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李珊 《桂海论丛》2011,27(1):92-95
构建中国—东盟争端解决机制,对于加强东盟各国的贸易关系有重要意义。《中国—东盟争端解决机制协定》的签署,使解决贸易争端有了法律依据,但该协定在运用时尚存在诸多不足,需要进一步完善。为此,应当从立法上扩大主体的范围,建立一份专家名单,设立常设仲裁庭,增设仲裁裁决的复核程序,建立跟随执行监督制度,增设贸易和投资纠纷预防机制,建立中国—东盟投资争端解决机制。  相似文献   

岛礁主权争端事关领土主权、国家安全和经济利益,是国际政治领域的世界性难题。如何解决这些争端,是考验各国国家治理能力的试金石。通过梳理发现,世界各国主要通过国际司法解决、政治手段和平解决、搁置争议、军事手段武力解决、全民公决等模式应对岛礁主权争端,这些模式是各国应对海洋岛屿主权争端的常规做法。总结梳理这些做法,对于我国应对和处理同周边国家的岛礁争端具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

李波 《桂海论丛》2006,22(5):53-55
如何预防和处置群体性突发事件,不仅关系到党和政府的形象及社会的稳定,关系到构建和谐社会和新农村建设,而且也是对执政能力建设的考验。深刻认识预防和处置群体性突发事件的重要意义,找出其症结所在,遵循原则,掌握方法,科学应对,是提高政府预防和处置群体性突发事件能力的关键和保证。  相似文献   

林澍 《桂海论丛》2004,20(6):38-40
解决股权分置问题,应使非流通股东与流通股东的持股成本一致。唯此,才能完善资本市场的配置机制和功能,奠定市场主体自主人格重塑的重要基础,实现所有权改革的市场化运作,实现股市由政府主导型模式向利益相关者共同治理模式的转变。  相似文献   

Rising unemployment and poor employment practices have ignited rows that could well continue to rise  相似文献   

<正>At the Wangjing judicial office in Chaoyang District in Beijing, there i are eight gratitude banners hang-Aing on the wall. On every banner, people can find a name, Wang Xinzhong.  相似文献   

China and the United States pursue a stable and vigorous relationship at the Strategic and Economic Dialogue Where is the China-U.S. relationship heading? It’s a big question not only for the two countries, but also in terms of the whole global situation as a whole. So far, it appears they are on course to make the wise  相似文献   

关于"效率优先,兼顾公平"的争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有学者认为,就经济效益问题和公平问题两者的关系而言,经济效益问题是最为重要的,是第一位的,要优先于公平问题。另有学者认为,“效率优先,兼顾公平”的提法在理论上存在重大缺陷,在实践中已经表现出重大的负面效应,亟待调整。这一提法的主要症结在于:没有看到以人为本基本理念的极端重要性;没有看到发展是一个整体化推进的过程;混同了制度和具体政策两个层面上的社会公正问题;对于社会公正概念的理解和解释存在重大偏差。  相似文献   

Time to Regulate     
<正>As multinationals flock to China, the counhy has become the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment. Undoubtedly, foreign investment has played an important and positive role in China’s development in many areas, including economic growth, social proyess, technology  相似文献   

Time to Learn     
IN January 2002, representatives from the Development and Re-search Center of the State Coun-cil, John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG) of Harvard  相似文献   

Time to Talk     
<正>All eyes on the upcoming meeting of minds in Boao The China Development Forum [in Beijing] and the Boao Forum for Asia(BFA) Annual Conference [in Hainan Province] will soon get underway,as will the Summer Davos,or the World Economic Forum’s global meeting on innovation,science and technology,in Tianjin.I have learned many foreign business leaders have applied to participate,  相似文献   

Time to Care     
Time bank offers a novel elderly care option in an aging society A decade ago, Xu Min began to volunteer at a community institution that provides services for people over 60. In the 10 years, she has cared for 20 seniors, giving them company and comfort. We grow into each other's family, she told Jiefang Daily.Now, the organization, based in Shanghai, has been included in a time bank program. As a result, Xu, nearly 60 herself, can exchange her service hours for others' services when she needs them.  相似文献   

经济发展所必需的煤炭、电力、成品油、运输等要素的供给秩序,在经济安全中往往具有十分重要的地位。因此,完善能源和运输的供给,分析煤、电、油、运等要素引发的突发性事件的危害,制定应急预案,建立健全以政府为主导的应急调度协调体制,对于提高驾驭市场经济的能力,构建和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

劳资关系是市场经济的基础性体制关系,是我国社会生活中的一个重要经济关系.应当说,目前我国私营企业劳资关系总体是稳定的,但劳资双方的矛盾和纠纷也日益尖锐和复杂.前不久发生的吉林"通钢事件",正是当前我国社会转型时期所表现出来的劳资关系的一个缩影.为了分析产生这些矛盾和纠纷的原因,寻求解决这些矛盾和纠纷的方法,首要的是必须认清和把握我国社会转型时期劳资关系的实质.  相似文献   

While recent judicial interpretations released by the Supreme People's Court, China's top judicial organ, have addressed some ambiguities in the country's two-year-old Property Law, they may give rise to new disputes, legal experts say.  相似文献   

随着城镇住房制度改革的深入和住宅商品化的不断发展,物业管理逐步推广,在改善居民居住环境、促进社区建设、提高城市管理水平等方面发挥了积极作用。但由于种种原因,物业管理纠纷日益增多,严重影响着首都人民的生活和社会安定,已成为社会各界普遍关注的焦点问题。为此,北京市政协常委会决定将居住小区物业管理问题作为重点调研课题,由北京市政协城建环保委员会会同北京市八个民主党派和市工商联共同就这一课题进行了调研。  相似文献   

正China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) launched an anti-subsidy investigation into imported polyphenylene ether (PPD,or polyphenylene oxide,on August 14.This probe comes at a time when negative feelings are surging against the enforcement of agreements from the first round of trade talks signed between China and the U.S.in January,while speculation abounds across the globe on whether the two countries will con-  相似文献   

THE September clash over the Diaoyu Islands and other territorial disputes in the South China Sea have made big news in Chinese and foreign media. But how much does the average citizen care about these issues, and what solutions do they suggest? To find the answers, the Global Poll Center, an arm of the Beijing-based newspaper Global Times, launched a straw poll, questioning respondents in seven Chinese cities.  相似文献   

王晓露 《理论月刊》2002,(12):108-110
世界贸易组织的争端解决制度,是在继承关税和贸易总协定争端解决制度的基础上建立起来的。WTO的争端解决制度制定了统一的贸易争端解决制度;形成了比较完善的争端解决程序;成立了解决贸易争端的专门机构;扩大了争端解决制度的调整范围;强调了加强多边解决争端制度的重要性。  相似文献   

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