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Washington's actions to press Beijing on appreciation of the Chinese currency are driven more by political games than economics The Chinese currency has appreciat-ed almost 7 percent in less than twoyears.  相似文献   

Chinese archaeologists announced on March 20 that they had uncovered six new sacrificial pits and unearthed more than 500 items dating back about 3,000 years at the Sanxingdui Ruins,in Sichuan Province,southwest China.The findings help shed light on the development of the Chinese civilization and enhance a more vivid,deepened mutual learning among ancient civilizations.  相似文献   

Never Too Late     
<正>A historical issue is being raised on Capitol Hill.In late May,members of the U.S.Congress introduced bipartisan resolutions in both chambers,calling on the federal legislature to acknowledge formally and express regret for discriminatory legislation and how the country accordingly treated Chinese immigrants more than a century ago.  相似文献   

Taiwan's frozen food producer is thriving on the mainlandWithout the Chinese mainland market, would it have been possible for a small Taiwanese dumpling maker to evolve into China's No. 1 frozen food brand? Longfeng Foods Co. Ltd. now has seven factories and 25 affiliates on the mainland, with more than 3,600 employees and a sales network covering more than 50 cities around the country.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese Arts&Crafts, a Chinese luxury brand which has carried on Chinese cultural tradition for more than half a century, has opened its fourth high-level shop on the Chinese mainland in Beijing Financial Street. This follows right after grand opening ceremonies in Shenzhen, Hangzhou and the China World Trade Center Tower 3 in Beijing.  相似文献   

THE Chinese word for sea turtle, haigui, has recently taken on a whole new meaning. In the modern Chinese vernacular, it refers to overseas Chinese students who have returned to their motherland to contribute to China's economic boom. Since the end of the 1970s more than  相似文献   

正The Chinese Dream in Full SwingSpeech Extracts from the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream ForumTHE Chinese Dream takes into consideration the ancient wisdom that it is more important to attain the domestic political capability needed to fulfill China’s aspirations towards a harmonious and stable society and to exert a positive influence on the world than it is to strive for economic or military might.The Chinese Dream is based on the concept of seeking individual and collective happiness.  相似文献   

China has since 1978 promulgated more than 440 laws and regulations and more than 40 of them contain clear-cut provisions on human rights. Political right Political right is the most important human rights. China's Constitution provides that the Chinese citizens enjoy freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, procession and demonstration.  相似文献   

FROM September 14 to 16, 2011, more than 1,600 officials, economists and entrepreneurs from 90 countries and regions worldwide gathered in Dalian, China, for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos. They held nearly 100 discussions on topics including the development of Chinese and global economy, the low-carbon economy, new measuring index of growth, and intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

正BUILDING A STRONG NAVY President Xi Jinping delivers a speech after a review of the navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army on April 12 in the South China Sea,where he pledged to speed up its modernization.Taking part in the review were more than 10,000 service personnel,48 vessels and 76 aircraft,including the aircraft carrier Liaoning.More than half of the vessels were commissioned after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012.  相似文献   

正Zhusuan is the name given to the techniques used on a Chinese abacus.It includes performing simple sums such as addition and subtraction,or far more complex operations including exponential multiplication.Zhusuan can be traced back to more than 2,500years ago.It is regarded as the fifth invention in Chinese history and was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage by the Chinese Government in 2008.Zhusuan was also officially listed as a UNESCO intangible cultural  相似文献   

When Chinese people meet, rather than remark on the weather they generally ask, “Have you eaten?” It is a question less frequently asked of neighbors and colleagues than the more global, “How are you?” Yet “Have you eaten ?” is still the first greeting that the majority of Chinese people utter when they meet someone they know. Implicit in it is the Chinese appreciation of food and gratitude for its abundance.  相似文献   

THE year 2006 sees the launch of the Chinese government's campaign to "build a new socialist countryside." After more than 20 years of reform and opening-up, the focus is now on China's huge rural population. The  相似文献   

THE Chinese Dream takes into consideration the ancient wisdom that it is more important to attain the domestic political capability needed to fulfill China's aspirations towards a harmo- nious and stable society and to exert a positive influence on the world than it is to strive for economic or military might. The Chinese Dream is based on the concept of seeking individual and collective happiness.  相似文献   

<正>A talented young musician breathes new life into traditional Chinese music When Ma Lin rushed out of the New York subway for her interview appointment with Beijing Review with a heavy backpack on a cold and windy afternoon in March,she seemed more like an energetic college student than an elegant musician.  相似文献   

The Da Vinci Code gets tills ringing and arouses the curiosity of the Chinese toward Catholicism When China dropped the curtain on The Da Vinci Code, June 9, the blockbuster had already raked in over 104 million yuan, 40 million yuan more than what was anticipated, according to the movie's distributor Huaxia Films. The take was streets ahead of other recent Hollywood films shown on Chinese screens, which average out at around 40  相似文献   

"Chinese culture places a great emphasis on respect for the dignity of people and nations.There is a highly refined protocol between a host and a guest;this also extends to Chinese conventions for the expression of mutual respect between states, which historically was more highly developed than that  相似文献   

Chinese women are engaged in social and economic development more than ever beforeo n the afternoon of March 8, Beijing’s department stores and shopping malls were crowded with women on  相似文献   

Unlike all previous emergencies, after the worst earthquake in more than five decades jolted Sichuan on May 12, the Chinese nation was able to follow the pain of victims and the progress of relief efforts from time to time thanks not only to media organiza-  相似文献   

Where To List?     
From Shanghai to Singapore, world markets offer Chinese companies more options than ever to raise funds Despite recent ruffles in the fund fab-ric of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, this market is on its way to rivaling the exchanges locally and interna- tionally.  相似文献   

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