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In recent years Japanese ways of thinking and behavioral patterns have changed considerably. Perhaps most important, according to Hayao Kawai, Director‐General of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto, has been a change in the relationship between individuals and society as a whole. This change will be worthwhile if it unleashes the initiative and capability of each individual for the good of society, Kawai says, but if it should give rise to an unfettered form of egoism, Japan is bound to end up with serious social problems. Japanese people are raised to be aware of the totality of relationships between people, so Japanese society presents a model of man in society that is quite different from the individualistic model of Western society. The task is to live with both world views, and constantly seek better ways to deal with the changing outside world.  相似文献   

日本《护理保险法》(2000年)实施十多年来,在人口老龄化背景下,以老年人为对象的护理产业迅猛发展,在很多产业市场规模缩小的时候,护理产业却成为为数不多的增长产业。文章主要以护理保险制度实施后的护理产业发展作为切入点,对护理产业发展的制度环境、发展现状、市场规模及经济效益进行了深入分析,从中提炼出发展中存在的问题。全面了解日本护理产业发展状况,借鉴其发展经验,对促进中国护理产业的发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

企业在日本技术创新中居于第一主体地位,本文在日本企业研发与技术开发的特征以及日本企业技术创新的发展趋势方面进行分析,以探究企业在日本技术创新中的主导作用。这对解决中国技术创新中存在的问题,具有一定理论和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Lon Kurashige 《亚洲研究》2013,45(4):633-636
Greg Robinson, By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001. 322 pp. Eric L. Muller, Free to Die for Their Country: The Story of the Japanese American Draft Resisters in World War II. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001; paper, 2003. 229 pp. Since the passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, the story of the Japanese Americans interned during World War II has spawned a cottage industry of popular histories, museum exhibits, public memorials, biographies, novels, memoirs, children's fiction and non-fiction, documentary and feature films, and, of course, scholarly studies. The Redress legislation, which required the U.S. government to pay $20,000 in reparations to each living survivor of America's concentration camps, ushered in a new era of legitimacy and popularity to the internment story. An Internet check on “Books in Print” lists 101 titles with the keywords “Japanese American internment.” Professional historians sit at the intellectual helm of this internment boom, and, accordingly, the amount of their output too has expanded. While the production of monographs and dissertations has increased in the recent past, more interesting to observe are the changing ways in which scholars have approached the internment. Since the 1940s, historical researchers focused on the most obvious architects of the decision to remove 110,000 persons of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast; three decades later the innocent victims of this wartime policy took center stage. Now the spotlight of innovation shines on those who have long been considered minor players in the internment drama. Two recent and highly notable monographs, Greg Robinson's By Order of the President and Eric L. Muller's Free To Die for Their Country, epitomize this historiographical trend. In focusing on the shadows of the internment story, these books compel a reconsideration of some of the basic elements to the internment narrative.  相似文献   

日本是"长寿企业"大国,据统计,日本拥有历史逾百年以上的企业多达两万余家,位居全球之首。日本"长寿企业"何以传承百年而永葆常青,本文以家训家宪、社是社训为背景资料,通过从家训到社训的伦理自律、和合观与集团主义、忠顺观与归属意识、守成观与传承责任等4方面,分析日本企业的长寿秘诀,以期对现代企业的生存之道有所借鉴。  相似文献   

There are two main reasons for the prolonged period of weak growth in the Japanese economy, says Mikio Wakatsuki, Chairman of the Board of Counsellors, The Japan Research Institute, Tokyo. The first is complacency; the second is that Japan has overlooked the implications of changes in the global economic paradigm. Both have led Japan to procrastination in dealing with the problems it faces. Wakatsuki identifies five problems in the Japanese economy: deflation, debt, deregulation, deficit, and demography. Despite the challenges these problems pose, he sees 1999 as a year of consolidation and rehabilitation for the economy, which will pave the way for a moderate, healthy upswing in the year 2000.  相似文献   

Although Sino‐Japanese relations seem much improved in recent years, Tomoyuki Kojima, professor of political science at Keio University, still sees numerous problems that Japan must come to terms with before the two countries can develop a truly close relationship. Points of friction include Japan's past aggression in China, Chinese nuclear testing, regional security issues, and China's criticism of Japan. This paper was presented at the conference, “China and Japan in the Asia‐Pacific region since the Pacific War and Prospects for the Future,” held in Beijing on Nov. 12–13, 1995, by the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations and the Australian National University.  相似文献   

日语中的敬语被普遍认为是"尊重他人"的表达形式,通过敬语的使用,可以区分对话双方的上下、亲疏远近、内外关系,也可以表现场面的郑重。现代敬语中已有很多有关于这方面的论述和研究,但是,敬语所表达的并不仅限于此,它还可以表现说话人自身的"品位"。文章在对有关先行研究进行总结归纳的基础上,以近年来播放的日剧中人物的对话为例,通过对不同人物使用敬语情况的考察分析,发现敬语在表现说话人自身较高的品位和良好的涵养或是显示其身份和社会地位上确实具有极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

日语中融入了大量以欧美语言为主的外国语词汇,丰富了原有的日语表现。经过了"日语化"的外来语,在日语的语言体系中,词形、意义、音韵都不可避免地发生了变化。作为交流的媒介,外来语导入新的概念并创造出新的语感。其使用效果主要表现在含糊其辞、回避责任,缓和语气,减少词语重复以及提高形象等方面。  相似文献   

李卓  程永明 《当代亚太》2006,(12):52-57
日本企业的社是与社训具有久远的历史渊源与深厚的传统文化底蕴,在推动企业经营和进行员工教育等方面发挥了重要作用。制定企业社是、社训是当今日本企业经营管理的重要组成部分,研究日本企业的社是、社训,对于加强企业经营管理、树立企业形象具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

2001年日本经济展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年是日本经济从公共需求向民间需求过渡的关键一年.目前失业、消费疲软及财政危机等问题尽管很严重,但正在趋于缓解.美国经济的持续繁荣和亚洲经济的迅速恢复为日本经济的发展提供了有利的大环境.对"泡沫经济"的清算改善了日本国内的经济环境,改革和IT革命将给日本带来新的希望.虽然2000年下半年开始出现经济滑坡,但走向复苏的总趋势并没有改变.估计日本经济在2001年下半年将进入自律性复苏的轨道.  相似文献   

Japan's need for economic and political reform has been recognized but the means to achieve this has not. In this article, J.A.A. Stockwin, professor of Modern Japanese Studies at the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford, considers this question by examining the meaning of democracy then applying the theory to the specific case of Japan. He explains that although not identical to a democracy in a Western sense, Japan's system of government is genuinely democratic. Stockwin argues that Japan is now at a crossroads in her history, but before pressing for reform an understanding of the complexity of the Japanese system is necessary. He concludes that a radical restructuring of Japan's political party system towards a bipolar set of party arrangements is necessary but questions whether Prime Minister Junichirô Koizumi is up to the task.  相似文献   

Joe Moore 《亚洲研究》2013,45(3):35-47

Robert Cole points out in his introduction to Japanese Blue Collar that there are two dominant but conflicting views of the social relations of production in the Japanese economy, views which Cole conveniently sums up under the rubrics of “uniqueness” and “convergence.”  相似文献   

The fascinating political history of Japan in the 1990s seems to demonstrate with some clarity that the path to reform is strewn with obstacles, and those taking the path are smitten with palsy, says J.A.A. Stockwin, Nissan Professor of Modern Japanese Studies at the University of Oxford. Stockwin argues that it is much too early to say that genuine reform of the Japanese political system is under way. He outlines several explanations for this systemic conservatism, noting that interventionist government and communal values are longstanding aspects of the Japanese political culture. In the course of his analysis, Stockwin provides a survey of recent and not‐so‐recent literature on the subject.  相似文献   

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