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Over the past decade, court reform has become an integral part of the process of economic, political and administrative development. This article will examine the causes and consequences of court reform's new role. After reviewing the key national and international actors and examining the political and economic assumptions used to justify this initiative, the article will then argue that (1) the priority of judicial reform in the development agenda is linked not only to a theory of the role of courts and law in political and economic development, but also to the emergence of the field of judicial administration and court management, beginning in the United States and extending to a number of other countries; (2) the limitations built into the judicial administrative reforms implemented in OECD countries may be accentuated in the developing world; and (3) the very success of judicial administration as a field allows it to be used, in conflict with its fundamental tenets, to advance the political agendas of OECD countries as well as developing and transitional regimes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There has been a resurgence of interest in decentralization, but decentralization is now somewhat differently conceived from the way it was in the 1960s. With somewhat different objectives, decentralization also take different forms and this calls into question the value of the well established categories of devolution and deconcentration.  相似文献   

The conduct of development administration in Commonwealth Caribbean countries is hindered by weaknesses in government, and, on the basis of many years experience, Dr. Hope points to four approaches to reform which are currently favoured. Changing the nature of political leadership; reasserting the importance of an independent instrumental administration through greater attention to manpower planning, training and staff development; similarly extending the scope of administrative action by achieving a decentralization of authority from political ministers to local professional administators acting with the public; and participatory democracy with a reduced role for professional administration are four approaches with parallels in other parts of the world. The author points, however, to distinctive features in the Caribbean and argues that the small size of the states creates particular problems and challenges.  相似文献   

宪政视角下的中国公共行政发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于现代国家制度建设尚有待完善,我国公共行政学界在追踪西方学术前沿,致力于进行管理主义和政策主义公共行政研究的同时,有必要继续重视并阐发宪政主义公共行政理论。如果我们立足于从宪政视角完善有限政府的制度框架,公共行政发展将会收到事半功倍的效果;如果一味地依赖于管理主义或政策主义公共行政理论,则会事倍功半、欲速则不达。就宪政视角的公共行政规范看,中国有必要加速推进有限政府、法治政府、分权政府、诚信政府和透明政府的制度建设。  相似文献   

We evaluate the impact of political forces in the allocation of intergovernmental grants in Portugal, as it matured from a young to an established democracy. Using a large and unexplored dataset we show that political variables condition the granting system, and that their importance changed over time. While tactical manipulation in the distribution of grants among municipalities seems to exist only in the early years of democracy, opportunistic effects are stronger in the latter years. We argue that the latter effect is due to a change in the political environment and to the electorate’s lack of information on intergovernmental grants.  相似文献   

作为行政学的一个分支学科 ,行政发展是一门年轻而又充满活力的学科。然而 ,关于行政发展的研究理论框架 ,学术界至今尚未达成统一的共识。本文立足于行政发展的研究现状 ,结合我国的国情 ,对行政发展的研究理论框架作一初步的探讨 ,以期对行政发展学的进一步发展有所裨益  相似文献   

The study of research utilization and administration has been a growing field, but the emphasis in this field has been on industrialized countries. This article presents the results of a pioneering study of the use of research by senior officials in the Nigerian Federal Government. The article focuses first on Federal Government-sponsored research, it reviews how such research was initiated and conducted, how results were presented and what affected the use of the results. The article then describes expatriate-sponsored research, casts light on the conventional assumption about the amount of such research and points to the fact that there was comparatively less awareness of the results. The article not only provides significant information about the administration of research in Nigeria but emphasizes the need to give attention to this aspect of administration.  相似文献   

发展行政学是西方社会科学中年轻的学科之一.发展行政学是公共行政学学科发展和分化特别是在比较公共行政学研究基础上成长起来的.她经历了形成、衰落和复兴几个阶段.发展行政学与理论、现实的紧密结合是其学科发展的生长点.发展是永恒的主题,发展行政学的兴起是必然的.尽管如此,发展行政学在全球化视野下,挑战和机遇并存.  相似文献   

公共管理(学)的概念及与行政管理学的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共管理学与行政管理学的关系是近几年我国学术界的一个研究热点,因为,弄清楚这一问题,直接关系到能否对公共管理、行政管理学科的准确把握和深入研究。通过对西方公共管理学产生的背景及其主要内容的探讨,分析了中国社会发展对行政管理改革的要求,并结合当前我国学术界对此争论的主要观点,论述了应如何看待公共管理学及其与行政管理学的关系问题。  相似文献   

This article describes how BMS (brain skill and management styles) assessments have and can be used to increase productivity in development administration. The article starts with a brief outline of the management climate which executives face in developing countries (crisis and rapidly changing environments). The article points out that although developing countries have significantly increased their productivity by using traditional quantitative management tools and techniques, they increasingly find that these approaches need to be supplemented with other techniques more appropriate to the environment they must contend with. BMS programmes have been found to be one tool which, combined with established training programmes can serve to increase productivity in developing nations with existing personnel. The article describes what a BMS programme is (identifying human brain skills and management styles that exist in organizations, and matching these skills/styles to the management problem at hand where they can be best employed to enhance productivity), and illustrates how this technique has been used successfully in one developing country. The BMS programme applications in the article are based on the results of testing over 2000 managers and also the experience from implementing in-depth BMS programmes in several countries in a wide variety of organizational settings (business, government, education, military and health).  相似文献   

研究方法是学科立身之本,发展之径。中国行政学自20世纪80年代恢复和重建以来,经过近30年的学科建设,取得了不俗的成就。然而,中国行政学研究却始终存在一个软肋,那就是行政学研究方法论建设的严重滞后。我国公共行政学要想走向成熟,实现科学化,必须在研究方法上进行整合创新,实现方法论与方法、技术的整合,定性与定量的整合,本土化与外域的整合,多学科方法的整合,理性与非理性的整合。  相似文献   

The educational aid programme sponsored by the U.K. Overseas Development Administration has been conducted using organizations in which substantial changes have been made in the last ten years. This article analyses the changes in the structure of non-departmental agencies and in the relations between the Overseas Development Administration and the agencies, and considers the rationale for these. It draws attention to the contrast between the formal independence of these non-departmental bodies and continuing departmental control, and to the limitations of non-departmental bodies as a means of securing advice and co-operation. The article points to the difficulties in organizational terms of marrying the aim of providing a framework for co-operating with the recipients of aid, and for securing advice, co-operation and support in its administration from bodies outside central government in the U.K., while preserving ministerial responsibility.  相似文献   

This article examines the orientation of what is here called the ‘New Development Administration’ (NDA), as put forth by Esman (1988). It does so using political elasticity theory. The article is sympathetic to the NDA's emphasis upon decentralization, community development, deregulation, privatization, minimal government, popular participation and flexible forms of foreign aid. However, it argues that these require an administrative framework to be effective, including strong leadership, effective bureaucracies, the cooperation of beneficiaries and the ability to shift from soft to hard forms of power. While the importance of a bureaucratic reorientation is generally recognized, NDA supporters seem unclear about the requisites needed. Without adequate supervision and control, NDA objectives cannot be achieved.  相似文献   

‘Development administration’ has become established and recognized as a distinct enterprise of academic study and practice. This paper visits some of the major themes that have been examined by. the ‘development administration community’ by focusing on common concerns with (1) building effective administrative capacity as part of the development process that is also. (2) responsive and accountable and (3) equitable. It is argued that these persistent themes—amid the diversity of approaches and ideological susceptibilities-constitute a continuing challenge to the efficacy of the post-colonial state in the management of development activities.  相似文献   

End user computing requires policy initiatives very different from those needed for computerization in order to deal with the specific issues of initiation, development and institutionalization. Microcomputers provide a service and not goods or savings and require an emphasis on the dynamics of the system, where both strategic issues and operational priorities have to be set. The process is organizational, rather than a technological or a planning exercise. It requires governments to guide the change through deliberate decision making. The objective has to be to obtain the support of users at different levels. In this paper Asian experiences are compared with Western experiences to determine a framework for looking at the process. The limited set of strategies for success have also been identified.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the literature concerned with the impact of HIV on public administration, looking in particular at projections of the impact of HIV/AIDS on public expenditure, the impact of attrition on the health and education sectors and on the civil service as a whole. ‘Success stories’ such as Uganda and Senegal are discussed through their representation in the literature, and ‘political commitment’ is identified as a critical but under‐theorised factor in tackling HIV. Having taken as its starting point the existing work on HIV and governance, the paper then considers the impact of the epidemic in conditions of state vacuum—conflict situations. The paper concludes that governance is both victim of, and part of the solution to, the problems of HIV/AIDS. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

章大海 《学理论》2009,(17):145-148
项目管理在日益增多的领域的迅速发展,为其在大型建筑企业信息化建设中的应用提供了机会。本文在从项目管理的基本概念、实施阶段和成功因素等方面分析了项目管理的理论基础;在此基础上,简要介绍了物流信息系统对于大型建筑企业提升核心竞争力发挥的重要作用;最后,重点将项目管理的思想应用于建筑企业物流信息系统开发之中,提高企业信息化的成功率和收益。  相似文献   

Administration at the grass-roots level is expected to be a vehicle for local development. This explains why governments in the Third World Countries and even in the industrialized states have always demonstrated their willingness actively to involve their grass-root administrations in promoting rural socio-economic transformation. The Republic of Benin is one of the Third World countries where local administration is involved in promoting rural development. However, the local administration has failed to make a noteworthy contribution to rural development, especially since the inception of the regime of Brigadier Mathieu Kerekou. This paper attempts to explain the minimal contribution of local administration to rural development in Benin. One of the key reasons elaborated is the existence of other institutions charged with the same responsibility of promoting rural development. Finally, attention is drawn to the method used in translating socialist ideology into reality through co-operatives and the mobilization of human resources. This method conflicts with the interests of the masses which are being alienated, thereby limiting the success recorded by the local administrators.  相似文献   

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