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John Harrison 《亚洲事务》2013,44(2):220-237
Global cities are almost by definition somewhat detached from their geographical hinterlands. Cosmopolitan and modern, they are open to external influences from other cultures and from overseas trade. But they are also vulnerable to the rise of nationalism in the country which surrounds them, as is shown by the fate of three famous cities of the Levant, Alexandria, Smyrna and Beirut. They were multicultural trading cities, linking the economies of Europe and Asia, “windows on the world”, in contrast to inland capitals like Cairo Ankara and Damascus. New global cities like London, Hong Kong and Dubai also have hybrid and polyglot inhabitants, like Levantine cities of bygone days. But they will need support if their cosmopolitanism is to prevail over nationalism.  相似文献   



Missile Defences and Asian‐Pacific Security. By M. J. Mazarr. Basingstoke, Macmillan Press, 1989. Pp. 226. Bibliog. Index. £29.50.

International Economic Pluralism: Economic Policy in East Asia and the Pacific. By P. Drysdale. New York. Columbia University Press. 1988. Pp. 294. Bibliog. Index. $46.00.

Central Asia

The Great Game: on Secret Service in High Asia. By Peter Hopkirk. London, John Murray. 1990. Pp. 562. Illus. Bibliog. Index. £19.95.

The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia. By Derek Waller. Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 1990. Pp. 273. Notes. Bibliog. Index. £30.00.

The Spy Who Disappeared: Diary of A Secret Mission to Russian Central Asia in 1918. By Reginald Teague‐Jones (alias Ronald Sinclair). Introd. &; Epilogue by Peter Hopkirk. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd. 1990. Pp. 216. Map. £14.95.

Central Asia and Kashmir. A Study in the Context of Anglo‐Russian Rivalry. By K. Warikoo, New Delhi. Gian Publishing House. 1989. Pp. 264. Bibliog. Index. Rs 250. Hb.

The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. Ed. Denis Sinor. Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. 518. Bibliog. Index. £60.00.

Inside the Treasure House: A Time in Tibet. By Catriona Bass. London, Victor Gollancz Ltd. 1990. Pp. 221. Illus. Index. £15.95.

Requiem for Tibet. By George N. Patterson. London, Aurum Press. 1990. Pp. 234. Map. Illus. Index. £14.95.

Requiem for Tibet. By George N. Patterson. London, Aurum Press. 1990. Pp. 234. Map. Illus. Index. £14.95.

South Asia

The New Cambridge History of India. Vijayanagara. By Burton Stein. Cambridge University Press. 1990. Pp. 156. Index. £19.50.

Maps of Mughal India. By Susan Gole. London and New York, Kegan Paul International. 1990. Pp. 60. Maps. £45.00.

The French in India: from Diamond Traders to Sanskrit Scholars. Ed. Rose Vincent. London, Sangam Books, 1990. Pp. 165. £14.95.

Imperial Rule in Punjab 1818–1881. The Conquest &; Administration of Multan. By J. Royal Roseberry III. Riverdale, Maryland, The Riverdale Co. 1987. Pp. 274. Bibliog. Index. Maps. $34.00.

Indian Diary. By Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Editor: N. G. Jayal. Oxford University Press, 1990. Pp. 222. £5.95.

Farewell the Plumed Troop: A Memoir of the Indian Cavalry 1919–1945. By D. M. Killingley. Newcastle upon Tyne, Grevatt &; Grevatt, 1990. Pp. 134. Illus. Gloss. Index. £12.95 (UK + P&;P). £16.80 (Overseas).

Letters to Chief Ministers, 1947–1964. By Jawaharlal Nehru. Volume 3, 1952–1954, New Delhi (OUP), 1987. Pp. 673. Volume 4, 1954–1957, New Delhi, (OUP), 1988. Pp. 668. Frontis. Illus. Index. £13.50 each.

Indian National Movement: Its Ideological and Socio‐Economic Dimensions. By Madhu Limaye. London, Sangam Books, 1989. Pp. 452. Chronology. Index. £25.95.

Sri Aurobindo: A Brief Biography. By P. Heehs. O.U.P., 1990. Pp. 172. Bibliog. Index. £4.95. Pb.

Hinduism, The Anthropology of a Civilisation. By M. Biardeau, O.U.P., Pp. 189. Notes. Gloss. £8.95.

A Popular Dictionary of Sikhism. By W. Owen Cole and Piara Singh Sambhi, London, Curzon Press, 1990, Pp. 163. £4.50.

South‐East Asia

A Malay Frontier: Unity and Dualism in a Sumarran Kingdom. By J. Drakard. SEAP Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. Ithaca, New York, 1990. Maps. Illus. Bibliog. Index. Pp. 205. US$15.

Taming the Coolie Beast: Plantation Society and the Colonial Order in Southeast Asia. By J. Breman. Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1989. Illus. Gloss. Bibliog. Index. Pp. 321. £11.95.

Doi Moi: Economic Reforms and Development Policies in Vietnam. Ed. Per Ronnås and Örjan Sjöberg. Stockholm, Swedish International Development Authority. 1990. Pp. 221. Price not stated.

Middle East

Israel, Palestinians and the Intifada: Creating Facts on the West Bank. By Geoffrey Aronson. London, Kegan Paul International in association with the Institute for Palestine Studies, 1990. Pp. 376. Notes. Index. Maps £30.00.

Israel on the Brink of Decision: Division, Unity and Crosscurrents in the Israeli Body Politic. By Rosemary Hollis. London, Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism, Conflict Studies No. 231, 1990. Pp. 29. Map. £7.50.

Hussain of Jordan. By James Lunt. London, Fontana, 1990. Pp. 402. Notes. Index. £4.99 Pb.

British Policy in Persia, 1918–1925. By Houshang Sabahi. London, Frank Cass &; Company, 1990. Bibliog. Index. Pp. 269. £30.00.

Far East

The Pride that was China. By Michael Loewe. London, Sidgwick and Jackson; New York, St. Martin's Press, 1990. Great Civilizations Series. Pp. 312. Index. Bibliog. Illus. Maps. £20.00.

Rebellions and Revolutions; China from the 1800s to the 1980s. By Jack Gray. Oxford University Press, 1990. Pp. 456. Maps. Index. £35.00 Hb. £11.95 Pb.

The Golden Age of the Chinese Bourgeoisie 1911–1937 By Marie‐Claire Bergère. Transl. Janet Lloyd. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press; Paris, Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1990. Pp. 356. Bibliog. Index. £35.00.

China at Forty: Mid‐life Crisis? Ed. David Goodman and Gerald Segal. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. Pp. 178. Index. £9.95 Pb.

The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao from the Hundred Flowers to the Great Leap Forward. Ed. Roderick MacFarquhar, Timothy Cheek and Eugene Wu. Harvard Contemporary China Series: 6, Harvard University Press, 1989. Pp. 561. Bibliog. Index. £11.95 Pb.

The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao from the Hundred Flowers to the Great Leap Forward. Ed. Roderick MacFarquhar, Timothy Cheek and Eugene Wu. Harvard Contemporary China Series: 6, Harvard University Press, 1989. Pp. 561. Bibliog. Index. £11.95 Pb.

A Higher Kind of Loyalty. By Liu Binyan. New York, Pantheon Books. 1990. (Translated by Zhu Hong). Index. $22.95.

A World Elsewhere: Europe's Encounter with Japan in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Derek Massarella. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1990. Pp. 442. Notes. Index. £25.00 ($35.00).

With Perry to Japan: A memoir by William Heine. Frederic Trautmann (trans.). Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1990. Pp. 237. Illus. Notes. Bibliog. Index. $32.00.

State and Intellectual in Imperial Japan: The Public Man in Crisis. By Andrew E. Barshay. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989. Pp. 315. Bibliog. Index. Price not stated.

The Formation of Science in Japan: Building a Research Tradition. By James R. Bartholomew. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1989. Pp. 371. Illus. Index. £25.00.

The Birth of the Japanese Labour Movement: Takano Fusataro and the Rodo Kumiai Kiseikai. By Stephen E. Marsland. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1989. Pp. 271. Notes. Bibliog. Index. $27.00.

Financial Politics in Contemporary Japan. By Frances McCall Rosenbluth. Ithaca and London. Cornell University Press, 1989. Pp. 237. Index. $24.95.

The Green Archipelago: Forestry in Preindustrial Japan. By Conrad Totman. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University California Press, 1989. Pp. 297. Illus. Maps. Bibliog. Index. $35.00.

Postmodernism and Japan. Ed. M. Miyoshi and H. D. Harootunian. Durham, Duke University Press. 1989. Pp. 279. Index. £11.15 Pb.

Culture, Control and Commitment By James R. Lincoln and Arne L. Kalleberg. Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. 292. Index. £30.00.

Crested Kimono: Power and Love in the Japanese Business Family. By Matthews Masayuki Hamabata. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990. Pp. 192. Bibliog. Index. $19.90.

Diplomacy of Asymmetry: Korean‐American Relations to 1910. By Jongsuk Chay. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1990. Pp. 239. Notes. Bibliog. Index. US $32.00.

A Substitute for Victory: The Politics of Peacemaking at the Korean Armistice Talks. By Rosemary Foot. Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 1990. Pp. 273, Chronology, Maps. Bibliography. Index. $32.50.

Authoritarianism and Opposition in South Korea. By Hak‐Kyu Sohn. London, Routledge, 1989. Pp. 186. Notes. Bibliog. Appendix. Index. £35.00.

Korea: A Religious History. By James Huntley Grayson. Oxford University Press, 1989. Pp. 293. Bibliog. Index. £37.50.

The Great Mosque of Isfahan. By Oleg Grabar. London, I.B. Tauris &; Co., 1990. Pp. 141. Illus. Index. £24.95.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代末以来,韩国出现了连续两届进步政党执政的状况,左翼政党也大举进军国会。但是,进步政党政绩不佳使在野党在地方选举中获得压倒性胜利,地方权力进一步向保守政党方面倾斜。这一现象表明,单纯为“平等”而平等的政策承诺很难兑现,民众对增长和效率的要求出现强劲反弹,韩国社会出现了保守化的趋势。  相似文献   

The tradition of men dancing in place of women (launda naach) has a chequered history in India. The dancers mostly come from poor families with a disproportionate number from West Bengal. They face significant violence, both at home and in their profession, for so much of identity in India is centred round the family and appropriate roles within the family. Launda naach offers a certain freedom as well as a measure of economic Independence. But it remains a narrow and limited space.  相似文献   


"9·11"后,美国将注意力集中到东南亚,将之视为反恐战争的"第二战线".在东南亚的反恐活动中,美国着重于打击海上恐怖主义袭击,在与东南亚国家加强反恐合作的同时,也对东南亚几个国家提供了军事援助和联合进行反恐军事演习.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代后,为了解决日益出现的粮食危机等问题,在洛克菲勒基金会倡导、美国跨国公司(MNC)积极参与以及美国政府的支持下,菲律宾展开了一场以推广农业技术为目的的绿色革命,并取得了一定的效果.这场所谓的绿色革命,不仅仅是一场简单的农业技术领域的变革,也是战后美国实施其外交战略和跨国公司开拓国际市场的一种重要手段,体现了美国非政府组织(NGO)和跨国公司的活动与美国政府外交政策的协调与统一.  相似文献   

本文考察了改革开放以来,美商在广东经济活动过程中中美两国各级政府的作用。在以事实说明其积极作用和阻碍作用的同时,本文分析了它们的成因,并对中美两国政府在今后美商在广东经济活动中的作用进行了展望。  相似文献   

Paul Patton and Dianne Austin, eds, Transformations in Australian Society
Paul James, ed., The State in Question
Liz Young, Minor Parties … Minor Players: The Senate, the Minor Parties and the 1993 Budget
Gianni Zappala, Four Weddings, A Funeral and A Family Reunion: Ethnicity and Representation in Australian Federal Politics  相似文献   

王梅  蒲元 《当代韩国》2015,(4):46-54
抗日战争时期,旅华韩国爱国艺术家韩悠韩在以陕西西安为中心的中国西北地区开展了大量的创作、宣传与教育活动,在韩国独立运动宣传、中国后方抗战宣传及中国儿童艺术教育等方面取得了杰出的成就,对韩国独立运动和中国儿童教育的发展产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

This article deals with the exile of Husayn ibn Ali, ex-sharif of Mecca and ex-king of the Hijaz, in Cyprus (1925–1930). It was not politics, but the adversities of everyday life that shaped the ex-king’s stay in the British colony. Loss of prestige, estrangement, uncertainty about the future, lawsuits, financial problems and the death of his wife contributed to failing health which ultimately led to his relocation to Amman. A special, perhaps unique feature of Husayn’s enforced residence in the island is that the power which exiled him also granted him asylum. This article examines his living conditions, experience with and image in the local community, relations with his sons as well as his dealings with British authorities. In this way the progressive isolation and marginalization of an ex-monarch in exile becomes evident.  相似文献   

2019年国际海洋法法庭和2020年仲裁庭,就乌克兰与俄罗斯的刻赤海峡争端下达的临时措施命令和初步反对意见裁决书中阐述的一些见解,使是否可以基于军舰等行为主体的军事性质,判断其进行的活动属于军事活动问题再次浮出水面。从可行性的角度来看,基于行为主体的性质来判断一个活动是否为军事活动的思路,即"主体基准"理论,存在明显的局限性。但考虑到《联合国海洋法公约》的宗旨和目的,尤其是第298条的起草目的,这一基准是合理的也是必要的。在不违背公约宗旨和目的的条件下,基于内在的逻辑联系检讨"主体基准"和"目的基准"的融合,可能会形成一个更加合理的判断基准。  相似文献   

受原乡传统的影响,中国人在向印尼移民的过程中,也把传统的宗教信仰带到了印尼。自有华人定居吧城之时起,就"有人必有庙"。至元明时期,华人庙宇已遍布印尼各地,尤以吧城为盛。吧国公堂是荷兰殖民时期吧城华人处理华人社会内部诸项事务的具有半自治性质的行政和司法机构,对华人宗教活动的管理是其重要职能之一。吧国公堂名下有华人四大佛教庙宇,即观音亭、完劫寺、安恤神庙和玄天上帝庙,其中以观音亭建立时间最早、影响最大。为管理与维护上述四大寺庙,公堂设置有专门的"掌庙宇公勃低"一职,还定期安排官员轮值管理不同的寺庙。公堂对华人寺庙的管理,包括主持中元节及清明节祭祀等宗教活动、寺庙的重修与维护、募集善缘题捐、监管寺庙日常工作(包括向荷印殖民政府申请僧人移民来到吧城,负责各寺庙僧众的选任、离职和监管,监督寺庙所属土地及房屋的出租,管理寺庙所属器具,监管寺庙日常收支及处理寺庙与周边民众的纠纷等等)。在某种意义上,吧国公堂对华人宗教活动的管理是其半自治性质的一种体现。到19世纪中后期,随着荷兰殖民统治力量的增强,公堂的自治权逐渐被削弱。二战后印尼政府又对华人宗教活动进行诸多限制,于是公堂对华人宗教活动的管理权逐步丧失。1970年代印尼政府更下令将具有华族色彩的庙宇(Klenteng)改为佛寺(Vihara),并禁止华人再建新的庙宇。  相似文献   

美国作为全球唯一的超级大国 ,其对外政策关系到世界各国和国外利益集团的切身利益。各种代表国家和集团利益的外国院外集团为维护各自国家、民族和集团的利益 ,通过委托美国游说公司和具有特殊背景的人作为代理 ,在美国设立官方、民间机构 ,争取美国内具有共同利益的特殊集团的支持等方式进行院外活动 ,影响美国对外政策。因此 ,外国院外集团成为影响美国对外政策的重要因素 ,对美国对外政策的调整变化起着至关重要的作用  相似文献   

党派纷争问题一直干扰着韩国独立运动的良性发展。朝鲜民族革命党与韩国独立党的纷争,直接导致其各自武装力量——朝鲜义勇队和韩国光复军对军事领导权的争夺。两者"合并"后,党派纷争问题继续演化并直接影响到其重要的军事征募活动,其中尤以第三战区为甚。  相似文献   

1927年诞生的暨南大学南洋文化事业部,是中国现代史上规模最大、历时最久、成绩最多、声名最著的东南亚与华侨华人研究的专门机构,它开辟了中国现代东南亚与华侨华人研究的一个"新纪元".关于这一机构的历史沿革,已有的叙述或有讹误与疏略之处.本文对这一问题进行详细考察,提出较为清楚准确的表述,以供学者了解暨大校情以及进行东南亚与华侨华人研究学术史回顾时参考.  相似文献   

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