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随着国家政治世俗化的发展,宗教虽然逐步从某些社会生活领域退出,但仍在一些特定的时期和特定的条件下发挥着重要的作用.本文主要讨论天主教对菲律宾政治所产生的两方面的影响:一方面天主教仍然是菲律宾社会中保守力量的代表,反对一些由政府主导的社会变革;另一方面,在民众对世俗政治失去信任的时候,教会扮演着重新团结、组织和领导民众的角色.笔者认为,天主教是菲律宾政治中的隐性力量,在社会稳定时期,教会的影响较小,而在社会秩序发生动荡的时候,天主教会则由隐性的力量变成左右政局的重要力量,直接参与到各种政治活动中.  相似文献   


For the American Asian scholar, the research and writing of Philippine history is still in its virginal stages. Both in the United States and in the Philippines itself the study of that history has progressed little deeper than the officially-expressed record, in which the viewpoint of dominant interests has prevailed. Neglected in particular have been the revolutionary forces and movements that have played such a central part in the Philippines for the past century.  相似文献   

马科斯执政时期 ,由于天主教内部的变革以及菲律宾国内的特殊情况 ,菲律宾天主教会积极参与政治活动 ,同马科斯政权的关系经历了从合作到对抗的转变。菲律宾天主教会在推翻马科斯独裁统治的运动中发挥了无以替代的重要作用。  相似文献   


A number of recent works have focused on the personal experiences of kamikaze pilots, but very little has been published in English on the Japanese government's effort to “kamikazefy” the civilian population in the final year of the Asian PacificWar (1937-45). To illustrate this effort, this article employs images taken from the author's personal collection of over 2,500 Japanese wartime publications (predominantly periodicals). In early 1945, the Japanese government announced a “fight to the death for the home islands,” in which civilian “home-front warriors” would fight alongside troops in the event of an Allied invasion. Civilian combatants were expected to follow the “no surrender” policy hammered into Japanese servicemen and to emulate the kamikaze pilots' spirit of supreme sacrifice. The article begins with a brief discussion of the ideology behind kamikazefication, inviting comparisons with suicide missions in other times and places. Historical context is further established by an overview of media accounts of Japanese suicide missions in the Asian PacificWar, beginning with the mission carried out at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. An analysis of media reportage shows how members of suicide missions were glorified and made into role models for all Japanese, even women and children. Servicemen who died for their country were enshrined at the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo. The article concludes by suggesting reasons why civilians, even those who died fighting in the war, have not been similarly honored.  相似文献   

Philippine Chinese contributed liberally to politics but without asking anything openly for themselves. They habitually concealed their wealth, having been taught what comes of envy on the part of a government which they cannot control1  相似文献   

金融危机影响下的菲律宾经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了亚洲金融危机对菲律宾经济带来的种种影响并对今年菲经济快速复苏所面临的困难作了分析。主要观点是:金融危机对菲经济的影响虽未及泰、马和印尼重,但仍然是严重的、多方面的。由于受到多方面因素的制约,今年菲经济的复苏将是缓慢的、渐进的。  相似文献   

It may be important and even necessary to build a free and fair market competition environment, which could encourage industrial innovation and increase the long-term social benefits of development. However, there is a need for a stronger and more autonomous state authority to settle and safeguard the liberalized market. Since state protection of the market fattens the monopoly company, the liberalization policy should be linked with state efforts to undo the previous monopoly structure. This article argues that specific industrial development, or national economic development in general, may rely more on the intrinsic characteristic of the state rather than on the economic paradigm per se, i.e., statist or neo-liberalist. Furthermore, the improvement of social welfare may depend more on the power structure among political players rather than on the political system itself whether authoritarian or democratic  相似文献   

Ben Kerkvliet 《亚洲研究》2013,45(3-4):83-90

William Pomeroy's bibliographical essay is useful for future scholarship. I would, however, like to offer some supplementary information based upon my research and writing about radical peasant movements in the Philippines for the 1944-56 period. There is a wealth of information to explore, both in the Philippines and in the United States, and there is hope that radical movements in the Philippines will be given the proper recognition they deserve. In particular, the post-World War II Huk movement has been pictured for too long simply in terms of a counter-insurgency problem for the Philippine and United States governments. Using alternative sources, the Huks can be seen from the perspective of the participants themselves.  相似文献   

菲律宾是一个海岛国家,在不同的历史时期形成了不同形式的海上信仰形式,其中之一就是安蒂波罗女神信仰.本文主要分为三个部分.第一部分介绍了安蒂波罗女神信仰的形成过程,第二部分运用功能主义学派的观点分析了这一民间信仰形式在菲律宾社会中三个方面的功能.第三部分对比安蒂波罗女神信仰和福建妈祖信仰在社会功能、形成过程、表现形式等方面的异同.在对比研究的基础上,笔者强调功能的相似性决定了文化形式的相似性.  相似文献   

1945年,因日本占领和美菲政局的影响,菲律宾掀起一场不同于以往的经济民族化运动。这一运动既影响到菲律宾的华侨零售业者,也波及到除美国外的其他外国商人。此时,美国正准备应对菲律宾的独立,菲律宾的极端民族化趋势令美国政府担心将来自身在菲利益受损。在菲律宾即将独立的敏感时刻,中国外交官员和侨领积极与美国政府交涉,终于通过美国的干预暂时缓解局面。这场未果的经济民族化运动,折射出1945年的亚太局势、美菲关系和菲律宾的政坛纷争。  相似文献   

本文从国家认同、民族认同、政治参与、经济参与、社会文化参与等各方面考察菲律宾华人与当地民族的关系。菲律宾华人与当地民族关系的本质特征 ,就是华人正在逐渐地被同化 ,或叫菲律宾化。  相似文献   

菲律宾与印尼军人政治参与的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度尼西亚与菲律宾是有着相似历史和相同政体的东南亚国家,军人在政治生活中起着重要作用是两国政治的共同特点.但由于国家独立过程和两国文化等的差异,两国军人政治又呈现出不同的发展态势.本文主要分三个历史阶段对两国军人政治参与进行比较分析,并对军人干政的共性进行了总结.  相似文献   

步入九十年代 ,菲律宾政治渐趋稳定 ,但政党活动十分活跃。一些在全国影响较大的政党面对新的情况 ,进行了力量整合 ,政纲调整 ,也进行了新的权力角逐 ,在政治发展中留下了鲜明的印迹。随着政治和经济格局的变化 ,菲政党政治也呈现出新的特点 ,这是菲律宾政治中值得注意的新趋向。  相似文献   

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