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<正>This year is the 70~(th) Anniversary of the universal Declaration of Human Rights.It is of great importance for the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development to hold a symposium to commemorate and discuss the historical significance and value to the times of the universal Declaration on Human Rights  相似文献   

<正>After the overwhelming success of Smile Asia Week in 2014,The Ritz-Carlton hotels of the Asia Pacific ran the program to raise funds for Operation Smile for a second year.From May 4 to 10,specially crafted cakes were sold to raise funds for the international medical charity that provides surgical aid to children with cleft lips or palates.The second Smile Asia Week was cel-  相似文献   

<正>Scientists and volunteers plan a new Shennongjia exploration for Bigfoot After being shelved for many years, a plan to search for the wild man in the Shennongjia forestry district is once again under way. This time, scientists want to raise as much as 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) to employ advanced technology and recruit staff worldwide for the project.  相似文献   

<正>Clear blue skies,emerald-green woods and refreshing creeks and rivers.From a wasteland to an eco-progress exemplar,Saihanba has been resurrected,providing a green lung for north China.The largest man-made forest in the world is also a testimony to the planners and planters who toiled for more than five decades to achieve the feat.The goal is to leave a bluer sky,greener mountains and clearer water for the future world.  相似文献   

<正>Sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Publicity Department of the Tianjin Municipal Committee,the symposium on building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and Global Human Rights Governance starts today at Nankai University.On behalf of the China Society for Human Rights Studies,I would like to extend my warm congratulations to the conveners of conference,and  相似文献   

<正>Companies are developing assistive devices for people with disabilities A device similar to the one that the famed physicist Stephen Hawking uses to communicate is being developed for people wisabilities in China that will allow users to operate a computer using just their eyes.Users of one computer from the Beijing  相似文献   

<正>A competition hosted by BJIFF serves as an incubator for the next generation of China’s cinematic talent By Zhao WeiOf the many memorable and moving images from the recent Fifth Beijing International Film Festival(BJIFF),one in particular stood out for its apparent simplicity and yet deep underlying symbolism.At a ceremony to give awards to new movie projects on April 17,the winners and judges were asked to pose together for the obligatory  相似文献   

<正>On March 28,in honor of World Wide Fund for Nature's(WWF)Earth Hour,millions of people around the globe switched off lights to celebrate their commitment to the planet New World Beijing Hotel participated in this worldwide initiative for environmental awareness by turning off all non-essential lighting for one hour from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.Hotel guests and neighbors were invited to candlelit celebrations throughout the property,encouraging them to switch  相似文献   

<正>Nixon’s historic visit to China and the ensuing Shanghai Communiqué still relevant for China-U.S.ties It is sometimes hard to take in the fact that 45 years have passed since the Shanghai Communiquéwas issued;it seems to have happened only yesterday.Yet the communiquéhas stood the test of time and served both countries well for nearly half a century.  相似文献   

<正>TEENAGE POP STAR ADDRESSES UN YOUTH FORUM Popular teenage star Wang Yuan spoke at a UN youth forum and called for equal access to quality education for young people around the world at the UN headquarters in New York on January 31.Wang,a member of the famous Chinese boy band TFboys,told the crowd that he is fortunate to work with the UN to inspire China’s youths to promote sustainable development goals  相似文献   

Debating Taoism     
<正>Scholars resort to "the Way" to strike a balance between man and nature A forum on how to integrate Taoist philosophy with social reality, and how to build a harmonious world for humanity, was held at the Hengshan Mountain, a scenic site renowned for Taoist culture in  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese Government wants to eradicate poverty by 2020.Now,two years are left for this goal to complete.Some 40 million rural poor people living in the most severely impoverished conditions remain for the government to help.The costs and challenges of accomplishing this mission are bigger than those related to helping less impoverished people,and with the limited amount of time available,the task  相似文献   

Race to the Top     
<正>Efforts intensifying to build more world-classuniversitiesChina has been on a mission to build world-class universities for the last two decades.In the 1990s,the country launched its 211 Project to develop 100 key universities and academic disciplines around the country,and the 985 Project to enable Chinese universities to compete at the highest  相似文献   

<正>May 4:the annual Chinese holiday for young people,linked historically to the 1919 May Fourth Movement when scores of students took to the streets to call for reforms,if not revolution,for national salvation.At that time,China was in the midst of its"century of humiliation."The nation faced existential crises associated with imperial aggression,compounded by severe and widening gaps in political,economic,scientific and cultural development.  相似文献   

<正>The State Council,China's cabinet,unveiled the Made in China 2025 program in March,which lays out a plan to upgrade the country's manufacturing capabilities over the coming decade.The program constitutes the first of China's three10-year plans for building itself into a manufacturing powerhouse.As Made-in-China products saturate markets around the globe,the Chinese Government hopes to further strengthen China's manufacturing prowess under the guidance of policy in order for the country to  相似文献   

<正>Will China be able to outstrip Japan’s established railway technology in the race for the Indonesian market? Given the brutal magnitude of the capital and technological outlays required for entry into the rail market—a characteristic that drastically reduces the number of competitors—the industry is neither for the  相似文献   

<正>While the new year offers the opportunity to start anew, the economic outlook for 2011 and years to come may not take on a fundamentally different appearance from the past  相似文献   

Tangled Rankings     
<正>Declining recognition of top university lists prompts China to look for new ways to evaluate its higher learning institutions Zhejiang University for the first time has overtaken Peking University and Tsinghua University to rank No.1 on the latest list of Chinese college rankings.The rankings are an important part of the book Picking Your University and  相似文献   

<正>Beijing’s successful bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics can fuel a development boon Chongli,a small county in north China that has remained in obscurity for ages,became destined for international fame from the moment Thomas Bach,President of the International Olympic Committee(IOC),announced on July 31 that Beijing had won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics.The Chinese capital Beijing will co-host the event with Zhangjiakou,a city about 200km to its northwest.According to the bid,  相似文献   

<正>More people hit the road for the Spring Festival holiday after the lifting of travel restrictions Wei Lili,a woman who delivers milk to households with her husband in Beijing,hadn’t been back to her hometown in Shanxi Province for three years,owing to travel restrictions imposed to control the spread of COVID-19.This year,as China has optimized its pandemic control measures and lifted travel restrictions,  相似文献   

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