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Due to its enormous population, spectacular economic growth, and severe environmental degradation, China's environmental impact on the country and the world is difficult to assess. Knowledge of the environmental awareness and the growth of the environmental movement in China are critical to the understanding of the country's environmental future. Firstly, this paper examines the environmental awareness of Chinese people based upon two major surveys conducted in 1998. The findings contributed to our understanding of the environmental awareness of people in the following aspects: environmental literacy, prioritization of environmental problems, environmental governance, environmental ethics, and participation in environmental protection campaigns. Secondly, the paper scrutinizes the emergence of green NGOs in China in the 1990s. Chinese green NGOs possessed particular “Chinese characteristics” which distinguished them from those in the West. To date, the Chinese government is willing to allow more political space for citizen participation in environmental protection. Increasingly, green NGOs gained support not only from international communities but also from Chinese citizens who value a clean environment. Finally, the paper argues that the emergence of green NGOs offers a breakthrough in the conventional “government-reliance” attitude towards environmental protection. If these eco-activists can target non-sensitive issues, they may make profound contributions in enhancing environmental policy implementation.  相似文献   

二战后,海外华侨华人社会经过几十年的变迁,在完成从"过客型"到"定居型"的转变后,因应政治身份的变化,在文化上也逐渐融人所在国社会.笔者认为海外华人的认同,主要是文化认同,目前还处在一个过渡时期,这一时期融合与冲突并行.同时,在全球化时代,存在加速认同与冲突的二律悖反的现象,即海外华侨华人的文化认同一方面有强化的趋势,另一方面,这一趋势则有可能导致潜在的冲突.  相似文献   

2006年7月,印度尼西亚国会通过的争议多年的新<国籍法>,取消了已存在半个多世纪的在印尼国籍问题上带有族群歧视性的条款.新<国籍法>不仅为包括华人在内的印尼外来族群获得平等的生存权利提供了法律上的保障,而且也为印尼华文教育的发展带来了新的曙光.本文试从印尼华人民族权利的角度出发,分析探讨印尼华文教育多样性发展的可能前景,希冀能够抛砖引玉,引发更多关于印尼华文教育可持续发展的思考和讨论.  相似文献   

Isabella Bishop, Dr Elizabeth Ross and Vita Sackville West all visited Bakhtiariland between 1890 and 1927. They had very different approaches and very different interests but, taken together, their accounts provide some fascinating insights into the important political and social changes occurring in that part of Iran over a period of some 40 years.  相似文献   

This is a memoir of the period when the two authors served as contract officers in the armed forces of the Sultan of Oman, one as a soldier, the other as a pilot. The article describes the country and its inhabitants at that time and paints an intriguing picture of a traditional society on the brink of transformation. It also gives details of the military activities in which the authors were involved.  相似文献   

随着国际社会的发展,国籍法衍生了消除国籍冲突引发的问题、国籍不等同公民权、取得多国国籍三项新原则.与此同时,很多国家纷纷修改完善国籍法,核心是承认双重国籍,松动拥有国籍等同公民权原则,以追求和实现本国利益的最大化.中国<国籍法>实施30年来几乎没有任何变化,存在着许多与国际形势、国家利益不相协调的地方.修订<国籍法>时,有必要认真考虑和平衡集中居住在东南亚地区的多数华侨华人和分散居住在欧美澳的新华侨华人的利益.改革的可行方案是渐进有序地推进务实灵活的双重国籍政策,从宽对待华人恢复国籍和入籍问题,同时,预设制度以防范认可双重国籍可能引发的冲突.  相似文献   


Economic policy in China is designed to serve the general political line. In their talks with me in April 1973, members of the Budget Bureau of the Ministry of Finance made it unmistakably clear that financial considerations are subordinate to economic ones, which in turn are determined by politics.  相似文献   

Xuanning Fu 《East Asia》1995,14(2):3-22
To protect Chinese students from possible political persecution, in 1993 a U.S. presidential executive order took effect, declaring that all Chinese nationals who came to the States before April 12, 1990, were eligible to apply for permanent residency in the United States. It is estimated that 50,000 Chinese students and their dependents obtained green cards, and the number is still growing today. This article analyzes how this group of immigrants changes the Chinese American community in its overall educational and occupational attainment, and how it affects China in its democratic progress. Due to their high educational achievement, these student immigrants will be a positive input to the Chinese American community in its educational and occupational attainment, and their stay also diversifies Chinese America in its demographic composition. On the other hand, although their stay in America will not severely affect China’s scientific development, since they can and do come back to China to offer help in that respect, it does have a detrimental effect on the growth of a news-born professional class in China and thus generates a negative impact on China’s long-term democratic progress. From this perspective, the article concludes that the Protection Act was politically short-sighted.  相似文献   

本文运用文化学、社会学的理论和方法,坚持从印尼华人的实际出发,通过实地考察、访谈调查和资料重释的途径,具体剖析了雅加达华人中生代这一印尼华人重要的次群体,展示了印尼华人在印尼独立后的自我调适情况,分析了印尼华人今后的发展趋势及其在印尼社会重构和印尼民族重组中的地位和作用.  相似文献   

建国前,中国共产党的侨务工作更多的是将重点放在团结华侨、取得华侨的政治支援上,但当时中国共产党人还是有一系列相关引进侨资的思想与实践。华侨的直接投资为中共政权的经济繁荣作出了贡献。国共在引进侨资时存在许多不同之处。建国前中共引进侨资的思想与实践,为建国初期甚至改革开放时期的引进侨资工作积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

透视当代美国华人的社会经济地位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
二战后美国华人的社会经济地位比战前有相当大的提高,他们的教育水平、职业地位和家庭平均年收入总体上超出了美国白人的平均水平.但这并不表明华人的实际社会经济地位已经比美国主流群体优越.事实上,华人较多的教育投入并未得到相应比例的回报.在同等教育层次下他们的职业地位和收入水平均低于白人.此外,华人族群内部在教育水平、职业地位和收入方面存在两极分化的现象;华人与美国其他亚裔群体相比,在某些方面处于劣势.  相似文献   

《世界侨情报告:2011—2012》是一部以反映当前海外侨情变化为主要内容的专题报告类出版物,力求及时研讨全球传统及最新华侨华人居住国侨情动态变化情况,并针对实际问题提出侨务政策建议。该报告具有涉及面广、时效性鲜明等特点,但也存在对个别国家和地区的侨情关注度不够等问题。  相似文献   

20余年来,大陆史学界对华侨与抗日战争关系的研究硕果累累.这些研究主要集中在华侨投身抗日救亡运动的原因和特点,华侨对祖国抗战的主要贡献,抗战期间有关各方的侨务政策,战时华侨领袖和著名人物以及华侨与太平洋战争等方面.  相似文献   

我国企业危机管理能力的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危机管理能力是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是影响企业长期发展的重要因素,提高企业危机管理能力对于提高企业核心竞争力有着积极的作用。当前,中国企业危机管理能力普遍低下,其成因是多方面的。危机管理的制度化、法制化、科学化是企业提高危机管理能力的关键。  相似文献   

本文通过大量的资料,叙述了1740年荷兰殖民者经过精心策划,屠杀印尼巴达维亚华人以及煽动印尼当地居民对华人施暴的经过,揭露了荷兰殖民者残酷和贪婪的本质.  相似文献   

郑杰  李宁 《当代韩国》2011,(1):123-128
中国近年来新词层出不穷,大量新词被翻译到韩国,本文通过网络资料分析了这些汉语新词在韩译方面存在的问题,并以相关理论为基础,探讨了汉语新词韩译对策,以期对今后翻译有所裨益,同时唤起国内外学者对新词翻译层面的关注。  相似文献   

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