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李淑红 《学理论》2012,(17):177-178
内隐和外显学习是两种基本的学习机制,二者有其各自的特点和优势,在外语教学与学习中,二者更是密不可分,教师加强学习者外显学习的同时,也必须注意提高学习者的内隐学习,使二者有机结合起来,只有这样,才能有效提高学习者的英语能力,外语学习才能取得实质性进展.  相似文献   

叶穗冰 《学理论》2009,(6):143-145
内隐学习是通过与环境接触,无目的、自动地获得事件或客体间的结构关系及经验,并试图改变其后某些行为的学习。内隐学习的确立依据是哲学方法论——物质是第一性的、意识是第二性的和辩证唯物主义关于事物普遍联系的观点。根据内隐学习的特点可以构建高校思想政治教育的内隐学习模型,包括课程层面、行为层面、心理层面和环境层面的内隐学习模型。  相似文献   

李静 《学理论》2015,(2):31-32
内隐自尊概念是1995年被Greenwald等人提出,对内隐自尊的文化差异进行总结如下:越是对内隐自我评价高的学生,外显自我可能会表现得越谦虚,但西方文化则正好相反。个体对自我的无意识积极评价即内隐自尊的高低,是与其文化背景有着密切联系的。  相似文献   

赵鸣 《学理论》2012,(8):171-172
关于创造力的研究是近年来教育学和心理学领域关注的热点之一,创造力内隐理论的提出为创造力的研究提供了一个新视角。所谓创造力内隐理论,一般是指公众(专家和外行人),在日常生活和工作背景下形成的,并以某种形式存在于个体头脑中的关于创造力的概念、结构及其发展的看法。内隐理论在教育领域应用有二:研究教师的创造力内隐观及其对学生创造力培养的影响;研究大学生创造性特征内隐观。  相似文献   

李晓霞 《学理论》2012,(8):138-139
母语,语言环境以及个人心理特点中的不同方面会对二语习得产生重要影响。除此之外,年龄以及其他一些外在因素也对二语习得产生一定影响,了解和认识这些方面对二语习得者的第二语言习得有非常大的帮助和影响。  相似文献   

二语习得中母语迁移现象对翻译能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐敏 《各界》2008,(12)
语言迁移一直是应用语言学,二语习得和研究的中心问题。通过分析二语习得中的母语正负迁移现象,进而探讨其对翻译能力的积极和消极影响,这对有效提高翻译能力是可行且是必须的。  相似文献   

周奕 《学理论》2010,(27):308-309
"疆内初中班"学生的汉语学习在指导听说读写训练上,大练学生的汉语言功.通过设计形式多样的活动,使学生读中得趣,读中得乐,读中积累词汇,重视复述,领悟语言文字的精妙,培养汉语言语感。  相似文献   

杜雪腾 《学理论》2013,(33):298-299
通过规则意识的培养、材料的合理提供、游戏情境的设定、空间场地的有效利用等方面的探索,使幼儿在户外晨锻游戏中可能表现出的兴趣态度、创新能力、合作意识、坚持性、解决问题的能力等良好的学习品质得到有效提高,使幼儿终身受益。  相似文献   

中国共产党在各个历史时期,尤其是社会变革和转型的关键阶段,都特别注重学习。当前面对全面深化改革时期社会主义建设提出新的发展要求,我党开展了大量关于政党学习的理论与实践活动,以提升领导社会主义建设的执政能力,探索出了适合中国自身特点的社会主义建设道路。  相似文献   

邸乘光 《求知》2013,(11):18-20
改革开放是坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的必由之路,党的十八大进一步将坚持和全面深化改革开放作为我们党必须长期坚持的一项重要举措。习近平总书记反复强调并高度重视这一重大问题,他在一系列重要讲话中都对改革开放作了深刻阐述。本文总结了习近平总书记关于全面深化改革开放的十个方面的重要论述,深入学习领会和全面贯彻落实这些重要论述,对我们坚定不移地坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,具有极为重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

杨丽华 《学理论》2014,(11):263-264
教师话语作为课堂教学的语言输入和教学媒介,对学习者习得第二语言起着非常重要的作用。论述了教师话语的意义、分类以及现状,并提出相应的改进措施:转变教师在课堂中的角色;营造轻松活泼的课堂气氛;设计组织课堂话语;增加提问的有效性;做出积极恰当的反馈。  相似文献   

The paper highlights the complex relationship between development and language and argues that poverty as a condition of underdevelopment is materialized in representation. Instead of limiting the scope of the topic to the rhetorical aspects of development thought, it is proposed that development language produces a specific reality of poverty while writing about it. Using a post-structuralist framework and drawing from various Planning Commission reports on poverty lines, the paper goes on to implicate these reports in the production of authoritative knowledge and the elision of the poor. Through the identification of the cut-off line, which distinguishes the poor from the non-poor, these reports control our ways of knowing and suspend our ability to imagine poverty in any non-institutional manner. Such representation not only omits poor’s everyday experience and converts poverty as experience to poverty as knowledge, but also predicates its objectivity on such elision. The paper also highlights the slippages and contradictions in these reports, and shows how in the seeming inevitability of poverty knowledge, people find innovative ways to appropriate and disrupt it.  相似文献   

Along with other types of process‐oriented regulation, voluntary disclosure programs are increasingly used by regulatory agencies to supplement traditional inspection activities. Voluntary disclosure programs provide incentives, such as immunity or reduced regulatory enforcement to those submitting reports, while providing regulatory agencies with valuable information on existing risks and areas of non‐compliance. This article contributes to the discussion of voluntary disclosure programs by highlighting an important unconsidered benefit of such programs: the secondary learning they generate, above and beyond information about violations. Beyond the information submitted by firms contained in the self‐disclosures, the programs generate information and insights about the usual practices of the industry, the division of labor, typical problems, and ways to handle them – those details often invisible to those outside an organization or inside the organization but not “on the ground.” This additional information provides important benefits to both industry management and agency officials. We demonstrate the existence of secondary learning and describe the effect of the structure of voluntary programs on secondary learning with evidence from two case studies of the Federal Aviation Administration's voluntary disclosure programs: the Aviation Safety Action Program and the Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program.  相似文献   

Complex social and environmental problems—such as climate change, rural poverty, and over‐fishing—defy simple policy solutions. An increasing number of scholars, practitioners, and policy makers now agree that coming to grips with such problems requires more collaborative and adaptive forms of learning and decision‐making. Such approaches seek to involve a variety of stakeholders to learn about system‐level effects of past human decisions and adapt future management decisions to the lessons learned. While there are plenty of success stories at the local level, the collaborative learning approach has turned out to be difficult to implement at broader scales—in large public organizations and in society at large. This article provides an explanation for such shortcomings, arguing that the creation of collaborative learning systems is plagued by several motivational dilemmas. By systematically mapping out the institutional incentives of the potential participants in collaborative learning activities, it is argued that one can gain a better understanding of the likelihood that adaptive systems will actually work. These ideas are tested on the case of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It is found that most Sida staff face conflicting incentives to engage in collaborative learning, but there are opportunities for management to strengthen such incentives. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

薛义河 《学理论》2009,(17):197-198
国家通用语言文字的规范化是语言文字发展规律的结果,促进了国家、民族、地区的文化和经济交流与合作。用科学发展观引领语言文字规范化工作,要以广大人民的根本利益为本,尊重人的权利和习惯,发挥人的主体作用,要走全面、协调、可持续的发展道路。  相似文献   

The interdependence of the U.S. and the world economy has been a central problem in politics during the 1980s. The politically cognizant have had to become economically cognizant. This paper examines news reports about the economy to determine what may be learned from the news media. A macroeconomic model is developed which is consistent with the statements found in the news reports. The connectedness of economic relationships as presented is estimated. The focus of attention in the news stories is reported. An upper bound on learning is assessed.  相似文献   

民主与自由同属人类共同的政治价值诉求,二者皆有丰富的内涵。但从其理论归依来看,二者具有相对独立的理论渊源;民主以民主主义、人民主权理论为依托,自由则以自由主义为支撑,由此形成了民主与自由的张力和矛盾。这种价值矛盾表现在立宪选择上呈现为民主宪政观与自由宪政观的冲突。理性地审视两种宪政观的不足,实现民主与自由在宪政中的平衡,是当代宪政发展的趋势,也是我国立宪设计中必须认真对待的问题。  相似文献   

Participation and representation of disadvantaged groups are important, but partly still understudied aspects of democratic politics. The present article looks at the inclusion of migrant representatives in urban governance networks making use of original survey data from 40 large cities in France and Germany. We find that about half of policy-relevant urban actors in both countries and across cities cooperate with migrant associations regularly. This indicates that urban governance networks are furthering the civic and political presence of migrants. Cooperation with migrant associations is more likely when specific representative local institutions (foreigner/integration councils) exist, and is also boosted by the overall density of governance networks in a city. Politicians and local administrators remain central actors in such networks, while social welfare organizations emerge as important interlocutors with migrant associations. The article identifies and discusses differences between the two countries.  相似文献   

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