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改革开放三十年来中国经济结构和社会生活发生了巨大变化,对共青团工作社会化提出了更高的要求.各级共青团组织要构建社会化载体,进一步扩大团组织的覆盖面;构建社会化运行机制,大力增强团组织的凝聚力;构建社会化配置方式,有效整合团组织内外资源;构建社会化服务方式,实现团组织全方位服务青年.  相似文献   

当前,传统的群防群治工作出现弱化趋势,社会治安管理模式面临严峻挑战,因此,新形势下推行治安管理社会化具有重要的现实意义。治安管理社会化包括治安活动的组织化、安全服务的市场化、打击犯罪的合作化、城乡管理的均等化、宣传教育的大众化。要实现治安管理社会化必须建立以党政支持为保障的社会化管理机制,探索以市场化运作为方向的治安管理新方法,完善以社区警务为主导的社会化治安防控体系,构建以警务合作为依托的打击违法犯罪新格局,营造以宣传教育为支撑的治安管理社会化环境。  相似文献   

梁方 《长江论坛》2004,(6):55-58
庙会的传承,实质上是其遗传因素、主体能动因素与全部的社会环境因素互动的社会化过程。随着社会的发展,庙会逐渐游离于初始的、单纯的宗教信仰活动之外,成为集商贸、艺术、娱乐为一体的社会亚文化系统。历史证明:庙会只有不断吸纳先进的物质一文化成果,才能不断完善其社会性而与时俱变、与时俱新。  相似文献   

以"可掌控"社会治安为基点全面推进公安机关社会管理创新,是公安机关努力提升驾驭社会治安复杂局面能力的积极探索和有益尝试。提出"可掌控"社会治安,主要是基于对公安工作阶段性特征、犯罪发展规律和动态社会稳定问题的认识。构建"可掌控"社会治安,应在适度控制下最大限度地激发社会活力,提升对人、事、物等治安基本要素的掌控能力,以公安信息化为支撑,实现对社会治安"质"、"量"的"可掌控",确保不发生影响社会大局稳定的案(事)件,并将违法犯罪控制在群众可承受程度内。  相似文献   

Online Gold     
Chinese college students are starting online stores totake shelter from the chilly employment situation College senior Yang Fugang is alegend among his fellow school-mates. Two years ago he openedan online cosmetics and accesso-ries store that now makes a profit of 30,000  相似文献   

1月20日,公安部户政管理研究中心再度推出全国姓名报告。公安部户政管理研究中心依托全世界最大、覆盖全国14亿人口的信息系统,采用大数据技术对全国户籍人口(不含港澳台地区)的姓氏和姓名用字、2019年新生儿姓名用字等情况进行了统计分析。  相似文献   

Charity Online     
MAO Lihui, a teacher in a remote mountainous area, changed his deprived students' lives with the help of the Internet. The article he wrote on his blog,which included pictures of his pupils in their tattered clothes and often bare feet, aroused public sympathy and prompted an influx of donations.  相似文献   

政府上网是政务公开的重要手段。它对政务公开同时具有积极作用与消极影响,要趋利避害,必须采取一系列的上网策略。  相似文献   

The online retail industry continues to expand and attract company participation while creating new employment opportunities in the wake of the global financial crisis  相似文献   

正Internet financial products have enjoyed huge success,but will they change the landscape of China’s financial sector?Wang Kang,27,works for a Beijing branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(ICBC),a major state-owned commercial bank in China and the largest bank  相似文献   

正A new platform established to counter kid trafficking and kidnapping A 12-year-old boy who had disappeared for several hours was found by Tianjin police,thanks to a new online platform.The boy,named Jiang Yuzhe,went missing around 9 p.m.on May 23 from Tianjin’s Hexi District.The next day,his information that included a photo and other descrip-  相似文献   

正E-commerce has evolved into an adrenaline shot for domestic consumption in China When the huge screen at Alibaba Group’s office building in Hangzhou,capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province,recorded the total transaction value of the day hit50 billion yuan($8.17 billion)at 10:30 p.m.on November 11,Jack Ma,founder and Executive Chairman of U.S.-listed Alibaba,showed up in  相似文献   

犯罪嫌疑人在实施犯罪以及社会日常生活过程中必然要遗留与之相关的信息,这些信息可分为物质化信息与数字化信息。公安机关能够掌握的与犯罪嫌疑人有关的数字化信息分为四大类:违法犯罪记录信息、人口管理基本信息、社会活动信息和刑事案件发破案信息。网上侦查模式的运行过程就是依托各种信息资源分析平台,通过对四类数字化信息的整合、交叉碰撞比对,自动或半自动地揭示蕴藏在各类信息资源中的犯罪嫌疑人的活动规律轨迹和作案信息,从而发现破案线索以及准确定位在逃犯罪嫌疑人,进而将其缉捕归案。网上侦查作为一种全新的侦查模式,自成系统,构成这个系统的要素之间相互作用从而实现网上侦查的功能。  相似文献   

Online and Off     
China's population of Internet users now numbers 298 million, and the worldwide web has profoundly impacted people's lives in both positive and negative ways. On the eve of this year's sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Premier Wen Jiabao engaged the nation's netizens during a two- hour interactive web chat. During the sessions, Wen regularly logged on to collect the people's opinions on their progress.  相似文献   

THE Internet has changed the way people live. Farmers in the remotest of villages have benefited from it, and now want to join the ranks of China's netizens. "Online Farm Agent" Several years ago, farmers in Zhangzhai Village, Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province lived a primitive lifestyle. Their sole income was from crops grown on one mu (1/15  相似文献   

正After runaway growth, Web films begin to focus on quality When Wang Guandi's first film Championin Vilage was released last year, he was thankful for the new genre of moviest hat has made it possible for newcomers like him to realize their dream of making films.Wang, who worked with an ad agency in  相似文献   

<正>China's largest e-commerce company Alibaba and its leading electronics retailer Suning signed a strategic cooperation deal on August 10.According to the deal,Alibaba will invest 28.3 billion yuan($4.4billion)in Suning,becoming the latter's second largest shareholder.In return,Suning will spend 14 billion yuan($2.2billion)to purchase a maximum of 27.8million new shares in Alibaba.Suning will also open a flagship store  相似文献   

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