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作为当前人类规模最大的一项体育盛会,每一届奥运会虽有种种花絮故事,但最为人所称道并将永载史册的,仍是运动员们在比赛中的出色表现、不断刷新的成绩,以及那些被永久定格的精彩瞬间。  相似文献   

奥运会是个不折不扣的现代和平战场,但凡是战场,便素以冷酷无情为特征,而在奥运沙场中,却上演了多幕温馨浪漫的爱情剧。  相似文献   

在奥林匹克运动史上有一长串女性的名字。希波达米亚,古代奥运会创始人珀罗普斯的妻子,她于公元前6世纪创办了古希腊女子奥运会,即赫拉运动会,这个女子奥运会一直持续了400年。费列尼卡,在96届古代奥运会上,接替不幸去世的丈夫,做儿子的拳击教练,并女扮男装,  相似文献   

奥运会被视为全世界最重大最严肃的比赛,然而奥运会的主角毕竟是人,于是人的多样性也不可避免地表现出来,由此便自然而然地产生了众多趣闻逸事,留待后人评说。  相似文献   

WHEN will China send athletes to the Olym- pics? When will China win the gold? When will China host the Games?"asked a magazine in an article entitled"Ath- letic Sports"as far back as 1908.  相似文献   

正From b-boys to Olympic athletesWhen they fell in love with breakdancing,or breaking, these young boys in beanie hats and baggy clothes never could have imagined this fringe cultural offering would one day become a mainstream Olympic sport.Shang Xiaoyu felt star-crossed when breakdancing foot rocked its way into his life.Considered a bad student who frequently skipped class and got into fights with other students in junior middle school,this millennial had no idea how his life could,and would,be changed dramatically by a niche dance genre.Shang was 13.It was a regular day at school when he happened to pass through a classroom where a handful of students were practicing their breaking moves.A mere glance of the scene made him stop in his tracks.This looks super cool,Shang said.I must learn how to do that.  相似文献   

Farmer Olympics     
A special twist on the Olympics took place in Yaogou Township,located in Suqian,a city in Jiangsu Province,east China,on December 27,2020.Farmers participated with enthusiasm in tug-of-war,sack carrying race,corn husking competition,and other fascinating games.Putting agricultural work aside for the day,the farmers were transformed into athletes,drawing cheers from onlookers.  相似文献   

北京奥运的申办有我国宗教的一份力量;北京奥运的举办离不开我国宗教的参与;以奥运等涉外活动为契机,进一步从整体上提高我国宗教对外友好交往和服务于国际性活动的能力及水平。  相似文献   

DURING the 2008 Olympics, 280,000 people from more than 200 countries and regions will need catering services. What will Beijing put on their dinner tables, and how will it handle the entire catering process? These are issues that the Beijing Organizing Committee for the ⅩⅩⅨ Olympiad (BOCOG) cannot afford to ignore.  相似文献   

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