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A Big Miracle     
The low-budget comedy Lost in Thailand has raked in 1.1 billion yuan($177 million) since its debut on December 12,making it the highest-grossing domestic film in history. It also overtook James Cameron’s 3D Titanic as the top-earning film in Chinese theaters in 2012.With local enthusiasm for the movie still  相似文献   

<正>On May 12,2008,a devastating earthquake hit We nchuan County in southwest China’s Sichuan Province,severely damaging the local economy and disrupting the people’s lives.The 8.0-magnitude earthquake was the most destructive earthquake with the largest quake affecte darea of the past 60 years in China.  相似文献   

THE Wangjialing Coal Mine in Shanxi Province was flooded while under construction on March 28, 2010, trapping 153 miners deep underground. Intense rescue efforts pulled out nine men alive 179 hours later, and 106 more 192 hours after the accident. Bringing to the surface 115 survivors after eight days and nights was nothing short of a marvel, of good fortune and human vitality.  相似文献   

正China eliminated absolute poverty in 2020,attracting the attention of the international community, and bagging the praise and positive comments as well as curiosity and doubt. Some cannot imagine that a country with a population of 1.4 billion has been able to lift all its people out of absolute poverty, completing the poverty reduction goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule.  相似文献   

Miracle Grass     
Mushrooms and grass,seemingly unrelated,have been innovatively combined by a Chinese agro-scientist to create miraculous results inpoverty alleviation.In the 1980s,farmers in Fujian Province in southeast China felled trees and used wood chips and sawdust to grow mushrooms.  相似文献   

正AUGUST marks the first anniversary of xue.taobao.com,an online education platform along the lines of Taobao(the Chinese online shopping website equivalent to eBay and Amazon).Nipping at its heels,having appeared last November,is Google’s new product Helpout,a C2C(consumer-to-consumer)e-learning platform.This successive branching out of Internet giants into the e-learning marketplace will undoubtedly have a posi-  相似文献   

正As a young schoolboy,China for me was a little red book.Intrigued by pictures of smiling children proudly holding the book aloft and reading through the pages,I also wanted to partake in its magic.And that’s how I learnt about a party called the Communist Party of China(CPC).But as I grew older,I realized that unlike most political parties,the CPC was more of an ideological entity.How else does  相似文献   

正China’s reform started in rural areas,but its reform and opening up began in Shenzhen,southern Guangdong Province.Adjacent to Hong Kong,Shenzhen was a small fishing village prior to 1978,but underwent dramatic changes thanks to the reform and opening-up policy.After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the  相似文献   

<正>Can the youngest President-elect save France from division?Only one year ago,Emmanuel Macron was not well known to the international community.At that time,he had just resigned from his post as minister of economy,industry and digital affairs in the government of President Fran?ois Hollande.He left the Socialist  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. Over the past four decades, the country has man-aged remarkable average annual GDP growth of 9.6 percent, a feat unprecedented in the history of human economic development.  相似文献   

Many foreign media reports find "puzzle" a handy word in discussing China. Even for Chinese people the nation cannot be summed up in a few words.  相似文献   

伊斯兰教从创建到伍麦叶王朝中期这一百年左右的时间里传播的历程,是伊斯兰教传播最迅猛最有效的阶段。它大致分为三个时期:创教时期、四大哈里发时期和伍麦叶时期。伊斯兰教其时迅速传播的原因,可以从对它的传播者、受众、传播内容、传播途径以及传播产生的效果等几个方面的研究中找到答案。  相似文献   

<正>Better fundamentals,more space for a pro-growth policy and favorable factors will keep the economy strong and competitive By Mei Xinyu While almost all the other emerging economies are experiencing massive turmoil,the Chinese economy is slowing down,with its GDP growth in the first two quarters of this year dropping to its lowest level  相似文献   

Theories that explain post-Mao China's economic success tend to attribute it to one or several ‘successful’ policies or institutions of the Chinese government, or to account for the success from economic perspectives. This article argues that the success of the Chinese economy relies not just on the Chinese state's economic policy but also on its social policies. Moreover, China's economic success does not merely lie in the effectiveness of any single economic or social policy or institution, but also in the state's capacity to make a policy shift when it faces the negative unintended consequences of its earlier policies. The Chinese state is compelled to make policy shifts quickly because performance constitutes the primary base of its legitimacy, and the Chinese state is able to make policy shifts because it enjoys a high level of autonomy inherited from China's past. China's economic development follows no fixed policies and relies on no stable institutions, and there is no ‘China model’ or ‘Beijing consensus’ that can be constructed to explain its success.  相似文献   

PENGage,homeofthelegendal"eightimmortals"andabundantresourceshasmanyoutstandingattributes.China'searliestnavalbasewaslocatedhere.PenglaiPavilion,famousthroughouttheworld,isoneofChina'Sfourmostfamouspavilionsandatouristattraction.Penglai'svastseaproducesseacucumbers,abalone,andprawns.Penglaiisalsorichindineralresources,includinggold,silver,sulphur,marbleandlimestone,allimportantmaterialsforindustryandconstruction.Accordingtolegend,theeightimmortalshadaGoldenTouch.Today,thedescendantsoftheei…  相似文献   

中国经济持续高速增长,一直被世界称之为增长的速度奇迹.但是只有速度的增长奇迹,并不等于公平型共享型的增长.处在转型时期的中国收入分配问题具有相当的复杂性和特殊性,实质上是中国经济长期发展不平衡的缩影.当前的收入差距不仅影响了经济增长,制约了经济发展方式转型,也威胁到了社会稳定.因此必须通过加快制度创新,消除分配不公,改善分配关系,推动更广泛意义上的公平公正,实现真正的中国经济奇迹.  相似文献   

Mining safety     
FuJing 《中国周刊》2005,37(1):6-8
A bout 70 kilometres north of the ancient Chinese capital Xi'an lies a coal belt underneath the rollingmountains. Criss-crossed by a honeycombof tunnels, the belt has helped fuel China'seconomic engine for many years andfilled the coffers of Tongchuan, known asone of the country's 'coal cities'. Cover-ing the northern valley of the WeiheRiver, the largest tributary of the YellowRiver, the Weibei coal belt recentlyachieved national attention not for thequality of its c…  相似文献   

东亚新学说理论认为,曾经创造了“东亚奇迹”的东亚模式是有特点的创新体系,但任何时期都不存在不随时代变化而因应变革的发展模式。东亚金融危机的爆发与国际经济环境变迁有直接的联系,同时在相当程度上也是东亚发展模式调整滞后的结果。以此理论视角重新审视60年来台湾经济发展的过程可以看出,作为东亚模式创新体系基本要素的“出口导向”、“政府作用”等始终发挥着重要作用,只是在时空背景发生巨大变化时,台湾当局没有进行相应的调整与变革,甚至反向作为,才使得台湾经济发生了由“奇迹”到“困境”的演变过程。  相似文献   

One of the country's most important industries receives billions of yuan in government financial assistance to keep it afloat  相似文献   

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