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意识形态不仅是社会的有机组成部分,也是人类生命的有机组成部分.它更多作为一个在某种特定利益驱使下形成的包含着欲望、情感、表象的知识系统,有着理论和实践的功能.它包容着政治、经济、道德、伦理等观念思想,但又不是简单的等同.意识形态是一个动态的整合的文化概念.这一理论视野提供了重新审视和阐释现代中国文学社团的可能.现代中国文学社团的源流、生成及形态等,与现代中国社会政治文化等诸方面构成了关系复杂的网络.现代中国文学社团发展史既是一部现代意识形态史,又是现代知识分子不断追求超越自我的群体幻象.在一个互动的文化结构体系中,考察现代文学社团自身,反省现代文学社团研究,重要的是尊重文学社团的独立形态、结构特征,正确区分与文学流派、思潮的整合关系.  相似文献   

全球化与社会主义意识形态关系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化的背景下,国际社会中经济上的不平等日益导致和加剧了政治上的分裂和文化上的不平等,特别是强权国家国际干预的扩大及其在全球范围内谋求世界霸权的战略设计、后现代的消费主义对文化市场的占领、互联网等现代科技在一定程度上对意识形态话语权控制力的强化,直接对我国社会主义意识形态形成冲击.因此,如何深刻认识全球化对社会主义意识形态带来的挑战,准确把握当代世界在意识形态方面的总趋势,倡导一种科学对待意识形态的态度,是我们必须加以重视和研究的重大课题.  相似文献   

文化时代的来临,推动着意识形态的知识内涵日益从精英化转向大众化,进行反映大众精神的知识叙述,这在一定程度上打破了文化等级秩序,唤起了大众的文化热情.同时,文化实践的全球化推动着意识形态的价值取向日益超越特殊性,以一种更具普遍性的利益追求,协调人与自然、社会及自身的关系.与此相伴随,这种大众化的、普遍性的意识形态在实践方式上不再是主要依靠强力灌输,而是试图让大众根据自身的要求进行自主性选择.意识形态的当代转向,要求当代中国意识形态的文化创新,高扬文化自觉,提升意识形态的文化意义,使其进一步以理论的彻底性赢得人心.  相似文献   

在英国统治香港的150多年里,香港在法律渊源、司法机关、司法制度等方面,都形成了有别于祖国内地的一套司法文化。回归以后,香港的司法文化适应“一国两制”的需要,发生了较大变化,同时也对内地的司法格局产生了一定影响。随着两地来往的进一步密切,司法方面的冲突和问题也会发生,司法文化的互动和交流不可避免地需要加强。因此,研究香港司法文化的演变过程及其特征,研究两地司法文化的互动、交流及其发展趋势,就有着重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

在英国统治香港的 15 0多年里 ,香港在法律渊源、司法机关、司法制度等方面 ,都形成了有别于祖国内地的一套司法文化。回归以后 ,香港的司法文化适应“一国两制”的需要 ,发生了较大变化 ,同时也对内地的司法格局产生了一定影响。随着两地来往的进一步密切 ,司法方面的冲突和问题也会发生 ,司法文化的互动和交流不可避免地需要加强。因此 ,研究香港司法文化的演变过程及其特征 ,研究两地司法文化的互动、交流及其发展趋势 ,就有着重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

儒家政治思想是中国传统意识形态的基石,儒家的德治思想又是这个基石的内核,由此形成了独特的德治思维.儒家思想家们把从事政治活动的每个人都想象成为在道德方面完善的主体,这也是中国传统政治中的主流意识形态.本文在分析儒家德治思想的基础和特征的同时,从政治思维、政治理性、方法论等方面又进一步分析了儒家德治思想的局限.  相似文献   

建设社会主义和谐社会,既是我们的崇高理想,又是一种为之奋斗的现实目标。和谐社会是一种社会状态,不仅需要强大的物质基础,而且需要强大的文化基础作为支撑。文化基础作为一种社会观念,是长期起作用的社会意识形态,千百万人的社会意识形态和文化习惯,往往决定着社会的走向,这是上层建筑对经济基础的反作用。列宁曾讲过,千百万人的习惯势力是十分可怕的。这启示我们,如果整个社会有一种积极向上、以和为贵、崇尚和谐的社会意识形态,并形成一种大众的社会文化倾向,那么,建设社会主义和谐社会就比较容易了。普遍的社会文化意识和舆论,会形成一…  相似文献   

单向“集体本位”是中国传统文化也是中国传统法的价值观.它经历了家族本位、国家本位、国家与家族本位、国家与社会本位、阶级本位等发展阶段.改革开放以来,伴随着社会主义市场经济、社会主义民主政治建设特别是法律文化建设的深入进行,在社会意识形态领域逐渐形成了以爱国主义和以人为本为标志的社会主义核心价值观.这种社会主义核心价值观为社会主义法律价值观——“国家·个人本位”的酝酿和形成创造了前提.双向的“国家·个人本位”法律价值观标志着现代中国法律文化建设的价值方向.  相似文献   

李军 《山东审判》2007,23(2):80-82
法院文化包括物质文化、精神文化、制度文化,它具有区隔、趋同、约束、教化及调节功能。在构建现代法院文化时,应注意更新法院文化观念,实现法院与社会的良性互动,注意法院文化的形式意义,解决法院文化的承继及移植,培育高素质的职业群体,并增强主流意识形态的影响力。  相似文献   

马克思主义意识形态理论是我国新时期社会主义意识形态建设的根本指针,它统领着中国特色社会主义发展的方向和目标.科学发展观是马克思主义中国化的新成果,是马克思主义意识形态理论在当代中国的崭新创造.科学发展观初步形成了我国社会主义意识形态理论的新体系,呈现出传承性与创新性相统一、系统性与协调性相衔接、层次性与开放性相关照、人民性与统领性相结合等鲜明特点,是马克思主义意识形态理论和我国社会主流意识形态的新发展.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, Hong Kong has witnessed unprecedented economic prosperity, a decrease in family solidarity, an increase in social problems, and a dramatic rise in the incidence of divorce. Under colonial rule for 150 years, which ended with the return of sovereignty to China in 1997, the identity of the Hong Kong Chinese is a combination of traditional Chinese and modern Western culture. Despite Western influences, Chinese cultural heritage remains the major source of influence in all aspects of life. This article presents a summary of traditional Chinese culture, characteristics of contemporary Hong Kong society, factors believed to influence the high divorce rate, and the impact of divorce on Hong Kong families. The development, use, acceptability, and effectiveness of mediation in Hong Kong is reviewed, and suggestions for adapting it to Chinese families are proposed. Direction for future development of mediation in Hong Kong focuses on the need for further research to develop a scientifically sound knowledge base that will help to inform culturally competent mediation practice.  相似文献   

It is widely held in translation studies that translation proper is not merely a process of linguistic transfer but also of cultural transfer. But how cultural transfer is effected or whether it can be effected is not at all clear. The study begins with a critical analysis of the problems relating to law translation in general and translating the common law into Chinese in particular. It then examines the nature of cultural transfer in law translation with special reference to the translation of common law terminology. The study purports to set out the framework for legal translation as cultural transfer, in particular, for translating the common law into Chinese in Hong Kong. It argues that successful transfer of the legal culture of foreign laws always requires the adjustment of translating language and the employment of metalanguage.  相似文献   

欧福永 《时代法学》2009,7(4):86-92
禁诉令是中国香港法院用于解决它与内地法院民商事管辖权积极冲突的方法。在First Laser Ltd.案和LWSv.TNN案中,香港法院都讨论了是否签发禁诉令来禁止当事人继续进行在内地的诉讼。这两个案例较全面地揭示了香港法院审查针对内地诉讼的禁诉令中请时所遵循的法律原则以及签发禁诉令需满足的条件。禁诉令在保护我国内地的民商事管辖权和重要公共政策方面亦具有积极意义,内地可采纳该制度,对禁诉令的概念、签发条件和运用时的注意事项以及制裁措施等作出规定。  相似文献   

All autopsy reports from 1990–1994 inclusive of the Department of Pathology, University of Hong Kong and the Wales Institute of Forensic Medicine were examined and cases of death due to massive pulmonary embolism were noted. The incidence of this condition was calculated and found to be insignificantly lower in the Hong Kong series than the Welsh series by statistical analysis, both in the crude incidence in all autopsies and when correcting for different case mixes in the two locations. The majority of cases in both locations were in the over-60 age group. The study helps refute the longstanding belief among Hong Kong physicians that fatal massive pulmonary embolism is rare in Hong Kong (with approximately 98% Chinese population) in comparison with a predominantly Caucasian population.  相似文献   

On Sunday, 6 August 2006, at 2.30 a.m., the Hong Kong Legislative Council, after a prolonged and at times litigious debate, passed the Interception of Communications Surveillance Ordinance (ICO) in Hong Kong with a vote of 32–0. The ICO is the first successful attempt to regulate the interception of citizens' private communications by the Hong Kong government. A review of the literature shows that there has been no comprehensive, systematic and critical assessment of the IOC since its passage. This article provides a critical assessment of ICO, with a twist. Instead of evaluating the ICO based on preconceived and conventional Western jurisprudential principles and foreign legal practices, the article assesses ICO with reference to prevailing (Chinese‐Hong Kong) cultural standards from within, i.e. that of Qing‐Li‐Fa (QLF).  相似文献   

This paper reports on triad activities in Hong Kong from 1997 to 2004. In opposition to the popular view that mass triad migration to Western countries would occur around the period when Hong Kong was turned over to Mainland China in 1997, what has actually happened is that in the last decade Hong Kong triad members have increasingly been found to enter the Chinese market. There are three general trends of triad activities in Hong Kong. First, triad members from various societies group together to run profitable criminal projects. Second, they team up with legitimate entrepreneurs to monopolize a newly developed market. Lastly, triad members increasingly invest in legitimate businesses. Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo, and 14K are selected to be three case studies that illustrate the latest development of triad societies. The data for this paper are largely based on the author's research on triads in the last ten years, and on recent in-depth interviews with anti-triad police officers and different informants in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, criminal activities directed by Chinese, Hong Kongese, and/or Taiwanese have increasingly become a mainstream topic in criminology and criminal justice. Despite the fact that many books, reports, articles, and monographs on the Chinese, Hong Kongese, or Taiwanese organized crime enterprises (as well as gangs) have been published, a comprehensive conceptual framework which would assist criminologists and criminal justice professionals in examining the political, religious, social and other aspects of structured counter-cultural activities and major players in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and American Chinatowns seems not to have been proposed yet. The purpose of this paper is to advance a typology that would help academics and law enforcement agents to identify and evaluate the diversities of underworlds of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and American Chinatowns. This taxonomy consists of three factors: organizational structure, participation in politics or revolutionary movements, and ideology. Each of these variables is further divided into complicated/loose, frequent/infrequent/, and distinctive/indistinctive levels. Based on such a categorization, the counter-cultural elements of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan during the period of 1912 to 2004 are classified as CFD, LFD, CFI, LID, CID, CII, LFI, and LII types, as can be characterized respectively by Republican Revolution-involved Triads and tongs; ultra-nationalists; the Shanghai Green Gangs of the 1920s and 1930s; modern Green Gangs; organized Chinese refugee gangs; Chinese-controlled pirate groups; jiaotou brothers of Taiwan; and ordinary Chinese/Taiwanese street gangs.Hua-Lun Huang (hxh0555@louisiana.edu edu) is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. His specialized areas include Chinese and Japanese secret societies, Chinese and Japanese organized crime, and pirates of East Asia.  相似文献   

王玫黎 《现代法学》2002,24(2):27-33
中国固有文化中礼所规定的明具伦理色彩的等级秩序以及在此基础上形成的朝贡体制不能在智仁志士的观念和政治上产生国际法。近世文人王韬的国际法思想产生于其移居上海和香港特别是太平天国失败之后 ,之前他和同代人一样 ,信奉中国文化上的优越主义。王韬这种观念的产生与回应西方列强的冲击和自身的经历有关。但笔者对这种“冲击———回应”模式的运用并非费正清式的 ,毋宁说它更是柯文版的。王韬对国际法的矛盾态度显示了一种局内人的无奈。王韬的国际法思想最后落基于他给晚清政府开具的全面改革旨在图强采取新的思想方式的药方。  相似文献   

胡健 《中国法律》2009,(4):43-46,98-103
内地与香港经贸关系在更加紧密的同时,不可避免地会产生大量跨境破产。香港回归前,内地就曾发生过多起涉港的破产案件,比如南洋纺织品商行宣告破产案、广州市荔湾区建设公司诉香港欧美中国屋宇有限公司案、国际商业信贷银行深圳分行破产案等。香港回归後发生的广东国际信托投资公司破产案中,不少债权人就来自于香港;而在香港引起广泛关注的上市公司海域集团破产案中,由于内地与香港之间没有相应的跨境破产合作机制,香港高等法院任命的破产清算人得不到内地法院的认可,无权处理公司在内地的资产。  相似文献   

Chinese culture holds very different beliefs regarding sex offenses, violence against women and punishment against offenders. Little is known however about Chinese attitudes toward sex offenders and sex offending policies. The aim of this study was to validate the Community Attitude toward Sex Offender Scale in the Chinese cultural context. Results from a territory-wide telephone survey in Hong Kong revealed a three factor structure that measures perceptions of sex offenders’ social isolation, deviancy and punitive attitudes toward sex offenders. The scale has been renamed as the simplified Community Attitude toward Sex Offender Scale-Chinese (CATSO-C). Each subscale and the total scale showed acceptable internal reliability. This instrument has implications for future cross-cultural studies as well as professionals that work with sex offenders.  相似文献   

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