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《中华人民共和国精神卫生法(草案)》自公开向社会征求意见以来,引起广泛关注。本文尝试对加拿大亚伯达省《精神卫生法》与《中华人民共和国精神卫生法(草案)》进行比较研究,从而为我国精神卫生立法提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This article profiles self-reported substance use, health, and mental health problems among a sample of incarcerated women in Kentucky as well as lifetime service utilization. Findings indicate that a high percentage of women reported use of alcohol, cocaine, and multiple substances during the month before incarceration. In addition, participants reported common health problems such as dental, female reproductive, physical injuries, and mental health problems including depression and anxiety. Participants reported moderate use of emergency room and mental health treatment but limited substance abuse treatment utilization. Implications for criminal justice programs and linkages with community-based aftercare services for women are recommended based on findings that health and mental health problems are associated with service utilization before incarceration.  相似文献   

For a number of reasons, researchers and policy makers are now focusing on diversion of youth from the juvenile justice system. This study examines New York State's diversion efforts focused on youth with mental health and substance abuse problems who are at risk of out-of-community placement (N = 2,309). Twelve counties participated in the Mental Health Juvenile Justice (MH/JJ) Diversion Project. Overall, the initiative was successful in reducing out-of-community placement and recidivism for diverted youth. In regression analysis site, services received, and problem-profile variables were important predictors of out-of-community placement. Prior record, prior placement, and significant mental health problems were statistically significant predictors of recidivism. This suggests some contrasts in explaining the results of two important goals of the MH/JJ project. Study results and implications for future research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of a larger study to evaluate the effects of a Liaison and Diversion scheme in community youth justice services, staff of newly established Youth Justice Liaison and Diversion (YJLD) teams undertook observational ratings and administered self-report mental health and risk measures to young people referred to this pathway. The overall objectives of the YJLD project were to divert young people from the criminal justice system and to coordinate other services in order to reduce their likelihood of reoffending and the extent of their mental health problems. Data were collected from five local authority areas in different parts of England. Young people thereby referred had an average of 5.4 h of contact with youth justice staff. For a sample of young people on whom data were available at the beginning and end of that process, there was evidence of a significant reduction in problems and a small but significant correlation between the amount of individual contact time with YJLD staff and the extent of change observed. Absence of a comparison sample limits the drawing of firm conclusions; however, recommendations are made for future controlled experimental studies.  相似文献   

The Technology Transfer Act of 1986 clearly brought into focus the importance of technology-transfer activities in the federal government. Recognition of the potential benefit to be realized by access to results of federally sponsored research was acknowledged at the highest levels of government. While many departments and agencies had been transferring technology within the limits of existing authority and budgets, the act stimulated them as well as less-aggressive agencies to further strengthen their transfer operations. This paper reviews the status of selected agency technology transfer in 1985, describes important progress since passage of the act in 1986, and notes issues that remain to be resolved.  相似文献   

Effectively coping with criminal behavior is one of the most serious social issues confronting contemporary policy makers. Philosophical arguments have been made to address the causes of Crime rather than simply treating its symptoms. While this makes sense logically, the feasibility of such a endeavor is questionable. This being the case, it appears that treating the symptoms of criminal behavior is not only a necessary but possibly the only course of action. In this light, the measures taken to address crime to this point in time have, for the most part, been ineffective and in may cases, the costs have far exceeded the benefits. Recidivism rates clearly illustrate that a large percentage of newly committed crimes are being perpetrated by individuals who have been convicted of offenses in the past. Accordingly, effective rehabilitation emphasizing individually tailored programs of treatment during periods of institutionalization is necessary, prior to reintegration of offenders back into society. This need is particularly evident when faced with psychologically disturbed inmates.  相似文献   



The aim of this review was to assess the effectiveness of music therapy on improving the mental health of offenders in correctional settings.


Multiple databases and journals were searched to identify randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials of music therapy for offenders in correctional settings.


Five studies (n?=?409; predominantly male) were included in random-effects meta-analyses. Music therapy was effective for promoting offenders’ self-esteem (Hedges’ g?=?0.55, p?<?0.001) and social functioning (g?=?0.35, p?<?0.05). Effects on anxiety and depression depended on the number of sessions. For both outcomes, the studies with 20 or more sessions had larger effects than the study that had fewer than 20 sessions, and this difference was statistically significant (Q?=?11.88, df?=?1, p?<?0.001, anxiety; Q?=?9.16, df?=?1, p?=?0.002, depression). No significant effects were found on behavior management or between different music therapy approaches.


Music therapy may be helpful for offenders to improve mental health. Future studies should consider including offenders of both genders, using larger sample sizes, and examining long-term effects. Publication bias may be an issue for this review given the small number of studies and the small sample sizes.

Compulsory commitment in mental health care represents a dramatic infringement on an individual's life. In Norway, this deprivation of liberty is based on a professional medical assessment that does not require a court verdict. This article presents possible changes that may increase legal protection for the mentally ill. The concept of legal protection has at least two definitions: the state's protection of the individual's legal rights (including the right to health care) and the protection afforded to citizens from abuse and arbitrary actions by the state. Infringements on personal liberty without consent require such legal authority as is found in the Human Rights Conventions. These Conventions have precedence over national laws. Norwegian legislation is based on confidence in psychiatry as a profession. This confidence allows professionals to treat patients against their will. In some countries, initial court action is necessary before compulsory mental health care can be implemented. This should also be possible in Norway in most cases, with the exception of life-threatening situations.  相似文献   

In this paper, Lord Phillips reflects on the present state of the law relating to mental health; he considers the place of the common law doctrine of necessity as the basis for the detention of patients; he reviews a number of issues arising from the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and a number of recent decisions of the Court of Appeal. Finally, he considers the prospects for change in the law foreshadowed in the Government's White Paper on the Reform of Mental Health Law (2000).  相似文献   

The establishment of judicially acceptable standards of mental health care within a prison setting requires the adoption of a service-delivery model and a constant evaluation of that model in relation to individual and civil rights. This article reviews the experience of the department of corrections in one state in developing a constitutionally adequate mental health system. The report outlines the programs established, the legal basis for decisions, and recent constitutional challenges. Future trends in correctional mental health are also discussed.  相似文献   

Although major mental disorders do not have a central position in many criminological theories, there seems to be an evident relationship between these disorders and criminal behavior. In daily practice police officers and mental health care workers work jointly to prevent nuisance and crime and to keep the city livable. Examining the situations where the criminal justice system and mental health institutes are jointly involved to prevent crime, some pitfalls emerge that seem to threaten successful cooperation. There appear to be unrealistic expectations of the possibility to reduce the risk of reoffending by means of treatment and of the possibility to predict which offender poses a risk to society. Another complexity is the fact that both parties work from different backgrounds and pursue different goals. The way society and the criminal justice system deal with persons who are assumed to be a risk to the community because of a mental disorder demands a further investigation from a criminological perspective.  相似文献   

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