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本文分析了103名中国汉族人的唇纹特征,其中男性57人,女性46人,年龄范围为22~58岁。按照金子·丑之助提出的分类方法,对中国汉族人的唇纹进行了分类,并进行了统计分析,得出了中国汉族各型唇纹的分类,并且比较了唇纹的性别差异和上下唇之间的差异。中国人唇纹的类型男性以Ⅲ型为高,女性以Ⅰ型为高。  相似文献   

目的利用腭皱数字图像识别系统对正畸治疗前后腭皱形态匹配正确率的分析研究,为法医学中同一认定提供理论依据。方法利用正畸患者治疗前后腭皱形态数字图像,通过腭皱数字图像识别系统对图像的特征进行提取并收录到腭皱数字库,运用Matlab软件完成对腭皱形态数字图像的信息匹配处理。结果正畸治疗前后,个体性检测匹配正确率各自都达到100%。正畸治疗前后腭皱形态匹配正确率为95.67%,配对检验结果 P0.05,具有统计学意义。结论腭皱形态具有高度的个体特异性,正畸治疗后腭皱形态会发生多种变化,但对同一认定的影响不大。腭皱形态识别为法医学同一认定提供一种新的方法和途径。  相似文献   

目的根据腭皱的形态图特征,进行口腔腭皱在法医学同一认定的指标体系构建。方法收集100例成年人腭皱模型,依据腭皱的形状、数量、位置分布等特征对腭皱形态图进行全面系统的编码。编码顺序采用英文字母按照先右侧再左侧,先前部再后部的顺序编码,并且右、左侧编码以破折号连接。最后依据编码,统计分析腭皱形态分布特征。结果 100例腭皱形态图中,个体间未见完全一致者,每个个体不论男性与女性均表现有独特的腭皱形态图;且同一个体左右侧单条腭皱的形态及分布亦不同。波浪形腭皱所占比例最大(23.03%),三分叉形出现比例最小(0.74%),不同性别的波浪形及曲线形腭皱所占比例均较大,女性波浪形(22.7%)及曲线形(18.28%);男性波浪形(24.11%)及曲线形(21.43%)。结论口腔腭皱法医学同一认定的指标体系构建,将为法医学的同一认定提供一种新的方法。  相似文献   

Estimation of stature from foot and shoe measurements using multiplication factors is well known. It is a simple method and it is used very frequently as a ready reckoner in forensic anthropology. However the individual error is quite large. In the present work an attempt has been made to evolve revised multiplication factors to reduce this error so that this method (multiplication factor) can be used more effectively with smaller error.  相似文献   

目的利用腭皱模型分析法评价腭皱形态的个体独特性及正畸治疗前后腭皱形态的稳定性,探索腭皱形态在法医齿科学个体识别应用中的可靠性。方法分别收集70例正畸治疗前、后的上颌模型。通过模型测量分析对腭皱形态及个体识别进行检测,包括数量、方向、形状及长度的变化和近、远中侧端点分别在近远中向及前后方向上的位移。同时对正畸治疗前、后及正畸治疗后与其复制后腭皱模型进行配对检测,计算其平均正确配对率(%)。结果 (1)正畸治疗后腭皱数量、方向、形状及长度均有变化,表现为长度变化(28.6%);分裂(4.3%);联合(2.9%);方向变化(1.4%);形状变化(1.4%)。并且治疗后腭皱远中端点的前后向位移变化占45.7%,近远中向位移占40%;而腭皱近中端在在前后向和在近远中向上位移变化分别为32.9%和17.1%。(2)正畸治疗前组及正畸治疗后组不同个体均未发现相同的腭皱模式。(3)正畸治疗前、后模型的腭皱平均正确配对率为92.19%。而治疗后模型与复制后模型的腭皱平均正确配对率是99.05%。结论腭皱形态具有高度的个体特异性,尽管正畸治疗后腭皱的形态有一定变化,但仍可作为一种新的方法应用于法医齿科的同一认定。  相似文献   

二氧化钛显现手印研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的建立应用二氧化钛的小微粒悬浮液来显现潜在手印的方法。方法选择6种不同客体,分别取普通汗和皮脂汗手印各40枚,各保存1天和7天,用二氧化钛小微粒悬浮液进行手印显现。结果保存1天和7天的汗潜手印显现结果没有很大区别,但皮脂汗手印显现效果好于普通汗手印。结论二氧化钛的小微粒悬浮液可以有效地显现出光滑非渗透性客体表面的潜手印。  相似文献   

Although there is clinical applicability of the palatal rugae as an identification tool in forensic odontology, controversy exists whether the palatal rugae patterns are stable or variable. The greater the genetic component, the higher the probability that palatal rugae patterns are stable. The aim of this study was to compare the palatal rugae morphology between full siblings and the proportion of variability due to genetic component. This cross-sectional study was conducted on digital models of 162 siblings aged 15–30 years old. The palatal rugae patterns were assessed with Thomas and Kotze (1983) classification using Geomagic Studio software (3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC). The palatal rugae morphology between siblings showed significantly similar characteristics for total number of left rugae (p = 0.001), left primary rugae (p = 0.017), secondary rugae for right (p = 0.024) and left sides (p = 0.001), right straight rugae (p = 0.010), and right convergent rugae (p = 0.005) accounting for at least 6.25%-12.8% of the variability due to heredity. Despite the similarities found, the palatal rugae patterns showed significant differences between siblings of at least 46.9% (p = 0.001). Zero heritability was found in 9 of the 14 rugae patterns. Meanwhile, total number of rugae, primary, backward, and convergent rugae showed moderate heritability (h2 > 0.3) and total number of secondary rugae showed high heritability (h2 > 0.6). In conclusion, despite the individuality characteristics, an appreciable hereditary component is observed with significant similarities found between sibling pairs and the palatal rugae patterns were both environmentally and genetically influenced.  相似文献   

Minutiae are small distinguishing features found along every ridge flow, which make each friction ridge print unique. The most common friction ridge prints found at the crime scene are fingerprints; therefore, the most of the minutiae studies are focused exactly on this kind of prints. The authors believe that further examination and enlargement of the palm print database could result in better use of the palm prints for personal identification. We analyzed a total of 160 palm prints from 40 females and 40 males aged between 18 and 70 years from Slovakia. For the evaluation of the minutiae, the area of the hypothenar had to be marked out. The classification of the minutiae used for this study was based on a modified version of the classification system using the total of 13 types of minutiae. The frequency of every minutiae type was calculated and, using the chi-square test with Yates's correction, bilateral and sex differences were assessed. The relationship between the different types of minutiae was examined with Pearson's correlation test. During the initial phases of the identification process, the focus should be on the least common types of minutiae (Y or M and return), which were found not to correlate; thus, their mutual occurrence is random (e.g., overlap—Y or M, crossbar—return, or Y or M—dock). The results of the present study show which specific minutiae types are the most suitable for personal identification. These findings may be beneficial in more effective outcome of the identification process.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify and compare the rugae pattern between males and females of two different communities in the city of Davangere, Karnataka, India, which may be an additional method of identification in cases of crimes or communal riots. Elastomeric impressions of the maxillary arch of 100 selected children were made; casts were poured in Type IV stone. The method of identification of rugae pattern followed was that of Lysell and Thomas and Kotze, which includes the number, shape, direction, and unification of rugae. The study revealed no significant difference in the total number or length of rugae between the two communities and sexes. However, with regard to shape and unification, females showed a significantly higher diverging rugae type while males had a significant number of circular and converging type of rugae. Also, discrimination function analysis allowed a moderate differentiation of the population. Hence, the rugae pattern can be an additional method of differentiation in conjunction with the other methods such as visual, fingerprints, and dental characteristics in forensic sciences.  相似文献   

Lip prints are thought to have the ability to distinguish individuals and, hence, have a potential use in human identification purposes. However, questions remain regarding their utility for sex determination. This study aimed to classify lip prints for different individuals in a Portuguese population and to determine whether sex differences exist. Lip prints of 25 females and 25 males were obtained using dark-colored lipstick and cellophane tape. Lip prints were analyzed using a magnifying lens and classified according to the Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification. A Type II pattern was found to be most common. A comparison of lip-print patterns between males and females showed results with a statistically significant difference: Type III pattern was most common in males, and a Type II pattern in females. This study corroborates the hypothesis that lip prints are able to distinguish individuals and may be useful in sex determination.  相似文献   

When human remains are examined, three questions always need to be answered: who is the deceased, what was the cause of death, and when did the death occur, the former question being the most relevant. The identification of half or fully skeletonized human remains is a complex process and always requires the use of methods that allow individualization beyond any reasonable doubt. However, no matter how vigorous the search for identification, this is not always achieved. Here, the author presents two cases in which identification was exhaustively attempted but not achieved despite the existence of an osteo implanted device in one case and the presence of documents in the other. In one case, we could not find a potential identity for the deceased, while in the other we found a possible identity but not a family member to provide antemortem data to confirm it. Although the scientific literature tends to favour the publication of cases with favourable outcomes, one should also learn from failures, which is the reason why the author decided to publish his unsuccessful experiences. The reasons for the failures are discussed, as well as methodological improvements for future cases.  相似文献   

At the Medical Legal Center in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (CEMEL/FMRP-USP), unidentified decomposing bodies routinely undergo soft tissue removal (by immersion in water at 80–90 °C for 24 h) prior to an anthropological analysis intended to yield a biological profile of age, sex, ancestry, height, pathology and so on. In the event that this analysis is unsuccessful, samples may be submitted for DNA profiling. The tropical climate and the defleshing process may confound preservation, recovery and analysis of DNA, however. In order to establish an optimal standardized protocol for identification of decomposing human remains from a tropical climatic region, the outcome of anthropological and genetic analyses was compared, along with the utility of bone (mainly femur and sternum) and teeth (mainly molar) specimens for DNA analysis. In a sample (n = 39) of partially skeletonized remains, anthropological analysis was sufficient for identification in eight cases. In further six cases, DNA profiling was successfully attempted. As a consequence of our study, we recommend collection of 1–2 well preserved teeth prior to defleshing and anthropological analysis in these circumstances.  相似文献   

Palatal rugae have been related with specific racial groups and are said to be useful in sex discrimination. This work aimed to characterize the palatal rugae patterns in a Portuguese population. Fifty plaster casts were examined for first and third rugae shape evaluation; shape, frequency, and association with sex were studied. In females, the most prevalent first rugae were the straight type on the right and the curve type on the left; in males, the straight type was the most prevalent on both sides. The most frequent third rugae type was sinuous on both sides, in both sexes. No significant sexual dimorphism in rugae shape was found (p > 0.05). When comparing these results with those from other investigations, it was clear that a particular rugae pattern could be established for different ethnic groups. However, the small sample size justifies further work in larger samples to validate these findings.  相似文献   

The development of new methodologies for high-throughput SNP analysis is one of the most stimulating areas in genetic research. Here, we describe a rapid and robust assay to simultaneously genotype 17 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) coding region SNPs by minisequencing using SNaPshot. SNaPshot is a methodology based on a single base extension of an unlabeled oligonucleotide with labeled dideoxy terminators. The set of SNPs implemented in this multiplexed SNaPshot reaction allow us to allocate common mitochondrial West Eurasian haplotypes into their corresponding branch in the mtDNA skeleton, with special focus on those haplogroups lacking unambiguous diagnostic positions in the first and second hypervariable regions (HVS-I/II; by far, the most common segments analyzed by sequencing). Particularly interesting is the set of SNPs that subdivide haplogroup H; the most frequent haplogroup in Europe (40–50%) and one of the most poorly characterized phylogenetically in the HVS-I/II region. In addition, the polymorphic positions selected for this multiplex reaction increase considerably the discrimination power of current mitochondrial analysis in the forensic field and can also be used as a rapid screening tool prior to full sequencing analysis. The method has been validated in a sample of 266 individuals and shows high accuracy and robustness avoiding both the use of alternative time-consuming classical strategies (i.e. RFLP typing) and the need for high quantities of DNA template.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the inference of identity of source using a two-dimensional feature vector. As an example, we study the use of the Bayesian framework for the estimation of the value of evidence of color measurements for identity of source of blue ballpoint pen inks. Univariate as well as bivariate analyses are carried out for color data that was acquired with a flatbed scanner. While this might not be the best method to discriminate inks, we will use it as an example to estimate what the value of the evidence is, however low or high it may be. It is hoped that this exercise is instructional, as a similar approach can readily be applied in other situations.  相似文献   

目的根据胶带粘面上潜在手印的特点,利用染料和潜手印的理化性质,研究开发胶带粘面手印荧光显现剂。方法在各种胶带粘面上显现潜在手印,并与常规的碳素墨水染色法进行比较。结果在长波紫外线照射下手印呈黄色明亮荧光,手印纹线清晰、连贯,基本不受手印遗留时间、客体表面颜色和性质的影响。结论胶带粘面上的汗潜手印和血潜手印用荧光显现剂显现效果优于碳素墨水染色法,在实际案件的侦破中有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Since the beginning of our work in 2003 our laboratory has focused exclusively on STR DNA from bone, a powerful tool in missing person cases. In cases such as mass disasters or missing persons, human remains are challenging to identify as they may be fragmented, burnt, recovered from water, degraded, and/or contain inhibitory substances. To address these challenges, this study has evaluated the performance of relatively new STR kits Investigator® 24plex QS kit (Qiagen) and GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) by comparing it with current uses of the AmpFLSTR® Identifiler® Plus kit (Applied Biosystems) to obtain genetic information from skeletal remains. We analyzed 20 bone samples of skeletal remains from routine casework submitted for body identifications by law enforcement corresponding using Investigator® 24plex QS kit and GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification kit, previously analysed AmpFLSTR® Identifiler® Plus kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The data indicates that the STR profiles obtained using the GlobalFiler™ and Investigator® 24plex QS kit for analysis of skeletal remains has shown results in an increased number of reportable genetic loci, and provide greater power of discrimination in comparison to the Identifiler® Plus Kit. Advanced extraction and purification techniques, together with more sensitive and robust new amplification kits allowed us to overcome the challenges associated with processing compromised skeletal remains and ultimately obtain full STR DNA profiles in 99% of the bones.  相似文献   

Premortem and postmortem radiographs of the chest and abdomen are often available for comparison and provide a basis for making or rejecting an identification. The case reported here exemplifies the way that individualizing features, such as contours of bony elements, skeletal anomalies, and radiodensities and radiolucencies, are used in establishing personal identity.  相似文献   

Ping Y  Zhou HG  Xu Y  Xia ZF  Zheng WG 《法医学杂志》2011,27(6):444-446
目的 建立快速个体识别STR分型方法.方法 取采集于FTA上的血样200份,经打孔仪取等量血痕分别使用6+1 STR试剂盒结合新型毛细管电泳凝胶EX-Q20进行快速电泳分析和使用SinofilerTM试剂盒结合POP4胶进行电泳分析,比较两者所耗费时间和结果的差异. 结果 6+1 STR试剂盒结合新型毛细管电泳凝胶能够...  相似文献   

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