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随着各国贸易保护战略的推进,反垄断法作为政府进行经济调控的工具,与贸易保护政策间的互动关系日益紧密。对外贸易反垄断豁免正是各国为满足贸易需求而普遍适用的竞争政策,它对于促进一国对外贸易发展、提高国际竞争力、保护国内产业利益具有特别的功能和效果,但其适用也受到限制。根据发达国家的有关立法和实践,我国《反垄断法》下的外贸豁免制度尚需完善,惟有如此方能确保其必要的贸易保护功能得以有效发挥。  相似文献   

自主创新作为国家战略,是指以企业为主体、以市场为导向、产学研相结合所形成的一种创新体系和经济发展模式.目前我国对外贸易的增长面临许多困难和障碍,这与我国多年来的粗放型外贸发展模式、企业缺乏核心技术和创新能力、出口产品缺少自有和知名品牌、在世界产业链中处于低端等因素密切相关.因此,我国发展对外贸易必须制定和实施自主创新的战略,依靠政府和企业多方面的努力,采取一系列积极有效的措施,以实现对外贸易的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Two major factors account for a country’s growing integration with the global economy: trade and foreign investment; expansion of exports, and foreign direct investment (FDI). Growth of exports became a dominant source of industrial growth during the 1980s in most developing countries (see Helleiner, 1995). Most of these countries including China and India, have replaced the old import-substitution policy by an export promotion strategy. Both domestic and international factors played an important role in the shift of national policies to repay debts. The process of globalization already underway necessitated export orientation for improving technology, management practices, marketing and international competitiveness. This paper aims at exploring the contributions of exports and FDI to growth and economic liberalization in China and lndia. The first section briefly reviews similarities and differences in the two economies. The second section deals with growth, composition and direction of foreign trade. The third section examines the role of FDI, and its sources and composition by sector, industry, and by overseas ethnic Chinese and Indians. Trade and FDI linkages are examined in the fourth section which also contains a brief case study of Guangdong (China).  相似文献   

绿色壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响及应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了绿色贸易壁垒概念,具体分析了绿色壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响,并有针对性地提出了应对绿色壁垒的措施。  相似文献   

外资对品牌和技术的控制,已经危及我国产业安全。在我国外商投资政策的主题由"招商引资"向"招商选资"转变的背景下,在对外商直接投资的溢出效应的认识深化的条件下,通过立法对外资品牌控制和技术控制进行较为严厉的规制是必要的和可行的。《反垄断法》上的企业集中事前申报制度,不足以对外资品牌控制和技术控制予以有效规制,应当利用国家安全审查制度对其进行规制。  相似文献   

Some time ago I advanced on the pages of this journal a critique of the interpretation given by Jay L. Garfield and Mark Siderits (hereafter GS) of Nāgārjuna’s doctrine of the two truths (Ferraro, J Indian Philos 41(2):195–219, 2013.1); to my article the two authors responded with a ‘defense of the semantic interpretation’ of the Madhyamaka doctrine of emptiness (GS, J Indian Philos 41(6):655–664, 2013). Their reply, however, could not consider my personal understanding of Nāgārjuna’s notions of ?ūnyatā and dve satye. My interpretation of these notions was in fact absent in the paper GS responded, and was only related in a second paper of mine (Ferraro, J Indian Philos 41(5):563–590, 2013.2), still unpublished at the time of GS’s drafting of their ‘defense’. Therefore, in the present rejoinder, I found it appropriate, rather than responding point by point to the passages of GS’s reply, to advance a comparison between the semantic interpretation and my ‘realist antimetaphysical’ understanding of Nāgārjuna’s thought.  相似文献   

中国外贸代理制度刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈立虎 《法学家》2001,(5):41-44
近十几年来,我国在对外贸易中实行代理制,我们一般称之为外贸代理制。它是指具有外贸经营权的企业接受其他单位或个人的委托,在授权范围内代理进出口业务,并收取约定代理费的法律行为。根据代理人凭借的名义,外贸代理主要可分为两种:一是直接形式的外贸代理,是指外贸经营者在批准的经营范围内,依照国家有关规定,受被代理人委托,以被代理人的名义同外商签订进出口合同,代理从事外贸业...  相似文献   

外资并购将对中国国民经济的战略性调整和市场经济的发展起到重要作用,需要重视和研究入世后我国的外资并购,并作出立法应对。近年来,我国外资并购的迅猛发展得益于相关立法的支持。适应外资并购的发展,需要对外资并购运作方式及相关事项作出立法规范。我国外资并购中涉及的反垄断调控,急需有法可依。入世后,WTO规则涉及外资并购的重要事项,要求事先存在相关的立法,需要国内立法的及时补缺。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来的美国对外贸易政策,应当引起特别关注。作为WTO的重要成员和当今世界上惟一的超级大国,美国的贸易政策的演变对未来多边贸易体制的发展将产生不可低估的影响,对美国贸易政策与其国内法律的关联性进行剖析,无疑对廓清当前及今后较长时期内的美国经贸政策演进的趋势是一种有益的探索,特别是为我国应对新一轮国际经济与贸易发展提供一定的借鉴,也有助于我国经贸法律制度的进一步完善。  相似文献   

Trade Secrets, Firm-Specific Human Capital, and Optimal Contracting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trade secrets are innovations jointly produced by firms and employees that are generally not protected by patents. They are commonly protected within the framework of labor contracts, where an obligation of confidentiality is imposed upon the employee. Specifically this obligation applies to the employee even after he has left the employer for a period of time determined in the contract, known as a cooling off period. Often employees are prohibited not only from revealing trade secrets, but also from utilizing their specific human capital developed at the original place of employment in competitor firms during this period. Their specific human capital is in effect inseparable from the trade secret. Failure to protect the trade secret will result in its revelation and its becoming public and hence worthless for the innovator. The inability of an employee to reveal trade secrets and utilize his specific human capital after leaving his place of employment imposes costs and losses upon him. Some form of compensation will be paid for these contingent losses within the employment contract. Employers know that the longer the cooling off period imposed upon employees, the greater employees must be compensated for this in the contract. Longer cooling off periods thus cost the employer more, but also enable him to earn greater rents from the innovation itself. In this paper profit-maximizing periods of trade secret protection are derived, based on these two countervailing factors, and comparative statics exercises are performed. How the selection of profit-maximizing periods of trade secret protection when the incidence of resignation is itself affected by contract parameters and incentives is explored.  相似文献   

中国现行的贸易报复机制源于1994年《对外贸易法》,它的形成和发展有着特定的经济和文化背景。这一机制在本质上并不违反世贸组织规则,但那些情绪化的贸易报复条款在将来的修订中应加以改革,因为即使没有这些条款,中国作为世贸组织成员仍享有对采取歧视性贸易保护措施的国家实施贸易报复的权利。然而,鉴于世贸组织争端解决机制所确立的贸易报复规则也是不完善的,诉诸于世贸组织贸易报复机制并不意味着争端一定能公正地得以解决。因此,在“和平崛起”战略下,中国对贸易争端的处理将做战略性调整,从长远来说,在贸易争端中采取灵活的策略乃至适当的让步而不是过去那种针锋相对的对抗,不会延缓中国经济振兴的进程。  相似文献   


That we consider the state-based system as best representing the individual is the product of a particular world view. A ‘naturalized myth’ renders inevitable the link between the physicality of the observable landscape and the state as a means of organizing a polity. This myth lingers on in international legal scholarship, although it has been debunked in other disciplines, notably in critical political geography. (Public) international lawyers can learn from their brethren in other disciplines and problematize the territorial state as a contingent political concept. Awareness of the social production of space may allow lawyers to imagine practices of resistance to the spatial status quo, in particular rights of non-state actors in the production of international law, alongside states, and obligations and responsibilities of non-state actors, especially where states have proved unable to properly assume roles of protection vis-à-vis individuals under their formal jurisdiction.


作为一个发展中国家,中国一直努力优化投资环境吸引外资,以促进经济发展。中国知识产权法律制度从无到有到日趋完善,都离不开外部压力,其中一个很重要的因素恐怕与国际贸易有关。1随着中国成为WTO的正式成员,作为WTO三大支柱之一的知识产权受到了日益广泛的关注。因此,探讨知识  相似文献   

论WTO规则与中国外资法的修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨光 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):39-41
中国加入世界贸易组织,WTO规则对中国外资法提出了挑战,三部外资法的修改正是对这种挑战的回应。这种回应在很大程度上是及时且必要的,但也存在不足之处。同时,我国外资法体系中存在的大量的鼓励性措施,也应及时加强规范。  相似文献   

近年来,外资并购中国企业成为外商在华投资的主要方式.外资并购产生了垄断的倾向并且对我国造成了一定的危害.通过对当前外资并购中存在的突出问题予以剖析,提出我国在外资并购的反垄断法规制方面的内容应予以完善.  相似文献   

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