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轻微犯罪居高不下,已经成为严重危害社会称定的重要因素。迫切需要采取有力措施加以遏制。“轻重控制”刑事政策,主张依法从重从快严厉打击轻微犯罪中具有反社会人格的犯罪分子.以达到更加有效地遏制和预防轻微犯罪、减少人们对犯罪的恐惧感和忧虑感、促进经济社会发展和社会和谐稳定之目的。在现时的法律框架内,实行“轻重控制”具有一定的操作空间,还需在立法上研究解决与现实需要不相适应的问题。  相似文献   

对美国有组织犯罪情况的考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李玫瑾 《政法学刊》2000,17(2):38-39
由于美国是一个由移民组成的国家,有组织跨国犯罪问题较为突出。近几年,美国通过制定相关的法律,建立专门的调查机构,注重情报的搜集与分析,注重监控银行钱款动向,从而较为有效地控制了这一犯罪的发展。  相似文献   

本文运用犯罪学的基础理论,将滥用毒品行为定性为无被害人犯罪,并在此基础上批驳了滥用毒品行为犯罪化和合法化的依据,主张在行政违法化的基础上采取各种措施帮助滥用毒品者戒除毒瘾,教育和挽救滥用毒品者。  相似文献   

本文先介绍了单位罚金刑的现有法律规定,后在分析现有规定不足的基础上提出了具体的完善建议。  相似文献   

无被害人犯罪是随着非犯罪化浪潮兴起的,它涉及刑法的一些根本问题,对此加以研究具有重要的意义。但理论上对这一概念存在着激烈的争议,本文拟以美国对堕胎的规定为例,作一简单历史考察,以有利于对这一问题的理解。  相似文献   

美国惩治有组织犯罪的理论与实践,经历半个多世纪的曲折发展,在观念上已趋至理性,法治运行效果显著。目前国内在这方面的研究尚停留于对相关立法规范的分析比较层面。本文通过研究表明:美国惩治有组织犯罪的刑事法治发展,从形式与立法上看,体现为其有组织犯罪的概念构建从狭义演变为广义;从机制及本质上说,历经法治实践中的曲折和认识观念上的反思,社会主流对有组织犯罪的演变规律、现实特征和特殊危害的认识到位是其关键原因和实质内容。上述要领,对于我国打击正处于活跃期的有组织犯罪,在观念反思和对策构建等方面具有重要的借鉴与启示意义。  相似文献   

2011年8月,经国家外国专家局批准,高检院监所检察厅组织了"赴美国刑罚执行与监督培训团"。笔者有幸参加了这次赴美培训,在美期间随团访问了美国联邦司法部、美国联邦监狱局及其西部分区、美国矫正协会和加利福尼亚州(以下简称"加州")矫正局、新泽西州矫正局、马里兰州警察和纠正官培训委员会等部门,实地考察了加州圣昆顿重刑犯监  相似文献   

罗宁 《特区法坛》2004,(7):27-30,19
我省法院从1989年建省至2003年底,共判处未成年罪犯3015人,占犯罪总人数的5.9%。其中在校学生犯罪676人,占未成年犯罪人数的22%。从年度犯罪人数看,有升有降,但总体是上升的(详见下表)。  相似文献   

<正> 第5031节定义本章所称"少年",是指不满十八周岁的人,或不满二十一周岁,因被指控有某种少年犯罪行为,需要按本章规定起诉和处理的人。"少年犯罪"是指在十八周岁前实施的违反美国法律的行为,此种违法行为如果是成年人实施的,则已构成犯罪。第5032节地方初审法院的少年犯罪诉讼程序,移送刑事公诉  相似文献   

经自治区检察院党组研究,并报请高检院和区党委批准,应美国旧金山美中交流协会的邀请,由自治区检察院党组成员、副检察长于江为团长,成员包括区院机关两位处长和包头、赤峰、通辽、鄂尔多斯、乌兰察布、巴彦淖尔市检察院、兴安盟检察分院、呼铁检察分院以及满洲里、二连市检察院检察长组成的自治区检察长考察团,于6月25日至7月10日赴美国华盛顿、纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶及加拿大多伦多、渥太华等地考察。  相似文献   

死刑的保留和适用,不但在美国本上引起颇多争议,而且也受到了欧美国家和"世界人权观察”、"大赦国际”等国际组织的密切关注和尖锐的批评.本文将简要介绍美国适用死刑的基本情况及严重违反人权的问题,或许有助于我们认识美国"司法公正”的真相.  相似文献   

The Danish prison system is recognized worldwide as a model incorporating the most progressive principles of punishment. This article is the result of the author's research in Denmark undertaken to clarify the foundations of Danish penal philosophies. Findings suggest that penal practices are the outcome of a complex interaction of social and criminological theories. Formulated in an atmosphere that minimizes the emotionalism and politicization of crime, Danish crime control policies represent a pragmatic and reasoned approach to dealing with criminal offenders. Prison conditions reflect the social and political attitudes regarding the causes of crime and the treatment of marginal citizens.  相似文献   

The development of recent statutory schemes, in both the United States and Australia, aim to keep the most dangerous sex offenders detained beyond the expiration of their prison sentence. In Kansas v. Hendricks (1997), the United States Supreme Court found constitutional Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) legislation that allows for the post-sentence, indefinite civil commitment of a subclass of dangerous offenders. More recently, the Australian High Court in Attorney-General (Qld) v. Fardon (2004) similarly upheld the constitutionality of Queensland's Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act (2003), which allows for the post-sentence preventive detention of sex offenders deemed to be at high risk of serious sexual recidivism. Because an evaluation of a sex offender's likelihood of re-offending is fundamental to these schemes, this article provides an overview of recent advances in the risk assessment literature, discussing base rates of sexual recidivism, the identification of empirically validated risk factors, and the utility of structured risk assessment tools. Although it is recommended that risk assessment measures be utilized to assist the courts in making sound decisions about commitment, the limits of current research knowledge and areas of future research need are discussed.  相似文献   

美国监狱行刑制度的主要特征及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雍舰 《中国司法》2006,(4):98-100
监狱是国家刑罚执行机关,监狱行刑制度是国家政治法律制度的重要组成部分,加强对各国监狱行刑制度的探索和研究是十分必要和重要的。美国是联邦制国家,其联邦政府及各州的法律制度各有不同,监狱行刑制度也不尽相同。本文简要对美国监狱行刑制度作一介绍,希望能给广大监狱行刑改  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of authorisation in relationto the possible liability of manufacturers and suppliers oftechnology if, and when, their technology is used by purchasersor other users to infringe copyright. Cases over the last 30years brought by copyright owners or holders against the manufacturersand suppliers of technology which has the potential to infringecopyright are examined, as well as the differing copyright lawsin Australia and the United States relating to the authorisationof copyright infringement. The article concludes with a discussionon the current legal approaches to authorisation and on possiblefuture approaches.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Gunshot deaths in children less than 17 years of age from Adelaide, SA, Australia (1969–2005) and from San Diego County, CA, United States (1988–2005) were compared. Forty-two pediatric gunshot fatalities occurred in South Australia (1.1 cases/year; M:F = 30:12). There were 6 accidents (14%), 14 suicides (33%), and 22 homicides (52%). In San Diego there were 185 cases ( c. 10 cases/year; M:F = 148:37). There were 6 accidents (3%), 42 suicides (23%), 130 homicides (70%), and 7 undetermined cases (4%). The incidence of homicide was significantly higher in San Diego County compared to Adelaide ( p  < 0.001), with a higher proportion of murder–suicides occurring in Adelaide. There were markedly more accidents and suicides involving males in Adelaide and a far higher number of male homicide victims in San Diego County compared to females. Rifles of 0.22-caliber were preferred weapons in South Australia, compared to handguns in San Diego County.  相似文献   

The death penalty debate in the United States has recently undergone a fundamental shift. The possibility of executing the innocent has emerged as some abolitionists' most salient argument, displacing debates over such issues as fairness, deterrence, and cost. Innocence has managed to move to the fore of the debate in part because of the success of death penalty opponents in attaching epistemological certainty to one particular category of postconviction exonerations, those vouched for by the authority of DNA evidence. We suggest that such moves are primarily rhetorical because, while DNA evidence may be more accurate and reliable than other forensic science, it still fundamentally probabilistic in nature and is prone to uncertainties at all stages of its production. Yet, because of the certainty attached to DNA evidence in public discourse, it can be used as a lever with which to challenge law's claims to truth-making authority, and to undermine public trust in the death penalty. A few abolitionists and other scholars have expressed misgivings about the abolitionist embrace of the innocence argument. We push this concern further, suggesting that both abolitionists and death penalty reformers, who seek to promote a "scientific" death penalty centered on DNA evidence, draw upon a mythologized notion of "science" as a producer of epistemic certainty.  相似文献   

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