的价值体系。证据群作为证据通往事实的中间环节而存在,它构成相对于单个证据更高阶的证据层面,同时又低位于最终事实,用以解决证据组合问题的一种中介性工具。证据规则的协调性包括两个方面:一是证据规则与证明事实相协调与否;二是证据规则之间相协调与否。  相似文献   

举证时效制度的设立,是实现程序正义的必然要求,又是追求诉讼效 益的应有之义,世界上许多国家的民事诉讼立法都对举证时效问题作了具体的要求。 我国法律中没有规定举证时效制度或相关的制度,导致了诉讼效率低下,当事人讼累 增加,法院权威受损。因此,在我国民事诉讼中设立举证时效制度势在必行,设立此 制度的主要障碍不在于立法技术,而在于对诉讼价值的认识,在于现代的以程序正义 为诉讼目的、以追求法律真实为诉讼目标的诉讼价值观的完全形成。  相似文献   

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