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德国警察制度简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国的警察系统主要由联邦警察机构和州警察机构组成, 分别受联邦内务部和州内务部领导。两级警察组织各有分工, 在业务工作中互相配合,如在工作中出现矛盾或发生冲突,则通过全国内政部长联席会议解决。德国联邦警察机构主要有联邦刑事警察局(署)、联邦边防警察局(署)、联邦水上警察局 (署)和联邦铁路警察局(署)等。联邦刑事警察局的基本职  相似文献   

2000年12月2日至9日,公安部法庭科学技术考察团考察了以色列国家警察总局法庭科学鉴定部、以色列公共安全部爆炸品处置部、Jaffa市警察局的现场勘查队、重大案件机动刑事技术实验室和耶路撒冷市老城警察分局的指挥中心等部门。以色列国家公共安全部常务副部长ArieRamote先生、科技局局长兼公安部首席科学家L.Barak教授以及以色列国家安全部亚洲处负责人先后会见了代表团一行。在会谈中,双方认真讨论了在物证检验鉴定工作中遇到的问题,对开展双边技术交流所取得的成果表示满意,并明确表达了将进一步加强继续合作的意向和共识…  相似文献   

洛杉矶郡有88个城市,最大的城市是洛杉矶市。在美国,州当于我国的省,州下面的郡相当于我国的市,郡下面的城市相当于我国城市的区。洛杉矶郡警察局(LASD)有1.4万多名警察,下设巡逻、看守、刑侦、法庭服务,技术服务,安全保卫,行政、培训等10个分局。洛衫矶郡88个城市中有47个市有自已的警察局,没有警察局的市雇用郡譬察局提供服务。  相似文献   

一、培训考察情况 9月16日至10月6日,以公安部科技局谭晓准副局长为团长,南京等19个第一批科技强警示范城市公安局主管科技工作的局长、副局长及负责同志为团员的公安部科技强警示范城市科技培训团赴美国进行了为期21天的科技培训。培训活动主要围绕“情报信息主导警务战略的技术支撑”这个主题,先后在加利弗尼亚州长滩大学和圣伯纳迪诺大学接受了四个专题的培训。期间,还先后参观考察了圣伯纳迪诺市警察局、洛杉矶市西区警察分局,全面了解了不同层次的美国警察的工作任务、分工、指挥体系、主要装备和科技应用情况,以及相互之间的协作等;针对美国东西部警察管理间的差别,科技培训团参观考察了纽约市警察局第七分局,全面、系统地了解纽约市警察分局工作情况,并与美国西部城市警察部门的工作进行了比较;进一步了解自“911”之后,美国警察指挥体系的变化,参观考察了纽约市911报警指挥中心,开阔了视野,丰富了培训内容。  相似文献   

中国法医学会为贯彻落实公安部白景富副部长“三个服务、四个意识”指示精神 ,提高我国法医工作者在法庭科学领域的应对能力 ,经批准 ,邀请世界法医学会副会长 (原洛杉矾法医局局长、美国法医鉴定学会主席 )诺古奇和美国著名大律师艾萨克 ,于 4月 1 8~ 2 2日 ,在山东省泰安市举办了中美法庭科学技术交流暨研讨班。交流与研讨的主要内容有 :急死和意外死亡的鉴定 ;枪弹鉴定新的技术 ;死亡时间的确定 ;电子显微镜、能谱仪检验技术 ;法医技术的管理 ,如实验室的资格认定 ;法医鉴定技术人员的资格认定 ;法医检验过程中如何预防艾滋病等的传染 ;…  相似文献   

在无锡举办的全国科技强警示范城市培训班上,美国刑事司法专家、美籍华人王政先生系统介绍了美国警察体制与运作、美国警察部门主要技术应用情况和美国未来警务机制发展趋势等方面的内容。 在连续三天的授课中,王教授详细介绍了美国刑事司法体制框架,美国联邦、加州、洛杉矶市县警察体制框架和运作程序;重点讲授了数码技术在警察局主要部门的应用,包括:在刑事侦查中的应用、在现场勘查中的应用、在社区安全防范中的应用、在犯罪信息传播中的应用、在微量物证检测中的应用、在法庭出证中的应用、在出入境管理中的应用和在反恐防恐中的应用等;最后讲述了科学技术在警务工作中的发展前景,介绍了国际执法合作机制,以及中美联合办案的前景,包括定罪标准、物证法及法庭出证的要求等。 王政博士讲授的内容很丰富,限于篇幅,我们只能提纲挈领式的将演讲的主要纲目刊登于此,未经本人审阅,仅供参考,如有出入,以本人演讲录音为准。  相似文献   

美国马里兰州法医学制度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
各国的法医学体制各有所长。随着我国开放政策的实施 ,体制改革的深入 ,借鉴国外的经验 ,吸取其优点 ,将有助于我国法医学体制改革 ,进一步提高法医学鉴定工作质量 ,尽快做到与国际接轨。关于英国、德国、日本及美国等的法医学体制已有数篇报道[1,2 ] 。本文作者介绍美国马里兰州法医局的法医学建制 ,并对照我国现行的法医学管理体制 ,对其特点进行分析。马里兰州法医局始建于 193 9年 ,是美国第一个以州为法医检验中心、实行法医检验人制度的法医局。马里兰州法医局负责全州 1市和 2 3县的法医检案工作 ,在行政上属马里兰州死后医学鉴定委…  相似文献   

<正>美国警察队伍庞大、机构庞杂,主要分为联邦、州、县三级警察,警察种类多达80余种。面对庞大的警察队伍,美国没有制定统一的警用武器标准,即不存在所谓的制式枪支。因此,各州、各警种的配枪各不相同。一些部门甚至还允许警察自行购买执勤枪支、对所配枪支进行个性化改装,这就出现隶属于同一部门警察的配枪不尽相同的局面,甚至可以在一个警察局找齐所有国际知名轻武器。  相似文献   

国外司法鉴定制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、国外司法鉴定管理体制及特点 (一)国外司法鉴定管理体制 1、英国。在管理主体架构上,英国司法鉴定统一管理机构是由内政部、检察院、警察局共同成立的法庭科学管理委员会,负责对全国司法鉴定工作进行指导。该委员会设在内政部,独立于警察、检察机构。英国内政部具体负责一些管理工作。如对英格兰和威尔士鉴定科学服务局进行政策指导。在管理内容上,英国虽无鉴定人资格统一的考试考核制度,但英国内政部掌握着一大批由行业协会推荐的专家名  相似文献   

一、美国法律的规定美国的法医病理检验都由各县、市设立的法医局(Office of Medical Examiner or Coroner)进行,这是由各州的法律所规定的.如佛罗里达州法律就有法医条例一章,条例规定由州司法部组织法医工作委员会由州长指派9人组成,包括病理医师2人,州代表、律师、警官、县代表、首席检  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, New York City has witnessed historic drops in crime. Numerous explanations for this crime decline have been discussed, and the New York City Police Department (NYPD) has been central to that debate, most notably because of the adoption of order maintenance policing and the implementation of Compstat. While those developments in the early 1990s are clearly important for understanding the potential role of the NYPD in the crime decline, those changes did not occur in a vacuum. This paper adopts an historical framework that places the role of the NYPD in the crime decline in the larger context of the department’s history, culture, and key events over a nearly 40-year span. This perspective suggests that many of the crime control strategies implemented by the NYPD over that time have been driven by internal and external crises, and that these strategies have also produced unintended consequences. With the historical analysis as a backdrop, the paper considers the ongoing debate over stop, question and frisk practices, and their disproportionate impact on minority residents, as the next potential crisis for the NYPD. The paper concludes with a discussion of the historical framework as a foundation for initiating a comparative dialog across law enforcement agencies regarding crime control strategies, their impact, and their consequences.  相似文献   

Available data make it impossible to reach strong conclusions about the role of policing in the New York crime decline. Instead, we examine whether innovations implemented in New York fit with what is known about effective policing strategies. Our main analysis focuses on how the New York City Police Department (NYPD) could have continued to contribute to the crime drop over the last decade when the number of police declined significantly. We examine geographic data on crime and stop, question and frisks (SQFs) to show that SQFs are concentrated at crime hot spots. We also show that the NYPD increased these specific hot spots policing strategies despite declining numbers. In our discussion, we speculate on whether this “doing more with less” could be an explanation for the continued crime drop in New York, noting the limitations of drawing conclusions from existing data. We also raise concerns about possible backfire effects of SQF hot spots approaches.  相似文献   

RESEARCH SUMMARY: This article examines the growth in marijuana misdemeanor arrests in New York City (NYC) from 1980 to 2003 and its differential impact on blacks and Hispanics. Since 1980, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) expanded its use of arrest and detention for minor offenses under its quality-of-life (QOL) policing initiative. Arrest data indicate that during the 1990s the primary focus of QOL policing became smoking marijuana in public view (MPV). By 2000, MPV had become the most common misdemeanor arrest, accounting for 15% of all NYC adult arrests and rivaling controlled substance arrests as the primary focus of drug abuse control. Of note, most MPV arrestees have been black or Hispanic. Furthermore, black and Hispanic MPV arrestees have been more likely to be detained prior to arraignment, convicted, and sentenced to jail than their white counterparts. POLICY IMPLICATIONS: In light of the disparities, we recommend that the NYPD consider scaling back on MPV enforcement and reducing the harshness of treatment by routinely issuing Desk Appearance Tickets when the person is not wanted on other charges, so that most MPV arrestees would not be detained. Furthermore, we recommend that legislators should consider making smoking marijuana in public a violation and not a misdemeanor. Lastly, we suggest ways that NYC could monitor the effectiveness of these policy modifications to assure that the city continues to meet its goals for order maintenance.  相似文献   

In response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the bus and train bombings in England and Spain that followed, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) developed the ‘Container Inspection Program’ which ‘focuses on backpacks and containers large enough to hold explosives, [and to] ideally discourage subway riders from carrying backpacks and large bags in the subway system’. This paper analyzes the NYPD Container Inspection Program.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates some fundamental facts about the contemporary crime drop, summarizes the major explanations that have been offered for it, and assesses the validity of these explanations in light of observed trends. In contrast with much of the recent literature, we argue that the locus of the crime drop in the 1990s is not wholly consistent with the available data and that while New York City experienced substantial crime decreases, its uniqueness has been exaggerated. We suggest that it is important to partition the crime drop observed in New York City and elsewhere into global and more localized shifts, and we offer some observations about the factors that appear most germane to driving these different dimensions of recent crime drops. We conclude with some suggestions for future inquiry.  相似文献   

Police measures of crime are shaped by victims’ decisions to notify the police. To obtain a better understanding of US crime trends, this study uses the National Crime Victimization Survey to examine geographic differences and temporal trends in crime reporting in New York and other metropolitan areas for the period 1979-2004. We find that net of crime characteristics and survey methodology, the New York metropolitan area showed fewer increases in crime reporting than did other metropolitan areas. These divergent trends suggest that the real differences in the drop of nonlethal violence between New York and other areas may have been smaller than those indicated by police-based crime statistics. We also find that from the early 1990s to 2004, New York showed a sharp decrease in the likelihood of victims perceiving that “police wouldn’t help.” This trend suggests that police reforms in New York City have not resulted in more victims using police-related reasons to explain their nonreporting behavior. Instead, researchers need to develop a broader theoretical framework (not an exclusive focus on police actions) to understand how police- and nonpolice-related factors may explain the geographic variation in the trends of reporting observed in this study.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus that has caused a large number of deaths in the United States since the first outbreak in New York City in 1998. The outbreak initially was limited to the northeast but has since spread across the entire continental United States. WNV causes a variety of clinical symptoms, but the most severe consequences result from central nervous system infection, resulting in meningitis, encephalitis, or meningoencephalitis. We present a case of a 62-year-old male with metastatic cancer, who died as a result of WNV encephalitis. This is followed by a discussion on the epidemiology of WNV and a detailed summary of the methods and resources available to make a diagnosis of WNV infection postmortem. The material presented in the discussion should provide the forensic pathologist with all the information necessary to make a diagnosis of WNV infection postmortem. If nothing else, the routine collection and storage of serum, cerebrospinal fluid, and tissue for every case can enable the forensic pathologist to make this diagnosis even in cases in which WNV is not suspected until after autopsy.  相似文献   

This study examined the growth in the number of female officers in supervisory and command positions (i.e., sergeant to bureau chief) in the New York City Police Department (NYPD) from 2000 to 2013. Time and annual percent changes in the number of male officers, the number of male officers in supervisory and command positions, and the number of female officers served as predictors. An ordinary least squares regression analysis failed to produce statistically significant results for the growth in the number of female officers in supervisory and command positions. The regression analysis also produced statistically nonsignificant results for changes in the level of disparity among male and female officers in supervisory and command positions. Over the past 13 years, female officers have made little progress in advancing to supervisory and command positions in the NYPD.  相似文献   

Pulmonary thromboembolism (PE) is found commonly in forensic pathology practice, as it typically causes sudden death. It is attributed to a wide variety of predominantly acquired etiologies. Although likely etiologically multifactorial, some common proximate causes include: surgery, pregnancy, injury, inactivity of any cause, cancer, obesity, or serum hyperviscosity. On occasion, no apparent predisposing condition is identified. In these instances, occult hereditary thrombophilias may play a causal role. Deaths referred to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) of New York City between December, 2000 and September, 2003 and due to PE were retrospectively reviewed. Molecular analysis (FRET) was performed on selected cases for three common hereditary thrombophilias: mutations in factor V Leiden (FVL), prothrombin G20210A (PT), and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).During the study period, 124 of 15,280 deaths were primarily attributable to PE. Of those, 34 were selected for molecular analysis. One or more mutations were detected in 35% of those, five of which were clearly causally related to death. Given the potential benefits to surviving family members, our data indicate that postmortem molecular testing for the common hereditary thrombophilias is warranted in at least selected cases.  相似文献   

A review of New York City dismemberment cases occurring between 1996 and 2017 was conducted, which resulted in a total of 55 dismembered decedents in a 22‐year period. Annual trends indicate an average of 2.5 dismembered decedents. Additional results show that 53% of cases involved transection only, 35% involved disarticulation only, and 13% involved a combination of both. When the entire body could be accounted for, the average number of body portions per case was 5.5. Frequent locations for dismemberment were the neck, shoulders, hips, and knees. Dismemberment locations showed a general trend of anatomical symmetry. Seventy‐eight percent of the dismemberments involve disposal of body parts in an outside location. Eighty‐four percent were concealed from view with some type of covering. The findings from New York City are compared with other studies.  相似文献   

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