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《反垄断法》与社会主义市场经济   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
一、反垄断法是现代市场经济的守护神 反垄断法是高级的市场经济之法,<中华人民共和国反垄断法>的出台,标志着社会主义市场经济及其法治在我国进入了一个新的发展阶段.它让每一个关心国家发展、民族复兴大业的人长长地舒了一口气.  相似文献   

This paper shows how Peirce's semeiotic could be turned into a powerful science. The New Science of Semiotics provides not only a new paradigm and an empirical justification for all these applications, but also a rational and systematic procedure for carrying them out as well. Thus the New Science of Semiotics transforms the philosophy of law into the science of legal scholarship, the discipline that I call jurisology.
Charls PearsonEmail:

The European Union is one of the ‘big ideas’ of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and has been built on the idea of the European Community, which it supersedes. Seen in this light the emergent law of the European Union is becoming omnipresent in so many ways and yet it does not appear to have been the subject of as much semiotic study as it deserves. This paper takes a multilingual stance and explores emerging EC and EU law from a perspective of a lawyer-linguist practitioner in the field. The purpose is to describe a range of practitioner ‘realities’ and to explore how semiotics provides a tool for analysis and insights for a better understanding and awareness of EU law, with particular emphasis on the legislative, or law-making aspects.  相似文献   

大陆法系法律经济学的进路--作为方法论的法律经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马震 《法学论坛》2006,21(3):94-100
文章以法学和经济学基础为背景,阐述了法律经济学的沿革,明确法律经济学的核心价值及法律经济分析的原则,并进行了系统的归纳。同时以大陆法系的观点,从效率与正义、理论与现实的角度,比较分析了法律经济学与传统大陆法系理论的异同,探讨核心价值的区别。最后,以法律经济分析作为方法论为依托,提出法律经济分析在大陆法系的进路,初步探究法律经济分析在我国法学研究中的适用范围及方式。  相似文献   

政府之所以对投资基金市场进行监管具有深层次的理论原因,对这一理论原因的全面剖析有助于充分完善政府干预经济理论,也有助于分析各经济领域的法律监管现象。经济学和法学是分析政府干预投资基金市场的两个层面,本文通过对两个层面的分析,论证了政府对投资基金市场进行监管的必要性。  相似文献   

Cooking and constitutionalism. Food and racial equity. I intend the juxtaposition to be jarring, even humorous. I would like to view it as a subtle indication of a historical trend in which central aspects of legal memory have been repressed from contemporary civic practice and important intellectual questions, concerning semiotics in consumer society, have been neglected in mainstream legal scholarship. As I will explain, the story of Ollie's barbecue suggests not only that cooking and constitutionalism are intricately linked, but also that the expansion of postwar economic life formed a material basis for this hidden bond. Considering the history of Ollie's thus can both illuminate the deep historical meaning of the Civil Rights Act, and also point the way toward a more general field of research, the development of what might be called a legal semiotics of consumption.  相似文献   

法治和伦理是共同承托和推动市场经济发展的两个互相依存、彼此渗透的巨轮.作为调整市场经济关系中商人及其商事活动法律规范总和的商法.不但具有强烈的技术性特点,而且同时也体现出浓厚的伦理性特质.频繁发生的商业欺诈行为和愈演愈烈的商业失信行为,促使我们不得不对既往的商事立法模式进行认真的反思,由此可以得出的结论是:过分偏重技术性规范并非是完善我国商法制度的唯一途径.我国未来商法制度的构建,不但要考虑通过强化法律规范设计的合理性从而提高商法制度的竞争力,而且还必须充分关注商法制度所赖以建构和运行的伦理基础.只有将商法的技术性规范和商法伦理机制有机结合起来,才能真正奠定市场经济健康有序发展的良好基石.  相似文献   

The jurisprudent Jack M. Balkin introduced the analogy of memes as a semiotic device for understanding the law. His notion of cultural software into which this device was inserted is developed first, followed by a development of memetic analysis and its several semiotic dimensions. After a brief treatment of the position of ideology in view of memetic analysis, and the corresponding notion of transcendence, Balkin’s explicitly semiotic setting for this doctrine is displayed. This method is then briefly applied to the civilian doctrine of patrimony, to supplement Balkin’s application of it to common law institutions.  相似文献   

考量商事登记与市场准入的关系,可以借助法经济学识别商事准入效率与安全的均衡性。这需要首先区别一般准入与特殊准入、民商私法与经济法之间价值定位的差异,并具化商事登记一般准入机制设置的目的及其必要性、合理性。结合对传统政府规制理论的批驳,以及对现今我国工商登记管理体制中设置过高登记门槛的反思,商事登记的制度设计应在公益与私益客观辩证关系基础上,在宏观层面的保障私权以及在最低层级上维护公共利益,并由此凸显维护公私权益衡平的现代登记理念。  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique -  相似文献   

International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique -  相似文献   

非公有制经济的市场准入与反垄断法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王晓晔 《法学家》2005,(3):28-32
引言 2005年2月24日,国务院发布了<关于鼓励支持和引导个体私营等非公有制经济发展的若干意见>.<意见>表明,我国在社会主义初级阶段不仅毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济,同时也毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导发展非公有制经济.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the economic analysis of the European rules on the circulation of works of art. After reviewing the relevant literature, an economic framework of the international circulation of works of art is provided (social goals, efficiency and distributive aspects, an economic rationale for a general free trade rule integrated by selective protectionism). Using this framework the European system of circulation of works of art—resulting from the combination of the Maastricht Treaty with Regulation 3911/92 and Directive 93/7—is analysed. The main results of the analysis are: 1) the general free trade principle ruling the Single European Market is strongly limited by rules protecting national artistic heritages of member states; 2) this protectionism—working towards countries both outside and inside the European Union—is applied according to the national laws of each member state, while, contrary to what the Maastricht Treaty would call for, an artistic heritage of European significance is not defined and no autonomous role is recognized in this field to European Institutions; 3) this system shows some inconsistencies with economic theory, as strict limits to trade are not provided when they should be required by the preservation of the physical or artistic integrity of works of art, while in other cases an unduly restrained trade may derive from highly protectionist national laws and export-licencing policies of member states. Enforcement provisions are also analysed and some proposals to improve the system are advanced.  相似文献   

The development of law and economics is a success story in the expansion of economics into other social sciences since the 1960s. The success has been attributed to the fact that economics offers a powerful set of analytical tools with a forceful theory of human behavior. But if this is the only reason, then the move of economics into other social sciences such as political science and sociology should have been equally successful. This, however, has not been true, and the discrepancy calls for an explanation. The commonalities between economics and law in both subject matter and analytical approach provide a more convincing explanation; some of the difficulties faced by the legal economists can also be explained by an appreciation of the commonalites between economics and law.  相似文献   

证券市场零和博弈与监管有效性的法经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为避免股市赌场论,我国主流学界一直否认证券市场的零和博弈特点,只是强调证券市场对优化资源配置的良好属性。然而在现实生活中,在证券市场优化配置的理论框架下我们却无法回避为什么证券市场会存在内幕交易、虚假陈述、操纵市场等私利性行为,我们在现有理论框架下也无法解释为什么现有的监管制度不足以有效监管市场。基于学界与监管层在观点上并不接受证券市场为彼之所得为我之所失的零和博弈观点,因此我们的监管实践并不是根据零和博弈的特点对症下药,这是导致目前我国证券市场处于监管不足与监管过度两难境地的根本原因。为此,我们试图从证券市场博弈的零和性分析出发,对我国证券市场监管的制度诉求、有效监管的制约因素及制度选择的有效性在法经济学层面作番讨论,以期对我国证券监管的制度重塑提供相应的理论依据。  相似文献   

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