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Citalopram is a bicyclic phthalate compound approved in 1998 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of depression. It is a highly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that appears to have little effect on noradrenaline or dopamine reuptake. Since this drug has only recently been released on the U.S. market, information regarding therapeutic, toxic, and lethal concentrations is sparse. This study reports the detection of citalopram in 22 postmortem cases. Citalopram was identified and quantitated by capillary column gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detection after basic liquid-liquid extraction. Confirmation was achieved by full scan electron impact gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In the 22 cases studied, heart blood citalopram concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 1.64 mg/L (n = 22, mean +/- SD = 0.51+/-0.43, median = 0.34); femoral blood concentrations ranged from 0.09 to 0.76 mg/L (n = 14, mean +/- SD = 0.34+/-0.23, median = 0.28); and urine concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 276.00 mg/L (n = 13). Liver was analyzed in three cases with citalopram concentrations ranging from 2.22 to 8.08 mg/kg. The average heart blood/femoral blood ratio was 1.26 (range 0.75 to 1.98, n = 14). In each case, the cause of death was not considered to be related to citalopram toxicity. These data may therefore provide a basis for establishing post mortem citalopram concentrations following therapeutic doses.  相似文献   

Quetiapine is a new atypical antipsychotic that was approved in 1997 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of schizophrenia. It possesses a high affinity for 5-HT2 receptors and a low affinity for D1 and D2 dopamine receptors. Because quetiapine has only been released recently to the U.S. market, little information exists regarding therapeutic, toxic, and lethal concentrations. This study reports the detection of quetiapine in 13 postmortem cases. Following a basic liquid-liquid extraction, quetiapine was identified and quantitated by capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detection. Confirmation was accomplished by full scan electron impact gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Heart blood quetiapine concentrations ranged from 0.07 to 18.37 mg/L (N = 12, mean +/- SD = 3.42 +/- 5.67, median 0.62) and femoral blood concentrations ranged from 0.06 to 19.25 mg/L (N = 10. mean +/- SD = 3.89 +/- 6.12, median 0.81). The average heart blood/femoral blood ratio was 1.31 (range 0.55 to 2.57, N = 10). Urine, bile, and gastric contents were assayed in all cases in which they were submitted. In three cases, the cause of death was determined to be quetiapine toxicity. In these cases heart blood concentrations ranged from 0.72 to 18.37 mg/L (N = 3). These data may provide a basis for establishing levels associated with quetiapine toxicity as well as therapeutic concentrations in postmortem specimens.  相似文献   

The processes associated with cadaver decomposition in outdoor settings, particularly those that occur during the extended postmortem interval (>30 days) are poorly understood. Thus, few methods are currently available to accurately estimate the extended postmortem interval (PMI). Of these methods, a soils-based approach has the potential to address the postmortem interval between which entomology and anthropology are the most valuable. Although the validity of soil-based methods has previously been established, little work has been conducted to explain the processes that have been designated for forensic application. As a consequence, we investigated the dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus-based compounds in soil beneath pig (Sus scrofa) cadavers (gravesoil) that were placed on the soil surface over a period of 100 days. Decomposition was assessed through the physical characteristics of the cadaver, soil pH, soil moisture content, and the concentration of total carbon, total nitrogen, soil-extractable phosphorus, and lipid-phosphorus in soil. Cadaver decomposition did not result in a significant difference in soil carbon and moisture content. However, significant (P < 0.05) increases were observed in the concentration of soil pH, total nitrogen, soil-extractable phosphorus, and lipid-phosphorus. Based on the current results, a significant increase in the concentration of gravesoil nutrients represented a maximum PMI of 43 days (lipid-P), 72 days (total nitrogen), or 100 days (soil-extractable phosphorus). This work provides further evidence that a soil-based method has the potential to act as a tool for the estimation of extended PMI.  相似文献   

In hanging and ligature strangulation, the noose mostly causes a mark or groove which is formed partly by compression of the skin and partly by abrasion with loss of the upper epidermal layers. The horny scales abraded from the neck may be transferred to the strangulation device or to the interposed textiles where they are sometimes visible at stereomicroscopic examination or even to the naked eye as silver-grey particles. The morphologic features of the epidermal transfer due to hanging and ligature strangulation is demonstrated by 14 case examples. The biological traces may be sufficient for comparative DNA typing by means of PCR-based methods. In 9 out of the 14 cases, genomic DNA typing was successful. Analysis of mtDNA succeeded in another two cases, although genomic DNA could not be detected. Beside the accumulation of solid epidermic particles the paper describes deposition of serous and fatty tissue fluid at the ligature (mainly adjacent to skin ridges).  相似文献   

Two autopsy cases, where the individuals were suspected of having ingested acephate, an organophosphorous insecticide, are reported. Acephate and its active metabolite, methamidophos (MP), were analyzed in the biological fluids by GC/MS, using the salting out method with liquid-liquid extraction columns. The first case was that of a 70-year-old man whose blood acephate was 149 microg/mL, and MP was 3.0 microg/mL. Serum pseudocholinesterase (ChE) activity was inhibited. No remarkable finding of injury or disease was determined as the cause of his death, but acute poisoning by acephate was mostly suspected. The second case was that of a 60-year-old man. A deep gash in the left neck injured the left common carotid artery in addition to the severely ischemic state of the primary organs. His blood acephate was 46 microg/mL, and MP was not detected. ChE activity was in the normal range. Hemorrhage was mainly suspected as the cause of his death. The concentrations of acephate and MP in human blood after oral ingestion are first reported here, and the acute toxic level of acephate is discussed.  相似文献   

目的统计分析1574例盗窃案件中提取的2496个现场生物检材,为提高DNA在盗窃案件侦破中的应用成效提供参考。方法根据2496个生物检材的类型、现场提取方法、重点提取部位、DNA检测结果等进行统计和分析比较,总结常见类型盗窃案件现场生物检材的主要发现提取部位以及不同方法提取的现场生物检材DNA检出率。结果接触类检材已成为盗窃案件最多见的生物检材类型,但检出率仍然较低,对混合分型应进一步分析筛选以提高DNA的认定率;不同方法提取的现场生物检材在DNA检出率方面存在统计学差异,接触类生物检材以植绒拭子和原物提取的方式为首选;现场生物检材的主要发现提取部位根据盗窃案件的类型不同有所侧重。结论现场勘查人员在盗窃案件中发现和提取到有价值的生物检材是提高DNA检出认定能力的关键因素,应着力培养现场勘查人员的微量生物物证意识,提高现场勘查人员提取和处理微量生物检材的能力。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to find optimal conditions for the isolation of nifedipine from biological materials by ethylacetate. It was shown that nifedipine can be purified from co-extracted substances of the biological material on a Silasorb C-18 column with the size of the particles 30 microns. The authors propose to use thin-layer chromatography, IR spectrophotometry, and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography for the identification and quantitative determination of nifedipine extracted from cadaveric liver samples.  相似文献   

1992年底 ,我局在潍坊市益都中心医院成立法医门诊 ,为了协调与医院各科室的关系 ,解决临床医学特别是影像学方面的问题 ,经与医院协商 ,法医门诊与医院医务科牵头 ,成立了由医院急诊科、外科、放射科、CT室、检验科、心内科、神经内科、五官科等科室主任组成的“法医门诊临床医学咨询小组”。主要采取预约有关科室专家共同会诊的方式解决法医工作中遇到的疑难问题。 1994年、1995年相继在青州市人民医院、青州市中医医院设立了法医门诊 ,并按照上述模式成立了相关组织并开展工作。 1997年为适应新《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》(以下简称…  相似文献   

董居富  王海平 《证据科学》2002,9(3):170-171
1992年底,我局在潍坊市益都中心医院成立法医门诊,为了协调与医院各科室的关系,解决临床医学特别是影像学方面的问题,经与医院协商,法医门诊与医院医务科牵头,成立了由医院急诊科、外科、放射科、CT室、检验科、心内科、神经内科、五官科等科室主任组成的 "法医门诊临床医学咨询小组".主要采取预约有关科室专家共同会诊的方式解决法医工作中遇到的疑难问题.1994年、1995年相继在青州市人民医院、青州市中医医院设立了法医门诊,并按照上述模式成立了相关组织并开展工作.1997年为适应新<中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法>(以下简称为<刑诉法>)实施后法医工作面临的新问题,经医院推荐、专家本人同意、法医门诊备案确定人员,由公安局正式行文成立了"青州市公安局法医门诊临床医学顾问小组",由3家医院的与法医工作关系密切的科室的60名专家组成.公安局分管刑侦工作的副局长任组长,并制定了章程,规定了会诊方式,明确了权利、义务和责任.近年来共会诊各种案件260例,取得了较好的成效.现将有关情况报告如下.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):621-623
Many believe that an increase in the public confidence in the investigation of sexual crimes, and in conviction rates, will lead to an increase in the reporting of these crimes. Consequently, Forensic Science Providers are continually striving to make improvements in evidence recovery and examination and the subsequent interpretation of evidence. One development is in methods that enable an individual to self-sample. However, in cases where a complainant has self-sampled, questions of when the samples were taken, how they were stored and so on, can be legitimately raised. Additionally the continuity and integrity of evidential samples may be questioned resulting in them not being acceptable to the courts and potential evidence could therefore be lost. There is a large emotional and psychological impact of sexual assault and rape and no complainant who reports a sexual assault and recovers material should have that evidence inadmissible to a court. Specialised units for victims of alleged sexual violence are available and offer far more than the recovery of evidential samples. This commentary on behalf of the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine (FFLM) and the Association of Forensic Science Providers Body Fluid Forum (AFSP BFF) highlights the need for after care for the victims of sexual assault and why all evidence recovered in cases of alleged sexual assault and sexual violence should be obtained in line with best practice protocols.  相似文献   

Methods of extraction and detection of ascorbic acid, ergot alkaloids, cotarnine, microfollin, tinctures of marigold, peony, sage-brush, iodine, benzestrol, pachycarpine, hexestrol, folliculin, quinine, ethoxydiaminoacridine lactate were developed. Detection limits are 0.1-1 mg/100 g of object. Methods of manganese, iodine and soap detection are developed. Detection limits are 0.05-2 mg/100 g of object.  相似文献   

序言欧洲理事会(Council of Europe)②成员国,其他国家和欧洲共同体,即签约国:遵循1948年12月10日联合国大会宣布的世界人权宣言;遵循1950年11月4日人权和基本自由保护公约;遵循1961年10月18日欧洲社会宪章;遵循1966年12月16日公民权利和政治权利国际公约以及经济、社会和文化权利国际公约;遵循1981年1月28日个人数据自动处理时个人保护之公约;同样遵循1989年11月20日儿童权利公约;考虑到欧洲理事会的目的在于致力于成员国间更大程度之结合,而达成这一目的的手段之一为保持并进一步实现人权和基本自由;意识到生物和医学的快速发展;确信尊重…  相似文献   

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