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试述中国区际法律冲突的特点及其解决   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、区际法律冲突的特点所谓区际法律冲突是指在一个主权国家内部存在两个或两个以上区域各自拥有独特法律制度,导致同一民事关系因所涉及的各地区立法不同而产生的法律适用上的冲突,这种存在不同法律制度的区域的国家,被称为“多法律国家”或“复合法域国家”。区际法律冲突,并非每个国家内部都存在,它的产生必须具备以下条件:①在一国内部存在着数个具有不同法律制度的法域;②各法域人民之间的民事交住导致产生众多的涉外法域民事法律关系;③各法域相互承认外法域的自然人和法人在内法域的民事法律地位;④各法域相互承认外法域的…  相似文献   

越南农村的乡规民约已经存在了许多世纪。它是由乡和村的居民们建立的"法律"。历史上,乡规民约是由乡村中世世代代遗留下的契约和习俗形成的。从法律角度讲,这些乡规民约形成了风俗习惯的法律条文,它长期存在于乡村,在历史上对越南国家的建立和维护做出了许多积极的贡献。总结历史,考察现状,乡规民约对于当前越南乡村治理也应是有力手段之一。  相似文献   

我国立法冲突是相当多的,不仅一般的法律文件之间存在着冲突,而且一般法律文件与国家的根本大法之间也存在着抵触。本文还对造成立法冲突的原因作了分析,并提出了具体的对策和建议。希望各级立法者应注重对立法冲突的预防和治理,以避免和消除来自立法本身的冲突。  相似文献   

龙大轩 《现代法学》2002,24(3):129-136
通过对一爿在四川省茂县羌区发现的不为人知的清末石碑进行考证 ,运用法律社会学、法人类学的研究方法详加分析 ,揭示了在十九世纪末地方法律实践状况中存在的法律多元与文化互动的历史现象 ,同时指出 ,国家制定法与民族习惯法的二元并存格局以及二者间相互交融、相互冲突、相互补充的关系模式 ,既构建了民间的社会秩序 ,又构成了我国法律传统的一个切面 ,由此对日本学者关于中国法律传统中不存在习惯法的观点提出质疑  相似文献   

我国是一个复合法域国家,海事案件的法律冲突除了包括传统意义上的国际法律冲突外,还包括了中国不同法域之间的区际法律冲突。此外,受立法原因的影响,在特定情况下,还存在着时际法律冲突以及法律、法规与部门规章之间的冲突,因此,给海事案件的法律适用提出了许多新...  相似文献   

越南乡规民约是基于越南乡村这一特定区域内人们的共同意志,在生产、生活的实践中形成的,由乡民自愿遵行以调节乡民之间关系的行为规范。它具有突出的自发性、民间性、地域性特征,国家的指导或批准程序并非其必要属性。越南乡规民约产生于乡土社会,规范、体现着乡土社会的秩序,只要乡土社会存在,乡规民约就有了存在、深入发展的可能性和必要性,而不是被消融,甚或否弃。在乡土社会中,乡规民约表征着乡民自治。随着国家社会保障体制的完善,城乡二元结构的松懈,越南乡规民约在内容、作用不断完善的同时,调整的范围必将日益缩小。  相似文献   

1996年《刑事诉讼法》的修改,提高了被害人法律地位,加强了对被害人的权利保障。同时我们也应当看到,现行法律在被害人权利的保障上仍旧存在着不足,导致其诉讼地位与具体法律规定有冲突的一面。如何在诉讼程序中保障被害人的权利,有待进一步的完善。  相似文献   

经济犯罪与经济纠纷既存在交叉性、重合性的一面,同时又存在着相互排斥性、不兼容性的一面。经济犯罪的本质属性是破坏了社会主义市场经济秩序,是一种违反公法的行为,行为人所应承担的是因其行为触犯了国家制定的刑律而产生的一种公法责任。  相似文献   

曾加  吕东锋 《河北法学》2011,29(3):161-164
区际法律冲突是指在一个主权国家内部不同法律制度之间的冲突。发生区际法律冲突的原因从根本上来说是不同群体的利益所致。从本质上讲,区际法律冲突是法律的利益和正义价值的冲突。中国是一个存在着区际法律冲突的典型国家。构建中国解决区际法律冲突的有效途径在理论诉求上需要坚持主权完整和"一国两制"的基本原则、立法层面上平衡各法域的不同利益和国家的整体利益,司法层面上则注重司法实践的实质正义。  相似文献   

少数民族习惯法在少数民族地区渗透于少数民族人民的社会生活的方方面面,以其特有方式调整少数民族地区的社会关系。这些习惯法有许多和国家法律政策存在一定的冲突,但又有着国家法律政策不可替代的作用。那么,如何发挥少数民族习惯法的作用,调节少数民族地区的社会关系,促进民族地区的社会和谐,就显得尤为重要。本文指出人民调解制度就为国家法律政策与少数民族习惯法的冲突的相互协调找到了稳妥地解决方式。  相似文献   

再论中国古代民间规约——以工商业规约为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘笃才 《北方法学》2009,3(2):139-144
民间规约是中国古代民间社会的自治规范,是古代法律秩序的组成部分。在中国古代法律秩序的生成过程中,民间自治规则始终是社会法律秩序的建构基础。民间规约和官方法律之间存在着一定的互补互动关系。要全面科学地认识和评价民间规约,工商业行会规约的地位和作用绝对不容忽视。  相似文献   

克服国家主义教育观的影响,通过宪法和法律确认社会教育权的法律地位;民办教育法首先应是民办教育振兴法,是民办学校及其教师、学生的权益保障法;法律应规范政府对民办学校的管理行为。  相似文献   

This paper argues that military law has undergone a long-term process of change. Previously an autonomous legal system with little civilian input at the administrative, judicial and policy-making levels, military law became subject to a consensual policy of civilianisation from the early 1960s, reflected primarily in the adoption of civilian criminal law norms by the military justice system. More recently there has emerged the juridification of significant areas of military relations in respect to discipline and certain other terms of service which hitherto have not been subject to externally imposed legal regulation. Explanations for the shifts from autonomy, through civilianisation, and then to juridification, ranging from political and social developments to new human rights and equal opportunities discourses, are offered for such changes.  相似文献   

民间组织之概念和范围应当对应于我国现行立法之规定与行政管理体制。所称谓之合法性问题,是指民间组织的合法律性。民间组织的合法性问题可以从宗旨合法性、活动合法性和组织合法性三个角度加以分析。因法律规范效力等级的差异,对我国民间组织的组织合法性可作不同解读;在法理上,“非法”与“违法”具有不同含义;依现行立法,我国民间组织取得组织合法性存在现实法律障碍,需要探讨解决之策。  相似文献   

The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which removed the military from regular civil law enforcement, was in response to the abuses resulting from the extensive use of the army in civil law enforcement during the Civil War and the Reconstruction. The Act allows legislated exceptions. Congress, by legislation, has allowed the use of the military in cases of domestic violence, protection of federal property, and enforcement of some federal laws and court orders.The growing drug problem in the United States and the inability of federal and local law enforcement officials to meet the challenge of massive drug inflow led Congress in 1981 to enact legislation providing for military cooperation with civilian law enforcement officials. Although recognizing the Posse Comitatus restrictions, the law opens the door for extensive use of the military in civilian law enforcement. The military has been slow to respond because it does not wish to become embroiled in civilian law enforcement, and there are questions concerning funding. Further, the military does not want to have its readiness capability impaired by diverting resources toward civilian law enforcement.The Department of Defense has developed directives to provide types of direct and indirect assistance to civilian law enforcement agencies. Currently, the military collects information and uses military equipment in tracking violators of the drug laws. Demands for greater military involvement in the war on drugs are being made. Military cooperation with civil law enforcement agencies can be expected to increase.  相似文献   

While civilian oversight in matters pertaining to police accountability is commonly found in law enforcement agencies in Western countries, this concept is fairly new to many emerging democracies. This study examines the origins and development of citizen oversight of the police in South Korea. Using a sample consisting of 406 surveyed Korean police officers, this study further examines the effects of individual factors and organizational characteristics, such as police operational philosophy, citizen support, and job satisfaction, on officers’ perceptions of civilian oversight of the police. The findings suggest that, although South Korean police officers are generally ambivalent about the role of civilian oversight, there is a strong relationship between organizational characteristics and support for a civilian role in police oversight.  相似文献   

It is usually argued that moral rights are severely handicapped by their inconsistent entrenchment in common law and civilian legal systems. This article argues that the main trouble with moral rights protection is that the justifications for the existence of these rights are riddled with internal inconsistencies generated by the vagaries of copyright exploitation. Harmonising moral rights protection or using moral rights justifications cumulatively may not resolve the theoretical inconsistencies. Copyright protection must therefore be seriously overhauled if moral rights are to be widely perceived as vehicles for protecting authors' rights.  相似文献   

In recent years we have witnessed a growing demand for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (“UAVs”) in civilian contexts. Government authorities (such as law enforcement agencies), corporations and private individuals have identified the advantages inherent in the use of UAVs. At the same time, corporations marketing and manufacturing UAVs for civilian purposes, and the industries that support these manufacturers, have identified the enormous economic potential which may be derived from the sale and maintenance of UAVs (and the cameras and other equipment assembled into them). Hence, in the coming years, we will undoubtedly witness a rapid expansion of the civilian use of UAVs.  相似文献   

李易坪 《法学杂志》2020,(5):121-130
学术瑕疵类、学术垄断类失范行为之所以普遍存在,与科技伦理教育观密切相关。当前,我国的科技伦理教育主要存在法治意识淡薄,忽视培养具有法治思维的科技伦理专业人才,以及缺乏法治化制度保障等问题。然而,法治思维作为社会治理的核心思维,具有将其引入科技伦理教育的必要性和可行性。为实现规制学术道德失范行为以净化科技伦理生态的道德理想,需要在科技伦理教育的过程中中融入法治思维并凸显法治作用,从而构筑起坚不可摧的法治屏障。所以,法治思维视域下科技伦理教育观的完善应从德法并重,严重的学术道德失范行为应以法律规制为主,且科技伦理教育中亟待重视法治思维的培育等方面着力;法治思维视域下,高等院校与科研机构对于科研人员科技伦理教育观的培育应从增设科技法和知识产权法课程,强化警示教育,且在对于学术道德失范行为的学术研究和立法规制等方面努力。  相似文献   

知识经济的法律调整着力点初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王全兴  李翊 《法律科学》2002,46(6):28-43
知识经济的运行 ,是通过知识的产权化、商品化和资本化 ,以实现知识的要素化和产业化的过程 ,与此伴随的还有知识的异化过程。法律应当以知识的产权化、商品化、资本化、要素化、产业化和异化为着力点 ,对知识经济进行调整。  相似文献   

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