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我国农村社会中介组织:理论、功能与发展建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
我国正在推进新农村建设,农村社会正处于前所未有的转型之中。农村社会中介组织的发展在新农村建设中可以起到安全阀的作用;可以促进城乡统筹发展;可以提高农民的收入;可以推动农村公共事业的发展;可以继续深化农村改革。然而农村中介组织的发展还须进一步完善,其主要思路是:建立健全法律体系;健全农村中介组织的筹资体系;加强农村中介组织与其他组织的合作;加强农村中介组织的内部建设以及加快农村中介组织的电子商务建设等。  相似文献   

财政农业支出与农业经济发展的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国财政农业支出与农业经济发展之间不仅存在着密切的正相关性,还存在着十分明确的单向因果关系,国家财政农业支出是引起农业生产总值变化的重要原因,但二者并非简单的线性关系。在1990年~2008年间,我国财政农业支出对农业经济发展的贡献率约为28.5%,表明财政农业支出在很大程度上促进了我国农业经济的发展,促进作用较为明显。加快我国财政农业支出在农业经济发展中的促进作用,不仅要注重财政农业支出总量,更要重视调整和优化财政农业支出结构,加强财政农业支出资金监管,扶持现代农业园区建设。  相似文献   

深化农村土地制度改革是新时代农村改革的焦点和难点。习近平在2016年视察小岗村时指出,“新形势下深化农村改革,主线仍然是处理好农民和土地的关系”①。“仍然”一词,深刻揭示出中国共产党在领导中国革命、建设、改革过程中对农村土地制度及维护与发展农民土地利益的重视。党的十八大以来,党中央就农村土地制度改革作出了一系列重大决策部署,明确要求尊重农民意愿、保障农民权益。  相似文献   

过去我们狭隘地把农村产业结构理解为以粮食种植为主的单一的农业结构,这已经不适应农村经济发展的需要。因此,要正确理解农村产业结构不同于农业结构的基本内涵,考察调整农业、农村工业和农村服务业内部三者之间及各行业内部关系的有效对策。  相似文献   

马克思并没有留给我们专门论述农产品供求与价格的著作.马克思对这一问题的论述.是分散在他的主要著作中.农产品价格是农产品供求相互作用的结果.农产品供给与需求弹性较小,决定了农产品价格与价值是由劣等地生产的商品调节的.从影响我国农产品生产与供给诸因素分析,我国农产品供给偏紧的态势将是长期存在着,潜伏着我国农产品价格上涨的压力.农业是需要政府特殊扶持和保护的弱质产业.  相似文献   

This paper compares radical agricultural policy reforms in Sweden and New Zealand in the 1980s and 1990s to establish which factors bring about such types of policy reforms. Ruling out a number of alternative explanations for reform found in the public policy and political economy literature, we focus on the role of reform strategies. We show that the redefinition of agricultural policy – from a matter of finding the balance between budgetary costs and farmers' income to considering agricultural policy as part of macroeconomic policies – was important, particularly in Sweden. Change of policy venue is the other reform strategy identified, which was crucial to the successful introduction of the reform. In both countries, ministers of finance deliberately shifted agricultural policymaking to arenas in which they were able to control the reform process.  相似文献   

杨永生 《理论导刊》2007,1(1):58-60
高度重视并认真解决“三农”问题,是我们党一贯的战略思想。20世纪20年代,党领导人民在农村建立革命根据地,走农村包围城市、武装夺取政权道路,最终取得了革命胜利;十一届三中全会后,改革率先从农村突破,推动了城市改革和社会全面进步;在构建社会主义和谐社会的新时期,中央历史性地提出建设社会主义新农村。历史经验启示我们,新农村建设要坚持党的思想路线,以解放和发展生产力为核心,不断加强和改善党的领导。  相似文献   

Grace Skogstad 《管理》1998,11(4):463-490
The differing trajectory of agricultural policy reforms in the 1990s in the world's two most important agricultural powers, the United States and the European Community/Union (EC/EU), can only be fully understood by appreciating the role that ideas play in policy outcomes. The idea of agricultural exceptionalism underwrote a paradigm of state assistance in the US and the EC/EU. By the mid-1980s, the state assistance paradigm was under stress, and subject to a number of anomalies in both the US and the EC. But while the paradigm was overthrown and replaced with a market liberal model in the US grain sector in the 1990s, it remained intact in the European Union. Explaining why agricultural exceptionalism and the state assistance paradigm has endured in the EU while it has withered in the US highlights three factors: the importance of the political institutional framework in locking in—or not—policy principles and instruments; the degree of fit of a sectoral policy paradigm with the broader societal ideational framework regarding appropriate relations between the state, the market, and the individual; and the capacity of a paradigm to adjust in the face of challenges and anomalies.  相似文献   

Agricultural extension is in transition worldwide. Governments and international agencies are advancing structural, financial and managerial strategies to reform extension. This article reviews and analyses these reform measures, concluding with a conceptual framework that is intended to underscore at once the diversity and interconnectedness of these structural, financial and managerial strategies for decentralizing public sector agricultural extension.  相似文献   

Recent extreme weather events have resulted in an ongoing discussion on the issues of land use and compensation payments within Austrian agriculture. Building on a functional evaluation system for agricultural lands, the national project "agriculture and flooding" has as its goal to classify the flood-protection contribution and flood sensitivity of agricultural lands. This, in turn, enables the recommendation of targeted measures for potentially improving flood situations, as well as an estimate of their implementation costs. In addition to the digital soil map, other fundamental sources used for the project are the digital flood risk map, IACS (integrated administration and control system of agricultural subsidies) land-use data and soil properties. The results will contribute to an understanding of the multifunctionality of agricultural lands and the setting of priorities on a regional scale regarding packaged flood-prevention and damage-minimization.  相似文献   

Éric Montpetit 《管理》2002,15(1):1-20
Both studies of federations and studies of policy networks have sought to produce explanations for observed patterns of policy divergence and designs. However, both have evolved in parallel, insights rarely transferring from one to the other. This article reconciles the two types of studies. More specifically, it provides an understanding of the divergent efforts of the United States and Canada with regard to the adoption of environmental regulations for the agricultural sector, which emphasizes the establishment of policy networks through interactions between past policy decisions and federal arrangements. The American federal structure, when combined with unrelated agricultural policy decisions, shaped policy networks in such a way as to enable the adoption of stringent environmental regulations for agriculture. In contrast, the Canadian federal structure, also in conjunction with past policy decisions, prevented the creation of policy networks capable enough to design similarly stringent agro-environmental regulations.  相似文献   

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