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<正>In 1997,a little more than a decade after its founding,folding bicycle company Dahon California Inc.set up a factory in south China's Guangdong Province to take advantage of the country's cheap labor.The move paid off.Over the past decade,sales in China have grown 18 percent on average per year.Today,China accounts for about 70 percent of the company's global sales and Dahon has almost a 10-percent  相似文献   

正Chinese and U.S.representatives expressed optimism for the future of the China-U.S.Bilateral Investment Treaty(BIT)negotiations during a session at this year’s Boao Forum for Asia annual conference.Against the backdrop of a global economy facing risks of derailment and investment and trade rules becoming increasingly fragmented,it is necessary for China and the United States—the two most important economies in the world—to collaborate as much as possible with each other in order  相似文献   

在把公安基层基础工作融入经济社会发展大局的实践中,许多公安机关力创学习型机关。众多公安民警坚持认认真真读书学习,踏踏实实力求创新,兢兢业业力推新举,他们不断培养自身的书卷气。  相似文献   

步入法治轨道是现代国家的必然的共同选择,但是一个社会法治的生长是一个长期的自然渐进过程。法治不仅仅是制度层面的创新,也是包括生产方式、生活方式和社会心理在内的整个社会文化演进上的突破。  相似文献   

吕耀怀  杨璐 《湖湘论坛》2007,20(2):80-83
计划经济时期以"单位管理"为主并辅之以"街居管理"的基层社会管理模式,是当时历史条件的必然产物.在社会转型期,计划经济条件下适用的"单位管理"及"街居管理"模式已不再适用.于是,西方国家的"社区管理"模式被介绍到中国.但当代中国社会不能简单地模仿西方,而应当立足于本国国情,在借鉴西方经验的基础上,创造出具有中国特色的社区管理模式.从社区发展的终极目标--社区自治来看,我国现有的社区管理模式应该也必须逐步走向完善.  相似文献   

法治观念的现代化是法治化最重要的前提和基础,本文试从中国法治的现状和现代化进程的相互关系,探讨中国法治观念现代化与法治化的辩证关系及其必然的客观规律。  相似文献   

任俊华 《湖湘论坛》2001,14(2):71-74
“仁以守位”是通过施仁政来守住权位。在这个问题上古往今来阐述得最生动、最深刻且又十分大胆的,要算孟子。一卷《孟子》说尽了其间的道理。然则如何以仁守位呢 ?  一曰保民。位是以民为前提的,无民则无位,故《礼记·大学》说:“有德此有人,有人此有土,有土此有财,有财此有用。”人是一切事业的根本,故保位首先必须保民。梁惠王问孟子,如何才能王天下,孟子回答十分简单:“保民而王,莫之能御也。”如何保民,孟子针对当时的情况提出了“省刑罚,薄税敛,深耕易耨……修其孝悌忠信”四事。其时七雄并立,国君们为了竞争的需…  相似文献   

Down by Law     
INVOCATION of housing demolition permits has led to increasingly shocking scenes of citizen protest in .China. Tang Fuzhen, a resident of Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, burned herself to death on the roof of her house while resisting imminent demolition of her home by local government law-enforcement. That desperate act took place not long after a real estate developer in Guiyang, Guizhou Province organized dozens of thugs to break into houses designated for demolition. They strongarmed 13 sleeping inhabitants out of their houses, threw them into a minibus,  相似文献   

Enda Kenny 《中国周刊》2005,37(1):42-43
Dervish lives up to its promises on concert billings: "Dervish con- cert performances are a myriadof tones and moods ranging from highenergy tunes... to beautifully measuredsongs... to inspiring melodies that lift au-diences from their seats." And when theIrish traditional music group made a re-turn visit to China in January, they raisedplenty of Chinese concertgoers to theirfeet. The band flew to Beijing with Irishprime minister Bertie Ahern. Asked toaccompany the Taoiseac…  相似文献   

自1989年世界银行首次使用“治理危机”(crisis ingovernance)来概括当时非洲的发展情形以来,“治理”一词在社会科学界被大量使用,从政治学、社会学、公共政策学到国际关系等学科,所涉及的领域不断扩大,有地区层面、国家层面并延伸至国际合作,所涉及的主体包罗万象,有政府组织、非政府组织到市场组织。...  相似文献   

贾新奇 《理论月刊》2005,(7):146-148
根据道德直接发挥范导作用时对象的不同,道德可以分为两类,即自我范导的道德和相互范导的道德.两类道德各自有着自身的价值.在现在的社会条件下,相互范导的道德应该是社会道德的主体内容.这一结论,能够帮助我们对当前公民道德建设中的一些观点进行反思,并走出理论上的困境.  相似文献   

正In an interview with Beijing Review reporter LiNan,William Brown, Academic Director of the One MBA program at the School of Management, Xiamen University, shared his observations on President Xi Jinping's recent declaration that China has built a moderately prosperous society in all respects.  相似文献   

Brick by Brick     
China and Russia give new meaning to their relationship six decades after they entered into diplomatic relations How can two large countries get along with other? The partnership between China and  相似文献   

Sights by Night     
It's midnight but walki ng through Guijie Street, a popular night destination in downtown Beijing, you would think it's a car nival evening. Lines of people pop in and out of the row of restaurants, and the mouth-watering smell of spicy crawfish wafting out stops passersby in their tracks and makes them head toward the source of the smell. At Huda Restaurant, a crawfish joint, people are still waiting in queue and connoisseurs say the dish there is worth several hours of waiting.  相似文献   

okay, I just want to get something out in the open here. I am a bike-oholic. It’s not that I have always had this affliction: In the past, I  相似文献   

Saved by Science     
正Beijing conference shows why science literacy is critical in an age of technological advances The gigantic screen in the hall packed with university students shows an image of Dolly snuggling against her "mother." Dolly, the most famous sheep in the world, became a celebrity even before she was born as she was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell in 1996.The image leaves viewers puzzled. Why isn’t  相似文献   

Blow by Blow     
Will an Olympic champ’s professional debut knock out China’s prizefighting prohibition?China’s two-time Olympic gold medal boxer Zou Shiming announced his arrival in the professional boxing ranks with an unanimous victory against Mexico’s Eleazar Valenzuela on April 6.Zou’s high-profile flyweight professional debut was the centerpiece of the Fists of Gold boxing spectacular at the Venetian Cotai Arena  相似文献   

Side by Side     
On January 26, China was accused of spy-ing on the African Union (AU) as wel as stealing information from AU severs over the past five years by French media outletLe Monde Afrique, two days before the opening of the 30th AU Summit.  相似文献   

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