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目的探讨过敏性猝死法医学鉴定的诊断方法和指标。方法采取10例正常人、9例过敏性猝死和19例其他死因(排除过敏反应、冠心病)尸体的静脉血,采用荧光酶联免疫法(Pharmacia UniCAP100过敏原定量分析仪)和酶联免疫吸附试验ELISA法分别测定血清肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶和]gE含量,采用免疫组化方法观察过敏性猝死和其他死因的肺组织中的肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶免疫组化染色。结果过敏性猝死者的血清类胰蛋白酶和IgE含量升高,与其他死因之间的差异具有显著性意义(P〈0.01),其他死因和正常人之间的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);与其它死因相比,过敏性猝死肺组织中的肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶免疫组化阳性染色增强(P〈0.01)。结论过敏性猝死者血清IgE和肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶含量显著升高;过敏性猝死者肺组织中肥大细胞类胰蛋白酶染色增强。  相似文献   

Normal adrenocortical activity is necessary for electrolyte regulation and the maintenance of cardiovascular function. Although chronic adrenal insufficiency generally presents with the gradual onset of a set of characteristic symptoms and signs, the more sudden loss of adrenal activity can present with acute, rapidly progressive cardiovascular dysfunction that can be fatal if not recognized and treated promptly. We herein describe a patient who had most of his adrenal tissue removed during resection of metastatic renal carcinoma, conventional clear cell type, with much of the remaining adrenal tissue undergoing necrosis during or shortly after surgery. Although the patient appeared to be stable and progressing adequately well, he died suddenly 2 days postoperatively. When the gross autopsy findings suggested the possibility of adrenal insufficiency, clinical laboratory assessment of adrenocortical activity was sought. Analysis of stored antemortem serum samples and of blood obtained at autopsy demonstrated a progressive decrease in cortisol levels which, in this stressed postsurgical patient, proved fatal. The use of both antemortem and postmortem blood in the demonstration of acute adrenal insufficiency at autopsy is discussed.  相似文献   

Because serum Procalcitonin is reported to be a valid postmortem marker of sepsis, this prospective study was carried out to determine whether the semi-quantitative PCT-Q((R))-Test (B.R.A.H.M.S., Germany) is a reliable indicator of postmortem Procalcitonin (PCT) serum levels, thus enabling a quick "tableside" diagnosis of sepsis. Postmortem PCT-levels of 70 forensic and 78 clinical-pathological autopsy cases (n=148) were examined using the B.R.A.H.M.S-PCT-Q-Test during autopsy. 27 cases were categorized as the cases of sepsis according to the ACCP/SCCM Consensus Conference criteria. 121 cases were assigned to the non-sepsis group. Among the 148 cases, 18 samples could not be analyzed by the reason of strong hemolysis. Using a cut-off point of 2 ng/ml, 20 cases of sepsis were identified (true positive) whereas 3 cases of sepsis were not detected (false negative). In the non-sepsis group (107 cases) 6 cases showed a positive testing (false positive). When applied within 48 h postmortem, the PCT-Q-Test showed a sensitivity of 86.96% and a specificity of 94.39% (at cut-off 2 ng/ml). Likelihood ratios and positive predictive values proved to be lower in the forensic autopsy group (PPV: 59.3% in forensic case vs. 85.1% in clinicopathological cases; NPV: 98.73% in forensic cases vs. 95.2% in clinicopathological cases). The PPVs using a cut-off point of 10 ng/ml were 100% in both groups independent of sepsis prevalences. The results show, that a high NPV for prevalences ranging from 3% to 30% can be reached using a 2 ng/ml cut-off point, whereas a cut-off of 10 ng/ml ensures a high PPV for the respective prevalences in the absence of exclusion criteria. The study provides strong evidence that the introduction of rapid diagnostic test (RDTs) of postmortem PCT serum levels may be useful in achieving rapid distinction between sepsis and non-sepsis-related causes of death, especially in conjunction with the medical case history and further autopsy results. In addition, the use of RDTs enables clinicians to conduct an evidence-based validation of clinical diagnosis, thus facilitating future clinical decision-making.  相似文献   

The present study has demonstrated that elevated level of glycated haemoglobin in cadaveric blood may be regarded as an absolute diagnostic criterion for diabetes mellitus irrespective of other macro- and/or micropathomorphological signs of this disease.  相似文献   

After presenting the most important intravitam reactions in 114 burnt corpses of the G?ttingen autopsy material covering the years 1969-83 two cases are described with a) a so called burn haemorrhage in the stomach b) an extremely wide spreading of the upper thighs. Differential diagnosis and forensic significance of these findings according to chemical, histopathological and experimental examinations are discussed.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia is one of the main symptoms of the toxic MDMA effect. In a fatal intoxication, the premortal increase in body temperature may lead to a false assessment of the time of death. The problems of drug-induced hyperthermia faced by forensic pathologists and criminal investigators are discussed on the basis of a death from the autopsy material of the Berlin Institute of Legal Medicine (CCM).  相似文献   

Deaths from the effects of alcohol intoxication are encountered routinely in forensic practice. In an important number of cases difficulty may arise in interpreting the significance of results obtained in the autopsy. In clinical practice biochemical markers, particularly serum gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT), and erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume are used to diagnose heavy alcohol consumption. CDT is used as a reliable and specific marker. In postmortem diagnosis, because of the difficulty in interpreting blood alcohol levels and relatively non-specific pathological features, biochemical compounds have been studied for use as possible markers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the postmortem determination of CDT in vitreous humor as a confirmation of antemortem alcoholism. CDT levels were studied in 66 male cadavers with a mean age of 55.9 years (S.D. 17.0, range 22-87 years) with a mean postmortem interval of 17.9 h (S.D. 11.4, range 4-72 h). Cases were assigned to two diagnostic groups according to the antemortem diagnosis of alcoholism. Statistically significant differences were found for CDT and ALT concentrations between the two diagnostic groups. The highest vitreous humor levels of CDT and ALT were obtained in the group of cases with a previous diagnosis of alcoholism. Our results suggest that vitreous humor CDT levels are useful in cases where the postmortem diagnosis of alcoholism is hindered by the non-specificity of data.  相似文献   

A study was performed on 74 medicolegal autopsy cases for the purpose of comparing the reliability of four different techniques (haematoxylin-eosin stain, acridine orange method, formazan test and K/Na ratio) used for the postmortem diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Although the results showed that the formazan test and K/Na ratio give a good reliability to rule out a myocardial infarction, the most specific technique for the diagnosis of infarct is the formazan test.  相似文献   

The cellular immune response is accompanied by the release of neopterin. The level of neopterin in serum is increased in patients suffering from viral infections, autoimmune diseases, systemic inflammation, allograft rejection and malignant diseases, while that of C-reactive protein (CRP) is known to rise during inflammatory diseases and traumas. To investigate postmortem neopterin and CRP concentrations with regard to the cause of death, we examined cardiac and peripheral blood samples in 474 autopsy cases without advanced decomposition (0-96 years of age, 343 males and 131 females), 2.8 h to 3 days (median, 18.0 h) after death. Survival time was 0.1 h to 5 months (median, 3.0 h) for traumatic death, and 0.1-1, 440 h (median, 2.5 h) for natural death. In autopsied subjects, neopterin concentrations were higher than the clinical reference, independent of the time after death, and depended on the survival time. In cases of acute and subacute death due to trauma, the neopterin level in right heart blood was mildly to moderately elevated (about 50-200 nmol/l) except for sharp instrument injury, whereas the CRP concentration usually remained low (<1 mg/dl). However, a moderate rise in the CRP level (around 1-10 mg/dl) was observed in fatal cases of hypothermia (cold exposure). Markedly elevated serum CRP and neopterin levels (>10 mg/dl and >500 nmol/l, respectively) were detected in cases of delayed death due to trauma involving systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and of fatal bacterial infections. For sepsis, the serum CRP level was markedly elevated but the neopterin level was low in some cases. Fatal viral infections usually resulted in a marked elevation in the serum neopterin level (>500 nmol/l) with a mild to moderate rise in the CRP level. Combined analyses of neopterin and CRP may be useful to investigate viral infections and delayed traumatic death involving SIRS to support pathological findings.  相似文献   

目的对比观察苏木素-碱性复红-苦味酸染色(HBFP染色)、变色酸2R-亮绿染色和Heidenhain染色在急性心肌梗死死后诊断中的应用价值。方法以大鼠急性心肌梗死模型、法医检案急性心肌梗死心脏标本作为研究对象,采用HBFP染色、变色酸2R-亮绿染色和Heidenhain染色进行对比观察。结果①3种特染方法在大鼠心肌缺血15min时均可观察到阳性染色,且阳性染色面积随缺血时间的延长而扩大;②大鼠急性心肌缺血4h心脏标本在-20℃、4℃及室温条件下保存至14d,3种特染方法仍可见阳性着色,但变色酸2R-亮绿染色和HBFP染色随保存时间的延长而出现着色能力下降,阳性区域变小的趋势,Heidenhain染色效果最为稳定;③急性心肌梗死检案标本中,3种特染方法均可显示缺血心肌纤维,发病1h内死亡者Heidenhain染色优于另外两种染色。结论 3种特染均可客观的显示出急性心肌梗死早期病理改变,其中Heidenhain染色更具稳定性和可操作性。  相似文献   

microRNA在急性心肌梗死法医学诊断中的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
急性心肌梗死(acute myocardial infarction,AMI)的诊断一直是法医病理研究的重点和难点。在心肌缺血早期,组织病理学检查很少出现具有诊断价值的病理改变。近年来,利用分子指标进行AMI早期死后诊断成为法医研究热点之一。其中,microRNA在临床上已经被广泛研究可用于AMI病人的诊断,并且具有极高的敏感性和特异性。基于此,本文综述了临床病人样本和动物实验中利用microRNA诊断AMI的研究现状,并重点对microRNA死后稳定性进行总结,以期探讨microRNA在AMI法医学诊断中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Application of compact ultrasound imaging device to postmortem diagnosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In regions with low autopsy rates, forensic examiners often have to rely on external findings. Imaging techniques can assist the external examination and provide a more objective diagnosis. The SonoSite 180, a portable ultrasound device, was used for the examination of dead bodies. The influence of different degrees of decomposition was estimated. Even in cases with intestinal gas formation images of internal organs could be obtained with special techniques. Various pathological findings were detected by ultrasound and verified by autopsy (e.g. pericardial tamponade, cardiac hypertrophy, fatty liver, aortic aneurysm, metastatic liver, etc.). The experiences with the SonoSite 180 are promising. The device can be carried to the death scene or to the morgue and therefore serve as a valuable tool for medicolegal applications.  相似文献   

Tryptase is a neutral protease of human mast cells, and an important indicator of mast cell activation and degranulation in anaphylactic events. The elevation of serum mast cell tryptase (SMCT) is used for postmortem diagnosis of anaphylaxis. We have quantified the SMCT levels of 122 forensic autopsy cases with various causes of death and found only three where the SMCT levels were remarkably elevated, with values of 179, 68.9 and 69.4 ng/ml (normal level <13.5 ng/ml). The three cases were suspected to have suffered from hyperthermia, and the deaths did not seem to be related to causes of death where SMCT levels have been reported to be elevated in some cases. Two cases were patients who had been prescribed long-term neuroleptics or antidepressants, and myoglobin was detected immunohistochemically in the renal tubules of both cases. The other case died of heatstroke. A possible mechanism of hyperthermia in SMCT elevation is discussed.  相似文献   

Postmortem interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels were investigated prospectively in sepsis-related fatalities and non-septic fatalities by using a linear regression model. At least three blood samples were collected between 0.3 and 139 h postmortem from sepsis-related fatalities (n=8) and non-septic fatalities (n=16). In addition, one antemortem blood sample was collected shortly before death from the septic patients. Antemortem and postmortem IL-6 and CRP levels were highly elevated in all individuals included in the sepsis group. An excessive postmortem increase of IL-6 serum levels associated with progressive time after death was observed in five out of the eight septic patients. Both, IL-6 and CRP serum concentrations seem to be suitable biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis. The determination of IL-6 serum levels above 1500 pg/ml in peripheral venous blood obtained in the early postmortem interval can be considered as a diagnostic hint towards an underlying septic condition. A more precise postmortem discrimination between sepsis and non-septic underlying causes of death is provided by the postmortem measurement of serum CRP in peripheral venous blood: on condition that at least two postmortem CRP values have been determined at different time points postmortem, the CRP level of a deceased at the time of death can be calculated by using linear regression analysis. When assessing postmortem IL-6 and CRP concentrations as biochemical postmortem markers of sepsis, various clinical conditions, such as a preceding trauma or burn injury going along with elevated IL-6 and/or CRP levels prior to death as a result of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) should be taken into consideration, thus adding relevant information for the practical interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

纤维连接蛋白诊断心肌梗死的死后稳定性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
建立狗急性心肌缺血模型,应用免疫组织化学和图像分析技术,对用纤维连接蛋白诊断心肌梗死的稳定性进行研究。心肌缺血组织随死后放置时间延长,纤维连接蛋白阳性反应面积逐渐减少,但放置4周仍呈阳性反应;而正常心肌组织放置不同时间,均未见阳性反应。纤维连接蛋白在心肌梗死死后诊断上具有很好的稳定性,在法医学实践中具有重要实用价值。  相似文献   

A case of a 40-year-old female who died of amniotic fluid embolism is presented. This case showed typical histological findings of this syndrome. Postmortem serum of this case showed an elevated tryptase level (67.2ng/ml, normal levels <10ng/ml). Tryptase is a neutral protease of mast cells, and an important indicator of mast cell activation and degranulation. Thus, mast cell activation, a central feature of anaphylaxis, may have been involved in the pathogenetic mechanism of this case.  相似文献   

Cardiac troponin T (cTn T) and the postmortem diagnosis of sudden death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the increase of postmortem cardiac troponin T (cTn T) in acute disease-related deaths. METHODS: Peripheral venous blood was sampled from 39 autopsies performed. Thirty nonhemolyzed specimens were considered in the final analysis (n = 30).Only the calculation of the cTn T was performed using the Roche Diagnostics Elecsys 2010 Immunoassay System. The high limit and the cutoff are 25 ng/mL.Deaths were divided into 2 groups, according to sudden cardiac deaths (group 1, n = 15) and non-cardiac-related deaths without resuscitation (group 2, n = 15). RESULTS: All the cases with visual myocardial infarction had elevated concentrations of cTn T. The difference of the postmortem cTn T concentrations between resuscitated and nonresuscitated is nonsignificant.In the non-cardiac-related deaths, the elevated concentrations of cTn T were only noted in all cases of electrocution. CONCLUSION: In clinical practice, several biochemical markers are used for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Because of its extreme specificity for myocardial damage, cTn T and cardiac troponin I (cTn I) are frequently used. The results of these assays could then be used to facilitate selection for cases that may be released following histologic examinations.  相似文献   

The distribution profile of infiltrated mast cell-subpopulations and eosinophils in the lung and heart sections of the patients who died of severe allergic hyperresponsiveness, was investigated. Four study groups were designed comprising 9 cases who died in systemic anaphylaxis (Group I), 10 asthmatic individuals whose death were assigned to acute and severe bronchial asthma (Group II), 10 asthmatic cases who died from non-immunological diseases (Group III). Twenty consecutive autopsies of non-allergic subjects who died of unnatural causes (Group IV) served as control group in this study. Utilizing antibodies against human tryptase and chymase and a double immunohistochemical staining method, we distinguished successfully all three subsets of mast cells (MC), MC-TC (containing both tryptase and chymase), MC-T (containing only tryptase) and MC-C (containing only chymase) types, subdivided on the basis of the protease compositions of their secretory granules. In order to immunostaining eosinophils, we used antibody to major basic protein as a marker. We also measured postmortem blood tryptase, specific and total serum IgE. The intriguing finding of this study was the marked differences of cellular composition in the lung between fatal anaphylaxis and asthma death. Significant augmentation of MCs infiltrated in lung and heart sections of anaphylaxis patients and drastic infiltration of bronchial eosinophils in asthmatic death and consequent release of their related inflammatory mediators might explain the differential expression of the associated symptoms in these two groups. The anaphylactic deaths did show neither emphysema nor significant mucous bronchial secretions whereas all asthmatic deaths did. The degree of pulmonary congestion and edema was also more severe in anaphylaxis. This corresponded with the histological findings and the location and number of mast cell-subsets and eosinophils in the different compartments of the lungs. We have demonstrated that the third type of mast cell MC-C is only found in the lungs in anaphylactic deaths. The practical consequence of our study will be that it is now possible to confirm a suspicion of anaphylaxis death not only by measurements of serum mast cell tryptase, but also by immunohistochemical methods.  相似文献   

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